Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 462 I don’t need tactics

Although these guys in Rainbow Hall are lewd and lustful, they are not without self-awareness.

They came to participate in the Huashan Sword Forum just to join in the fun and try to get in touch with as many female players on the stage as possible.

After all, there is no chance to play against female players on weekdays.

Now that they have lost four games in a row, the Rainbow Hall group has realized that the ragtag group of guys are stronger than themselves, and even if they compete, their chances of winning will not be too great. Moreover, at this time, a Mario who specializes in grabbing people's crotches appears...

In the second and third games, Mario had a chance to play. It didn't matter if he lost the game. If he really faced Mario, a villain, wouldn't it be miserable? Someone grabbed his crotch, especially if he was a man. This It would be really embarrassing if word got out.

We're losing anyway, so it's better to leave with dignity.

It has to be said that the guys at Rainbow Hall have a very generous mentality. If it were anyone else, they would definitely be struggling with whether or not to fight in this situation. As for Rainbow Hall, Toad Green just initiated the surrender, and the others all nodded. Confirmed, passed unanimously.

Wang Yuan and his group were still thinking about who to play in the fifth round to torture these wretched guys, but in the end they received a reminder from the other side to surrender.

The ragtag team won the game out of nowhere.

"Is this Rainbow Hall here to make fun of you?" As a professional master, it is hard for him to imagine that there are people in this world who do not have such a competitive spirit. He only lost four points, and there is still a chance for a comeback later. Why did you just vote?

The most unhappy person at this time was undoubtedly the audience on stage.

When the game came to this point, the audience was still full of expectations for Rainbow Hall, but the result was good. This game was either a trap or a lie. In the end, they even surrendered directly. What the hell...

The audience felt as if they had eaten flies, making it so disgusting that it was difficult to swallow.

But the guys from Rainbow Hall didn't care, they still had obscene smiles on their faces, as if they were the ones who had won the game just now.

Seeing the people in the Rainbow Hall exiting the stage with playful smiles and blowing kisses to the audience, Bai Zhan Wudi looked confused.

Yifei Soaring still folded his arms very calmly and said: "Just get used to it, just play games, just have fun! It's not like this is for people to make a living, it's just for entertainment!"


Hearing Yi Fei Soaring's words, Bai Zhan Wudi was stunned for a moment.

Isn't that right? Ordinary players just play games to kill time. Only professional masters need to care about winning or losing. The person involved doesn't feel unhappy, so why do you feel sorry for his misfortune? Beyond winning and losing, this is the highest level of the game, isn't it?

The game is over, back to the lounge.

The other teams pointed at the ragtag group of people.

Obviously, it was not only Rainbow Hall that was embarrassed after this game, but also the ragtag team was also looked down upon.

After these few games, apart from Song Yang's game, there was really no game that could be watched. In the end, the opponent ran away inexplicably... This made everyone feel fishy.

"Damn! Never mind our business!"

Feiyun Taxue was a shameless person, and when he was looked down upon by others, his face immediately turned red.

"Why bother with them!" Wang Yuan said nonchalantly: "If you care so much about other people's opinions, you'd better not compete!"

"That's right!" Mario agreed: "Those who achieve great things don't hesitate to lose face! If you want face, you lose!"

"leave me alone!"

Wang Yuan looked disgusted and stood back... As long as he understood this in his heart, it would be really shameless to say it out loud.

Perhaps, the system couldn't stand this round of competition anymore. Although a ragtag group of people won the competition, the rewards were only some experience and reputation.

Logically speaking, the further the game progresses, the richer the rewards will be. To this extent, it seems that the system's rewards are really based on performance. If the opponent surrenders directly, the game rewards will naturally not be high.

The game continues.

At the end of the first day of the knockout round, half of the participating teams were eliminated, leaving only twenty-five teams in each theater.

The next day is the promotion match.

Only two teams from the four major regions can advance to the quarterfinals on the third day.

After all, they are teams selected from major major cities. The opponents in the regional competition are indeed much better than those in the main city competition.

Fortunately, the ragtag group of guys were not too weak. They stumbled and stumbled all the way, and they really fought to the end.

"Holy shit! Can these bastards fight to the end?"

After the rabble received a bye in the final round and advanced to the semi-finals of the war zone, the audience was stunned.

You know, this is a regional competition, not a main city competition.

Your ragtag team can take first place in Luoyang City, but when it comes to the regional competition, it is just an ordinary team.

Not only are there a lot of experts in the regional competition, there are also Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and there are even professional-level teams joining in. Who can make it to the end, who is not an extremely powerful person?

As for the performance of this group of guys in the first game, they were labeled as "disgraceful". The next few games were also a mess. They barely won with a slight advantage every time. Such a broken team turned out to be like Like a gangster, it is really surprising that he really made it to the end.

"Incredible, really incredible!"

Seeing that the ragtag team got a bye into the semi-finals in the last round, Baizhan Wuwei exclaimed: "The luck of this ragtag team is incredible! I thought they would be wiped out accidentally, but unexpectedly they got a bye into the semi-finals of the war zone." !”


Hearing this bastard, Yifei Soaring smiled and said: "Maybe they can even sneak into the top eight!"

"Just them?" The performance of the ragtag team in these games is really average. Bai Zhan Invincible doesn't think that the ragtag team has this strength.

"When you were a professional, you were responsible for fighting and killing, right?" Yifei Sootian asked with a smile.

"What? Isn't it possible?" Bai Zhan Wudi felt a little unhappy after hearing this.

In a professional team, if there are tacticians, there will be thugs. Although the ability to play tactics may not be very strong, in the professional circle, tacticians are higher than thugs who only know how to fight and kill. In a sense, It has some derogatory meaning.

"Nothing!" Yi Fei Soaring waved his hand and said, "Me too!"

"That's it!" Bai Zhan Wudi said, "Aren't we the same?"

"We are different!" Yifei Soaring shook his head and said, "We are really different."

"Could it be that you also know how to make tactical arrangements?" Bai Zhan Wudi asked.

"No!" Yi Fei Soaring said: "I don't need tactics!"


Bai Zhan Wudi curled his lips, he had seen bragging, but never such a bragging.

There is not much difference in strength among the top professional masters. Tactics can be said to be the key to victory. This is why tacticians are respected and superior to others. Tactics are not needed... Could it be that you can defeat ten by one?

While the two commentators were talking nonsense, the beam of light had already landed on the seats of the two teams competing in the next round.

At the same time, the system's voice rang in everyone's ears: "In the next round of competition, the rabble team will face the May Heroic Team."

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