Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

037: The Reaction Of The Sacred Object! A Giant Dragon?

Victor attacked Lin Tong first...

The arrow flew straight toward the forest with a sound of breaking through the air.

At this moment, Lin Tong could even clearly feel the wind driven by the huge force coming at him.

"Too slow..."

Lin Tong just turned sideways and easily dodged the terrifying arrow.

Now, it was Lin Tong's turn to fight back.


The arrow shot out, and it was glittering with various negative effects.

Victor snorted coldly: "Look, I also dodged you..."

Before he finished speaking, Victor's pupils dilated rapidly.

He did dodge Lin Tong's first arrow, but judging from Lin Tong's attack speed, it was as easy as drinking water with two arrows in an instant.

Sure enough, he was hit by the second arrow...

And this attack had the effect of an enchanted heavy blow.


Victor looked at Lin Tong in surprise.

"It seems that you are not like the mediocre heir before. You are worthy of my full efforts."


As soon as the voice fell, several chains suddenly appeared in Victor's shadow.

He went straight to Lin Tong's direction...

At the same time, another skill was triggered!

[Dark Night Moment]

Lin Tong seized the opportunity and used flash to avoid the binding magic and the arrows that followed.

But when he went to look for Victor again, he found that he was no longer there.


Lin Tong knew in his heart that he had no means to detect this invisible skill.

But the ultimate instinct exists...

Lin Tong can sense Victor's next attack.


Sure enough, after successfully dodging an attack, Victor's figure appeared not far away.

Just when he was puzzled, Lin Tong's five arrows in one second shot over...



"-1691 (Critical Hit)"

Lin Tong likes to fight with archers very much.

Because every attack of the archer can be easily avoided as long as the skills are sufficient.

Then, the battle between Lin Tong and Victor became a battle of skills.

Normal attack!


Normal attack!

Various movements and body movements were almost amazing.

If this battle video was filmed and sent out, it would definitely be rated as a textbook for archer battles.

Because the battle between the two was really exciting...

Every action was redundant.


Even if Victor was a master archer who won the championship in archery at the age of 24 and created his own school, he could not be Lin Tong's opponent.

After all, Lin Tong's previous life.

But he was the first archer to reach level 100...

His fighting skills were studied and studied by countless archers, and he had already reached the pinnacle.

Coupled with the passive ability of extreme instinct.

Beating Victor was a bit like bullying a child...

"Quickly end the battle."

Lin Tong didn't want to consume any more, so he quickly increased the speed of his attack.

Victor obviously also noticed this change and wanted to dodge, but Lin Tong's arrows had blocked all his movements.

In desperation, he could only withstand the blow...

Black flame effect!

Slow down!

Demonic energy erosion, reduced defense, bleeding, blinding.

Five minutes later, Victor's health was only 5,000...

He gave up attacking Lin Tong.

Instead, he chose to sit on the steps and wait for death.

"I can't believe that your archery skills are far better than mine."

"In that case, accept my profession."

"But I don't want you to be arrogant like me after having such a high level of archery attainment."

As soon as the voice fell, Victor's clone finally turned into a bubble with a continuous blood loss of thousands per second.

Disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Successor, I hope you can ignore the bubbles brought by these forces and see yourself clearly in confusion."

The battle officially came to an end.


"You successfully killed [Victor's clone], and obtained: 50112 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Hunter's posture (perfect)"

"You reached level 16, and obtained: four-dimensional attribute points +1, free allocation points +1"


At this time, Lin Tong had no time to check the spoils.

Because after Victor died, the crossbow had begun to turn into a purple light and flowed into Lin Tong's body.

Lin Tong knew.

This thing is the profession of the Night Hunter.

Sure enough, a few seconds after the light entered his body, the prompt sounded.


"Successful job transfer [Night Hunter (Gold)]"

"Comprehension of the inherited skill [Night Moment]"

"According to the career growth, the points are reset successfully: 80 four-dimensional attribute points, 80 free allocation points."

