Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

096: Please Keep Your Things For Now And Wait For Me!

The Lord of Black Wolf City put the information in the treasure room and turned to leave. Seeing this, Lin Tong walked in immediately. The magic circle in the treasure room did not respond. After all, the concealment effect priority of [Phantom Transition] reached the epic level. Immediately. Lin Tong used the image stone to record the content of the information. As for the pile of treasures... For the time being, he can only enjoy the visual addiction. He can't move. Once the things disappear, the Lord of Black Wolf City will immediately receive a warning from the magic circle, and then know that the treasure room has been robbed. Information leaked. The Orc Empire will definitely change the plan, and Lin Tong's main line-mission today will fail. Although the temptation of the treasure is great, he must-hold it. "What a pity..." Lin Tong sighed. Before leaving, he took a last look at the treasure and said to himself: "Next time I will definitely take everything here!" Lin Tong directly opened the map and set a coordinate mark to remind himself not to forget this treasure room. In addition. This incident also broadened his thinking. Lin Tong looked at the orc cities next door.

Since he has [Shadow Leap], why not turn into a righteous flying thief and go to the enemy's treasure room to take a look?

Thinking of this.

Lin Tong's mouth corners slightly raised.

Several city lords of the Orc Empire suddenly shuddered.

Of course, the most important thing at present is the main task and the celebration activities.

The things will be stored in the treasure house of the orc city lord first.

Come back to get it when you have time.

Lin Tong left decisively.

Time passed in a flash.

Lin Tong returned to Tianxing Fortress according to the plan and met with Army Commander An Tu.

"Hmm? Lord Canghai, why are you back?"

"Did you find something special?"

An Tu asked in confusion.

"I have completed the task you assigned." Lin Tong replied calmly.

"Really?" An Tu raised his eyebrows slightly.

It has only been a few hours since Lin Tong received the task, and it is basically impossible to get intelligence.

If someone else said this to him.

An Tu would definitely scold the other party, then throw him out and beat him up.


His brother Brom almost praised Lin Tong to the sky.

He felt a little hopeful.

The next moment.

Lin Tong took out the photo stone and injected mana into it.

The screen was projected in front of him.

The general content of the action plan is:

The Orc Empire will send troops to attack the Tianxing Fortress from the north to attract the full attention of the Light Empire.

Then the Dark Empire army will take the opportunity to sneak into the inner area from the northwest and raid the fortress from the rear.

Form a two-sided attack and catch them off guard.

An Tu's face became more and more solemn.

"Cang Hai, thank you for your help. This information is of great help to us!" He said solemnly.

"This is what I should do. Lin Tong smiled.

After that.

The system prompt sounded.


"Legion Commander An Tu's favorability towards you +20, current: 80."

"Congratulations on completing the main task: [Investigate Intelligence]. Rewards: 400,000 experience, 900 gold coins, Light Empire reputation +2000, Legion Commander gift.

"System prompt: Please contact the legion leader An Tu in 24 hours."

At this time, An Tu took out two items and said: "This is your reward! Please accept it."

Lin Tong looked over.

[Legion Call (Medium)]

Quality: Diamond

Effect: 1,000 elite soldiers (Iv40) from the Tianxing Fortress can be seconded for 2 hours.

Exclusive: Canghai

[Brazer Amulet]

Quality: Diamond

Effect: Strength +30, Constitution +20, Critical Hit Rate +12%.

A new amulet is in hand.

Lin Tong puts it directly in the backpack.

This harvest is not bad.

Especially the [Legion Call].

This is a good thing.

Put away the reward.

Lin Tong said: "Legion Commander, since there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Okay." An Tu nodded slightly.

Lin Tong turned and left, and then he was going to participate in the celebration.

An Tu looked at the content recorded in the photo stone.

It was recorded that the Dark Empire generals had full confidence to go around the back of the Tianxing Fortress.

Why did they do that!

You know, there are not only border military camps in the northwest, but also a large number of detection arrays and sentries.

How could an army of 10,000 people bypass so many sights?

This is not normal.

Unless... someone provided them with a complete deployment map.

Only the top military officials, the imperial royal family, and the church officials knew about this level of deployment.

An Tu's face darkened instantly.

Tianxing Main City.

Players are waiting for the opening of the celebration event.


After completing the main task, Lin Tong went offline. After logging into the game again, not long after, the system panel refreshed a series of announcements.

"Ding! World Announcement:"

"The celebration of the Prophet Church has officially opened. Players can participate in the preliminaries with their tickets. The event rules are officially announced. Please click on the event panel to view the details."

The announcement was refreshed six times in a row.

Players opened the event and checked the event rules.

Phase 1: Dragon Country Preliminary.

Time: 3 hours.

Rules details: After agreeing to participate in the competition, the player will be teleported to the [Tower of the Prophet], and the system will randomly select 3,000 questions from the question bank. If the answer is correct, +2 points, and if the answer is wrong, -1*ASS......

The rules are very long.

The players read the full text carefully.

At this time, a shocking news came from the real world.

The Dragon Country officially announced that any player who achieved good results in the second stage of the official competition will receive generous rewards from the country! They even promised to grant military ranks to the top 100 players! After all, the better the official competition results are, the more generous the rewards will be for players across the country. So, other countries followed the example of Dragon Country and took corresponding measures to motivate all citizens. "666, Long Yu is awesome!" "If I don't make it into the top 100 today, I will broadcast a five-speed electric fan to everyone!" "If I don't make it into the top 100, I will perform a human connection activity for everyone!" "Damn, you are all ruthless!" "Hurry up! Brothers, please leave a room number, hehe..." Lin Tong was not interested in the official rewards. Because if he wanted to receive the rewards, he had to show his real identity. Although Lin Tong's strength in reality is already a little superman, he has not yet reached the level of invincibility. His identity was exposed. It meant a series of troubles. So he didn't care too much. Instead, he took out the admission ticket. "Join the event first."

Lin Tong directly agreed to participate in the celebration.

A white light enveloped him.

The environment changed rapidly.

Lin Tong entered the Tower of the Prophet, and countless books were floating around him. In front of him was a virtual panel, which showed that there was one minute left before the event started.

ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers, and evaluation votes!

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