Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 956 The method of refining high-quality Qi


The tribulation thunder landed on Wang Yuan with the power of heaven and earth. The purple light and the golden body-protecting Qi collided together. The two complemented each other and dispersed instantly.

The purple thunder light and Jin's protective energy blended together, turning into little rays of light and falling to the ground.

Wang Yuan was shocked to the point where his head was buzzing, and he vomited another mouthful of blood. He summoned up his internal energy and used the vomiting technique. His energy and blood were full again. He took a look at the attributes of the Vajra Indestructible Magic, and his proficiency increased by another percent. one.


The fourth tribulation thunder fell again...

The fifth path...

The sixth path...

The power of the thunder is stronger than each other.

Wang Yuan resisted on his own, and every thunder struck Wang Yuan, causing Wang Yuan's three corpses to jump and his orifices to burst into red, and he retreated continuously.

In fact, Wang Yuan could have wanted to use [Seeing the Dragon in the Field] or [Vajra Worshiping Tower] to resist, but after discovering that the power of the thunder can temper the "Vajra Indestructible Magic Power", Wang Yuan gave up this idea.

If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to increase our proficiency, with the astronomical proficiency requirements of "The Indestructible Magic Art", it may take years of the monkey and the horse and the moon to achieve success.


As the tenth sky thunder fell, the whirlpool in the sky finally stopped condensing the thunder, and the black clouds of calamity slowly dispersed.

Wang Yuan's feet softened and he lay on the ground.

At the same time, a system prompt rang in my ears: The tribulation was successfully overcome!

In the middle of the vortex in the sky, a black and white light pillar fell down, covering Mario, and then slowly penetrated into Mario's body.

After the light completely penetrated, Mario's whole person took on a new look. The light flowed through his whole person, and there was a faint trace of fairy spirit... Coupled with his head of white hair, his image looked like an expert from outside the world.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mario laughed and said proudly: "Is this how to overcome the tribulation? It's so damn easy!"

"Your uncle!" Wang Yuan wished he could punch him to death.

Simple? I don’t know who was almost killed by the first thunderbolt just now. If Wang Yuan hadn’t come to the rescue in time, this idiot Mario would have gone back to Wudang Mountain crying. You survived the disaster simply because someone carried the weight for you. Okay! It’s not you who is struck by emotional lightning!


The rabble watching the excitement also rolled their eyes.

We are not blind, so we can naturally see how Mario survived the disaster just now. To put it simply now, it is simply shameless.

However, Wang Yuan didn't say much, because after helping Mario fight off all the thunder, Wang Yuan's proficiency in "The Indestructible Magic Skill" increased by one-tenth... At this rate, as long as there are still people who can survive the tribulation, This most deceptive technique can be fully practiced in up to ten times.

To be fair, when he saw the need for nine to ten levels of proficiency in the "Indestructible Diamond Technique", Wang Yuan was desperate at first, and had no idea that he could fully master the "Indestructible Diamond Technique" in this life... But this After overcoming a tribulation, Wang Yuan unexpectedly discovered the way to practice martial arts.

"How is Lao Ma? How much have his attributes been improved? What skills have been integrated?" Bei Moting asked curiously as he lay on the window.

Everyone else also pricked up their ears.

There are many posts about overcoming tribulations on the Internet, but most of them are stupid marketing editors trying to gain attention. They follow hearsay and hear what others say. The wind is like rain, and the pictures are broken. Players who have actually overcome tribulations rarely come out to talk about their thoughts on overcoming tribulations, so Everyone is still quite unfamiliar with real innate masters.

At this time, someone around him finally succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, and others could not let go of this opportunity to be reporters.

Mario said truthfully: "I haven't understood the world yet. Now it seems that only the internal power has become spiritual power, and the attributes have not changed..."

After the player overcomes the tribulation, he will get a chance to comprehend the world. Although Mario is already innate, he still has to wait for seclusion to comprehend the world before he can integrate his skills and attributes.

"Oh oh oh..."

Everyone seems to understand.

At this time, Mario's tail was raised again, and he said triumphantly: "You have to work hard and become an immortal as soon as possible like me... Hahaha!"


"Fuck you!"

Seeing Mario so swollen, everyone yelled, "Become an immortal?" What are you thinking? It's just an innate realm, and it's still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from becoming an immortal. Well, God knows what kind of cultivation methods you can combine. If you can't combine high-level skills, you have to look for immortal connections everywhere.

