"Powerful shooting..."

Accompanied by the sound of the arrow string breaking through the air, an arrow went straight to the charging wild boar.


In the previous life, Lin Tong was a "guardian".

His archery skills had already reached the level of perfection in the life and death experience.

And this arrow pierced the pupil of the wild boar fiercely, and blood immediately flowed down the eye socket.

"-72 (weak point)"

Powerful shooting combined with hitting the weakness.

Just one arrow can easily knock down the blood volume of the wild boar.

At this moment, without too much hesitation, continue to shoot arrows at the wild boar.




While attacking the wild boar again and again, Lin Tong can also ensure that the wild boar will not touch him.

The ultimate art of walking A...

This is the combat skill imprinted in his mind, and it is also the most precious thing after rebirth.

Lin Tong kites while shooting arrows into the wild boar's body.

"-33 (weakness)"


"You successfully killed the wild boar (lv1) and received: 20 experience points"

"Successfully looted, charge (passive)"

The prompt sound after killing sounded in my ears.

Lin Tong couldn't help but be overjoyed. He actually successfully looted the skill for the first one. It seems that his hidden luck value is not low.

But now he can't see the effect of the skill.

Because the wild boars in front of him have formed a siege and launched a very fierce charge against him.

Lin Tong smiled faintly...

The arrows were connected into a line and shot continuously.

Damage prompts began to appear on the wild boar.



"-33 (weakness)"


Time passed, and the wild boar in front of him, which was originally aggressive, began to gradually run out of blood and fell to the ground.

"You successfully killed the wild boar (lv1) and received: 20 experience points"

"Successfully looted, 1 strength"


It took nearly five minutes for Lin Tong to successfully clean up the group of wild boars in front of him.

At the same time, he also looted 2 points of strength and 1 point of constitution.

Clean up the battlefield...

The wild boars dropped very limited things, and some materials were simply abandoned by Lin Tong and thrown on the ground.

He just pocketed the few copper coins.

"Take a look, what kind of talent is this?"


Effect: Triggered after one attack, speed increased by 10, lasting for one second.

CD: 3 seconds

Number of layers: 1/50

The passive effect is easy to understand, but Lin Tong didn't quite understand what the stacking layer meant.

Could it be possible to loot multiple times and then stack the effect after the passive trigger?


To verify his guess.

Lin Tong walked deeper into the forest, where there were many more wild boars than just now.

Without thinking, he shot arrows one by one...



"-42 (weak point)"

Powerful shooting.



Arrows were shot one by one.

The wild boars had no power to fight back at all, and could only be kited to death by Lin Tong.

And the prompt sound of successful looting came to my ears.

"You successfully killed the wild boar (lv1) and obtained: 20 experience points"

"Successful looting, charge (passive)"


Lin Tong said: "It can be stacked."

At the moment, without any more hesitation, the corpses of wild boars began to increase gradually after firing at full power.

"Successful looting, 1 strength"

Ten minutes later, Lin Tong had cleared all the dozen wild boars in front of him.

And the passive was successfully stacked to 11 layers by him. Not only that, he also successfully looted 3 points of strength and 1 point of constitution.


"Congratulations on reaching level 2, and get: four-dimensional attributes +1, free allocation points +1"

This wave, Lin Tong directly raised the level to 2

He chose to allocate free allocation points to strength, after all, higher strength means higher damage.


"It seems that the attribute will turn into increasing passive after looting to 10."

This is a mechanism that Lin Tong just discovered.

It's reasonable...

Otherwise, if I don't do anything and just swipe wild boars here, wouldn't I dominate the original continent?

"Since wild boars can no longer plunder attributes."

"What about other monsters?"

Due to the passiveness of the 11th level.

Lin Tong plans to go deeper into the forest to swipe some higher-level wild monsters.

Soon, Lin Tong came to the Dark Forest...

Different from the Novice Forest.

The monsters refreshed here will be creatures infected by dark magic.

With stronger combat power.

Therefore, there are almost no individual figures in this place. Most of the monsters swipe here are guild members.

Lin Tong walked for a few minutes and suddenly stopped...

He stared at the bushes not far away, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Black iron treasure chest?

"Good luck..."

When the original server was launched, treasure chests of various levels were scattered in every corner of the continent.

In addition to a large amount of currency, there is also a chance to open rare equipment and props.

Lin Tong can't be considered poor at this moment...

He is penniless, and even has to pick up the arrows he shot to avoid not having enough in the next battle.

"Each treasure chest will have a guarding elite monster..."

"I hope it's not too powerful!"

As soon as the voice fell, two huge spiders walked out from behind the black iron treasure chest.

At the same time, the relevant information of the spider also appeared in Lin Tong's eyes.

[Giant spider infected by black magic. Elite]

Level: 3

HP: 2500

Attack: 150

Skill: Poisoning

Lin Tong held the wooden bow tightly in his hand...

Although these two big spiders don't have any abnormal skills, they are thick-skinned and have high attacks.

"Does the normal attack have a poisoning effect?"

"Come on!"

The next second, Lin Tong took the lead in launching an offensive.


The arrow pierced the spider's huge eye fiercely.


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