Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 928 Guanyin Bodhisattva

"You're stupid, blood is thicker than water, old Duan!" Wang Yuandao said: "How do you know he won't help you if you don't beg him? Tell me who he is, and I'll invite him right away."

With that said, Wang Yuan was about to invite someone.

Wang Yuan didn't believe it. His own nephew was done like this. How could he just sit back and watch as an uncle?

"You'd better take me to find him." Duan Yanqing said, "He won't come if you invite me."

"Where is he?"

"Tianlong Temple..." Duan Yanqing said.

"Tenryuji Temple??!!"

Hearing these three words, Wang Yuan and the others were stunned for a moment.

As we all know, the Duan Family of Dali is a sect in the Southern Wilderness, and the real boss behind this sect is Tianlong Temple.

Tianlong Temple has a great background. The old monks there are all from the Dali royal family, and they practice martial arts passed down by the Duan family. Even if Duan Zhengming, the head of the Duan family, arrives at Tianlong Temple, he must be obedient.

After all, even if he is the emperor, the group of monks in Tianlong Temple are not interested. Who has not been a prince or emperor for a few days?

Duan Yanqing had been a prince after all, so it was reasonable to have relatives working in Tianlong Temple.

The reason why Wang Yuan and others are surprised is because Tianlong Temple is the real talker in Dali. Since Duan Yanqing has this connection, why is he still being treated like this?

Perhaps as the book says, the most ruthless emperor's family is.

Carrying Duan Yanqing on his back, Wang Yuan and others arrived outside Tianlong Temple. At this time, the thunder was still thundering and the rain had stopped.

"Put me down! I can't go in!"

After looking up and seeing the plaque of Tianlong Temple, Duan Yanqing struggled to slip off Wang Yuan's back and fell into the muddy water, making him even more embarrassed.

"Why?" Wang Yuan was puzzled: "You have already arrived at the gate of Tianlong Temple, and you still want your uncle to come out to pick you up?"

"No..." Duan Yanqing said sadly: "Tianlong Temple enshrines the ancestors of the Duan family. How can I go to see them in this state? Just give this letter to my uncle, Master Kurong." .”

With that said, Duan Yanqing tremblingly took out a cowhide envelope from his arms and handed it to Wang Yuan.

It turns out that Duan Yanqing's uncle is Master Kurong, the abbot of Tianlong Temple. Although Master Kurong is not the emperor, he is the number one master in Dali Kingdom, and his status is extremely high.

No wonder Duan Yanqing acted so recklessly in Dali Kingdom, and Duan Zhengming didn't dare to do anything to him. It turned out that Duan Yanqing had such an uncle behind him.

Duan Zhengming only dared to play dirty tricks, and he did not dare to neglect Duan Yanqing on the bright side.

"All right!"

Wang Yuan took the envelope, and the four of them carried Duan Yanqing to a big tree at the entrance of Tianlong Temple. They found a comfortable position for him to sit in. After feeding him some water, they entered Tianlong Temple.

Tianlong Temple is enshrined by the royal family, and the monks in the temple are all members of the royal family. Compared to the Shaolin Temple, the scale is much smaller. In the middle of the night, there were no guard monks patrolling the courtyard.

Master Kurong is the abbot of Tianlong Temple. If nothing else, he should always sit in the Main Hall like Xuanci.

After passing through the courtyard, Wang Yuan and the others arrived at the Main Hall.

However, there was no monk in the main hall, only a woman in white kneeling.

The woman was extremely beautiful. She was kneeling in front of the ancestral tablet enshrined in Tianlong Temple. Her face was full of tears, her eyes were slightly closed and she didn't know what she was praying for.

"Amitabha!" Wang Yuan stretched his head, glanced at the woman, and chanted the Buddha's name: "This female donor, you look familiar to me. Have we met somewhere?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's voice, the woman turned around, glanced at the majestic Wang Yuan, and the immortal Mario behind her, and said: "Little girl Dao Baifeng, I have met several masters and immortals!"

"Dao Baifeng..." Wang Yuan frowned and asked, "The princess of Zhennan King Duan Zhengchun?"

"That's right! It's my little girl." Dao Baifeng nodded.

"Haha!" Mario said with a lewd smile: "You no longer stay at the Zhennan Prince's Mansion in the middle of the night. What are you doing here? Are you asking for a child?"


