“Who was completely destroyed?”

The Nighthawk suppressed his anger and asked in a shrill voice

“Say it again!”

“The third elite squad, lost contact on the way back to the branch, captain Sparrow level 261 mage, team members level 198 priest, level 214 warrior…”

The Night Scourge likes birds, and his captain is codenamed, mostly named after birds and beasts.

For example: sparrows, petrels, eagles…

“I know the configuration of the Third Elite Squad!”

The Nighthawk slapped the solid wooden desk, and a terrifying crack broke out of the table.

“The third elite squad, even if I personally strike, it will take some effort, how can I lose contact!”

“Look again and report again!”

The Night Lords didn’t want to believe that the elites under his command had one accident after another.

There was an upsetting sound on the TV

“… In response to reports from enthusiastic citizens, a group of assassin League killers were arrested outside a hospital, among them, a killer codenamed ‘Sparrow’, tried to escape and was killed on the spot…”


Now even rescue is saved, directly killed ?!

The night whip was red-eyed, and his back teeth made a terrifying noise.

“Sparrow can also rank in the top ten under me, and no intelligence has been transmitted back?”

The sparrow was cultivated by the Night Lord, and there is no doubt about his strength and loyalty.

“Just received intelligence, Captain Sparrow shouted a word before dying.”

“Say it quickly!”

The Nighthawk grabbed his subordinates by the collar and dragged the other party in front of him, impatiently.

He hadn’t heard the slightest bit of good news tonight.

Perhaps the death of the sparrow can leave useful information.

This is the message that the sparrow conveys with its life.

The Nighthawk does not doubt the accuracy of the information!

The subordinate was strangled by the neck, breathless, but still reluctantly said

“Captain Sparrow said: Beware of crows!”

Beware of crows?!

The night lord chuckled in his heart, and an ominous premonition came to his heart.

He repeated these two words.

Raven, crow….

If it’s a crow, it all makes sense!


The Nighthawk gave the order again, and he gritted his teeth and said word by word

“Inform the second elite squad captain Crow, drop everything in your hands, and return to the branch immediately, there must be no mistake!”

“I have an important task to give him, right away!”


His subordinates fled the office in a hurry and glanced back with a little fear.

It is really rare for the leader to have such a big temper.

Crow, this damn guy, turned out to be an inner ghost!

He is usually so fanatical, so loyal.

It turned out to be all pretended.

This guy is really scheming!


No wonder the brothers were killed and injured tonight, and the ‘enthusiastic citizens’ of the Federation were able to take down a nest as soon as they made a move, it turned out that the crows were making trouble.

With crows passing on intelligence, the city defense department is naturally invincible.

Where is this enthusiastic citizen, this is clearly a zealous inner ghost!

The younger brother hurried to the communication office and contacted the crow to speed up his return to the branch.

“This guy fell into the hands of the chief, and he didn’t have good juice!”

“Did you withdraw so crisply?”

Watch as one enemy abandons all his teammates and retreats alone.

Su Bai was puzzled.

Is this a rush to reincarnation?

I don’t even want my teammates, bah! Immoral scum!

With the help of the detector created by Master Tiger.

Su Bai smoothly sniped wave after wave of enemies.


He is at war with a tough squad.

The opponent’s captain, codenamed Raven, has a super high movement speed, a ghostly figure, and skillful cooperation with the squad members, which is very difficult.

Originally, Su Bai needed to take down this squad.

Who knew that the crow would abandon his teammates and run away alone!

These subordinates of his are naturally not as lucky as him.

After losing its strongest combat power, this squad was vulnerable and was easily cleaned up by Su Bai.

“218 people.”

Su Bai counted the scum he had captured alive tonight, and he felt a sense of accomplishment.

According to the Crown Tree Man,

The general branch has about 500 people.

Su Bai looked at the detector, and there were some stragglers around.

Su Bai, who is accustomed to eating big fish and meat, can’t look at these small shrimp.

All of them were seriously injured by him and handed over to the city defense department.

In the middle of the detector, dense red dots are concentrated in one location.

There are 312 people!

Su Bai can be sure,

“Shelley Mansion, a branch of the League of Assassins!”

“The strongest Night Lord, a level 399 shadow assassin, once assassinated a seriously injured level 461 mage in the hospital, and became famous in one fell swoop, with a reward of 2.48 billion…”

Looking at the information, Su Bai fell into hesitation.

312 people, more than all of Su Bai’s victories tonight.

Can be a 399-level night falcon, a third-grade peak martial artist, close to the combat power of a fourth-grade martial artist.

Su Bai was not sure whether a level 50 self and a level 399 shadow assassin were stronger or weaker.

Since the enemies were concentrated together, most of them warmed up the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Once these rats are teleported away, they will continue to serve the evil gods and cause endless harm.

There was no time for Su Bai to hesitate!

The scene of Uncle Qin’s injury was vividly remembered, and the dark priest’s assassination plan for himself, Su Bai also remembered it in his heart.

Even B-grade talent they refuse to let go, are they still human!

This hatred, Su Bai must repay.

Su Bai takes revenge, from morning to night!

Miss this opportunity, and then find the Nighthawk, it will be difficult!

Su Bai made up his mind.


“Sneak into the Shelley Building first, inquire about the situation, and do it when you have the opportunity.”

“If you don’t have a chance…”

A cold glint flashed in Su Bai’s eyes

“Call the city defense department and let them worry about it!”

“It’s too embarrassing for me to always expect a level 50 child to save the world!”

Seeing that the road is uneven, I roared, and I didn’t dare to shake people, I am a dog!

Shelley Mansion,

17th floor.

The night cane stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, enjoying the night view.

In the past, he loved the night.

What assassin can refuse the charm of the night?

Night is the Assassin’s best friend, a natural disguise.


Tonight, everything has changed.

Baichuan City is like a man-devouring monster, constantly devouring the Nightlord’s subordinates.

This unknown made everyone in the branch fall into fear and panic.

In the past 1 hour, a total of 156 people have been missing.

The number is growing!

The most ridiculous thing is that the Nighthawk needs to know from the TV news that his subordinates have been arrested again!

The news is more efficient than his gang of rice bucket men!

“Chief, the crow has arrived.”

“Let him in!”

The Nighthawk took a deep breath.

Finally, there is good news.

This traitor, the crow, can’t solve the hatred in his heart no matter how many times he kills!

It’s a pity that there is no time.

Otherwise, the Nighthawk will leave the crow with his life and torture him well!

Let him know what real pain is!

The raven pushed the door in, he had injuries on his body, and there was a faint smell of blood.

The Nighthawk snorted coldly.

I also do a full set of plays, which is quite capable of acting.

Let’s major in the Department of Actors at Samurai University!

The raven knelt down on one knee and said respectfully

“Chief, on the way here, I met a …”

Raven’s words came to an abrupt end.

A black blood slowly flowed from the top of his head.

The Night Lord’s palm shattered his Heavenly Spirit Cover, instantly cutting off his vitality!

After killing people, the night thug wiped his hands with a tissue and said indifferently

“This palm is for the dead brethren!”

Outside the Shelley Building.

Su Bai looked up at the brightly lit building.

17 floors, 312 people, 399 class night scoundrels.

This is bound to be a vicious battle!

Su Bai did not have any fear in his heart, and even some excitement, and the blood accelerated its flow.

He’s coming!


(The fifth is more sent, rush rush!) )

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