Who is Feiyun Taxue? Xiaolou must have heard of it after listening to the spring rain all night.

This guy can sum it up in one sentence - "Thanks to the configuration!"

After losing to a player of this level, Xiaolou's mood after listening to Chunyu all night can be imagined. What's more, Feiyun Taxue didn't use any advanced skills or artifacts to deal with him, he only used the word "run".

At this time, Xiaolou was so excited after listening to Chunyu all night that he sat in the corner with his head lowered after stepping off the stage, falling into a state of autistic isolation.

In the second round, Mario slashed and shocked Kyushu.

Since the beginning of the Huashan Sword Discussing Event, the two men's reputations can be said to be equally matched.

A person who spreads limestone shows his true nature as a hooligan, while the one who specializes in the third lane is shameless and obscene.

But in terms of being shameless, there are a few more who are Mario's opponents.

As soon as he came on stage, he cut Kyushu with a knife and still faced him with a knife, and then held up the scabbard with his other hand and poured lime powder.


However, facing Lime powder, who could attack Kyushu with a single blow, Mario secretly used his inner strength to regain his true energy.


The lime powder that was thrown at Mario had not yet arrived. A Tai Chi pattern appeared on Mario's body, and all the lime powder was scattered in all directions.


Before Kao Yi Dao Zhen Kyushu could react, Mario was already close. He stretched his right hand down and reached between Kao Yi Dao Zhen Kyushu's legs with his five fingers, and immediately grabbed it violently.


The whole audience felt a chill in their crotches, and Jiuzhou showed a twisted and ferocious expression on his face.

"Three rings within the moon!"

Mario didn't pause at all, shouted loudly, and struck Kyushu's chest with his left hand three times in a row.

In just one round, he knocked out the powerful Kao Yi Dao and knocked Kyushu out of the ring.

After falling into the ring, Gaoyidao Zhenjiuzhou said nothing and squatted next to Chunyu in the small building for a night, autistic +1.

To say that the overall strength of this Sansha youth team is really not that good, they can reach this point only because of two masters, Zhen Jiuzhou and Xiaolou Yiye Tingchunyu.

At this time, both of them have fallen into autistic state. Who else is Mario's opponent?

The third game, the fourth game, the fifth game.

Autism +2... Autism +3... Autism +4.

Five people were squatting in a row in the corner, looking pitiful.

Mario unceremoniously showed everyone a complete set of Tiger Claw Gauntlets, a 360-degree severing technique with no blind spots, which made everyone feel chills in their backs.

What kind of person could create such a vicious martial arts, and pass it on to a conscientious person like Mario so that it could flourish.

At the end of the second game, Sansha Youth Team only scored one point, one point gained from a draw. Currently, the ragtag team was already leading by 14 points.

According to the current record, other teams would have simply surrendered long ago, but the Sansha Youth Team had no intention of surrendering, and the audience was not surprised at all.

Because everyone knows that for the Sansha Youth Team, the third game has just begun.

After all, there are only two real masters in the Sansha Youth Team. In previous rounds of battles, it was common to be led by ten or eight points in the first two games, but every time they were directly reversed in the last game.

There is no way, Xiaolou Ting Chunyu's instant-kill sword skills are too powerful. Only other people can guarantee Xiaolou Ting Chunyu's survival. The third game is completely Xiaolou Ting Chunyu's personal killing show.

Even though Sansha Youth Team only has two masters, their nine-guarantee-one tactics are very professional.

The reason why all the Sansha youths use knives is because they have a very powerful formation called the "Nine Curves of Crazy Sword Formation". It is said that this formation was created by the Yellow River Gang, and the formation coincides with the Nine Curves of the Yellow River. When used, the opponent can be disoriented. Both the control ability and the protective ability are extremely terrifying.

With the help of this formation, Xiaolou Yiye Tingchunyu can easily take down the head as long as he finds the right time to kill people.

The scoring method of the third game is similar to that of the second game, which is points for killing people + survival points. The maximum score can be twenty points. The advantage of only seven or eight points can be easily reversed in the third game.

The teams that had played against the Sansha Youth Team before had suffered heavy losses in the last game.

"The third game was not easy to win..."

On the side of the Sansha youth team, Zhen Jiuzhou looked at the mob on the opposite side with a knife, frowned and said: "That Niu Dachun Xiaolou obviously can't be killed!"

Sansha Youth Team’s nine-guaranteed-one play style relies on Xiaolou’s one-man output from Chun Yu. The previous team was counterattacked by Sansha Youth Team using formations, mainly because no one in their team was Xiaolou. Listening to the spring rain all night.

If someone in the opponent suppresses Xiaolou and listens to the spring rain all night, it will completely curb the output of the Sansha youth team.

Wang Yuan, a weirdo in the mob, had obviously caught hold of the famous family on his side, and the nine-guarantee-one tactic was also restrained.

Maybe if Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and was killed by Wang Yuan again, it would only be a matter of time before the Sansha Youth Team would be wiped out without any damage output.

"Yeah...it's not easy to fight."

When the others heard this, they all looked worried. It was a bit difficult to find out this time. They had never thought that there would be someone who could be Xiaolou's opponent all night long.

"I have an idea!"

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xiaolou listened to Chunyu and thought for a while.

"any solution?"

Everyone was slightly startled and quickly came over to ask.

"It's still the nine-guarantee-one tactic!" Xiaolou heard Chunyu say one night: "But the target is not me, but Niu Dachun!"

Speaking of this, Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and paused and continued: "That Niu Dachun is stronger than me, I admit it. As for the others, absolutely no one can withstand my sword. As long as you stop that Niu Dachun, the others will be handed over to me." I am."

"That makes sense!"

When Xiaolou heard what Chun Yu said all night, Cutting a Knife Zhen Jiuzhou and others were stunned for a moment, and then they all agreed.

Indeed, if you can't afford to fight, you can't hide. As long as you get around this tough nut, others will be nothing more than a piece of cake.

This nine-curved mad sword formation is a protective formation, and when used in reverse, it is a control formation.

"Xiaolou's brain is still very fast!" Jiuyi Zhenjiuzhou sincerely admired him.


Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and ignored the praise of Cutting the Blade to Shock Kyushu. Instead, he looked at Wang Yuan opposite and said secretly: "Even if I can't beat you, I won't let you win the game! Just wait!"

On the rabble's side, everyone is already gearing up and eager to give it a try.

Everyone knows the style of play of the Sansha Youth Team. Their nine-guaranteed-one tactic is fine against others, but it is not a gift to deal with the ragtag team that has the ability to completely suppress Xiaolou and listen to the spring rain all night.

Everyone in the crowd is also full of confidence at this moment.

And Wang Yuan said to Song Yang beside him: "The next scene, I will leave it to you to listen to the spring rain in Xiaolou all night!"

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