Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 917 Reiko, bring me your divine cannon.


Seeing the eye-catching +100000 on Zhang Wuji's head, everyone cursed in unison.

What's going on with this thing?

Everyone could endure the instant recovery of 10,000 blood. After all, as long as Zhang Wuji's body-protecting Qi could be broken, everyone's output would be more than 10,000.

But Zhang Wuji was able to recover in seconds even after losing 100,000 blood, so he seemed a bit inhuman.

Just now, everyone came together, and the continuous attacks only produced an output of less than 100,000. In the end, this kid took a breath and recovered 100,000 in seconds. The blood regeneration was faster than the blood loss. Is this a human being?

"I don't believe you have no upper limit on your blood regeneration!"

Wang Yuan said angrily: "Go on, old horse, everyone uses big moves!"


Mario received the order and rushed to Zhang Wuji again, grabbing Zhang Wuji with his claws.

Zhang Wuji is an extremely skilled player after all. No matter how unskilled he is, he can still handle it if ordinary people want to challenge him. He stretched out his right hand, grabbed Mario's wrist, and pulled it back, causing Mario to be thrown down. Fall to the ground.

"Thousands of miles of flames!"

"The heavy sword has no edge!"

Seeing this, Tiaozi and Dao Kedao flew out to help, one after another. The heavy sword and long knife slashed Zhang Wuji's head from top to bottom with fierce flames. Zhang Wuji resisted the blow with his head without dodging, and at the same time Both palms came out and slapped Tiaozi and Dao Kedao on the ribs, and they were sent flying out on the spot.

"Cover the old horse!"

Others also joined the battle group one after another, and more than a dozen top masters took action together. Zhang Wuji's moves were scattered and he was unable to parry...

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how poor Zhang Wuji's actual combat skills are, it is still compared to a top master like Wujue Xiao Feng.

If players who are less than level 100 want to make him busy, no more than a dozen people can't do it.

Mario is a cunning villain who exploits every opportunity. When Zhang Wuji's moves were messed up, Mario immediately saw the right opportunity. He took the opportunity to roll forward and rolled in front of Zhang Wuji. He grabbed Zhang Wuji's lower abdomen with his claws. -


Zhang Wuji's body-protecting Qi was torn away, and his invincibility was lifted.

[Ten Thousand Swords Return to One]!

【One shot and two breaks】!

[Three rings within the moon]!

[Guide to the country]!

At the same time, Wang Yuan and several others took action at the same time, all of which were big moves. -



30000, -60000, -120000-


Wang Yuan, Baihe Liangyi, Hua Feihua and Song Yang are all top-notch masters in the world. Their output is the highest among players except for Feiyun Taxue, which has no upper limit.

In this wave of output, the four of them all used their strongest killing moves, producing a terrifying output of 1.5 million in just one round.

In addition, after breaking Zhang Wuji's invincible state, the attacks of others knocked out Zhang Wuji's blood totaling 1.65 million.

The blood bar on Zhang Wuji's head dropped by one-third.

The blood bars on the heads of Wang Yuan and the others also dropped by one-third.

Damage rebounds! !

"What the hell! How shameless!"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, and couldn't help but curse.

PVP masters like Hua Feihua don't fight BOSS very much and haven't seen many NPC masters, but Wang Yuan and Bai He Liangyi have seen top masters.

From Wu Jue to Xiao Feng, these are all famous masters in the world. Wang Yuan even went head-to-head with the top master Hong Antong.

The two of them knew the bugs of top masters, but this was the first time they saw one as disgusting as Zhang Wuji.

If you meet a ruthless person like Xiao Feng, you won't even need to use ink marks. He will beat you to death with two or three palms... Everyone will die neatly and happily.

Zhang Wuji is just the opposite. This guy's skills are all about defense.

The body-protecting Qi is invincible. Except for special martial arts such as Netherworld Ghost Claw, it is basically impossible to break it. After finally breaking through his body-protecting Qi, there is still damage rebound, and the output depends entirely on being beaten.

While beating him, he lost blood. Instead of beating him to death, he was beaten to death first.

It doesn't matter whether you fight or not. It's a waste of time and energy, and the players are tortured to death while exhausting their efforts. You can just say how disgusting this is.

