Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

085: Knowledge Is Money, You Have To Pay More!

......The news that 40 million gold coins were wasted to assassinate Lin Tong soon reached the ears of the rancher Ryan.

"Failed?" Ryan was a little unbelievable.

"Didn't the Shadow Alliance send out a poison method that claimed to have a 100% assassination success rate?"

"Why did it fail? I think it's a piece of iron waste!" Ryan was angry: "How dare they claim to have a 100% success rate when they can't even kill a beginner archer?" The guard beside him hesitated and said: "Sir, do you think we should add funds to let them continue to assassinate Canghai?" Ryan immediately rejected it.

"TЯ......" Nan En was giving him a huge face by offering 40 million for a mere beginner archer. If it failed like this, how could he trust the Shadow Alliance? Moreover, if he added more funds, he would have to inject more funds, which was already very worthless.

"So that's it?"

"Forget it?" Ryan said coldly: "I have urgently dispatched a professionally trained assassin from the Kingdom of Saint Dis."

"Even if he has nine lives, he must die this time!" The Kingdom of Saint Dis is the kingdom supported by the Ryan family overseas. It has a long history of seven years, and has grown very well under the huge funds of the Ryan family.

"Sir, then we

"Idiot! Do you still want me to say that you should send someone to keep an eye on Canghai immediately. If he runs away, you will be buried with him. The guard immediately agreed and then hurriedly left the ranch. On the other side. After arriving at Tianxing Square, Lin Tong went directly to the City Lord's Mansion. This time he did not encounter any guards to stop him. He went straight into the parliament hall. And the city lord Battelle has been waiting for a long time............

"Mr. Canghai, how is the mission completed?" Lin Tong took out the formation core from his backpack: "The mission of killing the demonized creatures has been completed.

"At the same time, I also found a warlock using this thing to mass-produce demonized creatures. ”

”So I killed the sorcerer and destroyed the formation………………” The city lord hurriedly took the thing from Lin Tong’s hand. After checking it, he said in surprise: “It does contain a great evil power.” Immediately. The city lord put the thing away and looked at Lin Tong respectfully.

”Mr. Canghai, on behalf of all the soldiers and civilians in Tianxing City, I would like to express my gratitude to you…………” After that, the city lord immediately ordered the soldiers to go to Green Forest to confirm the news. The news came back quickly. It was exactly the same as what Lin Tong said………………The city lord’s tone was very solemn: “Mr. Canghai, fortunately you discovered the mastermind behind all this in advance.”

”It avoided greater losses for Tianxing City. ”

”To express my gratitude, I can let you choose two treasures of good quality as a reward. "At the same time.


"Complete the main quest [Herb Trouble], get: 40w experience, gold x2000, Bright Empire reputation x2000"

"Gift from the city lord x2 (optional)"

"NPC city lord Battelle, favorability +20"

"Current: 80" The rewards this time are very generous. But it is also reasonable... After all, the original main line of the story is that the player encounters Mailer after killing the demonized creature. At this stage, the player's strength is definitely not enough to compete. The only way is to wait for the strong men of the church to come to support. This (ajbj) is a disguised way of giving the player a boss fight. But Lin Tong... relied on the flying ability and low damage of the Holy Griffin to grind Mailer to death. Immediately. The city lord directly took out a list and handed it to Lin Tong.


"You open the hidden store of the city lord Battelle"

[Space Traveler's Backpack] Quality: Epic Effect: After equipping, the backpack space is increased to 6400 grids, rare item drop +5%, back damage -25% Price: 3000w gold coins

[Intermediate Fortune Hammer] Quality: Epic Effect: After use, it can make equipment below epic quality, quality +1 Price: 4000w gold coins After looking at this wave, Lin Tong was a little dazzled. There are really many good things. There are nine pieces of epic quality equipment alone, and there are even more diamond quality ones. A big family and a big business! "You can choose by yourself..." Lin Tong nodded, and then picked two items that suit him best. The first is an epic quality backpack. Now his backpack only has 1600 slots, which is not enough for the arrogant harvest. So he needs to expand it. And there are additional bonuses, which is very good... In [Original], diamond and epic quality are a threshold. Whether it is props, equipment or skills, the difference in attributes between the two is huge. For example, an epic backpack. The capacity of a diamond backpack is 1600, while the epic backpack is directly four times that of it. Gap! The second thing Lin Tong chose is [Primary Fortune Hammer]. This can make anything cross that threshold... Lin Tong plans to use [Diamond Quality Ice Quiver Song Neng to enchant the main arrow Zhu for the Ice Quiver. With the upgrade of the enemy, these arrows are not enough. And the degree of deceleration is also a bit poor, it needs to be improved...


