Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

035: In The Land Of Sakura, Kill The Horse First!

After putting away the job transfer book, Lin Tong went to the tent in the militia camp to take a break.

With this thing, he can go to the job transfer place to transfer, and his strength after the job transfer will be greatly improved.

At that time, the main storyline of the novice village will be opened...

After the Demon Nest, the level of all members of the novice village must reach level ten before the next stage can be opened.

Take a look at the level ranking list.

Lin Tong's name is undoubtedly in the first place.

This ranking list can only be listed if you reach level ten.

And now there are 7324 people on the list.

Calculated as a novice village of 10,000 people, there are still 2676 people who have not reached level ten.

Lin Tong estimated that at most tomorrow...

These people can reach level ten.

The main task can continue to advance.

Take a look at the time, it's still early...

Lin Tong still has plenty of time to complete the job transfer and some other arrangements.

Five minutes later...

Lin Tong left the militia camp and used the teleportation array to go to the Kra Mountains on the north side of the Dusk Plain.

Because the job transfer place is here.

At the same time, this is also a map around another novice village. There is a guild called Blood Wolf in this novice village.

It is a guild in Sakura Country...

After confirming that they did not pass the novice copy: "Go and complete the job transfer first, and visit them after you come back."

In the original world.

As long as the player has the strength, he can go to other countries at will, as long as he can overcome the dangers along the way.

But generally go to the same camp...

If you go to the territory of the hostile camp such as the Dark Empire, you will be attacked by all NPCs.

The novice village where the Blood Wolf Guild is located is in the same camp.

"Snatch the boss's kill again."


Lin Tong officially stepped into the huge maze in the Cara Mountains.


"Detected [Shadow Hunter] job transfer book, job transfer task triggered."

"Task content: Kill the clone of Shadow Hunter Victor"

Shortly after Lin Tong entered the maze, a team of people galloped from a distance and stopped in front of the maze.

The prefixes of these people are all killer whales.

"Sakata, where is the mysterious place you mentioned?"

A warrior holding a samurai sword dismounted and pointed at the huge maze in front of him.

"President Matsumoto, it's here..."

"Not long ago, I relied on my talent to discover that there are mysterious and powerful creatures hidden here, as well as the taste of power."

This person's talent is very unique.

Its function is to detect hidden tasks and various hidden treasures.

Matsumoto was excited: "That's great, so our guild can grow significantly."

"After all, your talent has never been wrong..."

The man's talent has accurately found more than a dozen hidden tasks and treasures for the Killer Whale Guild.

But unfortunately...

Every time they were snatched by the Blood Wolf Guild.

And this time, the Blood Wolf Guild was attacking the novice copy and had no time to take care of any of their actions.

This time, they must take the treasure!

"Let's go..."


On the other side.

Lin Tong has been traveling in the maze for a long time.

This maze is not only huge, but also has various paths that lead in all directions.

If Lin Tong hadn't had the relevant route in his mind, he would have wasted some time just looking for the way.


A dull voice came from a distance.

A humanoid creature whose facial features could not be seen clearly was standing in the distance.

Holding a bow and arrow, aiming at Lin Tong.

[Maze Guardian]

Grade: Elite

Level: 15

HP: 2.6w/2.6w

Attack power: 1500

Range enhancement: increased attack distance

This is a unique monster in this maze, and it seems to be a collection of some kind of power.

It is very similar to a demonized creature...

The most important thing is that this kind of thing has a map aura in the maze, and because it is an energy collection, it is also immune to physical damage.

Ordinary archers really can't do anything to them.

But Lin Tong is not an ordinary archer.

The effect of the purifying rain of arrows is to purify power, not physical damage, so it can cause damage to him.

There is no hesitation at the moment, and the battle starts directly.

"Swoosh" x5




At the same time, after three arrows, the effect of the undead realm was triggered by the arrows, and there was also damage from the erosion of the magic energy.

It hit the monster with 5000 damage per second.





The monster's health dropped madly.

At the same time, they also began to counterattack Lin Tong, but unfortunately, Lin Tong didn't even need to dodge their attacks.

You can stand and shoot by relying on absorption.

By the way, you can also accumulate anger points...

Five seconds later, the monster's body dissipated in the maze.


"You killed [Maze Guardian] and obtained: 912 experience points"

"Successful plunder: distance enhancement"

"Loot: Agility Stone"

Lin Tong picked up the dropped loot, which is a consumable item that can improve attributes after use.

[Agility Stone]

Effect: After use, +10 agility

Lin Tong used it directly and began to continue to go deeper into the maze.

Next, he encountered many maze guardians.

But Lin Tong can kill one in five seconds, and this can't cause any harm to him.

At the same time, he also looted 40 agility and harvested 5 agility stones.

"There is also a full-level passive..."

[Distance Enhancement]

Effect: Attack distance +20m

Number of layers: 40/40

It is also a rare quality passive that can greatly increase the distance range of the arrow.

It is a very practical passive skill.

"Now, it should be more comfortable to pull."

Close the passive interface, Lin Tong is ready to continue to go deep into the maze, looking for Victor's clone to complete the kill.

But suddenly there was a noisy sound in his ears...

I saw a group of people slowly coming from the way I came.

Seeing the titles of this group of people, Lin Tong immediately realized that this was a member of the Sakura Country Guild.

The leader also saw Lin Tong.

"People over there, get out of the way..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tong's brows could not help but frown.

Sakura Country!

A member who is even more hateful than Night Shadow...

In the later stages of the game, when other civilizations invaded Blue Star, several guilds chose to join other civilizations at the first opportunity.

The guild of Sakura Country led all this.

And this group of people directly took the position of the human guardian out of the tray, indirectly causing the subsequent war to start early.

Very disgusting...

Thinking of this, Lin Tong directly drew his bow...

"Swoosh!" x5

At the same time, a prompt sound came from his ear.


"You killed [horse], and got: 1 experience point."

President Matsumoto, who was shot down by Lin Tong's arrow, looked at Lin Tong in disbelief, his eyes full of anger.

"Asshole, you dare to kill my horse?"

"You deserve to die..."

Lin Tong didn't say any more nonsense to him, and continued to draw his bow to shoot all the horses of the Orca Guild at a very fast attack speed.

For a moment, there was silence in the maze.

The next second, a furious roar resounded through the maze.

"My horse is gone..."


"This damned man, he killed all our horses, and those were the horses that the president had worked so hard to buy."

"Go ahead, avenge our horses."

Lin Tong just smiled faintly, and the arrow in his hand flew out of the bow.

The powerful force went straight to Matsumoto Nao...


A crisp sound echoed endlessly.

Lin Tong couldn't help but be a little surprised.

A golden shield successfully blocked the blow for Orca and others, but it was completely shattered after the blow.

"Consumable props?"

Matsumoto said: "This is what the president bought at a high price. If I'm not mistaken..."

"The blow just now was your strongest blow."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to destroy my props with one blow, and now you are waiting to die after one blow!"

For a moment, Lin Tong was speechless.

"Go ahead, kill him..."

Various attacks came to Lin Tong in an overwhelming manner, but he didn't even move.


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