Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 953 Wang Yuan’s tactics

"Grandma, you can't treat one with favoritism..." Seeing that his skills were only advanced, Tiaozi said aggrievedly, "Can you also teach me your skills?"

"not good!"

Tianshan Child Elder decisively refused and said: "You are not my disciple. The skill of Tianshan Six Yang Palm taught to you is already a great gift, but you are not satisfied yet."

The old man is talking about people like Tianshan Tonglao. Even though she is fierce, she understands everything, has a clear heart, and does things in an orderly and measured manner. It is impossible to find reason at all. No wonder she can be in charge of Tianshan alone.

As a disciple of other sects, it is already very good to be able to learn the advanced martial arts of Tianshan sect. To hope for absolute mastery is to be greedy.

"Don't underestimate this Tianshan Six Yang Palm!" Tianshan Child Elder continued: "My Tianshan sect's martial arts have supreme magical effects. The Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand can defeat all the martial arts in the world. There will be no end. This Tianshan Six Yang Palm It is the only way to practice the "Life and Death Talisman"! Do you know what the Life and Death Talisman is?"

"The Talisman of Life and Death!"

Wang Yuan and the other three were all shocked.

This is not the first time that Wang Yuan and others have heard these three words, and they still know a little bit about this martial arts.

Why are the people in the thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands controlled by the Tianshan sect? It was because he was struck by the life and death talisman of the Tianshan Child Elder.

The so-called life and death means: turning your hand back is life, turning your hand over is death.

The biggest feature is that it can make the person who is hit by the talisman worse than death. It is a very vicious and vicious technique, and its practicality is no less than that of a unique skill.

"Hmph!" Tianshan Child Elder snorted coldly when she saw the reaction of the three of them: "You three must have heard of the power of the Talisman of Life and Death. Anyone who is struck by the Talisman will experience unbearable pain all over the body. If you don't get it, When you get the antidote, Jianghu will arrest you alive. As a member of the public, you will definitely encounter some tough-minded criminals. If you understand the unique skill of the life and death talisman, haha!"


Wang Yuan and Feiyun Taxue took a deep breath, turned their heads and glanced at the note.

The Tianshan Child Elder is indeed a master at torturing people. Giving this martial arts to Tiaozi is really a suitable martial art given to the most suitable person. This thing is simply a weapon to extort confessions through words and deeds.

"Haha, thank you grandma!"

Hearing what the Tianshan Child Elder said, Tiao Zi smiled brightly and never mentioned the secret knowledge again.

After receiving the skills taught by the Tianshan Child Elder, Feiyun Taxue practiced the newly learned skills with Tiaozi and Xu Zhu in the ice cellar.

Wang Yuan sat at the door of the ice cellar and watched the wind. Looking at the two people who were very satisfied with their ambitions, Wang Yuan felt depressed. This was nothing. It was obviously the task of Fei Yun Tiao Xue, but now he became the person who worked the hardest.

The three of them guarded until night. Child Lao's skill recovered to one-fifth, and there were still four days of guarding left.

The three of them went offline after mastering their internal skills. On the morning of the third day when they came online, Xu Zhu was sobbing in the corner again, crying.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Hehe!" Tianshan Child Elder said with a wicked smile: "I forced him to drink! I will teach him bad things!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Wang Yuan clicked his tongue and sighed, Tianshan Child Elder is really a willful guy, why do she have to fight against Xu Zhu? Could it be that she has a crush on Xu Zhu? No way...

However, Wang Yuan remembered that when he was in school, he always liked to bully the girl in the front seat, not for any other reason than to attract the girl's attention. The Tianshan child grandmother must not be so childish at her age.

Like yesterday, Li Qiu Shui still didn't come back. Wang Yuan and the other three waited again for a boring day. After waiting for two days in a row, the three of them relaxed their vigilance.

On the fourth day of going online, Xu Zhu finally stopped crying. Instead, he leaned against the wall with a melancholy look on his face, his face glowing red and looking good, but he was nagging as if he was in heat.

"What's wrong with him?" Wang Yuan asked the Tianshan Child Elder.

Before Tianshan Child Elder could answer, Zao Wangyuan came online and Feiyun Texue said: "I slept with a girl and grew up a lot."


Wang Yuan suddenly felt envious of Xu Zhu, who ate meat, drank wine, slept with girls, and had top masters personally teach him skills. His life was just like this. Not long ago, he was still a dull and stupid boy. Only a few days ago, his life was like cheating. Generally speaking, the Shaolin Temple really restricted his development.

After taking a look at the progress of the task, Tianshan Child Elder's power has been restored to half. After a few days, the task can be easily completed.