Hearing Mario's words, Wang Yuan and Feiyun Taxue couldn't help but smile obscenely.

It seems that everyone knows what it means to ask for a son in the temple in ancient times, but Song Yang is full of questions: "Can you really ask for a son? You must be superstitious."

Dao Baifeng didn't seem to hear the obscene tone in Mario's words, but lowered his head and said, "Prince Duan has not been in the palace for a long time. I..."

"Understood, we all understand!" Mario said again: "You used to be a prince who flirted with women every day, but now you can't tell which girl is in bed?"


Hearing what Mario said, Dao Baifeng's face turned earth-colored and he looked at Mario in surprise: "Really?"

"Isn't that right? I've only seen some..." Mario was about to say something to Dao Baifeng.

Wang Yuan quickly grabbed Mario's mouth and said: "Where did you come from with all this nonsense? Don't you know what we are here to do?"

"That's right!" Mario scratched his head and said, "Miss Bai, do you know where Master Kurong is?"

"Inner hall!" Dao Baifeng pointed inside.

"Thank you!" Wang Yuanchong hugged Dao Baifeng, and the four of them went straight to the inner hall.

Sitting on a futon in the inner hall of the Main Hall is a middle-aged monk. The monk looks to be in his fifties or sixties. He looks very strange. One side of his face is as dry as a centenarian, and the other side is as smooth as a baby. At first glance, Such a bold man as Wang Yuan was shocked.


As Wang Yuan and four others walked into the inner hall, Master Kurong said calmly: "It turns out that Master Wu Chi, a disciple of Fuhu Luohan of Shaolin Temple, has arrived. I wonder if Master Wu Chi came to visit late at night. What do you think?"

As the old monk Ku Rong talked, his inner breath was long, and it was obvious that his internal strength was extremely high.

"Don't dare!"

Wang Yuan quickly handed Duan Yanqing's envelope to Master Kurong and said, "The young monk is just delivering letters!"

"I see!"

Monk Kurong glanced down at the envelope, opened it slowly, and read the words in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

After reading the letter, the old monk Kurong put it away slowly and said calmly: "Impermanence and no happiness, no self and no purity, neither withered nor glorious, neither false nor empty. Just let him go back."


"What's the meaning?"

Hearing Kurong's words, Wang Yuan and the others were a little confused.

"You mean you don't care?" Song Yang asked.

"The old monk has escaped into Buddhism, and you can't interfere with the affairs of the mortal world!" Kurong waved his hand and said.

"That's your nephew. He is your only relative now, and you still don't care about him?" Wang Yuan was also a little unhappy. This old monk had no family affection at all.

Kurong said lightly: "Power, wealth and honor are all false. If so, it is inevitable to violate destiny... Go ahead, I won't see you off."

As he spoke, Master Kurong thought that a soft force pushed Wang Yuan and the four of them to the door.


The door to the inner hall was also tightly closed.

"This... this..." Wang Yuan and the other four looked at each other, never expecting that old monk Ku Rong would be so heartless.


In the main hall, Dao Baifeng's sobbing voice echoed in the hall, and Wang Yuan and the other two walked out of the hall dejectedly.

From beginning to end, Duan Yanqing went to Dali to cause trouble not to prove how much better he was than the Duan Zhengming brothers, but to tell them that he must get back what he had thrown away.

Wang Yuan didn't understand why Duan Yanqing hated the Duan Zhengming brothers before, but now Wang Yuan understands somewhat.

The reason why Duan Yanqing resented the two of them was entirely because they took advantage of the situation and took the throne that should have belonged to Duan Yanqing.

Duan Yanqing wanted to seek justice, but he had no way to go to heaven or to the earth, and he was still being hunted.

Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and a proud man like Duan Yanqing will not vent his anger on those who do not stand up for justice, but on the Duan brothers who have lost justice.

Duan Yanqing wants justice.

If he wants to get back on his feet, someone has to do justice.

But who would have thought that even his own uncle would sit back and ignore him and let him fend for himself... This makes people so desperate. They all say that Duan Yanqing is a great evil person. Who can persuade him to be kind to others if he has not experienced his pain? .

Wang Yuan was also very desperate. Everything was negotiable. As long as Kurong could agree to help Duan Yanqing, any conditions could be negotiated. However, this old thief Kurong directly kicked out the guests and stayed behind closed doors. He acted as resolutely as a stranger. Wang Yuan really wanted to burn down Tianlong Temple.