"I'm going to understand the world! You guys are thinking about how to survive the tribulation!" Mario is a bitch, his purpose is to make everyone unhappy, and he achieved his purpose by making everyone scold him, and he got a beating Satisfied, he returned to his room and retreated to comprehend the world.


Mario is in retreat, Bei Moting and others. You look at me, I look at you, my eyes are full of sorrow.

Mario is so mean, everyone who said "I'm thinking about how to survive the tribulation" has a hard time in their hearts.

When we had never seen a tribulation in the past, everyone was very optimistic. After all, there are already so many tribulation masters in the game. So far, we have not heard of any failure cases. It can be seen that the success rate is still quite high, and everyone does not need to worry about whether they can do it or not. Cross over.

But just now, everyone witnessed Mario's disaster with their own eyes.

I don’t know how many evil things this wicked Taoist has done, but it seems that Heavenly Tribulation can’t stand it anymore. With its power, everyone can feel the terror of Tribulation Thunder even if they are hiding in the room.

The Wudang Sect, like the Shaolin Temple, is a sect with deep internal strength and strong defense. Mario, as the leader among them, couldn't withstand it. Even Wang Yuan with such terrifying attributes was almost killed by lightning. At this time, everyone's One can imagine the mood.

From being indifferent to having lingering fears, this gap is really unsettling.

When it comes to blocking, no one can match Mario, and when it comes to defense, no one dares to be farther than Wang... This lightning disaster is so terrifying.

The ragtag crowd couldn't be happy thinking that they were going to suffer such a fate.

After all, hearing is false and seeing is believing. No matter how easy it is to overcome the tribulation said on the forum, it is not as true as seeing it with your own eyes.

If the tribulation fails and all martial arts levels are lost, it will not be easy for everyone to practice their skills to the level of a master...

Of course, like Mario, everyone can also ask Wang Yuan to help carry the thunder, but at this moment, Wang Yuan's body was charred and black, and he was lying on the ground in ragged clothes. He was as embarrassed as he was. Who would have the nerve to ask Wang Yuan for help.

This is a life-threatening job. Who doesn’t know that Wang Yuan has a lot of skills but a low level of understanding? It takes many times more effort than ordinary people to cultivate the skills to the highest level. What if Wang Yuan died in his own thunderstorm? This favor is owed to Dafa.


Thinking about this, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Only Song Yang said: "What are you afraid of? If the old cow can help the old horse, he can help us!"

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Everyone didn't find it strange that Song Yang said this. The two of them lived together, and there was nothing wrong with helping him in this relationship, but others had to treat him as an outsider.

"You're right!"

At this time, Wang Yuan also sat up, turned his head and looked around at everyone, smiled, showing a row of white teeth and said: "Hey, whoever of you will survive the disaster in the future, just call me and I will be there when you call..."

Wang Yuan's words definitely came from the bottom of his heart.

My own "Indestructible Magic Skill" needs to be tempered by thunder. The only place in the game where there are thunders is the scene of the player's tribulation. The good news should not flow to outsiders. Of course, this matter cannot be taken advantage of by others, and it can be digested internally.

"This...isn't this good..." Everyone said one after another: "It's too dangerous to do something fatal."

"It's life-threatening? Don't worry, can it still be life-threatening with me here?" After hearing what everyone said, Wang Yuan also understood what everyone was thinking, so he simply said: "If it doesn't work, just give me money. How about one hundred gold per time?"

Wang Yuan is a guy with a very high emotional intelligence, so he understands that for most people (except trash people who take it for granted that they owe favors, such as people who don't pay back money), it's hard to repay favors. If the price is clearly marked, that's another matter. .

"One hundred gold is too little. I'll pay a thousand gold to ask Brother Niu to help me overcome the disaster!" What a clever note, he directly accepted the step Wang Yuan handed over.

"Nothing wrong!" Bei Moting and others also agreed: "One thousand gold is very reasonable!"


Wang Yuan was speechless for a while.

When dividing the spoils on weekdays, these guys are afraid that they won't be able to take advantage, but at this time they settled the accounts clearly. It seems that these guys also have their own principles.

Half an hour later, Mario finally realized that the world was complete and walked out of the room with an excited face.

"How is it? What technique did you fuse with?" Everyone waited here for a long time, just because they were curious about what technique Mario would fuse with.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mario grinned so hard that his mouth reached the back of his head, and said proudly: "I have been blessed with destiny and have integrated the first-level high-grade Qi training method!!"

With that said, Mario showed off his training method.

