After some discussion, the two guilds divided the equipment equally...

Lin Tong received more than 5,000 gold coins, which was close to 3 million according to the ratio of 1:500.

"As expected of a top ten guild, it is really generous."

Lin Tong was no longer polite and took all the gold coins.

With these confidence, Lin Tong basically didn't have to worry about the problem of combat resources, and he could even fight as he pleased.

And Hanjiang and Jiuzhou were also very satisfied.

This wave of equipment.

It can basically equip a level-up team.

"Brother Canghai, if you need to sell equipment in the future, you can contact me at any time."

Lin Tong nodded, and then added the two friends.

The next step is to go back to the village to prepare and complete the blacksmith's task.

Before leaving, Hanjiang did not forget to tell Lin Tong.

"If you have the idea of ​​joining the guild, we Tianyun always welcome you, and the conditions just now will not change."

Lin Tong replied: "I will consider it..."


After returning to the village, Lin Tong chose to go straight to the store.

After replenishing the basic combat items, he also bought a backpack expansion item.

In this way, the capacity of Lin Tong's backpack doubled directly...

After everything was ready, Lin Tong left the village again, this time choosing to go east.

To the east of the village is the Badon Mountains.

And the center of the Badon Mountains is Lin Tong's destination this time...

[Baton Mountains]

Introduction: A mountain range connecting the Empire of Light, where monsters of levels 5-8 are refreshed, adventurers should enter with caution.

Lin Tong ignored the prompt.

He went straight to the inside of the mountain range...

His goal was a cave in the lake in the center of the mountain range. According to his previous life memory, the blacksmith's token was there.

But before that, Lin Tong still needed to clean up the monsters.

By the way, improve the combat power.


Level: 5

HP: 1500/1500

Attack: 120

Enchanted Heavy Strike: Attach the lizardman magic to the long stick and launch a full-strength attack on the enemy in sight.

"The monsters in the Badon Mountains are indeed much stronger than those in the outside world..."

At this moment, there was no more hesitation.

At a very high attack speed, the arrows were connected in a line in the air, flying straight towards the lizardman not far away.

Massive Shooting

"Swoosh" x3



"-169 (weak point)"

Today, the damage of each arrow of Lin Tong is basically more than 100.

If the massive shooting can hit the weak point, the damage can reach more than 200.


The furious lizardman began to attack Lin Tong.

His health and attack power are already good among ordinary monsters, and now in this early stage.

A normal person must form a team to kill one.

But Lin Tong...

With the blessing of the charge effect, the kite tactics that have not been seen for a long time are launched again.

At the same time, the poisoning effect is attached.


"You successfully killed the Lizardman (lv5) and obtained: 300 experience points"

"Successfully looted: 1 strength point"


Lin Tong murmured: "Didn't you loot any skills for the first time?"

The next second, several Lizardmen suddenly appeared on the plain not far away, and behind them.

It seems that there is also......

Lin Tong nodded with satisfaction, that's good.

The battle started again. After killing a Lizardman, Lin Tong already knew where their weaknesses were.

Powerful Shot

"-274 (weakness)"

"-224 (critical hit)"

How many critical hits did you get?

It seems that the two pieces of equipment played a role. If possible, I must increase the critical hit in the future.

Because in the middle and even late stages, many monsters have very hidden weaknesses.

But a critical hit doesn't care whether you are hidden or not, it will be triggered when it is triggered...



"-169 (weakness)"



"You successfully killed, Lizardman (lv5) gets: 300 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Enchant Heavy Hit"

After killing five Lizardmen, Lin Tong finally succeeded in plundering the passive of Lizardman.

[Enchant Heavy Hit]

Effect: Before the battle, your arrows will give Lizardman ancient power, causing +300 damage to the target

Number of layers: 1/20

After seeing the attributes of this passive, Lin Tong was very satisfied.

"Can it only be triggered once in a battle?"

The first layer is 300 damage, if it is fully stacked, it will be a full 6,000 damage.


It can only be triggered once in a battle.

As a burst means, it is just right to hit others by surprise!

After clearing the passive effect, Lin Tong began to look for the lizardman in the Badon Mountains.


"-469 (weakness)"


Time passed...


"Congratulations on reaching level 5, get: four-dimensional attribute +1, free allocation point +1"

With this efficiency of spawning monsters, Lin Tong's level quickly reached level 5.

Not only that...

[Enchanted Heavy Strike]

Effect: Before the battle, your arrows will give the lizardman ancient power, causing +6000 damage to the eyes

Number of layers: 20/20

"The passive is stacked to the full, and 10 points of strength and 7 points of constitution are plundered."

"Blood profit..."

After throwing some blank skill books and equipment into the backpack, Lin Tong started to head straight to the center of the Badon Mountains.

Since the battle just now was always approaching the center.

So Lin Tong didn't spend much time at all and successfully arrived near the central lake.

According to the description of the man in the previous life, Lin Tong came to a cave...

After preparing a wave of resources, he stepped into the cave.

Soon, several tall figures came into Lin Tong's sight...

[Lizardman. Berserker]

Rank: Elite

Level: 5

HP: 1.1w/1.1w

Attack: 550

Enchanted Heavy Attack:......

Berserk: Fall into a berserk state, increase attack speed by 30%, attack power by 30%, last for 7 seconds

Lin Tong said: "It's you!"

The blacksmith's token is on these guys.

No more hesitation.

Draw the bow and arrow!

"Swoosh" x3

The first arrow has the effect of enchanted heavy attack.

The damage is very terrifying...


"-169 (weakness)"


After three arrows are hung, the poisoning effect is officially triggered.

And the next thing to do is very simple, which is to rely on the speed bonus of the charge to kite pull.

This kind of thing, Lin Tong is almost perfect.

There is no way to make a mistake...

And the cave is big enough, the four lizardmen elites have no way to deal with Lin Tong.


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