Now Wang Yuan doesn't dare to go out and report this matter to Duan Yanqing, for fear that this guy will get upset and force himself to give him a good time.

"It's all Duan Zhengming's fault!" Feiyun Taxue said harshly: "Since it's not yours, why don't you just give it back to others? Why don't you let it go?"

"Nonsense! This is the throne!" Mario said: "Don't talk about the head of a country, with your current status, can you give it to others?"

"I..." Feiyun Texue was speechless.

Song Yang was also puzzled: "If old monk Kurong doesn't help, how can we continue this task?"

"There is only one way now!" Wang Yuandao said: "Take Duan Yanqing into the palace, kill Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun and take back the throne by force."

"Just talk nonsense!"

Everyone scoffed.

That's the palace. You can come and leave whenever you want. It's easier to go to the palace to assassinate the emperor than to go to Wudang Mountain to kill Zhang Sanfeng.

"Then there is no other way!" Wang Yuan spread his hands and said: "Duan Yanqing hates the Duan family. If he can't express his anger, he will not die happily. And in his current situation, even his uncle won't help. Basically There is no motivation to live anymore.”

"The Duan family?" Song Yang touched his chin and said, "Does that count as the Duan family?"


Wang Yuan looked in the direction of Song Yang's finger and saw Dao Baifeng still crying there.

"Forget it!" Wang Yuan nodded and said, "What do you want?"

"Hehe!" Song Yang said: "Tell Duan Yanqing that this is Duan Zhengchun's wife. Wouldn't he be like this if he asked him to kill Duan Zhengchun's wife?"


Hearing Song Yang's words, Wang Yuan and the others took a deep breath.

"It's no harm to the family, sister! Why are you so mean!" Feiyun Taxue sighed with emotion.

"It's not like someone taught him well!" Song Yang glanced at Wang Yuan humbly.

"Don't look at me!" Wang Yuan waved his hands repeatedly: "I never taught you this."

Mario shook his head and said: "I don't think it's appropriate! Killing Dao Bai Feng cannot solve the essential problem."

"You don't understand the mission!" Song Yang said: "Since she appears here, she must have her role."

"It's because you don't understand a man like Duan Zhengchun!" Wang Yuan also said at the side: "That kind of playboy, do you think he will be short of women? If you kill his wife, he might still have fun secretly."

"This..." Song Yang was speechless. She had never understood this kind of thing.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Song Yang said.

"Dao Baifeng is can we kill her..." Wang Yuandao said: "Those who green people will always be greened. Duan Zhengchun owes so many romantic debts, it is time to pay back some."

"You...what do you mean?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, the three people's faces were full of horror. They had already guessed what Wang Yuan was going to do next.

Damn it, is there anything in the world that this dog monk doesn't dare to do? It's okay to commit murder and arson, it's not a big deal in the world, but for this grandson to force a good girl into prostitution, it's simply outrageous.

"That's what you understand." Wang Yuan said with a smile.

"Are you crazy! This is a game, you will be punished by God for doing that!" The three people quickly advised the group.

Don't talk about forcing NPCs to go there in the game. Even if you tease him maliciously, you may violate the legal red line and be directly detained. If Wang Yuan forcibly throws the knife Baifeng at Duan Yanqing, this is of a bad nature. Don't give him a few years' sentence.

"Don't worry, why would I do something like this myself? It has to be your consent... This doesn't count as touching the line," Wang Yuandao said.

"It's okay if you love me." Everyone said, "But how can you let such a beautiful girl take the initiative to sleep with Duan Yanqing?"

Dao Baifeng is also a princess after all. Although Duan Yanqing is a prince, but now he looks like a beggar. It is obviously difficult for anyone to do anything with him.

"This needs to be persuaded!"

Wang Yuan smiled slightly, came to Dao Baifeng and said, "Miss Bai, are you still crying?"

"My surname is Dao!" Dao Baifeng corrected.

"There is no difference!" Wang Yuandao said: "Don't be too sad. As a man, isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines? Prince Duan has a body of thousands of dollars, so it doesn't matter if he has a few lovers."

"Three wives and four concubines are the rules of your Han people. We in the Baiyi tribe are all monogamous!" Dao Baifeng argued.

