Online Game: My Pet Can Evolve

Chapter 151 Tears Of The Moon God.

Leave the temple.

Luo Fan cleaned up the battlefield outside, and the harvest was good. The two bosses exploded with spoils all over the place.


A purple necklace just happened to be worn by Bella. This little loli, who has always been innocent and lively, is still immersed in the shock of her life experience, and she is already like a silly girl.

A purple cloak was draped over Sally's shoulders.


There are also some gold coins, materials, skill books, and 10 golden skill stones.

In short.

This trip to the elven ruins, the skill stones really made a lot of money. Luo Fan estimates that if he looks back and sums it up, he might be able to upgrade all the skills of himself and the three babies to Iv10!

Then he took out a scroll to return to the city.

Ready to return.

At this time, the character suddenly froze, and the surrounding images remained motionless and fell into stillness!


"Am I stuck in the game?"

Luo Fan muttered in his heart.

But it's not right, "God's Favorite" is a 100% virtual online game, in essence, it is a real fantasy world, how could it get stuck?

At this time.

An ethereal voice sounded directly in Luo Fan's mind.

"Stupid 03 mortals."

"Don't be surprised anymore, your time has been stopped by me. I am the god of elves, the noble and flawless [Moon Goddess Akdina], and the mother of that poor girl."


"You actually took the only son of this god as a pet, and you should die of both spirit and soul!"

The voice was slightly angry.

Luo Fan's heart skipped a beat, Luna is so high above and disdainful of all existence, seeing his baby being raised as a pet, he must be very angry.


"For the sake of your sincerity to Bella, my god, I will spare you this time."

"But you have to remember."

"Treat this poor girl well, don't bully her, don't let her be wronged, otherwise, you will understand what God's wrath is."

"As for this gadget, just take it."

The sound gradually faded away.

The surrounding pictures began to flow, and the time returned to normal. Luo Fan raised his hand, and suddenly found a bright pearl like a water drop in his palm.

【Tears of the Moon God】

Quantity: 3

Description: The pearl-like tears shed by Luna Aktila. After use, Luna will help you once if it is reasonable.


"This Moon God kept saying that he wanted to kill me, but in the end, he sent three tears. How arrogant..."

The corners of Luo Fan's mouth raised slightly.

3 tears.

You can ask Luna to help you shoot 3 times. Of course, there are limited conditions, for example, you can help yourself defeat a boss, help yourself solve a group of enemies, etc.

But it will not break the rules to help yourself.

That's enough!

3 tears are 3 life-saving talismans, even if I offend the Heavenly King Lao Tzu and summon the Moon God, who would dare to bully me??

At this time, Luo Fan also understood.

On the one hand, Luna is very cruel to his daughter Bella, on the other hand, he cannot let go of the relationship between mother and daughter.

"Tsk tsk..."

"Moon God, your baby is in my hands, and I'm afraid you will need to take care of me in the future. I am a man who is determined to be your son-in-law!"

Luo Fan is also flattered to think of it.


Then crushed the teleportation scroll, the figure disappeared and returned to Twilight City.

at the same time.

The entire Bei Yi Si ruins also completely collapsed...

A row of golden announcements also appeared.


"Regional announcement! The player [Biluofanchen] successfully killed the A-level hidden boss [Ancient Sword and Shield Statue] of Bei Yi Si Temple, and received rewards: experience x300,000, golden skill stone x5.

"Region Announcement! The player [Biluofanchen] successfully killed the A-level hidden boss [Ancient Archer Statue] of Bei Yi Si Temple, and received rewards: experience x300,000, golden skill stone x5."

"Regional announcement! Due to special reasons, the special map [Bei Yi Si Ruins] has disappeared forever..."



All the announcements were swiped three times in a row.

In an instant, Twilight City's chat channel exploded again.

"What's going on here?"

"Kill double [A-level] bosses?"

"Biluo again?"

"What is the Bei Yi Si ruins, what is the special reason, and what does the special map mean?"

"A dazed look..."

"You feel like you don't understand the contents of the announcement?"

"Pushing the hidden map again, and killing the hidden boss again, I feel like I'm not playing the same game as Bi Luo..."

"Shameless Bi Luo, stole the opportunity of our elf players again!!"

"Excuse me!"

The elf players were stunned.

I can't figure out what's going on, anyway, it just feels awesome.

" it Biluo's fault again?"

Periphery of the ruins.

Nanguoli has already changed into Biluo ptsd (post-traumatic stress disorder), as soon as she sees a few words, she trembles all over her body and her feet are cold

Now it seems.

The earthquake in this ruin was not due to the natural cause he thought before, but because of Biluo.

this time.

Bi Luo won't trap herself again, will she?

Do not know why.

Nan Guoli suddenly had a bad feeling!!

"Mr. Envoy."

"Please come with us!"

The screen changed.

As soon as Luo Fan returned to Twilight City, a group of guards from the Temple of the Moon surrounded him, and a knight of the Temple walked out and said to Luo Fan with a cold face.

Two guards stepped forward immediately, about to take Luo Fan down.

"Arrest me?"

"I am the special envoy of the Church of Light. I represent the God of Light on behalf of 150. Aren't you afraid of offending a god?"

Luo Fan took out the envoy token.

The temple neodymium knight waved his hand, and continued to say with a cold face: "Master Special Envoy, the Bei Yi Si ruins are an ancient elf ruin and a cultural treasure of the Noldo Kingdom!"

"But you destroyed this ruin!"

"Now the priest of the Moon God Temple is calling you, and the Duke of Elendil is also here. You must give the elves an explanation, otherwise, even if you are the special envoy of the church, you will be punished severely by the temple!"

Bei Yi Si ruins.

It is a forbidden place established by the Moon God, and its status in the Moon God Temple is very high. Even the elf king and the chief priest of the Moon God Temple are not allowed to enter.

Now, it was actually destroyed by a human being.

This feeling.

It's like being run over by a wheel on the face, it's a naked humiliation!


"I thought it was a big deal."

He looked at the temple neodymium knight with a serious face, as if he had been insulted.

Luo Fan had the urge to laugh.

As long as I communicate with the Moon God about this matter, I guess the Moon God Temple will not dare to pursue it. By the way, I am going to see the priest of the Temple and the Duke of Elendil.

Let's talk about [Alliance] between humans and elves.

And the [Holy Bow] thing.

So he waved his hand: "Beautiful Sir Knight, please lead the way."

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