"Mission? What mission?"

After hearing this, everyone asked curiously.

Tasks may not necessarily lead to unique skills, but unique skills must be obtained by completing tasks.

As Wang Yuan is the overall MVP of the Huashan Swordsmanship Championship team, his reward will naturally not be too bad. This task, reaching 80%, is a unique task.

"Finding someone for a mission!" Wang Yuan casually shared his mission with everyone.

Mission name: [Sky-breaking]

Mission Level: Shocking

Mission content: Find the bastard number and help him fulfill a wish.

Mission reward: unknown

Mission background: There are three martial arts treasures, the Black Iron Token, and the last one is in the hands of the bastard. The owner of the Black Iron Token, Motian Layman Xie Yanke, hopes the bastard will grant him a wish.



Seeing the introduction of Wang Yuan, everyone was confused.

From the mission introduction, we can know that this Black Iron Token is something that can fulfill the wish of the holder. The person who fulfills the wish should be its owner Xie Yanke.

The man who called him a bastard took the Black Iron Order. It should be a good thing not to bother Xie Yanke to fulfill his wish. Why did Xie Yanke force others to ask him to fulfill his wish? Why is this mission so weird?

Also, bastard, what the hell are these names... sounds like Niu Dachun, a retarded person.

"Maybe Xie Yanke has obsessive-compulsive disorder!" Wang Yuandao: "If it were me, if I couldn't do what I promised others, I would feel uncomfortable..."


Everyone seemed to understand: "But are you sure this mission will give you good things?"

To be honest, the difficulty of the task is generally proportional to the reward, but all martial arts secrets are in the hands of the top masters. As the top masters are world-famous ruthless people, their names are naturally very powerful.

What Dongfang is undefeated and Dugu seeks defeat, etc., the last one has to be Zhang Sanfeng and his like, there is an air of master between the lines.

Bastard... Such a retarded name sounds like a dead ringer at first glance, and it's still unknown. Anyone who has a little bit of fame will not use such a name that makes people laugh out loud. I'm afraid this name will be written in a novel. Be harmonized.

How difficult can it be to satisfy such a person's wishes? The difficulty is so low, what good things can there be.

"I don't know..." Wang Yuan felt a little unsure. After all, with his good fortune and the system's trickery, there was no telling what kind of a trap this mission would be.

"Poor, pathetic..."

Mario patted Wang Yuan on the shoulder with a look of gloating on his face.

Mario thought that with Wang Yuan's record, he would get some unique mission, but it turned out to be such nonsense. The reward was higher than Wang Yuan, which made Mario feel happy.

The rabble was originally a team that was put together temporarily because of the competition. After the competition was over and the rewards were received, the team was disbanded on the spot. After receiving the bonus from Feiyun Taxue, everyone left the team one after another.

"I'm going to brush up on martial arts..." Song Yang had newly learned Baihong Palm and wanted to get familiar with it quickly.

"I'm going to the market to find materials..." Dugu Xiaoling goes shopping every day.

"I'll go back to Heimu Cliff to talk to Dongfang Bubai about life..." Bei Moting sighed while hugging half of his cassock.

Others also have their own reasons to be busy with their own affairs.

After Wang Yuan left the top of Mount Huashan, he did not go directly to the task, but returned to the Shaolin Temple.

Strictly speaking, this Huashan Sword Discussion is not only an event, but also a sect task for each sect.

Before the Huashan Sword Discussion, the old monk Xuanci gave Wang Yuan a task, hoping that Wang Yuan could fight for the Shaolin Temple in this Huashan Sword Discussion.

Of course, the tasks of other sects are also described in this way, all in order to make their respective sects famous all over the world.

Now that Wang Yuan's team has won first place in this Huashan sword competition, Xuanci's reward will naturally not be too bad.

After all, although the old monk Xuanci was treacherous and always instructed Wang Yuan to do this and that, to be fair, Xuanci would give Wang Yuan what he needed most every time.

Moreover, in Xuanci's eyes, the reputation of Shaolin Temple comes first. Wang Yuan has made Shaolin Temple famous this time, and Xuanci will not treat Wang Yuan badly.

"Dachun, you are back!"

When Wang Yuan came to the Main Hall, Xuan Ci rarely closed his eyes to rest. Before Wang Yuan could say hello to Xuan Ci, Xuan Ci stood up first and looked at Wang Yuan kindly, with a satisfied smile on his face.

It seems that the cultivation of Xuanci Buddhism is not enough, and it seems that he has not reached the state of forgetting both things and myself.


Wang Yuan clasped his hands together and saluted Xuanci.

"I have heard about your outstanding performance in the Huashan Swordsmanship!" Xuanci said happily: "It is really a blessing for me as a Buddhist to have you shine on the lintel of my Shaolin Temple."

"It's all because of Master's good teachings! Otherwise, I wouldn't have achieved such success." Wang Yuan said casually and gave half of the fame to Xuan Ci.

Or maybe Wang Yuan can thrive in the Shaolin Temple. This guy is only greedy for profit, but never for merit.

Anyway, it is just a false name, there is no benefit at all, and Xuanci is a person who likes false fame. As long as he can make Xuanci happy, he will not hesitate to give all the false fame to Xuanci and Wang Yuan.

If Xuanci is happy, the rewards will be given comfortably, and Wang Yuan will also be happy. Let's be reasonable.

As expected, Xuanci smiled even happier when he heard Wang Yuan's words.

"Glib tongue!"

Xuanci smiled and scolded: "The Shaolin Temple has such a reputation, which is inseparable from your efforts, my disciple. From today on, you are the core disciple of the Shaolin Temple and can go to Bodhidharma Hall to study advanced martial arts."

After Xuanci finished speaking, Wang Yuan received the prompt.

System prompt: You have been promoted to the "Core Disciple of Shaolin Temple" and can freely enter and leave the Bodhidharma Hall to study the advanced martial arts of this sect.

According to the system settings, after the player joins the sect at level 30, he will be promoted to an elite disciple of the sect and can study the ultimate martial arts of the sect. After the player's sect contribution reaches the core disciple requirements at level 60, he can only enter and leave the Bodhidharma Hall after completing a series of sect tasks. Participate in the study of advanced martial arts in this sect... As for the ultimate skill, you have to wait until after level 80.

Now Wang Yuan is only at level 50 and has successfully promoted to core disciple, which is ten levels ahead of ordinary players.

After level 50, players level up even more slowly, and it takes at least more than a month to reach level 10. Wang Yuan is equivalent to learning his advanced skills one month ahead of others.

However, when Wang Yuan saw this reward, his face did not waver at all.

The advanced skills are indeed very good, but Wang Yuan has already filled up all ten moves. Although he could learn the seventy-two stunts of the Shaolin Temple from the low-level skills in the past, he also knew that although the seventy-two stunts of the Bodhidharma Hall were powerful, he might not be able to learn them based on his own understanding.

Since you can't learn it, there's no need to mention replacing low-level martial arts.

Therefore, it makes no difference at all to Wang Yuan whether to add Bodhidharma Hall or not.

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