Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 920 Mascot Dugu Xiaoling

After leaving the Main Hall, Wang Yuan came to the outside of the Sutra Pavilion.

This time, that time.

When Wang Yuan first entered the Shaolin Temple, he was still a little-known young monk. When he saw the heavily guarded Eighteen Bronze Man at the entrance of the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, he had to walk around.

Now Wang Yuan is an eminent monk of the Shaolin Temple. Seeing Wang Yuan, the Eighteenth Bronze Man took the initiative to say hello.

This is the direct disciple of Abbot Xuanci. The abbot is petty and offends his disciple, so there is no good fruit to be gained.

Entering the Sutra Pavilion, the Sutra Pavilion was not as deserted as the last time Wang Yuan came here. At that time, the player levels were generally low and they did not have the authority to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

Nowadays, players' levels have generally improved. If the master's contribution reaches a certain level, they will get the opportunity to come to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to read the classics.

At this time, players can be seen everywhere in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion looking for martial arts classics.

Looking at these players, Wang Yuan felt like he was in another world, as if he had returned to the time when he came here to look for books.

At that time, Wang Yuan's understanding was low, and he couldn't find a suitable technique for him over and over again. How can it be like these junior disciples now, who can just pick up a book and leave as happily as if they found a treasure.

However, it was precisely because I had been searching for a long time but could not find a book of exercises that suited me that I met a shabby old monk here who taught me Buddhism carefully, and I was able to learn the original version of the Yi Jin Jing.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then looked around.

I saw this huge Sutra Pavilion. Among the figures coming and going, only one gray and withered figure was missing.

"Hey...things have changed and people have changed." Wang Yuan sighed, feeling very emotional.

Although Wang Yuan didn't know the name of the old monk who swept the floor, he treated Wang Yuan quite well. Not only did he teach Wang Yuan Buddhism for free, he treated Wang Yuan as if he were his own son, and he also gave Wang Yuan a set of Lankavatara as a disciple. Sutras such as "Nine Yang Divine Skills" are written in the gaps between the Lankavatara Sutra.

This is the first NPC to help Wang Yuan cheat.

In holographic simulation games, those high-level NPCs are no different from real humans. If they don't constantly remind themselves of the difference between themselves and NPCs, many players will inevitably be immersed in them.

The same is true for Wang Yuan. For those NPCs with whom he has a good relationship, Wang Yuan has never regarded them as a set of programs, but as real living people.

At the beginning, the old monk said that he would see him again if we were destined, but after so long, Wang Yuan had never seen him again. Now that he is revisiting his old place, he will inevitably think about people when he sees things, as if there was such a person in his life. Suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After sorting out his thoughts, Wang Yuan began to rummage through the bookshelves for scriptures.

The Wordless Sutra, as the name suggests, there must be no words in the sutra... Wang Yuan followed this prompt and took down the sutras one by one, opened them, and put them back.

Repeatedly, from afternoon to evening, I spent a whole afternoon flipping through countless scriptures, and I didn't see any of them without words. Each book was full of things, either Chinese characters or Sanskrit. There is no wordless sutra.

Wang Yuan's head was getting bigger, and he couldn't help but secretly cursed: "Damn it, the old dog Xuanci is playing tricks on me, isn't it? Where is the wordless sutra? Is there any marrow-cleansing sutra in this sutra-storing pavilion?"

Just when Wang Yuan was depressed, in the team channel, Tiaozi and Dao Kedao, who had completed their unique skills tasks, began to show off.

"Haha Tiebushan, you are so awesome! The strongest technique of the Six Sects! We will be able to resist it in the future!" Tiaozi said proudly. The Six Sects have always been very cheating in their skills, but when it comes to their unique skills, they are... It's not ambiguous at all. After learning the strips of iron cloth shirt, I have a sense of accomplishment like a daughter-in-law becoming a mother-in-law.

"Tch!" Mario said disdainfully: "I heard that the cover of the iron cloth shirt is in the crotch...I am the one who can defeat you."

"Get out of here, old horse!" Tiaozi pointed his middle finger at the screen.

"Haha!" Dao Kedao said proudly: "What I studied is the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra". The ancient tomb sect's secret internal strength is much more famous than Tiebushan."

"It's boring!" Mario said again: ""The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra" is not a serious technique once you hear it. If you practice it over and over again, you will become addicted to it."

Dao Ke said: "..."

This bitchy mouth always highlights Mario's demeanor.

