Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 910 Soldier Talisman

At the beginning, Baihe Liangyi said that his team lost to the mob, but Hua Feihua and others didn't believe it. After all, Halloween Without Borders is one of the best teams in the industry. How could a mere amateur team make them stumble.

But now it seems that it is not without reason.

Along the way, this ragtag group of people really showed off their magical powers. Feiyun Tuxue, who was holding the magic weapon Yitian Sword, relied entirely on krypton for all his abilities. Money can make a fool of himself.

The powerful Song Yang is no less than a top professional master.

Now there is an engineer who can even build a cannon... The lethality is really terrifying.

Especially the great monk Wang Yuan, who is so cunning and cunning that you can never guess what he will do next. Such unknowns will always lead others by the nose.

What's even more frightening is that, after fighting all the way here, everyone still has only a partial understanding of the monk's true strength. It's so unpredictable that it's hard to underestimate such an unfathomable guy.

The power of Dugu Xiaoling's cannon belongs to the genuine Shenwu cannon. It is much stronger than Wang Yuan's pirated rocket launcher. With one shot, it flattened the entrance of the Demon Sect's gate. The Fire Flag and Flood Flag flags were instantly destroyed. Got it all clean.

Without the obstruction of the Five Elements Flags, the obstruction brought by the gate is only a long and lasting health bar.

Against a door that won't fight back, it's only a matter of time before you break in.

Dugu Xiaoling had a thought in her mind, and the second spring gun barrel lowered slightly, locking the door of the Demon Sect. Just as Dugu Xiaoling was about to fire again and blast the door open, Wang Yuan stretched out his hand to stop Dugu Xiaoling and said: " Ling, can’t your puppet only fire three times?”

"Yes!" Dugu Xiaoling nodded.

"Save it! We've just arrived at the door!" Wang Yuan signaled Dugu Xiaoling to put away the cannon, and then took out a thousand-jin giant tree picked up from the valley.

"Get out of the way!"

Wang Yuan greeted everyone, hugged the giant tree with both arms, and rushed towards the door.


There was a loud noise, and the giant wood in Wang Yuan's hand hit the door heavily.


Wang Yuan was so powerful, and he was holding a huge tree specially used to break down doors. The impact caused the entire door to tremble and shake.

Stone chips and ashes fell. -


A huge blood loss number floated on the door, and the durability above the door dropped by one-tenth.

"Nah! This guy's attributes must be all about arm strength!"

The divine power was so powerful that everyone was dumbfounded.

The player's lasting destructive power on the scene comes from arm strength and judgment. The higher the judgment, the more powerful the damage to the scene.

People like Divine Power and Unstoppable are all PVP players. They usually focus on body skills and other attributes. It is rare to go to extreme points. This is the first time that Wang Yuan has seen such terrifying arm strength.

Although this brainless arm strength monster has no technical content, from a certain perspective, the extreme strength is still very shocking to watch.


Under everyone's gaze, a burly bald man was holding a large piece of wood as thick as a beam and slamming it against the city gate. The scene was simply incredible.


Under Wang Yuan's powerful collision, the door of the Demon Cult was smashed open and turned into ruins. The Demon Cult Holy Fire Altar appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone follows up to clean up the battlefield.

Because Dugu Xiaoling's cannon just now was too powerful, most of the Five Elements Banners were dead, and the survivors were also affected by the explosion of the Fiery Flag's oil tank and burned to coke.

Dugu Xiaoling also wanted to pick up some flamethrowers and water dragons to study, but there were only fragments on the ground.

"Hey, if I had known better, I wouldn't have needed the cannon!"

Dugu Xiaoling looked regretful.

"It's interesting..." At this time, Hua Feihua held two small flags and said with surprise: "This thing was not burned..."

Wang Yuan turned his head and saw that it was the command flag of the Fire Flag and the Flood Flag.

This thing is really strange. It is obviously made of silk, but it is invulnerable to water and fire. It is intact in the fire. Could it be that this thing is also a piece of magic weapon? No's just a concealed weapon of this size, so it's useless.

"It's quite interesting!" Wang Yuandao said: "If you are interested, you can take these two. I have already taken three."

"I'm just curious, not uninterested!"

Hua Feihua shook her head and said: "Such strange things are of little use to us. Besides, your people blew up this gatehouse and you broke open the gate. How can I take this thing. "

There is really nothing wrong with what Hua Feihua said.

As professional masters, the only things they can bring into the battlefield are skills and equipment. The use of props is restricted in serious e-sports competitions. Even if this small flag has a hidden effect, it still belongs to the category of props. For It is indeed of no use to Hua Feihua and others.