As usual, Xu Zhutiaozi and Feiyun Taxue continued to practice, while Wang Yuan sat at the door and opened the friends bar to harass Bei Moting and Mario.

Until the afternoon, everyone in Wang Yuan's friend list had been harassed by him, and a few people had even blacklisted him. At this moment, the Tianshan child's grandmother, who was adjusting her breathing with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes. , looked serious and said: "No, that slut is back!"


Wang Yuandao: "How do you know if it's true or false?"

"Hmph! I can smell her odor from far away!" Tianshan Child Elder pretended to be cool.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wang Yuan didn't believe it. Li Qiushui's body smell was very light, and there was no body odor. How could there be such a strong smell.

"Do you understand perception?" Tianshan Child Mother asked; "You will understand when you reach the innate realm!"

"Ah? Grandma, are you an innate master?" Tiaozi asked in surprise.

This is really something that no one expected.

I thought that Tianshan Child Elder was just an ordinary supreme master, but I didn't expect that she had already entered the realm of innateness.

"What's all the fuss about!" Tianshan Child Elder said: "That slut and my junior brother are both innate masters! I am the only one in the Eight Desolate Worlds who respects kung fu, and it is a supreme method that can be reincarnated and re-cultivated. Otherwise, you think that slut How can you chase me all the way? Why can I sense her?"

"No wonder!" Wang Yuan suddenly realized.

No wonder Liu Qiu Shui's martial arts is so unpredictable. His palm power is not only extremely far, but he can also turn around and hit people in an extremely weird way. What's even more frightening is that Li Qiu Shui can also use the soul-obsessing technique to control people's hearts. It turns out that these old monsters from the Xiaoyao Sect are all innate. Level master.

This can finally explain why the skills Song Yang learned are always one level higher than ordinary players, and the people of the Xiaoyao sect are also eternally young. It turns out that the Xiaoyao sect is essentially a sect that cultivates immortality.

But speaking of words, although the three old monsters of the Xiaoyao sect are innate masters, their cultivation level is only that of the ultimate master. It can be seen that the acquired masters in the game are so perverted that they don’t even need to be innate to have undefeated qualities. The strength of an innate NPC master.

Tianshan Child Elder continued: "You guys, hurry up and get ready! The slut will find you here soon."

Speaking of this, the Tianshan Child Elder said to Xu Zhu: "Little monk, do you still want to see that girl?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Xu Zhu nodded repeatedly, this guy is also a lust-obsessed loser.

"The three of them stopped your uncle, you are responsible for protecting my transfer! If I die, you will never see the person you want to see in your life!" Child Elder threatened.

"Oh oh oh..." Xu Zhu quickly bowed to the evil forces.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, a shrill voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "Sister, come out quickly, I already know where you are!"

"Damn it, so fast?!"

Wang Yuan and the other three were startled and hurriedly put themselves into position.

"Don't use your internal energy!" Upon seeing this, the Tianshan Child Elder whispered quickly: "This is the soul-searching method of that bitch. Although she knows that we are in the Xixia Palace, she doesn't know where we are specifically. She has to look for her. For a while, as long as you ignore her, she won't be able to lock onto our location."

Wang Yuan: "..."

When dealing with these immortal cultivators, you must always be mentally prepared. These guys may come up with some strange and counter-intuitive techniques for you.

Everyone held their breath and said nothing. Li Qiushui's voice sounded again: "Senior sister, why don't you speak? We have a deep love for each other as sisters. Since you are here at the Xixia Palace, why don't you come out to meet your sister? It's too intrusive. , Hahaha! Is it because you are a dwarf that you have no face to see others? "


It is better to expose others than to expose shortcomings, not to mention that it was Li Qiu Shui who turned Tianshan Child Elder into a dwarf. At this time, Li Qiu Shui specifically picked on Tianshan Child Elder's sore points. Even though Tianshan Child Elder knew what she was up to, she almost couldn't help but retaliate. Thanks to Wang Yuan's quick eyesight and quick hands, he hugged her in his arms, covered her mouth with his hand and said, "I don't want to die! Won't we be exposed as soon as you make a sound!"

"Huh! This bitch!" Child Elder said angrily: "How dare you ugly guy say that I'm short!"

"You two are evenly matched! You're both bad!" Wang Yuan wiped his lips with honey.

"I'm going to fight you!" Tianshan Child Elder struggled and waved her hands to strangle Wang Yuan's neck. But she had short hands and short legs. Wang Yuan held her arms and stretched forward. No matter how her limbs shook, she couldn't reach her. to Wang Yuan's neck.

"Did you see it?" Wang Yuan said with a smile: "It's cool to be taller..."

