Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 487 Although defeated, it is still glorious

"Holy shit!"

When Shanhe Wuyan struck down with his sword, everyone in the crowd was startled.

Although no one except Wang Yuan knows the attributes of Dugu Xiaoling's mechanism puppet, everyone knows that this puppet cost a lot of money and uses all the best materials on the market.

You get what you pay for.

Considering so much money, the quality of this puppet must not be weak, otherwise it would not have been able to withstand so many swords from Shanhe Wuyan.

Unexpectedly, the power of this sword is so powerful, it can even directly destroy the puppet that Dugu Xiaoling made with a lot of money.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Wang Yuan could not help but cheer at the sight.

Although Shanhe Wukong's sword only has one move, it is simple and unpretentious, and its power is unparalleled. In the jargon of the industry, it is a return to nature without any work.

In Wang Yuan's eyes, the Huashan sect's martial arts focuses on physical techniques and attacks, and has always been more showy, but this sword is completely different from other techniques, and it seems to be much higher.


Hearing Wang Yuan's cheers, everyone's eyes fell on Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan said quickly: "Tell me, isn't it very cheap! This is too cheap!"

"Yeah! Very cheap!"

Everyone looked at Wang Yuan and nodded solemnly.

"Second Spring!!"

Erchun's arm was sliced ​​off by a sword. The most anxious person at this time was Dugu Xiaoling. The mechanism puppet was actually a consumable. Since it was a prop for combat, battle damage was inevitable, but Erchun was different. , this is what Dugu Xiaoling spent a lot of money to make, it is a proper luxury product.

Wherever Shanhe Wuyan's sword struck the puppet's arm, it was nothing but money! Dugu Xiaoling's heart is about to break!


Hearing Dugu Xiaoling's shout, Shanhe Wuyan's expression froze, and then he smiled.

Because he suddenly discovered that he had found Dugu Xiaoling's real weakness.

Indeed, as long as Dugu Xiaoling is killed, no matter how strong the puppet is, it is useless... But Dugu Xiaoling has a high light attack and can fly. It is not easy to kill her, so Dugu Xiaoling itself is not an absolute weakness.

As for Dugu Xiaoling's real weakness, it is this puppet.

There’s no other reason than that it’s expensive!

When a player dies, he will lose at most one level of martial arts realm. There is no death penalty in the competitive arena, but if the equipment or mechanism puppet is broken, then it is really broken... The attributes of this second spring are so powerful, it must be expensive. Young Master, Dugu Xiaoling would not be willing to watch her opponent dismantle her trap puppet alive.

"Can't you get off?"

Shanhe Wuyan raised his long sword and raised the puppet's arm on the ground. He pointed his other hand at Dugu Xiaoling and said, "If you don't come down, I will tear him down!"

"Wow, that's so mean!"

When the audience heard this, they looked surprised. They never expected that the top master Shan He Wuyan would also use this method.

"Did you see it? This is a professional master! He meets him randomly and uses all kinds of methods at his fingertips!" Bai Zhan Invincible boasted forcefully.

Everyone in Wuyue Xiongfeng lowered their heads and whispered: "Damn it, the boss is so embarrassing. He used "hostage" to deal with a female mechanic."

“If you don’t have culture, are you a human being?”

"None of your business! Robots are people too!"

In fact, Shanhe Wuyan was bragging when he said this.

How could the puppet Dugu Xiaoling be dismantled so easily?

The only technique that Shanhe Wukong has that can hurt Erchun is "Ning's Sword". Even the "Three Immortal Swords of Death", which uses Qi to control swords, can only hurt Erchun slightly. That’s all.

This "Ning's Sword" is similar to Wang Yuan's "One Clap and Two Scatters". They are both power-charging moves. They not only consume a lot of mana, but also take a long time to recover. How can you just use them?

But this second spring is Dugu Xiaoling's treasure. Just now he watched Shanhe Wuyan slash Erchun's arm with a sword. Dugu Xiaoling felt distressed. Now when he heard Shanhe Wuyan's words, he immediately took it from his heart. .

The second spring is in a state of war and cannot be taken back... If it is really demolished by Shanhe Wuyan, money will be secondary...

"You can't beat me even if you dismantle it!" Dugu Xiaoling shouted condescendingly: "I see it this way, I can't beat you, and you can't beat me. We are equally matched opponents. How about a draw?"

"Evenly matched?"

Everyone was speechless again.

Okay, one takes hostages as a threat, and the other forces "evenness". The two people's faces are really evenly matched.

"Bullshit!" Shanhe Wuyan said, "You think I'm stupid. Even if the stalemate continues, we're still tied. Why do I have to draw with you now? Come down or surrender, or I'll chop off his arm again."

As he said that, Shanhe Wuyan raised his sword and aimed it at Erchun's other arm.

After all, he is a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, and Shanhe Wuhao's mental quality is much higher than that of Dugu Xiaoling.

"Don't, don't, don't..."

When Dugu Xiaoling saw this, she immediately panicked and said quickly: "I give up. Isn't it okay if I give up?"

As she spoke, Dugu Xiaoling pulled out the menu and clicked on the surrender option.

A flash of white light flashed, and Dugu Xiaoling teleported down the field with Erchun.


Seeing that Dugu Xiaoling was successfully deceived by him, Shanhe Wuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, there was warm applause on the field.

"Awesome! It turns out that mechanics can be so strong!"

"Yes, that girl's strength is average, but the machine puppet in her hand is simply too powerful! She can actually fight against a master like Shan He Wuyan!"

"It seems that I also need to improve my talents and try to play as an mechanic..."

It is not difficult to tell from the audience's comments that this applause is for Dugu Xiaoling.

Although Dugu Xiaoling lost, as a female player, and one of the most deceptive mechanic professions in the game, to be able to fight like this with a top player in the Hall of Fame, Dugu Xiaoling can be said to be honored despite defeat.

In this battle, Dugu Xiaoling's extremely powerful machine puppets and endless machine props successfully rectified the name of the machine master profession, allowing everyone to truly see the charm of this profession, and used hard power to tell everyone that there is no weakest profession but the only one. The strongest player.

Every popular online game has designers putting a lot of effort into it. The sects in the game may be slightly unbalanced, but they will never design a career system that is useless at all.

The machine master who was previously vulnerable in the eyes of everyone, now has the tyrannical ability to fight against the top masters with the help of various machine puppets. Who will dare to say that the machine master is weak in the future? Why can a girl be so strong? It can be seen that it is not that this profession is weak, it is just that you are weak!

Of course, what everyone doesn't know is that the reason why Dugu Xiaoling is so strong is because behind her stands a boss with level 15 Xin Yue and a monk who searches for good things everywhere.

With this condition, it is obvious that no matter what profession you play, you will not be weak.

After all, a successful woman must have several men behind her...

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