Moreover, Hua Feihua is quite particular. Like the White Crane with Spreading Wings, he is relatively reasonable in his dealings with others.

Then again, the vast majority of public figures who really take e-sports as a career are not too bad in character. Even if their character is really bad, they will not lose their status because of a little thing.

The same is true for large companies. Their structure is related to their profits. No matter how hard they suck, it will not look too ugly (don’t deliberately interpret this sentence, just think I am doing it for the sake of word count).

With that said, Hua Feihua stuffed the two flags into Wang Yuan's hands.

Wang Yuan took the command flag, looked at the attributes, and suddenly received a system prompt: "You have the same type of items that can be synthesized. Do you want to synthesize them?"


Seeing the system prompt, Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then clicked OK.

System prompt: You have obtained the prop "Five Elements Flag".

【Five Elements Flag】

Category: Soldier Talisman

Quality: precious

Conditions for use: Owner of one or more large mansions or a gang leader who owns a gang station.

Item characteristics: You can gain the ability to train the Five Elements Banners and train private soldiers to guard the mansion and the station.

Soldier Talisman! ! This five-element flag turned out to be a military symbol.

[Soldier Talisman] is a very special prop in the game. Players who hold the Soldier Talisman can use it to recruit NPCs to train private soldiers. The private soldiers can not only defend the mansion, but also become the player's personal soldiers in gang battles or city battles. Arm yourself and go into battle to help players kill enemies.

Ordinary players generally don't have mansions, and even if they do, they use small houses as warehouses. The only players who own mansions are Wang Yuan and Gong Xi Facai.

Therefore, props such as soldier symbols have always been in demand by major gangs.

However, the soldier symbols on the market are not only very rare, but also of average quality. They are all ordinary spearmen, infantry and the like. They are only trained to level 40 and have no special abilities.

But even so, a military talisman is worth thousands of gold in the market, and it is hard to find.

Wang Yuan has seen with his own eyes the abilities of the Five Elements Banners. They can spit fire from a distance and spray water from close range. They have the Ruijin Flag for both offense and defense in head-to-head confrontations, the Thick Earth Flag for ambushes in positions, and the Giant Wooden Flag for breaking through the city. Each unit is a high-end unit with special abilities, which is much higher than ordinary units such as pikemen and infantry.

The value of this [Five Elements Flag] can be imagined.

Unexpectedly, these guys didn't have any decent BOSS, but they revealed such valuable props.

Soldier symbols were not very useful for small groups and ordinary players. Wang Yuan also wanted to sell them to Baihe Liangying, but after thinking about it carefully, he still kept the [Five Elements Flag].

This kind of thing is too precious. Wang Yuan can only rest assured if he keeps it in his own hands. Moreover, Wang Yuan also has an official position now. He has two mansions and houses, and now there is only one Fat Toutuo as a guest. If he is targeted by someone, he has no way to protect him. , and also need to recruit some private soldiers to defend their homes.

"Hey, what is this?"

Wang Yuan put the Five Elements Flag into his arms, and another voice came from beside him.

Looking around, I saw Mario holding a dark booklet and flipping through it.

After looking at it for a few times, Mario said with a look of disgust: "What the hell, it's nothing!"

"Bring it to me and take a look!" Wang Yuan reached out and took the brochure.

【Unnamed booklet】

Category: Special props

Item introduction: Some strange knowledge is recorded on it.

Opening the booklet, I saw a bunch of strange symbols drawn in it, as well as many pictures.

Wang Yuan couldn't understand the symbols at all, but Wang Yuan knew some of the pictures. They were obviously containers or something...

This kind of thing is probably not a martial arts secret book, but may be related to technology.

"Do you understand?"

Wang Yuan turned around and handed the booklet to Dugu Xiaoling.

"Let me see!"

After Dugu Xiaoling's result, her eyes immediately widened. She was stunned for three seconds before she said in surprise: "This... this is... the basic refining technique..."

"Basic refining technique? Is it so low-end?" Wang Yuan frowned, half-understanding.

"What do you know? I am short of this thing right now!" Dugu Xiaoling said: "With this thing, I can refine oil and strong acid! If you want more advanced refining techniques, you have to find a chemist like Ouyang Feng. OK."


Hearing the words Ouyang Feng, Wang Yuan said quickly: "The basic refining technique is also very good! You can learn it first."

Damn it, Ouyang Feng and Wang Yuan have a mortal feud, and Wang Yuan doesn't dare to provoke him.

