Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 962 Master Wu Chi deploys troops and generals

After returning to Narcissus Villa from Broken Heart Cliff, Wang Yuan began to think about countermeasures.

Deploying troops and generals is no small matter.

For emperors and generals, it would definitely be fine if you asked him for money, but if you asked him for soldiers, it would basically hit his spine.

This is the last line for emperors.

Look at Liu Bang, then look at Zhao Kuangyin, emperors have never given up their military power.

They all do this to their brothers who fight against them, let alone Wang Yuan.

No matter what Wang Yuan's status is, he is still the King of Nanyuan of Liao Kingdom. It is so easy to borrow troops from foreign countries.

Apart from anything else, he must at least convince Xiao Feng to send troops to him.

Speaking of Xiao Feng, Wang Yuan had a sad face.

Even though Xiao Feng and Wang Yuan were close friends of life and death, for Wang Yuan, Xiao Feng's level was the most difficult one.

This is not because Xiao Feng cares too much about his military power. On the contrary, Xiao Feng does not care about how many soldiers he has, but he cares about whether there will be casualties in the war...

When an emperor has the ambition and courage to care about the world, it is the most incomprehensible.

Other emperors are not like Xiao Feng. They all start from the perspective of the common people in the world. As long as they have benefits, their officers and soldiers are just chips in exchange for benefits.

The Mongolian army was overwhelming, and it was only because of the strong backbone of the Song Dynasty that they could not dominate the world.

If Mongolia were allowed to gnaw Xiangyang, the Song Dynasty would not be able to contain it, which would be of absolutely no benefit to other countries.

So by helping Guo Jing resist the Mongolian invasion this time, he was leaving a way out for himself.

Relatively speaking, it is easier to convince.

In Xiao Feng's eyes, there is no profit, only the people, which is unshakable in his heart.

When a war occurs, no matter which country wins, it is the people who suffer, so Xiao Feng is a person who is extremely opposed to war.

If you want him to help defend the city, he will definitely not refuse, but it will be difficult to persuade him to send troops to fight.

This guy is really difficult to deal with.

The only countries in the world that can compete with the Mongolian Song Dynasty are the Liao and Jin countries. Dali is only a small country. It will not play a big role in the war, and its influence is naturally far less than that of a large country like the Liao.

Therefore, whether Xiao Feng can be persuaded to send troops is the most important step.

After all, Wang Yuan was the king of the South Branch of the Liao Kingdom, and even his own army was not sure what qualifications he had to ask other countries.

But Xiao Feng is a man who doesn't take soft and hard advice. If you want him to send troops, you must kidnap him morally.

The Song Dynasty was the country of Xiao Feng's parents, and the small country of Dali sent troops to rescue him. There was no reason for him to just sit back and do nothing.

If you can't take Liao, you can't take Dali. If you can't take Dali, Xiao Feng will definitely not agree to send troops. This is an endless cycle.

Wang Yuan had a headache... This matter was really difficult to handle. For a while, Wang Yuan didn't know where to start.

"I want to borrow troops from Dali to rescue Xiangyang, but I first need to send troops to Liao Kingdom, but Xiao Feng is an anti-war element, what should I do?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Yuan simply threw the problem to the crowd and let everyone think of a solution together.

"It's easy to say, go and steal the military talisman from Xiao Feng." Bei Moting was the first to speak, and even though he said it, he didn't say anything.

Going to Xiao Feng to steal things... isn't this nonsense? For a master of his level, if you raise an eyebrow behind his back, he can clearly feel that you want to steal his military talisman.

"Go play with your eggs!" Wang Yuan decisively scolded Bei Moting.

"Catch A'Zhu and threaten him!" Mario also said at this time.

Sure enough, not only did the lower limits of this ragtag group of guys get lower than the last, but their ideas became more bad than the last.

Bei Moting is still just a petty thief, Mario has already stepped up to kidnapping and extortion, and they all have special skills.

The woman who kidnapped Xiao Feng didn't know what was going on in his mind... A'Zhu was his master after all, he could do this, what a beast.


When everyone heard Mario's idea, they all expressed contempt to express their infinite contempt for Mario.

This despicable idea is not only immoral, but also extremely stupid.

"Actually, I think Lao Niu, your current situation is like soliciting investment..." At this moment, the note suddenly came out.

"Well, it's a bit similar." Wang Yuan heard that it was really the case.

When doing business with the world, funds are soldiers.

If you win against Mongolia, you can get greater benefits, but the risks are quite high. If you don't protect everything, you will take it yourself.

Because of this, a small country like Dali would definitely not take action without a strong partner.

"You're to raise this investment?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Do you know why Huang Rong told you this?" Tiaozi asked Wang Yuandao.

"Is it because I'm more handsome?" Wang Yuan started to talk nonsense.

