"not good!"

Hearing the sound of the piano, Mario was startled. He immediately channeled his inner strength into his palms and took a step forward to stop Dao Wuxiu.

Mario has personally experienced this trick. As soon as the sound of the piano sounds, the target will lose his soul. It is very strange.


Upon seeing this, Kong Wen chanted a Buddhist chant and said to the other players: "Young heroes, just take action! Don't take us Shaolin and Wudang seriously!"

"Cio! ┗|`O′|┛!"

Hearing Kong Wen's words, Mario was furious. This old monk was really shameless to the extreme.

"It breaks your muscles and bones!"

As soon as Kong Wen finished speaking, he heard a loud shout. A player behind the short old man Kongtong jumped in front of Mario and punched Mario.

Before the fist arrived, Mario had already felt the strong wind pressure, so he subconsciously raised his hands to protect himself. -


With a muffled sound of "Bang!", Mario was hit by a punch and took several steps back. Although the damage from this punch was not too high, at the same time Mario's internal organs were churning, as if they were twisted together, and he wanted to vomit. I couldn't vomit it out, and I felt unspeakably uncomfortable. -


While Mario was feeling uncomfortable, the Kongtong player who attacked Mario also had a blood loss number floating on his head.

"Seven Injury Fist! Xie Wuming?!"

Seeing the blood loss numbers popping up on the heads of the Kongtong players, Mario couldn't help but scream.

There are many martial arts in the martial arts world, but there is only one technique that allows you to hit others and lose blood at the same time, and that is the Kongtong Sect's Seven Injury Fist.

Seven injuries, seven injuries, seven injuries in one practice, hurt others first, hurt yourself first!

Although this skill is an intermediate skill and is very easy to learn, its power is unparalleled, and the strength of the fist is both strong and soft, reaching directly to the internal organs. It is not much better than the unique skill. If you don't practice this skill, you need to hurt your own bones first. , this martial arts theory is somewhat underestimated by advanced techniques.

That is to say, Mario possesses pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, and the Wudang sect's martial arts are all defensive techniques of using force to block. Otherwise, with this punch, Mario will not simply lose a few hundred points of health.

The Kongtong Sect is a hidden sect, and there are not many players in the sect. So far, there is only one player in the world who is lucky enough to learn this boxing technique, and that is Xie Wuming, who is known as the Master of Seven Injuries in the world.

Unexpectedly, Wudang Mountain is full of experts this time!

Mario's internal skills are deep and long-lasting, but the output is not violent enough, but continuous. Xie Wuming's seven-injury fist is extremely powerful, but it does not last long enough to hurt others and himself. The two are quite equal opponents, and they are immediately entangled with each other.

Emei master Fu Shifendai and Huashan disciple Wan Jiangui and other sect players went straight to Wang Yuan.

However, just when everyone thought that Wang Yuan was controlled by the sound of Dao Wuxiu's piano, Wang Yuan only paused for a moment, took a step forward, and rushed directly in front of Dao Wuxiu.

"What the hell?!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Wang Yuan was not confused by the sound of the piano.

Especially Dao Wuxiu, his eyes were about to fly out, and his face was full of disbelief.

No one knows the effect of this [Seven-stringed Invisible Sword] better than Dao Wuxiu. As Dao Wuxiu's famous stunt, this [Seven-stringed Invisible Sword] has always been invincible, let alone an ordinary player, even the top of Halloween Mountain Even professional masters will be immediately confused when they hear the sound of the piano.

What is the background of this monk? This [Seven-stringed Invisible Sword] has almost no effect on him? This is too damn evil.

In fact, the control success rate of this [Seven-stringed Invisible Sword] depends on two conditions!

One is the target's internal strength, and the other is the target's control resistance.

Wang Yuan's internal strength cultivation is basically at the level of a first-generation master at the tenth level of internal strength, and he has even reached the fourth level of "Integration and Comprehension" through the Yi Jin Jing.

The Yi Jin Jing is the strongest internal power among the nine sects. In terms of internal power cultivation, if you look at the entire world, you can count those who can surpass Wang Yuan on one hand, and the only people who can surpass the monk in internal power cultivation are Another monk.

Although the Kunlun School's internal strength is not weak, and Dao Wuxiu's internal strength is not low, it is obviously not worth mentioning in front of Wang Yuan.

Moreover, Shaolin's authentic Buddhist mental method improves concentration. The control resistance of the Shaolin Temple monks has always been the highest. Wang Yuan's four-layer Vajra Indestructible Magic Body Protection, plus the equipment bonus, has a concentration of sixty points. More, that is, 60% control resistance.

How could Wang Yuan be controlled by the mere sound of his voice?

In surprise, Dao Wuxiu stretched out his sword forward and stabbed Wang Yuan's throat. With a rush of internal energy, his true energy condensed into the sword's light.


Wang Yuan smiled slightly, neither dodge nor dodge, and with a turn of internal energy, his true energy spread all over his body. At the same time, he took a step forward and pressed against Dao Wuxiu's sword blade.


There was a clear sound, and Dao Wuxiu felt as if the long sword was piercing the hard stone wall. He could not move the long sword forward even half an inch, and the sword light condensed by the true energy on the sword also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

【King Kong comes to the world】!

Dao Wuxiu was a master who had experienced hundreds of battles. One thrust of his sword did not hurt the enemy, but he hurriedly drew his sword and retreated.

Wang Yuan raised his left hand and grasped it on the blade of Dao Wuxiu's sword. Then he grabbed the blade and twisted it violently.


Dao Wuxiu's long sword was twisted into a twist on the spot, and Wang Yuan's force spread along the hilt to Dao Wuxiu's arm.

Dao Wuxiu reacted very quickly. He quickly let go, abandoned his sword, and jumped back to distance himself from Wang Yuan.

"Ding Dong!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand casually, and the twisted long sword fell to the ground.

"My sword!"

Seeing his weapon turned into such a bad shape by Wang Yuan, Dao Wuxiu shed tears.

At this time, Wan Jian Guizong also followed up, swung his long sword, and used a move [Boundless Falling Wood] on Wang Yuan's left side, stabbing Wang Yuan with several rays of sword light.


Wang Yuan didn't panic, turned his waist, opened his right hand with a hand the size of a cattail leaf fan, and grabbed the sword light that was stabbing him.


I saw Wang Yuan clenching his five fingers, and all the sword light was caught in his hand. The light dispersed and turned into a long sword.

"Let's go!"

Wang Yuan shouted loudly and swung his right arm from left to right. Wan Jian Guizong was thrown away directly. At the same time, Wang Yuan dropped his toes and kicked the hilt of Dao Wuxiu's long sword on the ground. .


A flash of sword light flashed, nailing Wan Jian Guizong to the door frame of Zhenwu Hall.

As a master of the Huashan Sect, Wan Jian Guizong's blood volume is naturally not low, and Wang Yuan didn't use any skills... He stabbed and swung him, but he didn't kill him. Wan Jian Guizong hung on the door, dancing. Even more weird and terrifying.

Wang Yuan raised his hand and defeated the two masters Dao Wuxiu and Wan Jian Guizong, revealing an opening behind him.

The master of the Emei sect, Bu Shi Fendai, took the opportunity to sneak up and handed Wang Yuan a sword behind him.

Wang Yuan sensed the murderous intention behind him, and immediately took a big step forward. His feet landed on the ground, turned around, and flexed the five fingers of his right hand. Without even looking at the attacker behind him, he stretched his arm back and grabbed him firmly. Unpowdered chest.

With hundreds of hits, [the evil dragon rips out the heart and claws]!

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