Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 528 Is it impossible to escape with wings?

Whether it is [One Beat, Two Scatters] or [Exalted Dragon Regrets], they are both palm techniques with extremely strong output capabilities. Under the stimulation of Wang Yuanyi's Jin Jing Divine Skill, these two palm techniques are unparalleled in power and rarely combine. enemy.

At this time, both palms were shot out, and no one could stop him.

What surprised Wang Yuan was that after the two palm forces were struck, they merged into one, and their power suddenly surged. At the same time, the palm force brought the true energy into contact with the green phosphorus smoke, and instantly ignited green poisonous flames.

The power of the palm was enhanced by the poisonous flame, which added a little more power. The poisonous flame was urged by the wind of the palm and spread in all directions with the power of the palm.

With this blow, the densely packed Demon Cult disciples were knocked out of the air by one palm, at least fifty or sixty of them died.

What's even more terrifying is that, driven by the wind of the palm, the green phosphorus smoke drifts downwards along the wind outlet, igniting all the Demon Sect players wherever it goes. When the Demon Sect players saw that their bodies were on fire, they quickly used their internal strength to resist, and jumped out. The flames burned more fiercely, and the green flames spread in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Sometimes it's a good thing that there are too many people, especially in this case. Everyone is organized and undisciplined. If they just join in the fun, that's it. Once there is an emergency, these guys with no discipline at all will get together. , the risk is still very high.

It didn't matter that Wang Yuan was fanning the flames, the Demon Cult players were immediately in chaos...

The players who were on fire were frightened and ran around. Of course, other people would instinctively avoid it. With each collision and contact, the poisonous fire spread. The more people burned by the poisonous fire, the more chaotic the scene became. In an instant, the poisonous fire spread. Everyone was in a mess.

The chaos didn't matter, not many people were burned to death, most of them died under the trampling of their fellow sects, and there were even more shameless people who took advantage of the chaos to kill people and steal things.

The scene was simply too horrible to watch.


Looking at the demon sect players who were burned into a mess in front of him, Wang Yuan took a breath of cold air.

To be honest, Wang Yuan just wanted to use his output to block the pursuers and buy time for Bei Moting and the others. He never expected that there would be such an unexpected gain.

"You go ahead and play, Lord Buddha has slipped away!"

If nothing else goes wrong, this chaos will not subside for a while. More and more soldiers are coming up from the mountain. Wang Yuan is not in the mood to watch the joke here, dragging his Zen staff backwards and running to the top of the mountain.

The Hall of Light is not too far from the top of the mountain. The higher you go, the fewer Demon Cult players are chasing Wang Yuan and others.

The strength of these players is obviously higher than those near the Hall of Light, but these players are mostly stragglers in groups. Although they are stronger, they are not a threat to Wang Yuan.

After fighting all the way up the mountain, Wang Yuan finally met up with Bei Moting and others.

"Damn it, did you really get rid of them?"

Seeing that Wang Yuan really caught up with everyone alive, everyone looked surprised.

We are all masters. It is not difficult for one person to fight ten or something. Even if one person fights twenty, he can barely do it as long as he has the advantage of the terrain. But after all, it is difficult for two fists to beat four hands. No matter how many people there are, he will definitely not be able to defeat them.

The demon sect's pursuers at the entrance of the Hall of Light just now could not even be seen, at least there were thousands of them...

With so many people, they couldn't take down Wang Yuan. This monk must be too fierce.

Although everyone knows that Wang Yuan has a move that is temporarily invincible, and that he has deep internal strength and extremely high defense, but to be fair, even if he has a skill like Wang Yuan, he will never be able to withstand the pursuit of thousands of people. And retreat.

"It's just a joke! They should be almost dead by now!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand to show that he was at ease.

"My day!!"

After hearing Wang Yuan's words, several people looked at Wang Yuan with more and more frightened eyes.

Damn, I thought the monk ran away because of his rough skin and thick flesh, but didn’t expect this bald man to kill all the pursuers? Is this still a human being? What makes everyone even more horrified is that Wang Yuan said this with an attitude as if he had done a trivial thing.

It's so trivial... Is there such a trivial thing?

Wang Yuan was usually too strong, so much so that Bei Mo Ting and others directly misunderstood the meaning of Wang Yuan's words.

Wang Yuan was too lazy to explain to them, but urged: "Get out of here quickly! There will be more than one wave of pursuers! If you keep trying, you won't be able to escape..."

"Oh oh oh..."

Bei Mo Ting and others also knew that there were many players in the Demon Cult, and the pursuers were definitely not limited to those just at the entrance of the Hall of Light. If they chatted for a while, the pursuers would come up again.

Under the leadership of Wang Yuan, the five people fought all the way to the top of Kunlun Mountain.

More and more pursuers gathered at the foot of the mountain. After confirming the coordinates of the five people on the map, the Demon Cult players surrounded them like a blanket towards the top of the mountain.

Ten minutes later, Wang Yuan and the others finally arrived at the top of Kunlun Mountain...

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Bei Mo Ting and the others immediately despaired.

As previously guessed, there is no way out at the top of Kunlun Mountain. On the contrary, the top of Kunlun Mountain is a deserted land, and if you go further, you will reach an abyss...

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, I saw Demon Cult players gathering on the top of the mountain like a colony of ants.

Looking at the densely packed tens of thousands of pursuing soldiers, Ding Laoxian sat down on the ground and said in despair: "It's over! This time I will be defeated!"

The map of the Demon Sect is very large. If you were at the bottom of the mountain, you could use the big map to circle around with the Demon Sect's pursuers to delay time. But now Kunlun Mountain has decided to only have such a big area. There is no place to run if you want to. One step forward is For thousands of demon sect disciples, one step back will lead to an abyss. No matter whether they advance or retreat, they will die on both sides.

The demon sect's resurrection point must have ambushed people at this time. As long as Wang Yuan and five others die, the game will be over.

"Let's log off!"

Mario suggested.

For gamers, going offline is the best way to escape.

"Next fart!"

Bei Mo stopped and said: "Twenty-four hours is game time. They will stop the clock after we log off. This is the chassis of the Demon Sect. They are also watching our coordinates. Isn't it time for them to ambush us when we log off?"


Mario was speechless.

Bei Moting is right. If they fight hard, with the strength of Wang Yuan and the five of them, as long as they defend this top spot, the Demon Cult's pursuers won't be able to capture it for a while. But if they go offline now, they just need to ambush for a while. The Bo people are watching here, and they can wipe out Wang Yuan and the others at any time, unless the five people don't show up online for a month.

"Then what should we do! In this situation, we can't escape!" Chang Qingzi, who had always been calm, was also a little shaken.

"Ha ha!"

But Wang Yuan on the side smiled and said: "Xiao Chang, you are exaggerating. What do you mean you can't escape with wings? If we can fly, they will definitely not be able to catch us!"

"But the problem is that we can't fly!" Chang Qingzi said.

"Who said it can't fly!"

Wang Yuan smiled slightly, reached into his arms with his right hand, and a strange thing appeared in front of everyone.

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