The instructor looked at Lin Tong solemnly...

"Young man, I must remind you that everyone has only three chances to participate in the trial."

"Failure once means losing a chance to start over."

"You can't be impulsive because of your arrogance. You must make a serious choice to avoid wasting times.

Faced with the instructor's dissuasion, Lin Tong ignored it.

"No need to think about it..."

"Just choose the Abyss level!"

Lin Tong's tone was very calm.

Hearing this, the instructor also looked helpless. Since Lin Tong had said so much, there was nothing to dissuade.

"You can do whatever you want...


Put a coin emitting light blue light in Lin Tong's hand.

After taking it.

Information similar to the trial rules immediately appeared in front of him.

And for these rules, Lin Tong has long been very familiar with them, so he chose to close them directly.


As soon as the voice fell, the coin began to emit a blue light.

In the end, this light covered Lin Tong's whole body.


"The trial copy has been extracted.

"[Blood Camp], prepare the number of people: 3/4"

"Task content: assassinate the leader of the Dragonborn army"

"Tip: You will have three days to prepare. "

The six levels of the trial, the first three are basically single-player trials, and the last three are confrontational trials.

The trial space will match players from other civilizations outside the Blue Star civilization.

Four people compete against each other...

In the end, only one person can complete the task and pass the trial.

After scanning, Lin Tong said: "No need to prepare, just enter the trial space directly.

With his strength, he doesn't need to prepare anything.

Even if he does prepare something, there is nothing that can improve his strength again in a short time.

Just enter directly.....

Not long after.

A dazzling light curtain appeared in front of Lin Tong's eyes.

After passing through the light curtain, Lin Tong officially entered the north gate of [Blood Camp] in the trial space.

The other three players were near the other three gates.

For the other players, Lin Tong knew nothing.

There is only one thing he knows clearly………………

That is, those who dare to participate in the Abyss Level Trial are definitely top-notch strongmen, geniuses from other civilizations.

Outside the Primordial Continent………………

There are many worlds like Blue Star.

These worlds are basically the same as the Blue Star where Lin Tong is, either entering the Primordial for the first time or the tenth time.

Or perhaps they have been passed down in the Primordial World for several generations………………

And these people.

All of them have a strong foundation.

Very difficult to deal with……..

However, judging from Lin Tong's strength, as long as he does not encounter players from the Supreme World, there will basically be no problems.

"This trial is for me………………"

Thinking of this.

Lin Tong looked at the camp not far away, where a group of dragon soldiers in armor were standing.

At the same time

Related information appears………………

[Dragonborn Soldier]

Rank: Silver

Level: 20

HP: 18w/18w

Attack: 3100

Dragon Blood, Heavy Attack

Monsters in the trial dungeon are different from those in the ordinary dungeon. They will not be strengthened by the dungeon.

So the monsters in front of you are basically no different from the silver monsters in the outside world.

After all.

There are no teammates in this space...

What you see is the enemy!

Lin Tong took out the steel anchor, and the camp map and troop distribution appeared in front of him.

The enemies are mainly distributed in three places.

Outside, inside, and the center!

And the target he wants to assassinate is the center point...

"The monsters in front of me are so powerful, I really don't know what I will encounter if I go deeper."

In the previous life.

Lin Tong only passed the nightmare level trial.

It was only the second attempt that passed...

At this time.

The dragonborn soldier suddenly found Lin Tong's figure: "Pay attention, there is a human archer there."


"Kill him!"

In a call.

The dragonborn soldiers raised their weapons and began to run towards Lin Tong.

[Purification Arrow Rain]

It is still a very useful group damage skill……………………

The power of purification is attached to the arrows and swept towards the dragonborn soldiers.



A long list of damage values ​​appeared above the heads of the dragonborn soldiers.

At the same time, various negative effects were successfully attached to them, reducing defense and slowing down, fear and bleeding...

When they walked towards Lin Tong with negative effects.

[Frost Field]

This is the first time Lin Tong used this skill.

I believe the effect should be very good.


The powerful frost force appeared quietly, and in an instant, it covered the area of ​​about 200 meters from the target point.

At the same time, layers of frost appeared on the monsters.