However, what was even more devastating was yet to come. Before everyone could launch the second wave of attacks, Zhang Wuji took a deep breath.


The health bar is full again.


Seeing this scene, everyone spurted out blood. They wished they could kill themselves on the spot and withdraw their money, so as not to provoke Zhang Wuji, a bastard, for the rest of their lives.

Now Wang Yuan finally understands that this Wuji is a humanoid self-propelled plug-in. As long as you can't kill him with a wave of output, he can return to his original state and be alive and kicking.

It’s not easy to deal with this special girl.

Preliminary calculations show that Zhang Wuji has a full blood volume of five million, so if you want to kill Zhang Wuji, you must inflict five million damage within the effect time of the Netherworld Ghost Claw.

Whether it can produce such a high output is the first problem. The second problem is that the damage rebound effect of this grandson is one-tenth, so the player has to bear the rebound of 500,000 yuan while producing 5 million output. harm.

At this stage, the player's health value is only about 70,000 to 80,000. A tank as powerful as Wang Yuan only has about 150,000 to 60,000 health.

Where can I withstand the damage of half a million dollars and rebound?

If everyone outputs the damage together, it's fine, and on average, they won't be afraid of being shot to death. However, Zhang Wuji needs more than a dozen people to attack at the same time before he can reveal a flaw for Mario to take advantage of. The only person who can really deal with the main output is Wang Yuan. Four people...

Not to mention that four people can't produce an output of 5 million at all. Even if they can, if the damage rebound of 500,000 is equally divided among the four, at least three people will die...

so hard!

Sure enough, none of the top experts is a fuel-efficient lamp, and they can make you sick to death.

"Zhang Wuji's damage rebound does not include remote output!"

At this time, he carefully said in a note: "Look, Reiko didn't lose any blood."


Wang Yuan turned around and saw that it was true that in the wave of output just now, the health bars on everyone's heads had been rebounded by Zhang Wuji and lost a lot of blood. Only Dugu Xiaoling's head was still full at this time.

"What's the use!"

Bai He flashed his wings and said: "How much damage can a long-range output burst do? Not to mention that she is an mechanics master. Can the Shenwu cannon hit Zhang Wuji?"

Indeed, the long-range output of the Tang Sect's hidden weapons in the game is continuous output, and the explosive output is all melee combat.

The effect of Netherworld Ghost Claw is limited, and it must be used for explosive output. Dugu Xiaoling's long-range burst will definitely not be able to produce 5 million damage.

Of course, Dugu Xiaoling's Shenwu Cannon may not be able to deal five million damage, but the Shenwu Cannon is used for siege of cities and not for fighting. After all, its accuracy is not high enough, its aiming time is too long, and it has missed even when hitting fixed targets. At that time, beating a lively BOSS like Zhang Wuji was basically equivalent to hitting mosquitoes with a cannon, which was a waste of shells.

"Hahaha! That's not necessarily the case!" Wang Yuan laughed and pulled out a thick and long tube from his arms.

"This...what is this?"

Seeing the strange object in Wang Yuan's hand, everyone was confused.

Wang Yuan said proudly: "This is Hongtian Lei! Lingzi gave it to me!"

"Really?" Song Yang frowned.

"Thunder?" Bai He spread his wings and observed carefully for a moment and said, "Is it an RPG shoulder-resistant rocket launcher?"

"Hey, you know a lot..." Wang Yuan said with a smile: "This is a simple version of the Shenwu Cannon. Although its power has been weakened a lot, it can still be used for fighting."

"Really? Let me play!" Bai He spread his wings and reached out to take it.

As a result, as soon as Hong Tianlei took hold of it, his hands sank and he almost hit the ground.

"Holy shit, it's so heavy?" Bai He spread his wings and said in surprise.

"So only I can use this thing!" Wang Yuan effortlessly lifted Hong Tianlei and put it on his shoulder, and then said: "Keep going! I don't believe I can't kill him with this wave!"

Having seen the power of Shenwu cannon, everyone had an inexplicable awe of firearms. At this time, Wang Yuan brought out strange things like rocket launchers. Everyone was shocked and rushed forward to entangle Zhang Wuji again.

Mario's Ghost Claw succeeded again.