After cleaning the battlefield, Bai He came over with his wings spread and asked Wang Yuanda: "Old Niu, do you feel anything is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan wondered.

"Didn't you say that Guangmingding is the home base of the Demon Cult?" Bai He spread his wings and touched his chin and said, "I heard that there are so many masters of the Demon Cult. The two great light envoys, the four great guardian Dharma kings, the five scattered people, the chief and deputy sect leaders, all of them are BOSS-level experts, why don’t we see any of them now?”

"It's quite strange." Wang Yuan also felt a little strange after hearing what Bai He Liangyi said.

It stands to reason that there are so many bosses in the Demon Cult, and everyone should encounter one or two within a few steps. They all ran from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. As a result, except for the miscellaneous soldiers like Five Elements Flag, they did not encounter a decent demon at all. Teach the masters.

The strongest Five Elements Flag Bearer is only level 80. In front of masters like Wang Yuan, he is not considered a BOSS at all.

This is a secret book, how come there isn’t even a BOSS?

"Haha!" Mario laughed and said, "If I were the leader of the Demon Sect and heard that the six major sects were besieging Bright Summit, I would definitely hold a meeting to discuss countermeasures. After all, the leader should run away first..."

"BOSS is having a meeting??"

Mario just said it as a joke, but Wang Yuan couldn't help but feel shocked.

Wang Yuan actually saw this famous scene of BOSS meeting on Shenlong Island not long ago...

The Shenlong Sect is also a cult, and it was also under siege. At that time, the boss of the Shenlong Sect did not wander around the island, but hid in the main altar...

Could it be that the Demon Sect is also like this?

If that's the case, it won't be easy.

The BOSS Calabash Boys are trying to save Grandpa. They go up one by one and everyone can defeat them one by one. However, if they get together and attack them all at once, they are not something that ordinary players can deal with.

It is said that the vice-teacher of the Demon Sect claims that Wuji is a real top master. He is much better than a guy like Hong Antong who forcibly improves his strength for the sake of balance. The leader of the demon sect, Yang Dingtian, is also a super-first-class master, only ten or twenty levels behind Zhang Wuji. Level, there is only one such master, and it is already very difficult to kill him. If these two guys get together and bring more than a dozen mini-bosses, how can the players resist it?

Wang Yuan still vividly remembers the terror of the top master Hong Antong.

At that time, it was because Su Quan was pregnant and Hong Antong was cuckolded, which led to civil strife in the Shenlong Sect. Under the siege of Fat Toutuo and others, Wang Yuan was able to narrowly escape death and kill Hong Antong.

Now that the Demon Cult is several times stronger than the Dragon Cult, how can players deal with them? Is it possible to cuckold Zhang Wuji or Yang Dingtian now so that they can turn against each other? This is somewhat impossible.


Just as Wang Yuan was thinking, his eyes suddenly darkened, and at the same time, he saw a yellow figure jumping over Wang Yuan and running straight into the Demon Sect's main altar.

"It's that monk again!"

Seeing the familiar yellow figure, everyone started shouting.

"Hurry up!"

Wang Yuan no longer thought about it, quickly used Qing Gong, and chased after the yellow figure.

In the dungeon, useless things will not appear for no reason. This monk in yellow appears several times in succession, which must be the key to clearing this dungeon.

As long as you catch up with him, you should be able to easily pass the test and get the sect's secret skills.

Of course, what Wang Yuan wanted to know more than clearing the secret copy was the monk's identity.

Wang Yuan has met this person three times from the Tianli Sect, Dao Demon Sect, and still can't figure out his identity. Is this guy a master of the Demon Sect, a master of the Shaolin Temple, or a master of other sects? Wang Yuan is very curious about this.

Wang Yuan was a man of extraordinary powers, and his lightness kung fu was considered to be among the best in the world, but who knew that the monk could run faster? No matter how hard Wang Yuan tried to catch up, he could only see a touch of yellow cassock, and the distance between the two gradually widened. Far.

Finally at a corner, the monk disappeared from Wang Yuan's sight as soon as he turned. Wang Yuan chased him to the corner, but the monk had disappeared.

Seeing that the monk's Qinggong was so outstanding, Wang Yuan touched his chin and muttered: "With such Qinggong, could he be the legendary Green-winged Bat King?"

Before Wang Yuan finished speaking, a loud laugh came from the roof: "Hahaha! With King Wei Bat's Qinggong, you can't even see his back!"

Wang Yuan raised his head when he heard the sound, and a sack was covered over his head.

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