"Really?" Wang Yuan pretended to be surprised and said, "Then it is indeed Duan Huangye's fault, but he just made a mistake that every man would make."

"Fart! Then can I make the same mistake that every woman would make?" Dao Baifeng said angrily.

"Why not?" Seeing Dao Baifeng take the initiative to jump into the pit, Wang Yuan smiled and turned on [Ventriloquism] and said: "Men and women are equal, he can make mistakes and you can make mistakes, he finds a beautiful girl to sleep with, you You can also find a handsome man to sleep with, it doesn’t matter."

"Why should I look for a handsome man!" Dao Baifeng said angrily: "Is he a prince who is so superior that he can go around messing around with women and not caring about my feelings? I want to find the most sloppy and useless man to humiliate him. !!”

"Well said! Miss Bai is really a hero among women!" Wang Yuan praised with a thumbs up.

"My surname is Dao!!" Dao Baifeng corrected him again, took Wang Yuan's hand and said, "Let's go! Follow me to the back!"


Wang Yuan's head was full of questions, and the eyes of Mario and the three of them were about to fly out.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Wang Yuan said in panic: "The young monk is a monk and doesn't understand that... This is the pure land of Buddhism. How can you just live with me as a monk? But you are looking for a beggar. I looked at it when I came. Got one.”

"Where is it?" Dao Baifeng couldn't wait.

Wang Yuandao: "After leaving Tianlong Temple, there is a Bodhi tree. The beggar is sleeping under the Bodhi tree. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"


Master Kurong who was meditating in the inner hall raised his eyebrows when he heard Wang Yuan's words. Many years later, when Master Kurong saw Duan Yu, he loved him as if he were his own grandson. (Speaking of this, I really doubt that Dao Baifeng was the one who was Ku Rong bewitched).

"Hmph! Don't lie to me. If you don't have me, I will drag you behind me!" Dao Baifeng threatened Wang Yuan fiercely and walked out of the main hall.

"This...this fucking..."

Watching Dao Baifeng float away, the three of Mario no longer knew what to say.

The system allows such outrageous things to happen. It seems that this is really the system's default way to clear the mission.

"Oh! I almost lost my virginity!" Wang Yuan wiped his sweat with lingering fear: "If it were in reality, maybe I would agree!"

There is no way, there is real-time monitoring in the game, players have no privacy, and no one wants to broadcast live.


Song Yang glared at Wang Yuan.

"Would you like to follow me and have a look? I doubt Duan Yanqing has that function!" Mario said with a lewd smile.

"Okay!" Song Yang also laughed extremely obscenely.

"Hehe!" Feiyun Taxue smiled lustfully, and he seemed to be a sanctimonious hypocrite.

"Do you really think there is no bottom line in this game?" Wang Yuan waved his hand and said, "Let's not say whether this plot will happen or not. Even if it does, will you believe it if you dare to watch it?"

Wang Yuan had a deep understanding of it. When Wang Yuan was locked up in a small dark room by Duan Yanqing, he witnessed Mu Wanqing's madness with his own eyes. Even so, the system did not show anything too outrageous, let alone now.


Hearing what Wang Yuan said, Mario and the others were hesitant and stopped bringing up the idea of ​​going to observe.

After waiting for a long time, Dao Baifeng did not appear again.

Everyone thought it was almost time, so they tiptoed outside Tianlong Temple.

At this time, Duan Yanqing was seen lying under the tree, disheveled, looking at the Bodhi tree above, muttering to himself: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva...Avalokitesvara this the instruction given to me by God?"

Wang Yuan walked over and asked curiously: "How do you feel?"

"It's like being reborn!" Duan Yanqing's stiff face showed an expression that was half-smile but not a smile, and his eyes that were originally ashen were actually shining with light.

"Hehe!" Wang Yuan chuckled and said, "Duan Zhengchun never imagined that..."

Just when Wang Yuan wanted to tell Duan Yanqing that he slept with Duan Zhengchun's wife, Duan Yanqing waved his hand and interrupted: "Master Wu Chi, there is no need to say more. Guanyin Bodhisattva has given me clear instructions. I will live strong after today." , and get back what belongs to me. I carry this token with me, and it will only bring disaster to me now. I will give it to you now."


Wang Yuan took the token from Duan Yanqing with a confused look on his face, completely confused as to why this guy suddenly had hope of living.