"Fuck you, old horse! Believe it or not, I will stab you to death with my sword!" Upon seeing this, Bei Moting jumped out and spit out the fragrance.

"Ha ha!"

Tiao Zi was defeated by Mario Tian, ​​and he was also defeated by Bei Mo Ting. Seeing that Bei Mo Ting wanted to trouble him, Mario quickly made a haha ​​and changed the subject: "Old Niu, what did you learn?"

"Learn to knit!"

Either he said that Mario deserved a beating, and it was okay if he didn't mention this issue. When he mentioned this issue, Wang Yuan became so angry that he couldn't get angry.

"What kind of skill is Mao Xian? Is it a unique skill?" Mario teased.

"Don't mention it! I accepted a cheating secret mission! Let me look for the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" in the Sutra Pavilion!" With that said, Wang Yuan shared his own in the group.

Three cobblers are just like Zhuge Liang. If there are more than a dozen people in the group, they can come up with useful ideas.

However, everyone was silent for a long time, and finally came to the same conclusion as Wang Yuan: "This... I am kidding you."

"Who says it's not the case!" Wang Yuandao said: "Xuanci also gave me a hint in a serious way, asking me to find some wordless scripture, saying that I can find it if I understand these four words."

"No words means no words!" Mario said: "If you have anything to learn, just turn to the whiteboard."

"It can't be that simple!" Wang Yuan said depressedly: "I've been looking for a long time and I haven't found any scriptures without words."

"You're stupid, aren't you..." At this time, Song Yang laughed and said: "The wordless scripture may not necessarily mean nothing, it may also be a picture book..."

"Picture book...this..."

Hearing what Song Yang said, Wang Yuan was suddenly stunned. He seemed to have some vague impression in his mind, but he couldn't remember what it was exactly.

"Haha, picture book? Illustrated version of Jin Ping Mei?" Mario began to be unserious again.

"Jin Ping Mei?" Seeing these three words, Wang Yuan seemed to have thought of some vague clues.

At this time, Dugu Xiaoling also said with a smile: "It may not be Jin Ping Mei, maybe it's a boy and a girl!"

"Oops! I remembered it!"

Dugu Xiaoling's last sentence is the finishing touch.

Wang Yuan suddenly thought of something that had been lingering in his mind, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Pictures, astringent feelings, men and men...

Although the combination of these three factors may have nothing to do with the scriptures Wang Yuan was looking for, they made Wang Yuan think of another book "Intimate Heaven".

That book was a very obscene book given by Dugu Xiaoling when Wang Yuang first met Dugu Xiaoling. At that time, Wang Yuan always thought it was a pornographic book.

It happened that the book "Intimate Heaven" was full of pictures and had no words, which was the clue to the Wordless Sutra.

Moreover, "Intimate Heaven" was written by Dugu Xiaoling in the Sutra Collection Pavilion, so it is also a product of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, and it also meets the condition that the scriptures are placed in the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

What makes Wang Yuan most incredible is that the name of this mission is [The Scripture of the Kingdom of Heaven].

This is such a coincidence. All signs indicate that "Intimate Love in Heaven" meets all the conditions. Could it be that "Intimate Love in Heaven" is really the legendary "Marrow Cleansing Sutra"?

If that is the case, it seems that Patriarch Bodhidharma is still a very unorthodox person, and he actually hid the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" in such a vulgar book.

Of course, Patriarch Bodhidharma's Buddhism must have reached the realm of "colorless and formless". In his eyes, perhaps a book like "Intimate Love in Heaven" is no different from the Xinhua Dictionary.

As for where the "Intimate Heaven" is now... Wang Yuan was clearly in a hurry. He had exchanged the "Intimate Heaven" with the crazy monk Lingguan for a copy of "Yi Jin Jing", and Wang Yuan had Yuan was still complacent for a long time.

It seems ridiculous now.

I exchanged the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" for the "Yi Jin Jing", but I didn't make much money at all. I don't know whether Monk Lingguan is stupid or Wang Yuan himself is stupid.

"Lingzi, you are really my mascot! I owe you another favor!"

After closing the chat bar, Wang Yuan walked out of the Sutra Pavilion and went straight to the kitchen.


In the channel, Mario and others looked confused when they saw the news about Wang Yuan.

Dugu Xiaoling was speechless and said: "What's wrong? Did I open up a new world for him? Does it mean that this monk likes men in his heart?"

