Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 602 The Little Master of Shaolin


Seeing Xie Yanke so nervous, Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes and sneered secretly in his heart: "It seems that Xie Yanke is not a good guy. This old man really wants to beat the bastard to death."

"The son of a bitch is a good boy!"

At this time, Xie Yanke also calmed down and sighed: "This child is innocent and honest, and has a simple mind. He has no intention of harming me. But this world is a big dyeing vat. No one can be sure that he will I won’t be used by traitors, hey…”

"Then why don't you keep him by your side?" Wang Yuan asked.


Xie Yanke hesitated to speak, glanced at the sun in the sky, and then said: "It's lunch time now, have you eaten, monk?"


Wang Yuan was stunned by Xie Yanke's question and said with a confused face, "No."

"When the bastard was here, he was a good cook. But now that he's gone, I eat cold steamed buns every day... Do you think I don't want to find him back?" Xie Yanke said a little disappointed.

I don’t know if he misses the bastard or the food cooked by the bastard.

"Then tell me where he is, and I will help you find him." Wang Yuan said excitedly.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you!"

Xie Yanke smiled and said, "But I have a small request."

System prompt: You have triggered the hidden plot "Lunch" and the mission level is "Unknown". Do you want to accept it?

"Senior Xie, just say so! As long as I can do it, I will do my best!" Wang Yuan casually took over Xie Yanke's task.

Lunch, just by the name, you know that Xie Yanke is hungry. The game is so big, finding something delicious is not a matter of words.

Sure enough, just as Wang Yuan expected, Xie Yanke touched his stomach and said sheepishly: "It's past noon, and I'm quite hungry. You mentioned the bastard, and I thought of his craftsmanship. Can you buy me a bastard?" Lunch?”

System prompt: You accepted the hidden plot mission "Lunch"


Mission level: unknown

Task content: Buy lunch for Xie Yanke.

Mission reward: Clues to the bastard.

Mission background: The bastard is a very good cook and has lived with the bastard for many years. Xie Yanke also has a lot of knowledge about food, so don’t fool him.

A master is a master. He eats, drinks, and talks in such a stylish way, and even sends out a special task.

"Isn't it just a meal? That's easy to say!"

Wang Yuan smiled slightly, took out a plate of crystal elbows from his bag and handed it to Xie Yanke.

This elbow was what Wang Yuan asked Mario to pack when Liu Zhengfeng was washing his hands in the golden basin... After leaving the army, Wang Yuan could no longer eat meat, so he never ate it. Fortunately, there is no so-called shelf life for food in the game, otherwise it would have smelled long ago. .


Xie Yanke took a bite of his elbow and spit it out immediately. He threw the plate with the meat behind him and said, "Is this called food? Are you kidding me?"


Wang Yuan said with question marks on his head: "No, even though it's been a while, I've seen it and it's not expired."

"You have such no taste at a young age, your future is worrying!" Xie Yanke shook his head and said: "Although I am hungry, I can't eat everything. I will give you two more chances! Give me something delicious, otherwise No clues about the son of a bitch."

Such awesome bragging meant that it was no time for him to gnaw on cold steamed buns.

Wang Yuan cursed a few words secretly, then took out a piece of "Squirrel Mandarin Fish" from his bag and handed it over.

This squirrel mandarin fish is a specialty dish of Quanzhen Pavilion boss Ao Lingyun. Wang Yuan specially packaged it, and he still doesn't want to eat it.

"Well...this fish is okay!"

Xie Yanke took a sip, nodded and muttered, but he was not particularly satisfied and said: "But compared with the bastard, it's still a little worse."

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Wang Yuan said speechlessly: "Is that bastard a star chef?"

To be honest, Wang Yuan is also a foodie. Ao Lingyun's squirrel mandarin fish made Wang Yuan full of praise. The heat was still full, but Xie Yanke was not satisfied. He seemed to be looking for trouble. This kind of person should starve to death. .

"There is only one secret to cooking skills: heart!" Xie Yanke said, "The fish tastes great, but I don't feel your intentions."


Wang Yuan frowned and said, "So, you want me to cook for you with my own hands?"

"Quite enlightened!" Xie Yanke smiled with satisfaction.

"Don't ask me about your understanding!" Wang Yuan said depressedly: "If I had known this, I wouldn't have wasted my two dishes!"

"If it doesn't taste good enough, it won't pass my test!" Xie Yanke said again.


Wang Yuan waved his hand impatiently.

When it comes to cooking, Wang Yuan is really not afraid... But when it comes to cooking in the game, Wang Yuan is a little unsure.

Because the level of cooking skills in the game depends on the player's cooking skill level. Although the player's own skills are also important, the most intuitive manifestation in the game is that the higher the cooking skill level, the better the taste of the dishes.

Wang Yuan has also learned cooking skills, but he has never had time to practice them. He is still at the first level now. What good things can a first-level cooking skill make?

However, chef scum Gong Xi Facai once told Wang Yuan that there are three main factors that affect the quality of dishes in the game. One is the ingredients, the other is the kitchen utensils, and the last is the level of cooking skills. As long as you use good ingredients, no matter how bad your cooking skills are, Able to cook good dishes, Gong Xi Fa Cai just used these two top-quality ingredients to roast a few times and cheated on the "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms"!

Wang Yuan, who is a master of cooking skills, once heard about it and despised the game's superficial understanding of cooking skills. Now that he encountered this kind of task, Wang Yuan felt much luckier.

After all, compared with finding good ingredients, it’s much harder to improve your cooking skills to the top in a short period of time.

But talking about these top-quality ingredients... Wang Yuan started to mutter again.

In the game, ingredients are not rare, but top-quality ingredients are relatively rare. They are comparable to top-notch ingredients. This thing is really difficult to deal with... In this wilderness, the only ingredients that can be found are hares and wild boars. They are ordinary beasts like snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Huh? snake?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly turned around in his arms a few times, and then took out a piece of red snake meat.

[Viper Meat] (I won’t copy the attributes.)

This viper meat was obtained from the viper that Wang Yuan killed Liang Ziwen when he was looking for the dragon bone in Prince Zhao's Mansion.

That big viper was Liang Ziwen's treasured treasure. He had been feeding it with miraculous medicines and rare treasures since he was a child. It was the best of its kind. The viper's meat was naturally a rare and top-notch food in the world.

After finding the ingredients, the next step was the tools, which was even more difficult for Wang Yuan.

In the first round of the Huashan Sword Competition, Wang Yuan got a legendary kitchen utensil - the Seven-Star Knife. Wang Yuan originally thought it was useless garbage and never looked at it twice in his bag. At this moment It actually came in handy.

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