Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 507 Nine Yang Manual


Zhang Wuji suddenly fainted, and everyone in the hall was shocked.

Yu Lianzhou immediately stepped forward and put his palms on Zhang Wuji's chest and massaged it a few times. Unexpectedly, Wuji couldn't stop breathing. His whole body was cold and the breath in his nostrils was extremely weak. Yu Lianzhou massaged with all his strength, but he still didn't wake up. When everyone saw this, they all lost their composure.

Zhang Sanfeng stepped forward and pressed his hand on the "Lingtai point" on his vest, and a strong internal force was transmitted through his clothes.

Wang Yuan once heard that in the world, there are only two people in the world who can use their internal energy to extend the lives of others. One is the former leader of the Beggar Clan, Xiao Feng, and the other is Zhang Sanfeng!

Based on Zhang Sanfeng's internal strength cultivation at this time, as long as he is not immediately killed, no matter how many injuries he suffers, he will definitely get better as soon as his internal strength is restored. However, his internal strength penetrated into Zhang Wuji's body, and Zhang Wuji's face turned pale. Turning green, turning purple, his body was shaking even more.


Zhang Sanfeng reached out his hand and touched Zhang Wuji's forehead in confusion. The touch was cold, as if he had touched a piece of ice. In surprise, his right hand touched the inside of his vest again, but he felt that a spot on his vest was burning like charcoal, while the surrounding areas were full of fire. It was bone-chilling cold. If Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts had not reached the state of transformation, he would have shivered from the cold at this touch.

"Yuanqiao, where is the Tatar soldier who came in with the child? Look for him."

Zhang Sanfeng turned to Song Yuanqiao and said.


Song Yuanqiao nodded and ran out of the hall.

Just now, the Mongolian soldier was thrown out of the door by Zhang Sanfeng, and then people from all major factions left one after another. No one noticed that the Mongolian soldier had disappeared.


Zhang Sanfeng held Zhang Wuji with one hand, and pulled Zhang Wuji's clothes with the other hand, tearing off his top. Wang Yuan and Mario saw a green five-finger palm print clearly printed on the thin skin and white flesh. The surrounding area was blue, as if frozen.

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand to touch it again, only to feel that the palm print was extremely hot, but the surrounding area was cold. When he reached out to touch it, it was already extremely uncomfortable. Zhang Wuji suffered such an injury, so you can imagine how difficult it was.

"What...what is going on?"

Seeing this palm print, Wang Yuan and Mario were both surprised.

Although both of them are players, they also visit forums on weekdays. They have heard of a lot of various martial arts in the world. They have also seen other people use ice-type techniques, but with such a weird palm like now. Power, this is the first time I’ve seen it.

"Xuanming Divine Palm!!"

Zhang Sanfeng frowned and said, "This is the unique skill of a Taoist who has suffered hundreds of losses more than thirty years ago!"

"Xuanming Divine Palm?"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Wang Yuan couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Is this the palm technique used by the Mongolian soldier just now?"

"Not bad!" Zhang Sanfeng sighed.


Looking down at the fainting Zhang Wuji, Wang Yuan couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Others don't know the power of this Xuanming Divine Palm, but Wang Yuan has experienced it personally.

The Mongolian soldier used the same palm technique to defeat Wang Yuan just now!

What kind of cultivation level does Wang Yuan have? The body was protected by the indestructible Vajra magic power blessed by the tenth level of Buddhism, and there were four levels of Yijin Jing magic power in the body, and he also used the Great Vajra Palm to offset most of the palm power. Even so, after Wang Yuan received a slap, he was also The cold was so painful that if it wasn't for my strong internal strength, I might not be able to recover at this moment!

Zhang Wuji is just a baby less than ten years old. The pain of receiving such a slap can be imagined. You must know that NPCs are different from players. Players have no pain, and the pain level is reduced by an unknown amount, while NPCs are 100%. Bear the pain.

"Master! Can the Wuji child be saved?"

Hearing this, Zhang Cuishan burst into tears of distress and pulled Zhang Sanfeng's lapel and asked.


Zhang Sanfeng sighed, paced around the hall, and said, "Unless...unless I can learn all the Nine Yang Scriptures of my master, Master Jue Yuan, but now the scriptures have been stolen by Yin Kexi and a few others, and their whereabouts are still unknown."


The hearts of all the disciples sank. Zhang Sanfeng's words meant that Zhang Wuji's injury could not be cured. Looking at Zhang Wuji in his arms, Zhang Cuishan burst into tears, wishing that this palm had been slapped on him.

"It may not be impossible!"

When the Wudang heroes were in despair, Wang Yuan suddenly spoke up.


When everyone heard this, they immediately turned their heads. Zhang Sanfeng said excitedly: "Young Master Niu, are you proficient in the Nine Yang Scripture?"

"That's not true!"

Wang Yuan shook his head and said: "Logically speaking, people cannot be resurrected after death, but in your current world, the Nine Yang Scripture may not have been lost!"

In the world of "Wuxian", the timelines are parallel...

Even if Xuan Ci and Zhang Sanfeng are in the same timeline, Master Jue Yuan's Nine Yang Manual may not have been lost!

"This... what Niu Shaoxia said makes sense!"

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes lit up and he said: "If the Nine Suns Sutra was not stolen by Yin Kexi and the others, it should be in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Shaolin Temple now. We, the Wudang sect, and Shaolin have different schools after all. Niu Shaoxia, you are a Shaolin disciple, can you Can you help me find the scriptures?"

"I'm afraid it won't be easy!"

Wang Yuan refused without thinking: "The Sutra Pavilion is a forbidden area in Shaolin. Even I can't step in casually! And I don't know what the Nine Yang Manual is like!"

"Nine Yang Manual..."

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes suddenly became profound. After thinking for a moment, Zhang Sanfeng said: "The Nine Yang Sutra is not a sutra, but hidden in the cracks of the Lankavatara Sutra. It was accidentally discovered by my teacher Jueyuan."

"What sutra do you say?"

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng said this, Wang Yuan suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

"The Lankavatara Sutra!" Zhang Sanfeng said: "This sutra is an authentic Buddhist sutra. It is normal that ordinary people will not notice it."

"The Lankavatara Sutra..."The Lankavatara Sutra"..."

After hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Wang Yuan's heart suddenly started to churn.

"Langha Sutra"! Wang Yuan had actually seen this thing before. It was the same scripture that the monk sweeping the floor of the Sutra Pavilion gave him when he started practicing Buddhism.

In Wang Yuan's eyes, the "Langha Sutra" was just something kept as a souvenir. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a book of martial arts.

Although Wang Yuan didn’t know what the Nine Yang Manual was, it was not difficult to tell from Zhang Sanfeng’s words that the Nine Yang Manual was by no means an ordinary martial art, and the Nine Yin Manual opposite to the Nine Yang Manual was At the level of a unique skill, this Nine Yang Manual is conservatively estimated to be a unique skill.

"Has Young Master Niu ever seen this book?" Seeing Wang Yuan's expression, Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously.

"Never... never seen it!"

Wang Yuan waved his hands quickly.

Just kidding, Wang Yuan is the kind of person who suffers easily. The Nine Yang Manual is obviously a complete and complete secret. If he hands over the Nine Yang Manual to please Zhang Cuishan, he will only get a true explanation of the "Diamond Indestructible Magic" at most.

In the game, the function of the true explanation of the exercises is to improve one's martial arts realm.

Wang Yuan would not do such a loss-making business if he had to change his martial arts to a new level with a complete secret.

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