Everyone: "..."

"Master Wu Chi, I wonder what you are doing here?"

When we arrived at the Shaolin kitchen, a monk with an unfamiliar face came up to us and asked respectfully.

"It's okay, I'm just taking a stroll. Where is the Huo Gong Tutuo?" Wang Yuan asked strangely.

The few times Wang Yuan came to the kitchen before, he was always greeted by the fierce-looking Huo Gong Tou Tuo, but this time the person was changed, which really made Wang Yuan a little strange.

After all, the game is not reality, and personnel can be transferred at will. This kind of data-based NPC basically stays on the job for a lifetime and will not change. At this time, a different person is changed, which is obviously unreasonable.

"Huo Gong Tutuo has run away!" The monk said: "Little monk Xuyun, now take his place."

"Run away??" Wang Yuan was even more surprised.

Revolution? Could it be that this little NPC has awakened super intelligence? Is it possible to break away from the control of the Soaring Dragon Mastermind?

"Yes!" Xu Yun said: "Last month in the sect competition, Huo Gong Tutuo injured Master Kuzhi of Bodhidharma Academy and then escaped from Shaolin and disappeared."

"That's it..." Wang Yuan was thoughtful.

Master Kuzhi is a level 100 master of Bodhidharma Academy with extraordinary strength.

Wang Yuan had known for a long time that Huo Gong Tou Tuo was secretly learning martial arts. He never expected that this guy was self-taught and had practiced kung fu to this point. Even Master Ku Zhi was no match for him. If he could be trained, he would be a master of his generation. It seemed like this guy Most of them are NPCs with a protagonist template, so it's not unusual for them to run away.

This Shaolin Temple is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and even those who work on the fire and do odd jobs can do something good.

"Where is Master Lingguan?" Wang Yuan asked again, leaving Huo Gong Tutuo behind.

"Monk Lingguan..." When he heard the word Lingguan, Xu Yun was a little flustered, and then said softly: "He is reading in the kitchen. Master Wu Chi, you'd better not look for him. There is something wrong with his brain."

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Yuan waved his hand and said, "Take me there!"

"Okay!" Xu Yun did not dare to disobey Wang Yuan's order, so he had to take Wang Yuan to see Lingguan.

Under the leadership of Xuyun, Wang Yuan came to Lingguan's Zen room again. At this time, the monk was lying on his side on the bed with a very strange posture, holding the book "Intimate Heaven" in his hand and reading with gusto.

Xu Yun seemed to have seen the book in Lingguan's hand a long time ago. He was standing at the door and did not dare to enter. He turned around and ran away with a blushing face.

An old monk in his seventies or eighties, holding a pornographic book every day, is still a man and a man. Normal people are afraid of him, especially this guy is a madman. If he does something extraordinary, there is no need. If you are responsible, the victims will be more unjust.

"Master Ling Guan..."

Wang Yuan shouted.

Lingguan didn't seem to hear him. He was still reading and ignored Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan knew that this guy had a problem with his brain, so he continued: "I have a new book for you to read."


Upon hearing Wang Yuan's words, Monk Lingguan suddenly sat up and turned his head.


After Wang Yuan saw the spirit temple, he couldn't help but screamed.

Monk Lingguan was dozens of years older than Xuanci. He was nearly eighty years old. The last time the king saw him, although this monk was in high spirits, he was senile.

At this time, the great monk had fair and tender skin, a rosy complexion, and no wrinkles at all. He looked like a young man in his twenties or thirties.

This monk is rejuvenated!

Not only that, Lingguan's breath was smooth, and when he breathed in and out, the true energy circulated, and when he raised his hands, it was completely natural. It was obvious that his internal strength had been cultivated to a level that even Wang Yuan could not imagine.

It seems that in this year's absence, Monk Lingguan has also practiced the Marrow Cleansing Sutra in his hand to a great level.

Originally, this monk had mastered the Changing Tendon Sutra, and his internal power was astonishing in the past and present. Now, he had also mastered the Marrow Cleansing Sutra. His internal power can be imagined.

Wang Yuan also didn't expect that he would unintentionally create a super master with terrifying strength for the Shaolin Temple.

"What other books do you have for me to read?"

Ling Guan stared at Wang Yuan innocently and asked.


Wang Yuan was also stunned for a moment.

He actually said this just to attract Ling Guan's attention. Wang Yuan was really in a dilemma as to what kind of book there was. Ling Guan was a kind-hearted person and he would definitely not read the secret books on fighting and killing techniques. , Wang Yuan would not leave it in the bag if it were not a secret book of exercises.

