
Seeing Mao Dongzhu's bone-melting palm about to hit Dongfang Weiming.

Suddenly another window was opened by someone outside, and accompanied by a cough, an old eunuch with a yellow face and a gloomy look appeared in front of the Queen Mother's bed. Five fingers as sharp as chicken claws grabbed Mao Dongzhu directly. chest.

Mao Dongzhu was startled suddenly and hurriedly retracted his palm to avoid the old eunuch's attack.

But the old eunuch was very quick. Although he didn't catch Mao Dongzhu on the chest, he tore off a large piece of gauze curtain on Mao Dongzhu's side with one claw.

Another piece of white snow came into view.


Dongfang Weiming was amazed and stood up in a hurry, saying quickly: "Thank you, Eunuch Hai, for saving me!"

This old eunuch is none other than Hai Dafu.

"You old guy, you are so rude to the Ai family!" Mao Dongzhu said angrily.

"Ahem!" Hai Dafu coughed and said with a smile: "I can't see anything! Why are you so rude! Besides, you, a witch from the Dragon Cult, still dare to pretend to be the Queen Mother?"

"Ah!" Dongfang Weiming said regretfully, "It turns out that Eunuch Hai can no longer see us. What a pity."

"What's the pity?" Hai Dafu asked.


Dongfang Weiming was stunned, but there was no pity. Hai Dafu was an eunuch, so what if Mao Dongzhu stripped naked for him to see? The realm of eunuchs is high...


The two men sang together, which made Mao Dongzhu so angry that he immediately attacked again.

Since he had just forcibly withdrawn his strength, Mao Dongzhu's Bone-Transforming Cotton Palm was recovering his energy, so this time he did not use the Bone-Transforming Cotton Palm, but used the [Bagua Wandering Dragon Palm] to circle around Hai Dafu. The palm struck him. Hai Dafu stood solemnly and fought back.

In terms of real strength, Hai Dafu is a little higher than Mao Dongzhu, but Hai Dafu is blind and seriously ill, so his combat effectiveness is a little lower than Mao Dongzhu.

At this time, he deliberately angered Mao Dongzhu in order to make Mao Dongzhu take the initiative. He listened to Feng Bian and waited for work.

Every time Mao Dongzhu strikes out with his palm, there is a sound, which shows that the palm is very powerful.

Hai Dafu's feet did not move, and he responded with his palms, and the force of his palms was silent.

After fighting for a long time, Mao Dongzhu was still unable to do anything to him. Suddenly, Mao Dongzhu flew up and struck down with his palms from mid-air. Hai Dafu turned his left palm over and struck upwards, but slapped Mao Dongzhu's abdomen with his right palm. With a snap, his palm The forces intertwined and Mao Dongzhu flew straight backwards. Hai Dafu staggered, swayed a few times, and finally stopped with a stake.

"Good slave." Mao Dongzhu landed and said sternly: "You... you... pretend to be gods and ghosts and teach Xiao Guizi with Shaolin... Shaolin... Shaolin martial arts. It turns out that he is from the Kongtong sect."

Hai Dafu gasped: "Don't dare, everyone is against each other! Your Excellency taught the emperor Wudang martial arts, trying to trick the slaves. But... but the 'Bone Transforming Palm' is a Kung Fu from Shedao, and the slaves knew it a few years ago. ”

It seems that these two people have tested each other more than once.


Hearing the word Snake Island from Hai Dafu's mouth, Mao Dongzhu snorted coldly: "Since you know everything, none of you can leave today. I..."


Before Mao Dongzhu finished speaking, his chest suddenly felt cold, and a dagger passed through his chest...

At the same time, Dongfang Weiming was heard muttering behind him: "Silly girls, we are fighting in a group! You should treat it as a one-on-one challenge, and you still have time to chat!"

As we all know, in a defenseless state, how much damage both players and NPCs can withstand depends entirely on their own strength and equipment.

Equipment... Mao Dongzhu only has a piece of rag on his body, so there is no equipment. As for the bones, the skin and tender flesh are naturally inferior to those of Ao Bai Ao Shaobao.

Dongfang Weiming's dagger could stab Obai to death, let alone Mao Dongzhu? -


A huge blood loss number floated on Mao Dongzhu's forehead. Mao Dongzhu's health bar plummeted by a quarter, and he was stabbed with a knife to his heart.


Mao Dongzhu turned his face in horror and pointed at Dongfang Weiming. Just as he was about to say something, Hai Dafu found the right moment to step forward and punched Mao Dongzhu in the chest.


Mao Dongzhu was unprepared again. He was hit by the punch and Dongfang Weiming flew back involuntarily and fell heavily against the wall.


A mouthful of black blood spurted out, and Mao Dongzhu was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Dongfang Weiming turned over and sat on Mao Dongzhu, holding a dagger and stabbing Mao Dongzhu wildly. Poor Mao Dongzhu didn't even have time to grunt, and was killed by Dongfang Weiming, and he died without any clothes on. Decent.

"Dongzhu!!! I'll kill you!"

That Thin Touduo was also an infatuated person. Although he was entangled by Wang Yuan at the moment, when he saw his mistress died, he immediately shouted, his eyes turned red, and his body and attack power suddenly increased a lot. .

The strength of Thin Touduo increased so suddenly that Wang Yuan had no time to respond and was knocked back by Thin Touduo's palm.

Immediately afterwards, Thin Touduo turned around and rushed towards Hai Dafu and Dongfang Weiming.

"No! He ran away!"

Seeing Shou Toutuo's sudden increase in strength, Wang Yuan was startled and quickly reminded Dongfang Weiming: "Xiao Ming, get out of the way!"

Rampage is a hidden state of the BOSS in the game. When the BOSS receives certain stimuli, it will activate the "rage" mode.

The BOSS in the berserk mode sacrifices defense and body protection energy, so that the body skills, attack power and judgment will be greatly improved. Even after the body style BOSS goes berserk, its attack and judgment are enough to be comparable to the arm strength style BOSS.

Shou Tou Tuo was originally a master of the side-arm force style, but now he has activated the rampage mode. His judgment is high and his attacks are as powerful as Obai. Dongfang Weiming is a swordsman of the body style, so he cannot withstand Shou Tou Tuo's hateful palm.


Dongfang Weiming was so happy riding on Mao Dongzhu that he didn't even notice the danger behind him. When he heard Wang Yuan's shout, he turned around subconsciously, and Thin Touduo's palm had already hit Dongfang Weiming's face.


Dongfang Weiming was slapped on the wall behind the bed.


A big hole was made in the wall by Dongfang Weiming. -


A huge injury appeared on Dongfang Weiming's head. Dongfang Weiming's health value dropped to single digits on the spot, with only 6 points left...

"What a risk! I didn't even kill you..." Wang Yuan said in surprise: "It seems there are benefits to being thick-skinned..."

"Huh? Is there someone else here?"

Dongfang Weiming moved his hand down and suddenly touched something soft. When he looked down, he saw a beautiful woman sitting under him. The woman looked exactly like Mao Dongzhu. Obviously, this was the real Queen Mother.

"Not dead yet? Give me another slap!"

But at this moment, seeing that Dongfang Weiming was still alive, Shouduo shouted loudly and rose into the sky again.

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