Wang Yuan was a showman. He shrunk the "Shen Weapon Battle" to the size of a cigar and held it in his mouth at an angle. Then he put the Thunderbolt on his shoulder and flexed his finger to pull the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Hongtianlei fired three shots in a row.

Wang Yuan was shocked by the powerful recoil and took three steps back.

Three purple cannonballs pierced the air, hit Zhang Wuji one after another and exploded.

The terrifying power of the shells drove Zhang Wuji back again and again. -




The blood bar on Zhang Wuji's head dropped continuously again.


At last the light flashed and it was full again.

"My day!"

Wang Yuan was stunned, and the magic weapon in his mouth fell to the ground with a clang.

Others were also horrified.

I never expected that Zhang Wuji could be so strong, resisting three shells without receiving much damage. This girl is too perverted.

"No, Lao Niu... your rocket launcher is useless! Why don't you fire a few more shells?" Bai He asked with his wings raised.

"You think I don't want to? I have to have so many!" Wang Yuan was also depressed.

There are only nine cannonballs in total, and each cannonball has 500,000 HP. Even if all the cannonballs are shot, the damage will only be 4.5 million, and Zhang Wuji will still not be killed.

"Then what the hell are we going to do? We can't just surrender and get our money back! We finally got to the last BOSS." Everyone said one after another.

This book is full of pitfalls, and every step is shocking. It’s not easy to get here all the way. It’s really a pity to give up the money like this, but if you don’t give up the money, who the hell can kill Zhang Wuji?

"I still don't believe it! If I can save this little kid, I can kill this little kid!"

Wang Yuan threw Hong Tianlei aside casually, pulled off his cassock, and exposed his strong muscles with his bare upper body, and shouted at Dugu Xiaoling: "Lingzi! Pull up your Shenwu Cannon!"

"Hey, don't waste the cannonballs, okay!" Bai He Liangchi dissuaded: "Can that thing hit Zhang Wuji?"

"Pull up!"

Wang Yuan ignored the white crane spreading its wings and shouted directly.

Dugu Xiaoling had no choice but to take out the Shenwu cannon, summon a puppet and greet the people around her: "Here, lend a hand and put it on the cannon stand."

"Need not!"

Wang Yuan walked over, picked up the Shenwu big card with both hands, and carried it on his shoulders.


Everyone's eyelids were twitching as they stared at him, wondering what kind of monster this monk was trying to do.

"Old horse! Give me some strength! Hold on tight!" Carrying the Shenwu cannon, Wang Yuan gave the order again.


Everyone rushed forward to surround Zhang Wuji again. Mario went around behind Zhang Wuji and used his right hand to use the [Tiger Claw Jue Gauntlet]. With his palm facing the sky, he stretched out and grasped between Zhang Wuji's legs and used a move [Cut off all descendants]. 】.

Zhang Wuji was startled and froze on the spot, and his invincibility was lifted again.

The golden light on Wang Yuan's body flashed, and [Boundless Dharma] was activated.

Suddenly, the sound of Sanskrit sounds was everywhere, the sky was filled with flowers, and the golden light condensed on the six-foot-long golden body. Under everyone's horrified gaze, Wang Yuan came to Zhang Wuji, trampled Zhang Wuji to the ground, and pressed the barrel of the Shenwu cannon against Zhang Wuji's head, exploding. He shouted: "Die to me!!!"

"Boom!!!!" With a loud noise, the Shenwu cannon burst out with dazzling purple fire.

The huge recoil force of the back seat directly sent the Shenwu Cannon and Wang Yuan's head flying back more than ten meters. The golden light on Wang Yuan's body shattered in response to the sound, and he fell heavily to the ground. He was breathing out but not in, and there was blood on his head. Only a trace of bloody skin remained.

The ground under Zhang Wuji was blasted out by the Shenwu cannon into a huge crater. Zhang Wuji was lying in the crater, his body was charred black, his clothes were blown to pieces, barely covering the place where Mario had just grabbed him, and his face was covered in blood. They are all black, and the blood bar on the head has been cleared.