"Because of your status!" Tiao Zi analyzed: "You are the King of the South Campus. Looking at the whole world, you are the only one who can accomplish this."

"The King of the South Campus has no purpose. He is in name only and has no power to fight."

"Haha!" Tiaozi said with a smile: "Actually, as the King of the Southern Court of Liao Kingdom, you just have this status. Status is your right. There is no need to seek Xiao Feng's consent."


Hearing what the note said, Wang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, Wang Yuan found that he had entered a cycle of misunderstandings. He only wanted to let others take action, but ignored his own identity resources.

Although Wang Yuan usually thinks a lot about things, when it comes to certain things, he doesn't think about everything comprehensively, and he tends to be empty-handed.

Tiaozi is a very meticulous person who is very good at using the resources he has in exchange for more resources.

"You mean I don't need to explain the situation to Xiao Feng and go directly to Duan Zhengchun?" Wang Yuandao said.

"That's right!" The note continued: "The world situation is changing. Dali doesn't dare to take action because he is afraid of investment failure. If a small family makes one mistake, it may be doomed. If Duan Zhengchun had a big thigh, he would definitely not watch the Mongolian swallows. Song Zaitun himself, you are the King of the South Court of Liao Kingdom, Xiao Feng and everyone below are you. As you go to discuss cooperation with Dali, as long as you give him the illusion that the Liao Kingdom is sending troops and give him reassurance, he will definitely not If you refuse, even Dali will send troops, and Xiao Feng will definitely not sit idly by."

"I understand!" Wang Yuan said excitedly: "It turns out that you are the master of the White Wolf."

Tiaozi's idea is quite clear.

First tell Dali that Liao will send troops, and Dali will definitely send troops as well.

As long as Dali sends troops, Liao will definitely not stand still.

Hey, a dead end was just revived.

At this time, Tiaozi suddenly said: "But you also know that in this era, the Mongolian cavalry are invincible. If you want Guo Jing to win, it won't work just to ask Liao and Dali for help."


Wang Yuan pondered for a moment.

The Mongols were too fierce. No matter how weak the Song Dynasty was, it was still the richest country in the world. Its military strength was only weaker than that of the Liao and Jin Dynasties.

The Mongols went all the way south without any opponents. The Song Dynasty was beaten and could only rely on the city to resist and struggle. Such a powerful opponent was not in the same dimension as a small country like Dali.

Even the Liao Kingdom was far from a match for the Mongols.

Even if Liao and Dali sent troops at the same time, they might not be able to help the Song Dynasty much.

In a fight like this, you can't have too many helpers.

Besides, after the Mongolian soldiers destroyed the Song Dynasty, the next step was to level the world and resist the Mongolian cavalry. It was not the responsibility of the Song Dynasty alone. It was only reasonable that other countries should take the lead.

In this way, Xiao Feng will be more happy to send troops.

"I know what to do!"

After being reminded by the note, Wang Yuan suddenly had other thoughts in his mind.

The ancients said that three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. There is nothing wrong with this statement.

After clarifying his thoughts, Wang Yuan left Jueqing Valley and went straight to Dali.

Among the many forces, Dali is the smallest and the easiest to talk to. Wang Yuan also has Duan Zhengchun's token in his hand, so he naturally wants to start with Dali.

In the Dali Palace, Duan Zhengchun was eating fruit leisurely and watching the maids dancing in front of him.

Ever since this old boy inherited the throne, his life has become more and more prosperous.

"Your Majesty, the King of the Southern Court of Liao Kingdom has arrived!"

At this moment, the palace man outside the door ran in and announced.

"The King of the South Campus of Liao Kingdom?"

Hearing this name, Duan Zhengchun was stunned for a moment, and soon remembered that the king of the South Branch of Liao Kingdom was Wang Yuan.

To be honest, Duan Zhengchun disliked Wang Yuan as much as Wang Yuan disliked him. He especially disliked Wang Yuan. This dog monk was so cruel that he suffered a lot and even killed his two daughters. Duan Zhengchun didn't want to see him at all.

If Wang Yuan had used the title of Xuanci's First Disciple, Duan Zhengchun would most likely say that he was not around and ask Wang Yuan to contact him through the drifting bottle.

However, he didn't expect that Wang Yuan was so thoughtful that he actually used the title of King of the South Campus. Duan Zhengchun did not dare to offend the Liao Kingdom, and he didn't even want to see him.

So he had no choice but to say: "Please come quickly."

"Boss Duan is very good at playing! I thought you didn't want to see me!"

As soon as Duan Zhengchun finished speaking, Wang Yuan broke into the palace holding Duan Zhengchun's token.

Duan Zhengchun was startled, and quickly stood up to greet him: "It's not just the King of the Southern Academy of Liao Dynasty who is here. I am unable to welcome you from afar. Please forgive me..."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Wang Yuan waved his hand and said: "Monk, I have never liked these red tapes, and I, Lao Duan, don't beat around the bush. I'll get straight to the point. I have something to do with you."