As a gold-quality profession, you can obtain inherited skills.

On the other hand, other quality transfer professions need to comprehend the inherited skills by themselves or complete tasks to obtain them.

Very troublesome...

Open the career panel.

[Night Hunter (B-level)]

[Features: After +1 level, four-dimensional attribute points +5, free allocation points +5]

Professional talent: [Eagle Vision, field of view +3%]

Professional skills: [Giant Shooting]

[Night Hour lv1: After use, each attack causes 5% extra real damage, and enters the invisible state. After attacking again, exit the invisible state, which lasts for 15 seconds and cools down for 60 seconds]

The current career attribute interface can be said to have changed a lot.

Especially the change in characteristics. Ordinary players can only add one point after upgrading once, while Lin Tong now directly adds five points after upgrading.

This is the benefit of changing jobs...

However, for Lin Tong, who has the talent of plunder.

Even five points is negligible.

At the same time, the world announcement sounded.

"World Announcement"

"Congratulations, [Cang Hai] successfully changed his job to the gold profession and achieved the achievement"

"Reward: gold x100, reputation x1000"

"Golden treasure chest x1, divine essence x1"

Everyone was stunned...


How long has it been quiet? Why is it not over?

"Today I naively thought that Cang Hai had almost achieved the achievement and could stop the world announcement."

"It seems that I was naive..."

"Change job?"

"Fuck, Cang Hai is yyds"

"I am happy to see your shocked looks, I have already guessed it."

"Damn Dragon Country, fuck!"

"While I was still looking for black iron equipment, Cang Hai had already completed the job change task."


On the other side, Ye Ying and others who were about to complete the job change task stopped their work with dark faces.

"Boss, what are you still doing?"

Tang Xin's face was as dark as water at this moment.

Only one step away...

One step!

It's Cang Hai again.

"Why not?"

"At the same time, tell the second team to continue to look for higher quality hidden tasks or dungeons."

"I don't believe that I can be trampled by Canghai for the rest of my life?"

At this time, a subordinate on the side spoke.

"Boss, the president sent a message saying that this time he will invest 50 million yuan, so that we can continue to deal with Canghai."

Now Yeying is very rich, because they have not paid back the money from the sale of the Death God Contract.

Tang Xin was stunned, and then laughed.

"With this money, I will definitely be able to complete the counterattack."


Lin Tong sat on the steps and began to check the perfect quality passive just obtained.

[Hunter Stance]

Grade: Perfect

Effect: Triggered after battle, critical hit rate +25%, field of view +150%, lasting 15 seconds.

Number of layers: 1/1

It is a very good passive.

For an archer like Lin Tong, field of view is also very important.

This can greatly improve his combat skills.

Close the passive panel.

Just about to take out other rewards from the backpack.

The Yuanling pointer rioted again.

At the same time, cracks suddenly appeared in the wall behind him, and huge power gushed out from it.

"How could you forget him?"

Victor's attack on the dragon was not in vain.

Instead, he used his own life force as the basis to suppress the dragon, and the clone was part of the power of the formation.

Now the clone is dead.

The power of the formation has been greatly weakened.

The dragon also took the opportunity to tear open a space and tried to communicate with the outside world.

"I was ignorant in my previous life, but since I met you again in this life, how can I not show my acting skills?"

The late stage of the original continent.

Basically, most players have developed an acting skill comparable to that of an actor.

Using various methods to cheat NPCs, making all kinds of NPCs miserable.

And Lin Tong is the best among them.

"I just don't know why the compass reacted at this time..."

"Could it be that the sacred object is on the dragon?"

In any case, blackmail first!

At this time, the crack torn by the dragon also took shape.

A weak voice came out.

"Are you an adventurer?"

"I am Victor's comrade-in-arms. I sealed myself here to save my life in the battle with the dragon."

"Please save me..."


ps: Please support, flowers, collections, and evaluation tickets!

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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