"True Martial Arts and Demonic Heart Refining"

Type: First-level Qi training method

Quality: top grade

Introduction: The Supreme Qi Training Method of Wudang Sect

Background of the practice: With the help of the power of Zhenwu, it is a technique practiced in the shape of Zhoutian Xingdou. The Zhenwudang Demon Qi cultivated by this technique is extremely sharp and capable of both offense and defense.

"Damn it!!! Are you so lucky?"

After seeing the introduction of Mario's skills, everyone couldn't help but feel envious and jealous. This dog Taoist priest has done many evil things but has such good luck. What's the destiny?

Qi training methods are not like martial arts, which have many grades. They are only divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. The upper grade is the highest and the lower grade is the lowest. The highest quality of the qi training methods in each martial art is the top grade.

The quality of the Qi training method is determined by the fused skills. The higher the quality and realm of the Qi training method, the higher the grade of the resulting Qi training method.

Why does the white crane's wings need to be rebuilt? Just because his Purple Thunder Sword Control Technique is just a low-grade Qi training method fused with advanced techniques...

Mario's Tai Chi magic skill is the original hand-copied by Zhang Sanfeng, and he has several special skills and blessings, so he can naturally obtain the highest Qi training method of Wudang Sect.

In addition to quality, the art of cultivation also has stages.

The so-called qi training method, as the name suggests, is the most basic qi refining technique and is the first stage of cultivating immortality. Therefore, the qi training method is called the first-level qi refining method. The highest level of skills that can be achieved by various martial arts sects only stops here.

As for those higher-end second-level foundation-building methods, third-level golden elixir methods and other higher-level methods, as well as spells and immortal arts... they are not open at this stage. Even if they are to be opened, I am afraid they will have to wait for the immortal gates to appear or for the players to travel by themselves. Sihai went to the cave left by the immortal to find immortality.

After the player enters the innate realm, he is no longer the ordinary warrior before. The player's skill bar is also integrated into one. There are no longer moves, internal skills, mental skills, and light skills. At the same time, there are two new skills columns. Content - magical powers, spells.

The spells were understandable, but as for what the magical powers were, Mario was confused and had no idea at all.

At this time, the most depressing thing about Mario is that all the moves he has learned before are gone, leaving only one move that comes with "Zhen Wu Dang Mo Lian Xin Jue" [Zhen Wu Yu Demon]. This thing is the same as Tai Chi Zhen Qi. Defensive moves.

"I'm done!" Mario collapsed: "My Tiger Claw Ultimate Gauntlet is gone, how can I upgrade it in the future?"

"No way!" Wang Yuan thought, "I have seen innate masters, and their fighting power is not weak."

When he was on Ice and Fire Island, the God Beggar of the Sky would also fire balls, and Murong Shuang could even control his opponents from a distance. As for Tiger Roaring Mountains and Rivers and Dragon Soaring Four Seas, he still used knives and guns.

"How can you fight without moves?" Mario asked.


Wang Yuan thought for a while and said: "Do you still remember the previous method of casting the move? Try using your spiritual power to activate it."


Mario secretly channeled his spiritual power and grabbed a claw on the door frame.


With a sound, a gap was opened including the door and the wall.

"This..." Looking at the gap in the wall, Mario was stunned. Not only did he use the Tiger Claw Gauntlet, it was even more powerful.

"It seems like this!" Wang Yuandao: "The move does not disappear, but is integrated into your body... As long as you still use the previous method to activate it, you can use it!"

Speaking of this, Wang Yuan couldn't help but sigh at the brilliance of this game designer.

Practicing martial arts is a step-by-step process. The martial arts practitioner needs to be familiar with the moves first, and finally use the moves skillfully. After a certain level, these moves become combat instincts and are integrated into the player's heart. At this time, the player's level has also reached the level of soaring.

After ascension, although there are no more moves, the fighting instinct is still there, and players are no longer limited to moves. They are in line with the state of no moves and can use them as they wish.

This is also an improvement in realm.

At this time, Wang Yuan was even more looking forward to his ascension.

Mario only has one Tai Chi magic skill that is truly a "unparalleled magic skill", which can be combined with a top-grade Qi training method.

Wang Yuan is a master of magic, who knows what kind of weirdo he can come up with.

Finally, after successfully overcoming the tribulation and advancing to Xiantian, Mario couldn't sit still anymore. Under everyone's jealous eyes, Mario happily left the Heartless Valley to familiarize himself with the new fighting method.