"【Ice Quiver】 is affected by 【Intermediate Fortune Hammer】, and its quality is upgraded to epic level." Lin Tong now has three pieces of epic quality equipment. The others are either diamonds or gold... Fighting with Lin Tong is no less than a ship crashing into you, because the price of his equipment is inestimable.

【Extreme Cold Quiver】Quality: Epic Effect: Automatically retract the arrows shot out, and add extreme cold power to the arrows, causing (movement speed/attack speed -25%) to the target. The third arrow (30%) causes control for 3 seconds. Ice Arrow Enchantment Reserve: 3082/50000 After the upgrade, the attribute arrows of the quiver are improved by one level. Not only the arrow reserve is improved. There is also deceleration and a new control. The disgusting ability is improved by another level.

"Ti..." Lin Tong put away both things with satisfaction. Immediately. He looked at the city lord beside him: "City lord, is there anything else I can help you with?" After a moment of contemplation, he continued, "There is nothing going on in the city for the time being... " "But you can go to Tianxing Fortress and meet Chief Antu, he may need your help." Lin Tong nodded and accepted the task. "AJ" "Main task [Go to Tianxing Fortress and visit Antu" Tianxing Fortress is located at the junction of the border of Tianxing Main City and the Orc Kingdom. It is a canyon with a dangerous terrain, and it is also the first line of defense of Tianxing Main City against the Orc Kingdom. It is very important... Due to the special terrain on both sides, the orc army must enter from the north to capture Tianxing Fortress. Only in this way can they enter the area of ​​the Bright Empire... After leaving the city lord's mansion, Lin Tong replenished a wave of resources in Tianxing Main City. First, he found a blacksmith and inlaid the original archer's gem into the current archer. At the same time, the gems obtained from Mail were also inlaid. The power of this diamond bow has been greatly improved... Then, he went to the store to buy a thousand bundles of arrows, of which 500 bundles were placed in Lin Tong's quiver for enchantment. Everything is ready... But there is no rush to go to Tianxing Fortress now. Because if you go now, you will have to wait for a while before the mission is triggered. "Let's go to the Prophet's Church first..." At the beginning, the gem that Father Roger gave to Lin Tong had been left here, and now it's a good time to go and see it. The value of this thing... must be inestimable. Lin Tong's mind emerged with all the next mission plans. There are four Prophet's Churches within the scope of the Bright Empire, one of which is located in the western urban area of ​​the main city of Tianxing. Go there immediately. After Lin Tong went to the Prophet's Church, Lin Tong met Bishop Adam. This is a kind old grandfather wearing a white robe and shining wisdom in his eyes. He glanced at Lin Tong, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. "Mr. Canghai, what do you want to do in the Prophet's Church?" Lin Tong didn't hesitate. He took out the mysterious gem and placed it in front of Bishop Adam. "Mr. Bishop, I want to know the information of this bead, and I hope you can help me to remove the restriction." Adam found the bead very interesting.

"What a magical treasure...... After taking it in his hand and carefully examining it, he sighed: "This thing is not easy to get, the power contained in it is too huge."

"With my current ability, I can't know his true origin, but I can open a layer of restriction for you."

"How about it?" Adam looked at Lin Tong with a smile. Lin Tong now understood what Bishop Adam meant. You have to pay more! Immediately, he immediately said: "I am willing to pay 5 million gold coins, please help me to remove the restriction. As the saying goes. Knowledge is money. And the Prophet Church has always adhered to this rule. If you want to get something from them, or ask them to help you, you have to pay money. Lin Tong didn't feel bad at all. Anyway, there is a way to get the wool back from this bishop......

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