Being diverted by Wang Yuan, Li Qiu Shui's provocative words were ignored by the Tianshan Child Elder. He kept talking for a long time, first talking about his classmates' love for learning arts, then talking about how he and Wu Yazi loved each other, and then scolding the Child Elder for being lewd. Despicable, the Tianshan Child Elder didn’t even react at all.

On the contrary, it made Wang Yuan and the others laugh, and they realized what a wonderful scene it was for a top master to curse in the street. It turned out that the ethereal immortals like the Xiaoyao Sect also spit out fragrance and had no qualities, and were no different from the shrews on the street.

Wang Yuan, a bad guy, even started recording. He planned to compile a book about the chaotic and complicated triangle relationship between Tianshan's childhood grandmother Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi, and hired a few storytellers to broadcast it in a loop under the overpass. It would definitely be better than the boring love dramas on TV. Much more interesting.

Li Qiu Shui cursed for a long time and finally got tired and stopped.

Wang Yuan smiled and said: "If she only has this ability, it's of no use!"

Anyway, Li Qiu Shui can only provoke Tianshan Child Elder. As long as he attracts Tianshan Child Elder's attention, he can basically hide here safely.


However, just when Wang Yuan thought he had the chance to win and take control of the situation, Li Qiushui suddenly heard another moan, as if someone was blowing air in his ear, which made people feel distraught.

Due to policy reasons, I won’t describe the sound. You can imagine it yourself.

Wave after wave, each one was more exaggerated than the last. This time, Tianshan Child Elder did not react at all, while Wang Yuan and the others felt their scalps numb and restless.

This Li Qiushui's operation is too sexy...Who the hell can withstand this?

Even the young monk Xu Zhu couldn't bear it anymore. He pulled off his clothes and stuffed them into his ears, silently reciting "Amitabha".

"Hmph! Man!"

The Tianshan Child Elder looked at several people with disdain and said, "Look at your little potential! Now you can't stand it?"

"Nonsense, we are all strong-blooded men! It's strange that we can withstand it!" Wang Yuan said confidently.

"That's right! You are much better than that hypocritical monk!" Tianshan Child Elder glanced at Xu Zhu who was reciting sutras again, with a look of regret and anger on his misfortune.

"It's really not possible, I'll hold her back, let's run!" Although Wang Yuan is a Buddhist, he is just a layman. How can he have such strong concentration? This bastard game designer is filled with shit and filth. What's even more irritating is that this despicable method is used. This method is extremely effective. Is it irritating or not? Is the designer who did this kind of thing still a human being?

Most of the tasks have been completed, and Wang Yuan is afraid that he will not be safe in the evening...

"If you can't afford to offend, why can't you hide? Let's run!" Feiyun Taxue also responded.

Tiaozi was still awake, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't run away... Don't forget where this is."

"That's right!"

Tianshan Child Elder said: "We are now in the Xixia Palace. This bitch messed with my mind with the 'Sound Transmission Soul Searching Technique', and at the same time sent people to lead the spiritual mastiffs to search for my traces. The palace has been surrounded by a copper wall and an iron wall. You can't escape by running away, please give me a break, please!"

"Brother, kiss me..."

As soon as Tianshan Child Elder finished speaking, Li Qiushui's voice sounded again: "Good senior brother, please hug me, um, um, um, hold me tighter, and kiss me, kiss me here. (Copied original text)"


Hearing Li Qiu Shui's shameless and filthy words, the Tianshan Child Elder was so angry that she almost lost her energy and went crazy.

Fortunately, Wang Yuan reacted quickly. He covered her mouth and sent a beam of Beiming Qi to calm her chaotic inner breath.

Wang Yuan and the others did not expect that Li Qiu Shui would go so far and even say such things.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to fight this bitch!" Tianshan Child Elder was furious.

"Huh, woman!" Wang Yuan shook his head and sighed: "Look at your potential!"

"This is not the way to go!" Tiaozi said: "Li Qiushui has no lower limit. If we stay here for a while, we will be in more danger."

"It's blocked outside, and we can't escape." Feiyun said in the snow.

Wang Yuan frowned and thought for a moment and said, "We can't get out, but we can bring her in!"

"Bringing her in? Are you crazy? What should I do with Child Elder?" Feiyun Taxue asked in shock.

"Since we brought her in, of course we didn't give Child Lao to her to kill!" Wang Yuandao said: "The palace is her base, but now this ice cellar is our base? Do you understand?"

"You mean, bring her into the ice cellar and kill her?" Feiyun Taxue seemed to understand.

"To be precise, they introduced an ambush and killed them!" Wang Yuan corrected.

