With the continuous increase of physical strength, Lin Mu’s time to leave the world of “Power Battle World” is getting shorter and shorter.

From the beginning of quitting “Power War” for an hour or two a day, to now, it has been many days since I left.

As the game progressed, most players, including Lin Mu, found that the improvement in “Thrones World” could be fed back to themselves.

Not only that, but the strong feelings of you, diet and rest, and even the three emergencies can help you solve it in real life.

And this time, Lin Mu intends to leave the world of “Power Fights the World” again.

In fact, after the Meng Xiaotuan was rescued by himself, he was brought to him by the members of the Yan King Hall under Lin Mu.

The original spacious accommodation was not used, but to avoid harassment by some people with ulterior motives.

Directly changed his residence to the Yan King Palace, in a base in the Yan Kingdom.

The purpose of leaving the game “War of Thrones” this time is not that Lin Mu wants to relax his mood.

Instead, modern technology and talents are transmitted to Weng Cao Town at the fastest speed.

Through the conversations of players on the world channel, Lin Mu could also see that there were still very few players who really began to develop technology.

However, with the keen eyes of the military, the major consortiums, as well as Cao Cao and others, they must have already carried out research like the [research institute] in the Forging Hall.

You must not fall behind them.

One million taels of gold is not a big expense for Weng Cao Town at this moment.

However, the priority right to use the crystal nucleus and Lin Mu’s attention to this research institute made Wen Yang and the others a little incomprehensible.

“Lord, even if we don’t have a divine weapon, we can snatch it from other lords~!”

“According to the opinion of the last general, it is better to popularize such a divine thing as a crystal nucleus first and fill our army’s combat power in the [Three Realms Asura Field].”

As soon as Jiang Wei’s words came out, they instantly aroused everyone’s agreement.

Although the achievements of the Forging Hall made them also a little excited.

But after all, this is just a weapons forge.

As long as you create enough armaments for Weng Cao Town, why bother so much?

“I’m done! If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools, and this matter does not need to be discussed! ”

Lin Mu rarely directly built Jiang Wei and the others back.

Such a thing as weapons and ammunition, even if Lin Mu had the intention to give Jiang Wei a solution, he couldn’t tell it for a while.

In addition to the introduction of technology, Lin Mu is also gradually having a problem.

That’s the fusion of the real world and Under the Power.

If you say that when the game first started, Lin Mu went to the harvest in “Power Fight” to interact with himself.

That was a month-long period of time, and that intensity also grew rapidly.

Could it be that after a while, these two worlds will be completely integrated?!

Coupled with the existence of the space of the [Three Realms Asura Field], what does the mastermind behind the development of the game “Thrones War” want to do?!

If the people outside the world later fall in “Power Battle World”, will they also fall in the same as they fall in the [Three Realms Asura Field], and disappear in various worlds?

This is no longer a game, if Lin Mu only cared about the lives of Wang Mazi and others before.

If you care about a long-lost challenge that can arouse your own interest, now, you have to become stronger!

Strong enough that Wang Mazi and others, who followed their birth and death from beginning to end, can gain a foothold in the world of “Power Fights the World”.

In the midst of changes that may occur at any time, the brothers of the Hades Hall and the Moe Group can save their lives!

Jiang Wei and the others did not see Lin Mu showing such a determined look.

Even at the moment of encountering a life and death crisis in the [Three Realms Asura Field], Lin Mu’s face remained indifferent as if it had remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

How could he be so strong at this moment because of the advice of himself and others?

Jiang Wei and the others didn’t ask more, they knew that Lin Mu’s decision was by no means without thought.

Since Lin Mu was so determined, they naturally wouldn’t cause Lin Mu unnecessary trouble.

Huang Long and Xiang Yi first glanced at Lin Mu, who had a serious face, and glanced at Weng Cao Wenwu with some apology.

Finally, he knelt on one knee and respectfully thanked Lin Mu:

“Thank you for your grace, courtier, obey!”

From a blank piece of paper, the now large-scale [research institute] was pulled.

Huang Long and Xiang Yi can be said to be people in Weng Cao Town who can understand the important status of this [Research Institute] better than Lin Mu.

Since Lin Mu was so supportive, they naturally had no reason not to obey.

After the two finished speaking, they did not waste any more time, but took Lin Mu and the others to a closed room in the deepest part of the [Research Institute] (Li Li’s).

In the huge space of the enclosed room, all the large and small piles are barbaric god stones.

Among them, there was something that once again made Lin Mu feel stunned.

A weapon the size of an old-fashioned rifle!

However, the caliber is several times wider than that of older rifles.

The weapon is one meter and five meters long, made of barbarian god stone, and has a quenched iron hook and sickle at the tip, containing a bulge, which can shoot dark weapons like firearms.

There are only ten dark weapons, but among them are hundreds of barbarian god stone blades, and the blades have unparalleled sharpness!

This is not so much an old-fashioned rifle as it is more like a Tang Gate secret weapon described in “Douluo Continent”.

Fully automatic, enhanced version, rainstorm pear flower needle! _

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