Everyone gathered around and stood by the pit, looking at Zhang Wuji lying in the pit. Their hearts were beating fast, fearing that he would come back to life again and take a breath to regain his energy and blood. They were stunned for a few seconds and saw that Zhang Wuji did not regain his blood. Everyone Suddenly there was a feeling of relief.

Damn it, he finally died. It seems that even Zhang Wuji can't withstand this divine cannon.

There is no most perverted, only more perverted.

Although Zhang Wuji was terrifying, at least he was the BOSS and a top master, but Wang Yuan's moment just now was the most shocking.

Using a flesh and blood body to carry the Shenwu cannon's output, even Zhang Wuji could be blasted to death. Who in the world can resist him?

"Is he dead?"

In the distance, Wang Yuan's weak voice came.


Everyone nodded repeatedly and reported the good news to Wang Yuan.

"Huh... I'm finally dead." Wang Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone burst into tears when they heard Wang Yuan's sigh.

Zhang Wuji, the BOSS, is definitely the most heartbreaking BOSS they have ever seen in their gaming careers. This guy is harmless to humans and animals, and has no lethality. But if he stands there and is beaten by you, he can make you collapse... This is so disgusting.


But just when everyone thought Zhang Wuji was dead, Zhang Wuji's cough suddenly came from the pit: "I said, you guys hit me when you come up, haven't you ever thought about sitting down and having a good talk with me?"

"Japan...Zhang Wuji is still alive!!!"

Hearing Zhang Wuji's voice, everyone was so scared that their souls flew out. They hugged each other and shivered. Wang Yuan, who was lying on the ground, had tears streaming down his cheeks. Thousands of words condensed into one sentence: Shameless, so shameless. Face...

"Don't worry! You win!"

At this time, Zhang Wuji sighed, and then said aggrievedly: "Actually, sit down and discuss with me. It's not like I won't let you pass the customs... But you came up and beat me without asking, and you even used cannons to bombard me... It's too barbaric. Fortunately, I have the aura of the protagonist, otherwise I would have been killed by you."

As he spoke, Zhang Wuji slowly crawled out of the pit. It seemed that he had indeed completely lost his fighting ability.

"Go and hit him quickly, don't let him live!" Wang Yuan also regained his composure at this time, pointing at Zhang Wuji and shouting.

Zhang Wuji said with a grimace: "Brother Niu, it's not like you don't know that my great master is Zhang Sanfeng. What good will it do to you to kill me?"


Bai Heliangyi and others who originally wanted to go up to finish the attack quickly stopped when they heard Zhang Wuji's words.

I was so focused on killing Zhang Wuji that I almost forgot about this.

This kid is not only difficult to deal with, but he is also very tough in the background. Zhang Sanfeng is one of the four god-level masters, and Zhang Wuji is his disciple. Not only will there be no benefit to killing Zhang Wuji, but he will even offend Zhang Sanfeng. It is not worth it.

Wang Yuan was also stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "Amitabha, as long as Donor Zhang is dedicated to good deeds and leads the demon sect to benefit all people, I am willing to let you live."


Everyone turned back to look at Wang Yuan and said to themselves: "As expected of you, you are so stubborn even if you give in."

"Although our Demon Sect is an evil sect, we never do anything harmful to nature! The six major sects besieged Guangmingding, all instigated by the evil thief Cheng Kun!" Zhang Wuji said confidently.

"Is raping a civilian girl considered a crime against nature?" Wang Yuan asked rhetorically.

"Uh... Yang Zuozhi is just an exception." Zhang Wuji wiped his sweat.

"What about robbing people to suck their blood?" Wang Yuan asked again.

"This..." Zhang Wuji was speechless.

"What about killing people and seizing swords?" Wang Yuan asked next.


Zhang Wuji chuckled and quickly changed the subject: "Defeating me is also one of the ways to clear the dungeon. Leader Yang is dead, and I am the leader of the Demon Cult. From now on, I will definitely restrain the Demon Cult and serve the country and the people wholeheartedly. This is for you. award."

Since Zhang Wuji couldn't be killed anyway, Wang Yuan wanted to yell at him a few more words to relieve his hatred, but who knew that this kid was cunning enough and quickly took out the reward.

No matter how much Wang Yuan wanted to quarrel with him, he couldn't resist the reward, so he shut his mouth and hurried over.

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