Could it be that Dao Baifeng told him everything? Sure enough, women are the driving force for men when they are most desperate.


The scene shattered, Wang Yuan and the four returned to the Zhenlong Illusion Array, and Duan Yanqing's inner demon disappeared.

System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully eliminated Duan Yanqing's inner demons. You have obtained Tianlong Temple's unique skill "Kurong Zen Technique".

"Kurong Zen Skill"

Category: Internal Strength

Quality: unique skills

Introduction: Tenryuji Temple’s Secret Skills

Learning conditions: 35 bones of understanding and 78 reputation of Tianlong Temple [revered by thousands of people].

Kung Fu background: Dali Duan's unique internal kung fu can only be studied by disciples of Tianlong Temple with extremely high levels of understanding, morality and high respect.


Wang Yuan and others were very disappointed when they saw that the reward for the fourth level was not the Six Meridians Divine Sword, but a book they had never heard of called "Kurong Zen Gong".

Although it is also a unique skill, compared with the famous Six Meridians Divine Sword, it is really disappointing.

Put away "Kurong Zen Kung Fu" Wang Yuan took out the token that Duan Yanqing gave to him.

[Prince Duan’s Token]

Category: props

Quality: extremely rare

Item introduction: Token of the Crown Prince of the Duan Family.

There seems to be no use in breaking the just represents Duan Yanqing's identity.

Duan Zhengchun is the King of Zhennan after all, and he can use his token to mobilize the Dali army, but Duan Yanqing is nothing. He is now a big evil person, let alone using his token to mobilize the army. The Dali army sees this It's already pretty good if Token doesn't chase Wang Yuan.

"Old Duan! I treat you as my own, and you actually fooled me with this thing!" Wang Yuan shook his head speechlessly and stuffed the token into his backpack.

"I've always had a question that I can't figure out!" Mario said: "Do you think Dao Baifeng really cheated on her in the background of the game?"

"There should be such a thing." Wang Yuan said firmly: "Otherwise the system would be very strict on this kind of thing. If this kind of plot was not in the background of the game itself, it would not be the key to clearing the level. The only way to pass the level is to kill Only if you kill Dao Baifeng, this kind of thing will definitely not happen."

"Then here comes the question!" Mario added: "Dao Baifeng is Duan Yu's biological mother. Duan Yu didn't exist when Duan Yanqing appeared. So, who was Duan Zhengchun who fell in love with Dao Baifeng first or Dao Baifeng who fell in love with Duan first? Zhengchun?"

"This..." Wang Yuan and others were stunned for a moment, thinking about it carefully.

Dao Baifeng definitely didn't have Duan Yu when she met Duan Yanqing.

In other words, before there was Duan Yu, Dao Baifeng had an affair with Duan Yanqing.

Now it is known that all Duan Zhengchun's daughters are younger than Duan Yu, which shows that Duan Zhengchun seems to be a step late.

The affairs of the emperor's family are really unclear. Duan Zhengchun has been flirting with women all his life, but unexpectedly, Dao Baifeng took the lead. Maybe Duan Yu may not even be Duan Zhengchun's biological son. This is really big news. .

Just when Wang Yuan and the other four were entangled in who should cuckold Duan Zhengchun or Dao Baifeng first, the space of the Exquisite Illusion Array slowly dissipated, and a teleportation array appeared under the feet of the four of them.

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed, and the four people were teleported into a windowless room. There was a hole on one side of the room, and the light came in. They saw an ugly little monk lying on the ground. This little monk happened to be in Wang Yuan's house. With the help of the four people, Xu Zhu defeated Zhenlong's chess game.

There was a person hanging in the air in the room, and that person was looking at everyone up and down.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you, why would you hang yourself here?" Wang Yuan couldn't help but ask after seeing the man's unique appearance.

"Hey, my wife ran away!" The man said calmly.

"It's okay. My wife ran away and I still have an apprentice, so I won't be too upset." Wang Yuandao said.

"My wife and my apprentice ran away." The man sighed again.

"Then you have to think about your children." Wang Yuan said again.

"Maybe it's them..." The man burst into tears.

"Okay! Go ahead and hang yourself! We won't disturb you anymore!" Wang Yuan spread his hands. This man was really miserable.

"Now that you're here, why are you going out?" The man said, "It's a great opportunity for you to crack my Zhenlong chess game."

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