"What do you want from me?" Since Wang Yuan said so, Duan Zhengchun no longer concealed his dislike for him and rolled his eyes and asked.

"Borrow something!"


"Soldiers!" Wang Yuan said.

"I..." Duan Zhengchun collapsed.

This monk really hasn't changed at all. He is still so rude and even came to me to borrow soldiers. What are soldiers? Are they so easy to borrow? Who knows what this monk is going to do with his troops?

"No!" Duan Zhengchun decisively refused.

"Actually, it's not a loan. I just came to discuss something with you."

Seeing Duan Zhengchun's resolute attitude, Wang Yuan suddenly thought of the words of the note, so he began to lie: "Haven't you heard? The Mongolian soldiers went south and are now besieging Xiangyang!"

"I heard that, what does it have to do with our Dali?" Duan Zhengchun said.

"The relationship is huge!" Wang Yuan said: "The Song Dynasty is the last barrier in the world. If the Song Dynasty is gone, will Dali still be there?"

Duan Zhengchun said: "We in Dali are a small country, and the Mongols won't do anything to us."

"A small country has no human rights... Without the protection of the Song Dynasty, can you, Dali, stop the Mongols?" Wang Yuandao: "The Mongols will not think that Dali is a small country. They are racing to enclose the land. If you go around Dali, they are them. There is a fiefdom of ten thousand households, but if you sit back and ignore it, when Dali is attacked, you will be Dali's eternal sinner."


Being fooled by Wang Yuan like this, Duan Zhengchun was indeed a little scared, but military power was a weapon of the imperial power, so how could it be loaned out.

Seeing that Duan Zhengchun began to hesitate, Wang Yuan directly attacked Duan Zhengchun's vital point: "Are you still hesitating? Do you know how cruel the Mongols are? When Dali is destroyed, your concubines and wives will have to let the Mongolian uncles go first. Play... Just wait for a cuckold! There are hundreds of thousands of horses in Mongolia... Listen clearly, there are not only people, but also horses..."

"Presumptuous!!" Duan Zhengchun slammed the table and said angrily: "Master Wu Chi, are you going too far!"

Hearing this, Duan Zhengchun was obviously frightened.

"That's not as bad as what the Mongols did!" Wang Yuan said with a smile.

Duan Zhengchun said dissatisfiedly: "Your Excellency is the king of the South Branch of the Liao Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom has strong soldiers and horses. You can help if you want. How can it be used in our small country of Dali?"

Wang Yuan deceived and said: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The Mongols are powerful, and our soldiers from the Liao Kingdom cannot help the Song Dynasty completely defeat the Mongols. In addition to the Dali Kingdom, I also contacted the Jin Kingdom and the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions. If we all send troops together at that time, we will be able to repel the Mongols."

"Is it true? The Kingdom of Jin and the Western Regions will also send troops?" Duan Zhengchun's eyes lit up when he heard Wang Yuan's words, and he seemed to feel depressed.

"Of course!" Wang Yuan said: "I, the King of the Southern Court of the Liao Kingdom, have personally come to lobby all other countries. Who would not give me face? You know my brother, Xiao Feng. Speaking of which, he even calls you father-in-law..."

"That's it...If that's the case, then our country, Dali, will also agree to send troops."

Duan Zhengchun felt confident when he heard that other countries were participating. After thinking for a while, he agreed to Wang Yuan.

I don't know if it's the face of Wang Yuan, the king of the South Campus, or the face of Xiao Feng, the son-in-law.

"Then thank you very much, Lord Duan! I thank you on behalf of the people of Xiangyang City and the people of the Song Dynasty! The war is urgent, so I won't disturb you anymore. I will retire first, and I also ask Lord Duan to send troops as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Wang Yuan left the Dali Palace and went straight to the Western Region Demon Sect.

The Demon Sect is easier to talk to. Although Zhang Wuji is a bit girly, he is a very talkative person. Moreover, the Demon Sect has never dealt with the Mongols. Even Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was a disciple of the Demon Sect...

It didn't take much effort to ask Zhang Wuji to send troops to help rescue the siege of Xiangyang.

After all, he is a person in the world, not so utilitarian and hesitant.

At the third stop, Wang Yuan came to Yanjing.

Yanjing, also called Dadu, was the capital of the Yuan Dynasty and the capital of the Jin Kingdom.

The current emperor of the Jin Kingdom is Emperor Kangxi. After arriving in Yanjing, Wang Yuan went straight to Wei Xiaobao's house.

"Earl's Palace?"

Arriving at the door of Wei Xiaobao's house, Wang Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "This guy's promotion is like flying a plane. He has reached a position of great authority at a young age. It shows how much Kangxi valued him, so it was right to ask him for help."

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