Just like a sharp knife, it kept tearing their bodies apart...




The Dragonborn wanted to escape from this place.

But this frost force was like a bone ulcer, and it couldn't let them move quickly at all.

At the same time.

Every arrow shot by the archer over there still carried frost power and a black flame.

It would once again reduce their movement speed.

And it would also infect other people through the power of fluctuations.

It was extremely disgusting!

At this moment.

The monster that originally wanted to capture Lin Tong alive could only passively take a beating like a wooden man.

And this beating lasted for about thirty seconds...

Judging from Lin Tong's output, [this monster can deal 4W+ damage per second.

On average, one can be solved in about four seconds.


"You successfully killed [Dragonborn Soldier]"

"Successfully looted: 7 points of constitution"

"Successfully looted: Dragon Blood Constitution (super rare)"

Killing monsters in this trial space will not give you any rewards.

But you can loot the passive...

Lin Tong shot while checking the latest passive.

[Dragon Blood Constitution]

Rank: Super Rare

Effect: HP +100, Dragon Biological Affinity +0.01%

Number of layers: 0/100

Another passive to increase HP?

Is it over yet...

What should those players with a tank heart do? They work hard all their lives but still can't get as much HP as a "squishy"?

After this stack is full, won't Lin Tong have 70,000+ HP?

"Comrades, work harder...

Lin Tong began to shoot arrows more vigorously.

Try to hit the weakness as much as possible.

Remember that the task to pass the level seems to be to sneak into the camp and then assassinate the target person.

Lin Tong wants to change a way to pass the level…………………

Abandon the secular world!

As long as I kill everyone, no one will find me sneaking in………………

“This is a good idea!”

East Gate.

The player here is a player from the Moon God Civilization.


Looking at the north gate, the force at this time is coming with extremely fierce fighting and explosions.

Stuke is a little disdainful: “I wonder which civilization this idiot is from, so blatant?”

“Self-righteous, thinking that it is easy to pass the Abyss Trial, but soon you will regret your behavior. ”

As an assassin with A-level talent.

Stuke is regarded as the future assassin god by the people of the Moon God Civilization.

The reason is that his talent can make a hundred attacks, and when it is fully utilized, one attack can be converted into a hundred.

However, each split attack is only 1% of the original attack.

It seems to be an extremely useless talent.


But it is not...

You only need to match this talent with a strong negative effect and the effect of true damage.

Then this talent will be extremely terrifying.

Based on Stantu's current strength, he can only split twenty attacks at most.

But that's enough...

"I will definitely win this trial!"


Stantu activated his stealth skill and walked carefully into the camp.

At the same time, the other two players also chose to sneak around the enemy and enter the camp.

The two players at the west gate and the south gate are from [Tak Civilization] and [Dwarf Civilization] respectively. Ming]

Among them.

The Tak civilization has been passed down for three generations in the primitive world, which can be said to be very powerful.

It should not be underestimated.

The dwarf civilization is much worse. Like Blue Star, they are entering the primitive world for the first time.

But both of them have A-level talents.

At the same time.

For this trial, the two are also very well prepared and have full information.

At this moment, the two have easily bypassed the outer dragon soldiers and came to the junction of the inner and outer layers.

At a glance.

A group of powerful dragon warriors are stationed in the distance.

This monster is much stronger than the dragon soldiers outside.

More importantly, the ground here is also arranged with a powerful reconnaissance formation. If the player's agility and mental attributes are too low.

Then the chance of being discovered will be greatly increased.

And the dwarf player who uses the warrior is the short board of these two items. At this moment, he immediately quits the ambush.

Take out your weapons and face the dragon warriors directly.


"Quick, there is a damn dwarf here who is trying to invade our camp. ”

“Kill him!”

With a shout, the dragon warriors rushed forward.

Facing so many dragon warriors, even if this dwarf has A-level talent, he can't escape death.

In the end, he can only be drowned under the charge of the dragons.

At this time, Lin Tong, who was happily killing, suddenly received news.

[Hint: Player Baroque 121, died, current number of people: 3/3]

Lin Tong said with emotion: "One less so soon?"

ps: Seeking support, flowers, full subscription, evaluation needs talent!

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