Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 521 Toilet God of War

"Eh... offend..."

Seeing that Mario was willing to do this, Wang Yuan and others frowned in disgust.

In the past, most of the people Mario captured were wearing clothes. When everyone saw it, they thought that Mario was a relatively dark person and would not cause much discomfort. However, now that Yang Xiao's lower body is not wearing clothes, Mario catches them in one fell swoop. It went on... This damn thing is unbearable for anyone to see.

Even Mario himself shook his paw in disgust.

"You are seeking death!"

In addition to being vicious, this Tiger Claw Ultimate Gauntlet also has a hidden special effect, which is to forcefully attract hatred.

After being hit by Mario, Yang Xiao completely exploded. He roared and a red protective energy burst out from his body.


Mario and Bei Moting beside Yang Xiao felt a strong force coming from them, and they were both pushed against the toilet wall by Yang Xiao's protective energy.

Upon seeing this, Chang Qingzi jumped down and stabbed Yang Xiao's head with the green dagger in his hand.

Yang Xiao stretched his right hand diagonally upward, then caught Chang Qingzi's wrist first, and then pulled it down sharply.

Chang Qingzi's hand sank, and a huge force came from his wrist, and he suddenly lost control.

"Duang!" His whole body fell to the ground.

After knocking down Chang Qingzi, Yang Xiao turned around, took a step forward and came to Mario, and received a slap in the face.

It is not difficult to see that Mario had stabilized Yang Xiao's hatred just now!

At this time, Mario also regained consciousness and quickly used his virtual and solid palms to block and parry.

Mario's virtual and real palm is a palm technique specially used by Wu-Tang Clan players to fight the enemy 50-50. Even when facing an opponent who is stronger than himself, he can force a tie. However, this time Mario underestimated Yang Xiao.

Although Yang Xiao had taken laxatives and his strength had only recovered to 50% at this time, his original cultivation level was still there. Now in a rage, his strength was fully activated, and Mario took away his qualification to be a man. , Yang Xiao, Mario will definitely not show any mercy. This palm was struck by Yang Xiao with hatred, how can it be easily parried by a player who is less than level 50?


There was a muffled sound, and the two palms faced each other. Yang Xiao struck Mario's chest with his palm.


With the force of his palm, Mario spurted out a mouthful of blood.

With Yang Xiao's current mood, this matter will definitely not be over until Mario dies. He claps his palm down with one hand, raises it up with another, and then gathers his palm power again.


When Bei Moting saw this, he swung his long sword and stabbed Yang Xiaohou's spiritual platform with his sword.

Yang Xiao heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and stretched out his big hand to grab Bei Moting's sword.


Bei Moting decisively abandoned his sword, jumped back and stepped on the wall for a few steps before climbing up the wall.

Mario took the opportunity to lower his head, got under Yang Xiao's arm, opened the ladder and rushed towards the toilet door.

Yang Xiao's hatred had already locked onto Mario who was grabbing his vitals. He immediately threw the long sword in his hand to the side and chased after Mario without saying a word.

Yang Xiao's Qing Gong was extremely strong. Before Mario could run out of the toilet, Yang Xiao had already arrived behind Mario and slapped Mario on the back of his heart.

Just now, Mario had been slapped by Yang Xiao, and half of his health bar had been knocked out. At this time, Yang Xiao was attacking from behind, and Mario had not yet used the skills to block and parry. If this slap was strong, Mario would definitely die. undoubtedly.


Seeing that Mario was about to be slapped to death by Yang Xiao, Wang Yuan, who was blocking the door of the toilet, took a step forward and stood between the two of them. He put his hands together and a golden light enveloped Wang Yuan.

At the same time, Wang Yuan's internal energy was circulating, and the vast zhenqi in his dantian gathered in both palms.


Yang Xiao's palm fell, and it hit Wang Yuan's chest squarely.

The golden light on Wang Yuan's body flashed, but he did not move at all.

Yang Xiao was shocked to the point that his arms were numb, and he staggered back a step, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Ding Laoxian and others have seen Wang Yuan's indestructible ability many times. Although they feel that Wang Yuan is invincible, they are more accustomed to it.

Ke Changqingzi joined later. Although he had some understanding of Wang Yuan's strength, he still lacked real knowledge.

"My day!"

Chang Qingzi, who climbed up, saw this scene and his eyes flew out.

As the number one person below the leader of the Demon Cult, Yang Xiao's strength can be imagined. Even if he is not at the top, he must be at the elder level of various sects. He is a serious senior BOSS, and so is Chang Qingzi. A fairly strong master, he couldn't hold on for a single round under Yang Xiao, but this great monk received a slap from Yang Xiao. Not only was he not injured at all, but he was even knocked back by Yang Xiao. What kind of monster is this guy? Can it be a little more perverted?

Regarding the issue of long-lasting love, Wang Yuan told him with practical actions, yes!

After Yang Xiao broke out, his attack judgment and attack intensity increased a lot, but the attack freeze time was also longer than before.

With a palm falling, Yang Xiao was in a state of attack stiffness.

Before Yang Xiao's stiffness was relieved, Wang Yuan's palms had already charged up. He took a step forward to get close to Yang Xiao, pushed forward with both palms, and stamped firmly on Yang Xiao's body. In an instant, Wang Yuan's internal energy poured out, and the two An overwhelming amount of palm power surged forward and hit Yang Xiao.

The left and right fight each other, one shot and two scattered! ! !

One shot and two shots is one of Wang Yuan's most powerful skills at present. After condensing all the skills, the power is unparalleled. Wang Yuan had previously killed Bai Shijing, the elder of the Beggar Clan, with one palm.

At this time, Wang Yuan's cultivation level was much higher than before. In the state of fighting each other, the combined power of both palms increased to 120%. His fierceness and tyranny were much stronger than before. This palm When it came over, Yang Xiao was unprepared and completely took advantage of Wang Yuan's big move.


Yang Xiao spurted blood from his mouth and flew straight back. He didn't stop until he hit the wall. A deep human-shaped outline was carved out of the hard granite wall.

The blood bar on his head plummeted, and there was not much left.


Looking at Yang Xiao who was pressed against the wall, Chang Qingzi didn't even notice that the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

When he looked at Wang Yuan again, his eyes changed from admiration to admiration...

This is Yang Xiao, who was slapped to the point of death by this monk. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chang Qingzi would definitely not have believed that such a terrifying thing could happen. Even if he had seen it with his own eyes, Chang Qingzi They all suspected that it was their own hallucinations.

After all, "Wuxian" is not a one-person game, and the development of this game naturally has its own balance.

Players with high defense will definitely have low attack, and players with high attack will definitely not have too high Wang Yuan.

But it doesn’t matter that Wang Yuan’s defense is invincible, but his attack is so shocking that it’s unbelievable. Could it be that this monk is cheating, as the rumors in the world say?

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