"What did Wei Xiaobao give you?"

After leaving Obai Mansion, Feiyun Taxue curiously asked Wang Yuandao.

Feiyun Taxue could see the change in Wang Yuan's expression just now. Looking at Wang Yuan's expression, it was obvious that he had obtained something extraordinary.


Wang Yuan chuckled and said, "How good are your body skills?"

"170." Feiyun Taxue glanced at the panel and said calmly.

"Run away?" Wang Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked provocatively.

"Haha" Feiyun Taxue laughed and said: "You, a monk from Shaolin Temple, dare to compete with me in Qinggong. Don't you know that the Tianshan School's Qinggong is third in the world and I have five advanced Qinggongs?"


However, before Feiyun Taxue finished speaking, Wang Yuan had already rushed out, taking a long phantom with him to the corner of the street in an instant, and disappeared without a trace after turning a corner.


Seeing this scene, Feiyun Taxue's eyes widened and he quickly sent a message: "Qing Gong? A unique skill?"


Wang Yuan responded with a proud expression.

After activating the magic movement, Wang Yuan experienced a 300% speed bonus, allowing Wang Yuan to fully experience what it means to be fast. No wonder so many players in the game would rather turn themselves into garbage than work hard to accumulate body skills. The feeling of speed is just one word—— Cool!

"I feel that my fortune is getting more and more valuable!" Feiyun Taxue sighed with emotion.

What's amazing, this monk is thick-skinned and extremely powerful. The only flaw is that as a Shaolin disciple, his body skills are not particularly outstanding among the first-class masters. Who would have expected that this monk is so lucky that he has mastered the unique skill of Qing Gong.

With his unique skills in hand, it would be much harder for ordinary people to kill him than before.

The value of the skill is related to the enemies he can kill. Being able to ignore the defense and instantly kill such a difficult guy, the value of this Qiankun throw seems to have increased again.

"Let's go, I want to run all the way to Luoyang! Practice Qing Gong!"

Wang Yuan had just acquired his unique skills, and the novelty had not worn off yet. After saying goodbye to Feiyun and Taxue, Wang Yuan ran to Luoyang without leaving the inn.

Yanjing is thousands of miles away from Luoyang. Even if the real distance is scaled up in the game, and Wang Yuan walks in a straight line, he can't reach it in a short while with his Qinggong.

But if you practice Qing Gong, you’ll be done with running! You have to run anyway, so if you don’t practice while it’s fresh, it will be more boring to practice in the future.

He ran from noon to evening, and then from morning to afternoon the next day. After running for more than ten hours, Wang Yuan finally ran all the way from Yanjing City to Luoyang City.

Along the way, this magical and ever-changing light skill directly reached the third level.

Seeing the rising proficiency of Qing Gong, Wang Yuan was still excited and continued to run south. In the evening, he arrived at Nanyang City...

Just when Wang Yuan felt bored and was about to go into the city to eat something, suddenly a figure passed by Wang Yuan and flew straight north...

"What the hell?"

Wang Yuan was startled when he saw that figure.

Now Wang Yuan has learned the Divine Movement Qinggong. Although Qinggong is not the best in the world among players, it can be regarded as rare in the martial arts world, but the speed of that figure is still faster than Wang Yuan.

Is this a human or a ghost?

Wang Yuan was bored when he suddenly had an opponent. Naturally, he was so determined that he turned around without saying a word, followed closely behind that person, and returned the long way back.

It didn't matter. Wang Yuan became more frightened the more he followed.

The man's speed was unbelievable. Wang Yuan used the magic of divine movement, but he could only follow him from a distance.

Among the masters Wang Yuan had seen, except for Xiao Feng who could stick to the ground as fast as flying, the strongest master in light kung fu was Yun Zhonghe, one of the four evil men.

This person is even faster than Yun Zhonghe... Who the hell is this person?

Hanging far behind the man, Wang Yuan followed him all the way to a small town called Tongbai County, and then finally lost sight of the man.

This was a huge blow to Wang Yuan, who had just acquired the unique skill of Qing Gong.

It felt like a young man who finally got a BMW and thought he was getting ahead, but found out that his ex-girlfriend had already found a rich and handsome man who drove a Rolls-Royce.

One can imagine how depressed Wang Yuan was.

"Fuck! I'm not a master of Qing Gong!"

The depressed Wang Yuan comforted himself and entered Tongbai City extremely unhappy. He came to the door of a pub all the way, intending to go in and eat something to soothe his injured soul.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

But when Wang Yuan just took a step to enter the door, he suddenly heard footsteps not far away and someone yelled loudly.

When Wang Yuan heard the news, he went out and saw a big man covered in blood on the street. He was holding two axes and was dancing wildly up and down.

This big man has a beard and cheeks, and he has a majestic look, but his eyes are scattered and he acts like a madman.

The pair of large axes were made of pure steel and were very heavy. They opened and closed them for offense and defense in a well-regulated way, and the doors were precise and strict, just like the style of a famous master.

"It looks so familiar..."

Wang Yuan frowned when he saw the big man. He always felt like he had seen him before, as if he had seen him somewhere.

The big man moved his ax faster and faster, and kept shouting: "Quick, quick, go and tell the lord, the enemy is coming."

He stood on the thoroughfare, slashing horizontally and vertically with two bright axes. Pedestrians naturally stayed away from him. Who dared to get close?

I heard him shout loudly again: "Basikong, get out of here, don't worry about me, go and report to the Lord."

While shouting, the big man raised his ax and struck in front of Wang Yuan. Suddenly he shouted loudly: "You evil man, don't hurt my master!" He raised his ax and chopped off Wang Yuan's head.


Wang Yuan was startled, and immediately gathered his true energy and used [Vajra Worship Tower].


The big man struck Wang Yuan on the forehead with an axe. Wang Yuan slapped the big man on the chest with his right hand, pushing the big man back a few steps.

After being hit by Wang Yuan, the big man's eyes gradually became clearer. He looked at Wang Yuan and said loudly: "Niu...Master Niu, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Do we know each other?" Wang Yuan was confused. This person did look familiar.

"In Xiagudu City, we met before when you went to Dali to report the news, and you even saved my young master!" said the big man.

At this time, the big man's message appeared in front of Wang Yuan's eyes.

The Four Great Guards·Guduk City (Rikers)

Level: 90

Realm: superb

Blood value: 50000/900000

Internal force value: 10000/10000

Proficient in Martial Arts: Wind Ax Technique

Background introduction: One of the four great guards of the Dali Kingdom, a fisherman, woodcutter, farmer, and scholar. He has strong martial arts skills and powerful wind and ax skills, which are powerful all over the world.

"It turns out it's you!"

Seeing the information about Gudu City, Wang Yuan immediately remembered this person. This big guy was one of the four guards under the old pervert Duan Zhengchun. He had made a bet with Yue Laosan in the Dali Palace and was the one who rescued Duan Yu in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations. This guy was there all the time.

However, there were many people at that time, and Wang Yuan only met this person once, and did not have much impression.

"Master Niu, go and save my lord!"

Seeing that Wang Yuan recognized him, Gu Ducheng said quickly.

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