Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 419: Beating him to death is not the purpose, it is to knock him out of the shadows.


As a swordsman who had his sword unsheathed nine times in a row, Xiaolou finally pulled out the sword at this moment. Hearing Chun Yu's cry all night, Xiaolou felt extremely satisfied.


However, the moment the long knife struck Wang Yuan's throat, a strange sound suddenly rang in Chun Yu's ears all night long.

At the same time, Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night, and the tiger's mouth was numb, as if a knife had been struck on a stone. He almost couldn't hold it, and the knife flew out. However, Wang Yuan was unscathed. This knife even forced -1 off. No blood was drawn.


Xiaolou's expression froze when he heard Chun Yu all night, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

" could this happen?"

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and also knew that Wang Yuan's defense was extremely high and ordinary attacks were ineffective against him, but his own sword technique was a sword-drawing technique that ignored defense. How could it not have any effect?

Indeed, if Wang Yuan resisted with a sword, even if the sword could not kill Wang Yuan, he would still be chopped half to death. However, Wang Yuan is now invincible, not because of his own defense. Not to mention that the mere small building listened to the spring rain all night, even Ouyang A master of Feng's level could never even think of hurting Wang Yuan with one powerful blow.

Seeing Wang Yuan jumping around without any injuries, Xiaolou completely collapsed after listening to Chun Yu all night, and seemed to have begun to doubt his life.

Not only Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night, but also the faces of the audience were filled with disbelief.

After all, Xiaolou had heard Chun Yu kill so many people with his sword in one night. No one could withstand the sword blow. But now it had no effect on the monk. Anyone else would doubt their life.

"Have fun!"

Before Xiaolou could realize what was going on after listening to Chunyu all night, Wang Yuan chuckled and put his face close to his.


Seeing this ferocious face that suddenly approached him, Xiaolou was so frightened that he heard Chunyu all night long, and his heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously wanted to jump back.

But Wang Yuan's left hand was already on Xiaolou Yiye Ting Chunyu's arm holding the knife, and he pulled back suddenly. Xiaolou Yiyi Ting Chunyu was pulled back involuntarily.

To say that this small building reacted very quickly to Chun Yu all night long. The back of the hand that was holding the knife was caught and unable to attack. This kid raised his foot and was about to kick Wang Yuan in the lower abdomen.

Wang Yuan fished it out with his right hand, not to one side or to one side, and his hand the size of a cattail leaf fan was grasped on the ankle of Xiaolou Yiyi Chunyu.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the crowd was stunned, and then they all covered their eyes and couldn't bear to watch.

At this time, Wang Yuan raised his arm, and Xiaolou was lifted upside down in the air by his head and feet.

Wang Yuan is a big man of nearly 1.9 meters, while Xiaolou Yiyu Chunyu is relatively smaller in stature. When mentioned in this way, Xiaolou Yiyu Chunyu's head is almost two feet high from the ground...

"Put me down..."

In panic, Xiaolou listened to Chun Yu struggling all night, trying to break free.


But Xiaolou heard that before Chun Yu could finish his words, Wang Yuan grabbed his leg, swung it down, and smashed it to the ground.


The bluestone slabs on the ground shattered with the sound.

Xiaolou was beaten to pieces after hearing Chun Yu all night, and his head was filled with gold stars...

Just when he had regained some composure, Wang Yuan suddenly raised his voice again. Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night and felt that his body was out of control. He was swung by Wang Yuan and hit the ground on the other side with a bang.


The ground cracked again.



With a frightening sound, in full view of everyone, Wang Yuan grabbed Xiaolou Yiye Ting Chunyu's ankle, swung it left and right, and slammed it to the ground. It was a shadow that had completely given up resistance, wishing to be slapped to death right now rather than suffer this torture.

However, Wang Yuan didn't use martial arts. Smashing people to the ground like this can only be regarded as a heavier ordinary attack. Xiaolou's blood volume was not low after listening to the spring rain all night, so how could he be killed in just a few hits.

The spectators, who were not too concerned about the excitement, started counting in unison.

"one time!"

"Two times!"

"Three times!"

"He's so durable..."

This goes on and on, Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night, and finally when he came into contact with the ground for the seventh time, his health bar bottomed out.

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

A flash of white light flashed, Xiaolou was teleported to the audience after hearing Chunyu all night, and the legendary One-Sword Immortal was thrown to death on the field.

Dugu Qiubai announced: "In the second round, the ragtag team Niu Dachun won..."

On the field, the audience suddenly became excited.

"Awesome! So awesome! This monk is so evil!"

"Yes! I didn't expect that Yi Daoxian would be beaten to death by him like this..."

"Is it true that Shaolin Temple is so powerful?"

For a time, everyone started talking about it.

After all, before this game, Xiaolou listened to Chun Yu killing people all night without using a second sword. His terrifying fighting ability was extremely outstanding, and he was even called the number one master in Luoyang City.

Now that he was completely tortured and thrown to death on the stage, you can imagine how the audience felt at this time.

Wang Yuan also returned to the team under everyone's gaze.

"Old cow, that's too much! But I like it!"

"Next time I see him, do it again!"

As soon as Wang Yuan came back, everyone gathered around Wang Yuan, and they seemed to be even more excited than Wang Yuan.

Damn it, this small building listened to Chun Yu's sword skills all night long and it was really terrifying. No one here was confident of taking a blow from him. In the past, he had repeatedly tried to provoke the mob, but everyone had no choice but to swallow their anger.

At this time, seeing that Xiaolou was defeated by Wang Yuan all night long, and the defeat was so miserable, everyone felt a sense of satisfaction and satisfaction in having avenged a great revenge.

"Stupid or not!"

But Song Yang came close to Wang Yuan and muttered: "With your ability, beating him to death is just a matter of three punches and two kicks. Why are you fighting with him?"

"What do you know!"

Wang Yuan said with a smile: "Beating him to death is not the purpose, I want to knock him out of the shadows! It will save him from knowing how high the sky is and how high it is..."

"Um...make a shadow..."

Seeing Wang Yuan say this with a smile, everyone felt a chill in their backs.

Damn it, this monk cannot be offended.

The most terrifying cultivation level is that one person's combat power is beyond the limit. The scary thing is that the terrifying cultivation level is also insidious and cunning. Fortunately, we are all friends, otherwise if we mess with this guy, we may be very unlucky.

Especially Chang Qingzi was secretly sweating.

In the next three rounds, the mob side sent out experts like Cup Mo Ting, Dao Kedao and Mario as before.

Dao Kedao and Mario are both top masters in their respective sects. They have profound internal strength and superb martial arts. Their strength is naturally not something that ordinary masters can withstand.

Bei Moting has a unique skill at his side. Regardless of actual combat, his skills and cultivation are far superior to those of Mario and Dao Kedao. He is also not comparable to the Sansha Youth Team players.

Easily, he won three more games, and won the first game with an absolute advantage of 5-0.

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