Being stimulated by Mario, the rest of the gang also returned to their rooms and began to practice with great concentration in order to overcome the disaster as soon as possible.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk! Tuk-tuk-tuk!"

Wang Yuan returned to his room and sat cross-legged. Just as he was about to enter a state of trance, there was an urgent knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Wang Yuan casually opened the door to enter the house. A bearded NPC burst in covered with blood, knelt on the ground and said: "Master, it's not good!"

"what happened?"

Seeing this big beard, Wang Yuan couldn't help but be startled.

This bearded man was none other than Fan Yiweng, the housekeeper of Jueqing Valley. He was obviously injured at this moment.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. Seeing his housekeeper NPC being beaten like this, Wang Yuan suddenly became furious and couldn't help but ask: "Who did it?"

"No...I don't know..." Fan Yiweng said: "It's a Fan monk, and he has a girl in his hand. That Fan monk is so powerful that even the brothers in the Five Elements Flag and the Fishing Net Formation can't stop him."

"Fan Monk? Is it Jiumozhi?" Wang Yuan frowned when Fan Yiweng said this.

The Fishing Net Formation is a mountain-protecting formation left by Wang Yuan's late husband Gongsun Zhi. It is difficult for top experts to break through it. Although after Jueqing Valley was inherited by Wang Yuan, the power of the Fishing Net Formation was far less than when Gongsun Zhi took charge, but with Wang Yuan's The Five Elements Flag is still easy to deal with ordinary masters.

Even the fishing net array and the five-element flag can't resist it, so the person coming is probably not a top expert.

As for the fan monk Wang Yuan knows, he is still a master and has a little grudge...

However, Jiumozhi is certainly cunning and despicable, but after all he is an eminent monk, and he still needs face when dealing with people. He has to cover his face even if he steals something, so he wouldn't be so unreasonable to come and rob someone... It's obviously not his fault to go into the valley and hurt people. Style.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yuan stood up and said to Fan Yiweng: "Take me to have a look!"

After all, Wang Yuan is now a player who has killed two top players. He may not be as strong as Jiumozhi, but he won't be a coward after others come to him.

No matter who it is, if he dares to break into the valley and hurt people for no reason, Wang Yuan will make him pay the price!

Under the guidance of Fan Yiweng, Wang Yuan came all the way to a cliff in Jueqing Valley. At this time, he saw a yellow-robed monk fighting with the Five Elements Banners and the Fishing Net Formation disciples.

The man was extremely tall and thin, with a body like a bamboo pole. His forehead was slightly sunken, like a saucer. He was holding a wheel in his hand. With just one stroke, he opened the iron net of the fishing net formation disciples, and the Fiery Flag disciples The jet of flames was also separated by his wheels, which was unstoppable.

"Huh? Who is this?"

Wang Yuan was a little puzzled. Although this monk also had temperament, he was obviously not as polished as Jiumozhi, and his appearance was even worse. Jiumozhi was 180 times more handsome than him, but this person was It's like I've seen it before somewhere.

At the feet of that monk, there were more than a dozen Jueqinggu disciples lying in various directions...all of them looked in pain, groaning and unable to get up.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuan secretly marveled.

Sure enough, he was a top master... This monk should have been merciful, otherwise there would be no survivors at this time. In this case, it would be much more difficult to survive than to kill them all, which shows the high level of cultivation of this monk.

Behind Fan Monk, there was a girl in yellow standing. The girl's features were delicate and cute, and her features looked familiar. I couldn't remember when I had seen her before.

At this moment, she stood motionless, her acupuncture points must have been tapped, and her dark eyes were staring at Wang Yuan.

"Everyone stop it!! No nonsense is allowed in my Heartless Valley!"

Wang Yuan used up his inner strength and shouted loudly at the people who were fighting.


Upon hearing Wang Yuan's order, the Jueqing Valley disciples immediately stopped.

The monk felt the strong breath in Wang Yuan's voice, and was slightly startled. He pushed to the side of the little girl, raised his head and looked at Wang Yuan in shock and said: "Master Wu Chi, we meet again! We haven't seen each other for many days. Your Excellency has reached this level of cultivation. If time passes, I may not even be able to catch up with you."

PS: Recommend a book "I Don't Really Want to Cause Trouble"

Poor mountains and rivers, eerie and terrifying

Demons are hiding, strangers should not enter

Ding: Three miles ahead, there is a corpse underground. It will not change for thousands of years. If you pick it up, you will get a Vajra body with a bronze head and iron arms.

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