Tiaozi's eyes lit up and he said: "Brother Niu has a great idea! The ice cellar is our home court. We can't confront her head-on in the palace, nor can we wait for death here. We have to make good use of the only position."

"That's right! Let's do this later!"

After Wang Yuan pointed at the surroundings of the ice cellar and laid out his tactics, he released Tianshan's child's mouth and said, "Swear as much as you want!"

Tianshan Child Elder had been holding back her anger for a long time. After being let go by Wang Yuan, she immediately cursed loudly: "You bitch, my junior brother has never really liked you. You seduced him so shamelessly, so shameless!"

"Shameless bitch, junior brother, did he pass on the Seven Treasures Ring to me? He also showed me a portrait of me when I was eighteen years old. He drew it himself. Hey, are you sad..." Tianshan Tong Grandma also started talking nonsense.


As soon as the Tianshan boy finished speaking, he heard a loud noise and the door of the ice cellar was kicked open.

At this time, Li Qiushui said angrily: "You lied, you lied. Senior brother only loves me, how could he like a dwarf like you? You are good at lying..."

While talking, there were a few more bangs, the ice cellar door was opened layer by layer, and Li Qiushui's voice got closer and closer.

Wang Yuanchong winked at Feiyun Taxue and the others, then quietly walked around and hid behind the ice blocks beside the door. Feiyun Taxue and the others were facing the ice cellar door, protecting the Tianshan child grandmother behind them.

Seeing that Li Qiu Shui was defeated by her few words, Tianshan Child Elder laughed loudly and said: "Haha, you are a slut that can be ridden by thousands of people. Junior brother has already seen you clearly. I am short and not as beautiful and graceful as you, but I am still a virgin~ ~”


In such a tense scene, Wang Yuan and the other three couldn't help laughing. These two old women are two hundred years old together. Can't they say something nutritious?


While talking, Li Qiu Shui kicked open the door of the ice cellar and rushed in. Seeing the Tianshan Child Elder right in front of him, Li Qiu Shui said proudly, "Senior sister, we meet again. This time I will not let you live again." Got it!"

After saying this, Li Qiu Shui's body floated and he went straight to the Tianshan Child's Lao.

"Protect grandma!"

Seeing Li Qiushui's palm attack, Feiyun Taxue shouted and stood in front of Tianshan's child with Tiaozi.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, used Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand and Tianshan Six Yang Palm respectively.

Tianshan Liuyang Palm has strong and domineering palm power and extremely high attack power. Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand is a world-class defensive martial arts that can break all kinds of moves.

Although the two were just learning to practice, by cooperating with each other on offense and defense, they actually displayed unexpected power. Li Qiu Shui was caught off guard and was blocked by the two of them.


Child Elder laughed when she saw this, and directed the two of them: "Walking in the snow to look for plum blossoms, the spring is full of snow!"

Feiyun Taxue took a step forward and grabbed Li Qiu Shui's waist with one move. Li Qiu Shui turned his feet and used the move [Luo Socks Create Dust], dodging Fei Yun Taxue's attack. At this time, Tiaozi struck with both palms. Pushing forward, the palm force surged forward.

Li Qiu Shui calmly waved his long sleeve, and the force of his palm dissipated before it could be seen. Feiyun Taxue clenched his right hand and punched Li Qiu Shui with the force of [All Seven Injured].


Li Qiushui's expression froze when he saw Feiyun Taxue using such terrifying punches, and he jumped back slightly, dodging Feiyun Taxue's punches as if he were strolling in the courtyard.

Feiyun Taxue casually took out a stack of Vermillion Bird Talisman and threw it on the ground, loudly saying: "Farewell Treasure!"


Phoenixes roared everywhere, flames soared into the sky, and Li Qiushui was stunned to see the pillars of fire rising into the sky.

"It's now!!"

At the same time, Wang Yuan jumped out from behind the ice and jumped behind Li Qiushui. With a change of energy, several rays of light burst out from his body.

[Great Shift of the Universe] is on!

[Left and right fight] is on!

[Yin Yang Reversal] is on!

[Boundless Dharma] is on!

In an instant, Sanskrit sounds were everywhere, golden lotuses were pouring from the sky, Wang Yuan condensed his six-foot-long golden body, clapped his hands forward to use the strongest killing move, 100% full state [One shot, two scatters]! !

Mysterious meaning·Boundless Dharma·Ten thousand Buddhas worship the sect! !

A line of gold characters lit up above Wang Yuan's head. In an instant, everyone in the cellar was overwhelmed by the strong wind pressure. When Li Qiu Shui reacted, Wang Yuan's palm force had landed firmly and evenly. behind her.

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