Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 449 The Invincible Handbook of the East

"Get rich!"

Seeing the attributes of the map in his hand, three words immediately popped into Wang Yuan's mind.

Since ancient times, the "sword" in martial arts online games has been a useless weapon.

Ten players, eight swords, this statement is definitely not an exaggeration at all.

There is no way, who makes the sword the king of hundreds of weapons.

Holding a sword in his hand, he is not only handsome but also classy. At first glance, he looks like the protagonist of a gentleman's novel. You don't have this temperament when you hold a sword. You look more like a bandit from Heifeng Village and a knight who has traveled all over the world, let alone a swordsman. Other players with weird-looking weapons looked like walk-ins at first glance. The weirder the weapons, the faster they would die.

Naturally, "Wuxian" is no exception. Among all weapons, swords have the most variety, including long swords, short swords, light and heavy swords, the nine sects of China, Tianshan Ancient Tombs, Wudang and Emei are all swordsmanship sects, accounting for more than half of them. It can be seen that those who play with swords So many players.

Among them, the entrance threshold for Tianshan Wudang is too high, ancient tombs require operation, and Emei is not accessible to ordinary male players. As a result, Huashan Sect swordsmen account for the vast majority.

About half of the players in the arena are from the Huashan sect, so the Huashan sect is also known as the largest sect in the arena.

The atlas in Wang Yuan's hand was tailor-made according to the disciples of the Five Mountains Sword Sect. Huashan also belonged to one of the Five Mountains Sword Sects. This shows that this atlas has a wide audience.

Props or equipment that enhance one's realm have always been valuable, the most representative of which are the Creation Pill and realm weapons.

Let’s not mention how rare the Creation Pill is, but if the level of this weapon is improved, its value can be doubled immediately.

This map is different from the weapons and equipment and the Creation Pill.

The Creation Pill can only improve one martial art at a time. Weapons and equipment can be replaced. After the player reaches an advanced level, the weapon attributes cannot keep up. Even if the level is improved, he has to reluctantly give up. However, this map can permanently improve the Five Mountains Sword Sect. The swordsmanship realm of any sect in the world, it can be seen that its value is much higher than that of good fortune pills and realm weapons.

What’s even more powerful is that even non-Five Mountains Sword Sect players who use the map will have a restraining effect on the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

The Wuyue Sword Sect has a large number of people and a cloud of masters. To restrain the Wuyue Sword Sect is to control almost half of the world...

I didn't expect that Linghu Chong, who looked so poor, would have such a good thing in his crotch.

"I hope Junior Brother Niu won't dislike it!"

Seeing that Wang Yuan didn't say a word after taking the atlas, Linghu Chong added sheepishly: "After all, our Five Mountains Sword Sect is a small sect, not as good as Shaolin Wudang..."

"Brother Chong, you are so humble!" Wang Yuan chuckled and stuffed the map into his arms.

Linghu Chong is an NPC, so his view of the sect is naturally different from that of players.

From the NPC's point of view, we look at the sects based on the game background. Due to infighting, the Huashan Sect is the last sect among the Five Mountains Sword Sect, and it is not that far behind Shaolin Wudang.

But from the player's perspective, the Huashan Sect says that it is a small sect, who dares to say that it is a large sect...

After receiving the reward, Wang Yuan was very satisfied, then he stretched out his hand and said to his mother-in-law: "Give me the score, I'm leaving!"

Green Bamboo Alley is a place of right and wrong, and this old woman has an extremely weird temper. If this old lady wants to play some tricks on a whim, it would be a disaster if Linghu Chong and Wang Yuan accompany her. In this case, it is best to run away as soon as possible. .

"Can you play the piano?" my mother-in-law asked.

"No way." Wang Yuan shook his head. He was not Song Yang, so he had no time to learn this stuff.

"Then what do you need the music score for?" said the mother-in-law: "Give it to me!"

"Sorry!" Wang Yuandao said: "There is no free lunch, dinner and midnight snack in the world. This music score was a gift from others, how can it be given to others?"

Just kidding, NPC never shows mercy when trying to trick Wang Yuan, so Wang Yuan will naturally not give things to NPC for nothing.

"I'll give you something in exchange!!" The mother-in-law firmly took out a black token from her arms and handed it to Wang Yuan.

[Oracle of the Invincible East]: A special prop. With this token, you can freely enter and leave the West Lake Plum Village.

Wang Yuan didn't know what West Lake Meizhuang did, but Dongfang Undefeated Wang Yuan often heard Bei Mo stop mentioning it. It was said that this man was the greatest master in the world, and he had reached the realm of understanding the heaven and earth, and understood the growth of all things. The transformation of heaven and earth is definitely the boss among the bosses, and his handwriting must not be cheap.

However, Wang Yuan is a person who doesn't let go of eagles when he sees rabbits. He is never sure of the value of something that he doesn't know what its use is. After all, given the shamelessness of NPCs, it's not impossible to bluff people with rubbish.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yuan glanced at the token and said with a smile: "The person who gave me the genealogy is my beloved relatives, friends, brothers and sisters! Your token is not enough!"

"I know you are a greedy monk!" The mother-in-law snorted coldly and called to the Green Bamboo Man: "Give him that thing."

"Yes, aunt."

Green Bamboo Man nodded, took out the previous book "Green Bamboo Man's Piano Art Experience" and handed it to Wang Yuan.

"This thing is rubbish! I've said it a long time ago!" Wang Yuan looked disdainful.

The mother-in-law smiled and said, "Since I gave it to you, it must be useful! I'll give you another chance, do you want it or not?"


Wang Yuan frowned, thought for a moment and finally said: "Okay, I want it!"

Since my mother-in-law said so, this thing might have some benefits.


Seeing Wang Yuan take over the experience, the mother-in-law laughed and said to the Green Bamboo Man: "What am I talking about? This monk must want it."

"What my aunt said is absolutely true. I am willing to admit defeat!" Green Bamboo Man looked at Wang Yuan with disdain, took out a piece of gold and handed it to his mother-in-law.

"Oh shit!"

After hearing what the two said, Wang Yuan knew that he had been deceived by the old woman. He couldn't help but feel depressed and cursed secretly.

At the same time, I also secretly wondered that this mother-in-law was the aunt of Luzhuweng. She was almost a hundred years old at least. How could she still be so weird at such an age.

This world is really difficult to get along with, so it's okay to be fooled by Xuanci. After all, Xuanci is the leader of a faction and has a lot of tricks. I didn't expect an old woman to have such tricks.

"Let's go, I won't play with you anymore!"

The depressed Wang Yuanchong greeted several people, stuffed the manuscript and experience into his arms, and walked out of the bamboo forest with his head lowered.

After leaving the bamboo forest, Wang Yuan looked around and went offline.

After taking off his gaming device and stretching, Wang Yuan sat up.

There is always no time to play games, and it is already evening.

It's just that the weather is gloomy and it's dark outside the window, more like night.

"Why did you log off...I'm going to starve to death..."

Song Yang was lying on the sofa in the living room, listless, as if he was half-dead.

"There are snacks in the refrigerator!" Wang Yuan pointed to the refrigerator.

The girl gave up her job with an annual salary of five million because of herself, and Wang Yuan no longer begrudges his little food.

"I've finished eating a long time ago..." Song Yang pursed his lips and said, "I'm hungry..."


Wang Yuan collapsed immediately after hearing this.

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