"Show it to me quickly!" Ling Guan urged.

"I'll look for it!" Wang Yuan quickly opened his backpack and rummaged around, only to see a yellowed book in the corner of the backpack.

Wang Yuan reached out and took out the book.

"Huang Ting Jing" (hand-copied version by Zhang Sanfeng) was originally dug under the Kunlun Wonderland Waterfall "where Zhang Wuji buried the stem".


It had been too long. Looking at the scripture in his hand, Wang Yuan almost forgot when he had written such a book.

Zhang Sanfeng has a great reputation. The reason why Wang Yuan kept this book is entirely based on the six characters of Zhang Sanfeng's handwritten version. However, after keeping it in his bag for so long, Wang Yuan did not find the use of this thing. At this time, he exchanged it for "Washing" "Marrow Sutra" is just right.

"What do you think of this book?"

Wang Yuan handed the "Huang Ting Jing" to Ling Guan.

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing the "Huang Ting Jing" in Wang Yuan's hand, Ling Guan threw aside the "Intimate Heaven" in his hand, took the book excitedly, and studied it with relish.

Wang Yuan stepped forward and picked up the "Intimate Heaven" that Lingguan had thrown aside.

Wang Yuan glanced at this book casually when he got it. Because the content inside was too disgusting, he did not read it carefully.

At this time, Wang Yuan looked at it with the mentality of a secret book of exercises, and the pictures inside were not so eye-catching, but instead looked like Qi-refining postures with one move after another.

After carefully reading to the end of the book, suddenly, the information in the book "Intimate Heaven" changed.

"Marrow Cleansing Sutra" (Original)

Category: Internal Strength

Grade: Unparalleled Divine Power

Introduction: One of the two unique internal skills of Shaolin Temple

Learning conditions: Buddhist realm [colorless and formless]

Introduction to the practice: Patriarch Bodhidharma of the Shaolin Temple crossed the river from Tianzhu to the Central Plains with a reed of the Yi Jin Sutra and the Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and faced the wall for eighteen years to build the Shaolin Temple. All his lifelong learning was devoted to these two scriptures.


Seeing that "Intimate Heaven" had really become a marrow-cleansing sutra, Wang Yuan was excited and decided to study it.

System prompt: You have similar skills, do you want to integrate them?


Seeing this prompt, Wang Yuan was suddenly shocked and quickly clicked to cancel the study.

Wang Yuan has already suffered a big loss in the "Nine Transformations of Yin and Yang" book. It was originally two unique skills, but after the fusion, it became a world-class magical skill. Although one skill column was saved, the attribute bonus But it was greatly weakened. At this time, Wang Yuan naturally had to be more careful.

Among Wang Yuan's internal skills, only the "Yi Jin Jing" can be integrated with the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra".

After the skills are fused, the level will increase accordingly. Now these two skills are already unparalleled magical skills. If they are further integrated, they will obviously become a more advanced Qi training method.

That is a technique that can only be learned by innate warriors. Wang Yuan has not yet transcended the calamity to reach the innate realm, so he cannot learn the Qi training method.

It would be fine if the skill is integrated into one's body. As long as it is not removed, even if one is not an innate martial artist, one can continue to use it if it is stuck in the martial arts column.

But if it is integrated into the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra", wouldn't it be a loss?

The Yi Jin Jing is Wang Yuan's most mainstream technique besides the Vajra Indestructible Magic. Without the blessing of the Yi Jin Jing, Wang Yuan's cultivation would have to drop by at least one-third.

Wang Yuan always played it safe, but he was not willing to gamble with his Yi Jin Jing, so he casually threw the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" into his bag.

Rather than investing in the old capital, it would be better to save the tribulation and integrate it later.

Wang Yuan once heard Bai He Liangyi, the only ascended person, say that after the player transcends the tribulation, the fusion of skills is chosen by the player, so as long as the player does not choose the fusion of skills, all the skills before the tribulation will be retained. Even if you integrate the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" and advance to the art of Qi training, you don't have to worry about not being able to equip it.

Now, except for the mastery of Yi Jin Jing, most of Wang Yuan's skills have been practiced to the highest level. He is only one step away from ascending to transcend tribulations. Even if Wang Yuan wants to pursue perfection and practice all the skills to the fullest, No matter how much time you ascend, you won't waste too much time. This "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" is still very promising.

