Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 481 You are not worthy to be my opponent

【Leopard Tail Feet】!

A fist and kick move in the Huashan style of swordsmanship.

The power of this move is average, and its main special effect is to freeze the target within close range, so as to avoid the embarrassment of being cut into and unable to use the weapon.

After all, the Huashan Sect is a serious weapons sect. It is normal for the sword to fall out of hand and its combat power to be greatly reduced.

Let’s not talk about it from afar, let’s just say that Linghu Chong, the great disciple of the Huashan Sect, has no virtue without a sword.

A group of gangsters could beat him to a black and blue face.

After all, Shanhe Wuhou was a top-notch master. He could use any move at will. The defensive move like Leopard Tail Kick took the form of an attack move in Shanhe Wuhou's hands.

With one kick, Bei Moting's body froze after being kicked.

Shan He Wuyan shook the sword in his hand and stabbed Bei Moding at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn! Such a fast sword!"

Everyone was really shocked when they saw Shanhe Wuyan's action.

A master like Bai Zhan Wudi couldn't help but curse.

Even Wang Yuan, who had always been calm and unfazed, was suddenly stunned.

Wang Yuan had fought against Shanhe Wuyou and knew that this guy was very fast with his sword, but it was a consensus that players from the Huashan sect were fast with their swordsmanship.

But seeing Shanhe Wuyan's sword strike, Wang Yuan suddenly felt that he had underestimated him before.

This sword was like a ray of light. When he saw the sword light, the long sword had already been handed to Bei Moting's throat. It was so fast.

It was completely different from when Wang Yuan saw him before.

But think about it, Shanhe Wuyan is a professional master, and he is still a Hall of Fame master who makes a living from this job, so his strength will definitely not be weak.

However, the next scene made everyone's eyes widen.

Shanhe Wuyan thrust out his sword, but it missed the target and landed on the side of Bei Moting's neck.


A string of question marks, periods, and exclamation points popped up on everyone's heads.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Is this a quick sword attack just to scare people?"

But what everyone didn't expect was that Shanhe Wuyan himself also looked stunned, as if he had encountered something strange.

"It wasn't a missed stab! It was dodged!"

Just when everyone looked confused, Yifei Soaring lightly reminded: "It's just that the range of movement is too small, so it looks like the thrust was missed."

"You dodged it? Are you kidding me? Are you sure you can dodge such a fast sword?"

Bai Zhan Wudi asked unconvinced.

"If you go twice as fast, I can hide!" Yi Fei Soaring returned calmly, with a serious expression that seemed to leave no room for doubt!

"Just blow it!"

The audience and Bai Zhan Invincible all sneered. You don’t have to go on stage to perform anyway, and no one will expose you even if you blow the whistle.

"Did you escape?" Song Yang seemed to see something and asked Wang Yuandao in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Wang Yuan nodded and said, "The movement of the cup is faster than I thought."

To be honest, although Wang Yuan is not good at body skills, Wang Yuan is a very high-level martial arts practitioner. He can predict the enemy's attack first, but it is not easy to avoid Shan He's quick sword.

However, Bei Moting escaped at the critical moment, which shows that his physical skills are more terrifying than imagined.

I just lost a few ounces of meat, is the effect so significant?

Of course, the most surprising thing at this time was that Shanhe was fine.

The sword technique used by Shanhe Wuhao is called [Surge of Wind and Rain], and it is one of the advanced sword techniques of the Huashan School, the Swift Wind and Swift Sword.

The Blazing Wind Sword has the word "kuai" in its name, and its shooting speed is much higher than the ordinary Huashan Sword Technique.

The speed of this sword [Wind and Storm] can be imagined.

Moreover, Bei Moting had been stiffened before this. If the sword was really dodged, how fast could this kid move?

Shanhe Wuhao is a confident person, so at this time he also had the illusion that he had missed the target.

While everyone was discussing, Shanhe Wuyan pulled back his right hand, stretched it forward again, and stabbed Mo Ding in the cup again.

This sword, like the previous sword, missed the target again.

Everyone was confused and had no idea what this kid meant.

Everyone in Wuyue Xiongfeng was also puzzled: "What is the boss doing? He is not a joker."

"Isn't it possible?" Shanhe Wuyan flipped his wrist and slashed Bei Moting's neck horizontally.

Since the stabbing missed, the horizontal slash must have hit.

But at this moment, Bei Moting tilted his neck back, and the sword light passed past Bei Moting's throat and stabbed the air again.

This time everyone saw it clearly. As Yifei Soaring said, the stab was not missed, but was avoided...

Damn it... there is such a monster in this ragtag team?

Shanhe Wuyan was not willing to be outdone. He shook his long sword and produced three sword flowers.

Bei Moting took a step to the left, turned sideways, and then bent down. Shanhe Wuhuang's attacks failed one after another.

Everyone was stunned.

"No, can the cup be that fast?"

Especially Wu Hezhong and others who were familiar with Bei Moting were even more surprised.

There are two types of quick swords in martial arts.

One is quick in action, such as Shanhe Wuhuang, and the other is quick in movement, such as Cup Mo Ting.

Shanhe Wushan's Guangfeng Kuai Sword is only an advanced skill, but Bei Moting's evil-repelling sword skill is a unique sword skill. The suppression of the skill is reasonable.

But no matter how understanding the rabble these guys are, they will never stop drinking.

Bei Mo's stopping method is fast, but it is definitely not as fast as this. There must be something fishy about this kid.


When everyone was confused, Ding Laoxian on the side showed a satisfied smile and said secretly: "You should fight back with your special code, the medicine is only effective for thirty seconds!"

Bei Moting wanted to fight back, but he also had to have the strength to fight back.

At this time, Cup Mo Ting was already sweating profusely.

Bei Moting also knew how strong Shanhe Wuhao was, but he never expected that Shanhe Wuhao would be so strong.

When Shanhe Wuhuang came on the court, Bei Moting took a pill given by Ding Laoxian. After taking the pill, in Bei Moting's eyes, Shanhe Wuhuang's shooting speed doubled.

But even so, Bei Moting could only dodge and had no ability to parry.

Shanhe Wuyan took action faster and faster.

Bei Mo stopped sweating again and again.

"Stop it!"

Seeing that the effect of the medicine had expired, Bei Moting suddenly stopped, stretched out his hand, and made a pause gesture towards Shanhe Wuyan.


Shanhe's long sword, which was intact, stopped abruptly in mid-air. He frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

If it were anyone else, Shanhe Wuyan would definitely ignore him and chop his opponent to death with one strike of his sword. At this moment, he stopped attacking and talking nonsense with Bei Moting. Poor Bei Moting was in his heart. He was already a well-matched opponent.

"You are too weak!"

Bei Moting pretended to be cool and said, "I have given you so many blows but you still can't hit me. You are not worthy of being my opponent."

As expected of being forcefully indoctrinated by Wang Yuan, Bei Moting lost the second most important thing in his life - face.

Shameless remarks come out of your mouth.


Shanhe Wuhao's face flushed with contempt, but he was unable to refute.

"Okay, you can play by yourself, I don't want to care about you!" Bei Moting glanced at Shanhe Wuyan with an incomprehensible look, and then nodded to surrender.

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