He caught Bei Moting's sword with his throat, and Dao Kedao took a step forward. Before Bei Moting could draw his sword, Dao Kedao smashed the heavy sword in his hand against Bei Moting.

"My day!"

Upon seeing this, Bei Moting quickly sheathed his sword, but Dao Kedao's heavy sword had already fallen, and it was too late to dodge.

In desperation, Bei Moting had no choice but to raise his sword to block.

Bei Moting was not known for his arm strength. How could he be an honest opponent in such a head-on fight?


The two swords collided together, making a harsh sound.

Bei Moting's arms went numb and he almost fell to his knees after being hit. He hurriedly took a few steps back to offset part of the force.

"Is that all you have?"

Dao Kedao smiled slightly and mocked again.


Bei Moting snorted coldly, rushed forward again with his sword, and stabbed Dao Kedao in the chest with the sword again.

Dao Kedao still didn't dodge or dodge. He took the cup hard and didn't stop with his sword. At the same time, he raised his sword and hit it.

Bei Moting couldn't dodge and was forced to block.

Just like that, Bei Moting struck one sword after another, one after another.

Dao Kedao also resisted forcefully one after another and fought back hard at the same time. The battle between swordsmen had always been highly technical, but now it became a battle between you and me.

Bei Moting perfectly integrates into Dao Kedao's fighting style.

"Ding Dong!"

Bei Moting could barely withstand such a fighting method, but the long sword in his hand was finally broken by Dao Ke Dao Shengsheng due to the overload of fighting.

The biggest embarrassment for a swordsman in the game is having his weapon destroyed. After all, without a weapon, no matter how exquisite your sword moves are, you won't be able to perform at all.

In the Huashan sect before, Bei Moting still had Po Jade Fist to defend himself. Now that Huashan martial arts has been abolished, Bei Moting has lost 80% of his combat effectiveness without his weapon.

He could be sent out of the field in a few moments.

One wears four! ! !

Dao can Dao four kills! !

The whole place immediately became excited.

After the first game, everyone thought that Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was completely out of the game. Who would have thought that such a top player would be thrown out in the second game.

After winning four games in a row, the score was even with one point left.

Is this the moment to witness a miracle?

Even the ragtag group of people couldn't help but be amazed.

Everyone still has a certain understanding of each other's strength.

If they were just picking on Dugu Xiaoling and Yimeng Rushi, everyone would obviously not take it to heart. After all, the strength of the two was there, and it was not surprising that Dao Kedao defeated them.

Kebei Moting and Tiaozi were both very powerful experts among the crowd. Even they were voted off the stage, and the others who came on stage would probably have the same result.

I never expected that this Dao Kedao could be so strong.

At this moment, Dao Kedao has won four games in a row. If he wins one more game, he can win the second game.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t know how to describe my mood at this time.

"Come on, veteran! Win the last game!"

"One vs. five, one vs. five!" The audience on the field shouted in unison, intending to witness the birth of the miracle.

When the rabble heard the sound, they couldn't help but look at each other with great pressure.

In this case, no one can tell what the outcome of the next round will be.

After all, the rabble and the gang know the situation better than anyone else.

The contestants are completely random, and the results are left to chance.

If you choose a master like Mario, you may have a chance of winning, but if you choose someone like Ding Laoxian, you can only wait for the third game.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Lonely Qiufei announced the start of the fifth game.

There was a flash of light.

The fifth player from the rabble appeared opposite Dao Kedao.

The eyes of everyone in the audience were also attracted by the light on the field.

The light dissipated, and I saw a tall and strong fat monk standing opposite Dao Kedao. Who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Yuan?


The last person to appear was Wang Yuan.

The ragtag group finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it! Why is he the fifth person!"

Cang Qiong Shen Beggar, Murong Shuang and others couldn't help but feel a thump in their hearts when they saw that Wang Yuan was the last one to appear.

As the original high-level players of the Red Flower Club, Cangqiong Shenbeg and others have personally experienced Wang Yuan's strength and are well aware of the power of the great monk in front of them.

Murong Shuang, in particular, still casts a shadow over Wang Yuan.

"Is he Niu Dachun?"

Seeing the appearance of the Cangqiong Divine Beggar, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and others asked in confusion.

Most of the Dazzling Hundred Blossoms team had only heard of such a person from the Cangqiong Shenbeg and others, and I had seen only a handful of Wang Yuan.

At this time, they finally saw the terrifying master mentioned by the God Beggar of the Sky, and Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and others were a little disappointed.

As the saying goes, it is better to meet than to be famous, and it is better not to meet than to meet.

At first, everyone thought that the miraculous master who was praised by Cang Qiong God Beggar and Murong Shuang was some kind of god-like figure, but unexpectedly he had such a wretched face, and he was also a Shaolin monk.

Such a person is completely different from the image of a terrifying master described by the Beggar God of the Sky.


The beggar of the sky said with concern: "This monk is Niu Dachun!"

"It doesn't look like much!"

At this time, the Huashan player named Fuyue Children next to Cangqiong God Beggar looked at Wang Yuan and said, "How capable a Shaolin monk can be."

"that is……"

Others also echoed: "I thought which sect of masters it was, but it turned out to be Shaolin disciples... Shaolin disciples also have masters?"

There are no masters among Shaolin disciples. This is a well-known saying in "The Great Warrior".

Although the Shaolin Temple is the largest sect in the world in the background story and is also a first-class sect in the game, the sect of the Shaolin Temple is very embarrassing.

Because Shaolin Temple is positioned as a tank, with outstanding defense and terrible output.

In this era where output is paramount, although Shaolin Temple has deep internal strength, it only adds some vitality and defense. It may be an indispensable sect in PVE or team battles, but in PVP duel, Shaolin Temple has always been a weak group.

No matter how high your vitality and blood are, no matter how strong your defense is, you will only suffer a few more attacks after all.

The Wudang Sect at least has martial arts that can force a 50-50 fight with the opponent and light kung fu that can make you run away if you can't beat it. The Shaolin Temple has short legs and short hands. The only advantage is that you can get beaten with your eyes closed.

The world has only heard of masters who beat people, but never heard of masters who were beaten.

Because of this, the Shaolin Temple's single-player PVP ability is usually at the bottom among the various sects. Even the duel capabilities of several sects that are also tanks have the potential to overwhelm the Shaolin Temple, let alone the swordsman sect that is good at PK. , especially the Tomb Sect, which is an almost perfect sect.


Not only were the flowers dazzling everyone, but the players in the audience couldn't help but laugh out loud when they saw that the last person to appear in the crowd was a Shaolin Temple disciple.

"Aren't Shaolin Temple players used to fight in groups? When will they be able to play solo?"

"It seems that this system also wants to give Dao Kedao a pentakill!"

PS: I stayed in the hospital for two days and just returned to my hometown today. The update is a little late.

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