The secret skill is the last step for all players to awaken. After obtaining the secret skill, the next goal of the players is to overcome the tribulation and ascend.

Of course, except for Wang Yuan's team, other players are still stuck on the secret copy task and cannot move forward.

Bei Moting and others in the mob are also stuck here and cannot get through, unable to learn their unique skills.

It's okay to have a cup of Moting. With Sunflower + Evil Dispelling, you are already invincible. It doesn't matter if you want other special skills. However, Yimeng Rusu and Chang Qingzi are in urgent need of the special skills.

Wang Yuan was also resourceful. He disguised himself as a master of the evil sect and helped them fight a copy of the villain.

It is much easier to fight the villain dungeon after beating the decent dungeon. Players need to command the Five Elements Flag to annihilate the disciples of the six major sects. This is the most difficult and easiest.

After all, marching and fighting are not what players are good at. Commanding so many people to fight is definitely not as good as doing it yourself.

But for Wang Yuan, who has cleared the decent dungeon, it is much simpler. He only needs to copy the Five Elements Flag routine in the decent dungeon and trick the six major sect NPCs.

First they were buried in the ground, then they were fallen trees, and finally they were flooded and burned. In the end, only a few bosses from the six major sects went up to Guangmingding. The White-browed Eagle King and the Green-winged Bat King were both injured. Cheng Kun sneak attacked the Wusan people. Players only need to defeat Song Yuanqiao in a wheel battle and become extinct. Xian Yutong, Tang Weiliang, He Taichong, Ban Shuxian and others can pass the level. It basically follows the original plot, so I won’t bring water.

In this way, Wang Yuan got two sets of dungeon strategies, good and evil.

The success of the two dungeon strategies has greatly stimulated the desire of players in the world for unique skills.

However, these two books are too deceptive. No one has broken through the Five Elements Flag level alone so far.

Players in the first echelon were unable to move forward, and players in the second and third echelons began to slowly catch up. More and more players were stuck in front of the unique copy, and the value of the strategies in Wang Yuan's hands became higher and higher.

Two weeks later, Guangmingding Strategy even fetched three thousand gold a share.

Damn it, the secret skills in the world are only 10,000 gold, and a guide can be sold for 3,000 gold. There is no way, after reaching this level, there are too many players who are as obsessed with the secret skills as Feiyun Taxue.

The development time of a dungeon is only between a week and a month. As time goes by, players accumulate more and more experience, and the strategy value of the dungeon will gradually decrease.

At this time, Wang Yuan felt that it was almost done, so he posted the news of selling the guide on the forum.

If players are compared to water, the Guangmingding copy is the intercepting dam, and Wang Yuan's strategy is the opening of the dam.

As soon as the strategy came out, the players who had been blocked for half a month were like water flowing from a hanging river... allowing Wang Yuan, Wu Hezhong and others to make a lot of money.

After making money, Wang Yuan did not forget to give Baihe Spreading Wings a share.

Hua Feihua and the others are all serious e-sports players, so they don’t care about the amount of game currency, but Baihe Liangying has a gang to run, so Wang Yuan will not owe him what he deserves. He must be particular about life, Hua Feihua Some money is better than owing a favor.

With the strategy released by Wang Yuan, more and more players in the world have successfully passed the level and awakened three times to understand the secret skills of the sect.

Secret skills have gradually become a standard for first-tier players, and even second-tier players have many masters of special skills. This is a general trend in the game.

But the most depressing ones at this time are undoubtedly Feiyun Taxue and Tianshan faction players.

Obviously he spends the most money, but now it seems that the Tianshan sect is the only one in the world who doesn't know how to master it.

The Tianshan sect has been one of the strongest sects in the game since the day the game was launched. Now, watching other sects catch up, but they don’t have a unique task, one can imagine how the players of the Tianshan sect feel. They are much worse than when the Beggar Clan players were dismissed. It still hurts after cutting it off.

At the same time, Wang Yuan, who was practicing hard skills in the Shaolin Temple and preparing for his ascension and transcending the tribulation, received a summons from Xuanci: "My foolish disciple, come to the Mahavira Palace quickly. We have important matters to discuss."

PS: My child has been hospitalized for a week, and he is finally discharged from the hospital today. This week has been really exhausting for me. I have to go back and forth between the hospital and my home, and I have to find time to do coding... I hope all babies grow up healthily.

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