Online Game: My Pet Can Evolve

Chapter 161 The Second Evolution Of Neodymium King Beast!

【Skeleton Soldier】

Ixti: 750.

M: 10000.

Description: Poor skeleton without self-consciousness, only obeys the command of the leader.

In order not to attract the attention of the boss.

Luo Fan decided to use long-range burst shooting. After equipping the [Elandil Holy Bow], Sally's range has reached 375 yards, which has surpassed most sniper rifles in reality!

"Sally, I leave it to you."

Pointing to a skeleton soldier in the distance, Luo Fan said to Sally on the shoulder.


Sally raised her little head, and immediately, the five-headed full body mode was activated!

The next moment, rows of ice arrows shot out...

biu, biu, biu...

biu, biu...

-1222x2! (Slow down!)





No loss is the 【Holy Bow】.

At this time, every attack of Sally will trigger the [Double-Click] effect, turning into spit out two ice arrows, resulting in two attacks!

A round of volley is equal to 10 attacks, and the output is also extremely terrible!


Skeleton soldiers have no flesh and blood, only bones. Arrows can easily pass through 03, causing a miss effect.

biu, biu...


After a salvo.

Sally fired two more arrows to kill the skeleton.

Then the head aimed at the next skeleton soldier, and spit out a salvo.....

biu, biu.......


This time luck was good, none of the five heads triggered the miss effect, and the skeleton was dropped in seconds.








Following the ultra-long-distance attacks one after another, this group of stupid skeleton soldiers was shot dead one by one, and fell to the ground and turned into broken bones.

If that boss wakes up.

You will definitely find that your little soldiers are belching rhythmically one after another.


Sally's shooting range is too far, the boss [Skeleton Commander], can't detect Sally's existence at all, and is still immersed in the dream.

biu, biu, biu...

Accompanied by the rain of ice arrows flying.

Luo Fan was also amazed, this girl Sally is really a little expert at "stealing people". In a short time, she stole hundreds of skeleton soldiers.

This kind of picture.

It also reminded him that when he played "Red Alert" before, a British sniper could snipe and kill the entire enemy's soldiers at a super long distance.

"Tsk tsk..."

"This little girl, from today onwards, you will no longer be called [Miss Gatling], but - [Sniper Emperor]!"

Luo Fan is also emotional.

time goes by.

The group of more than a thousand skeletons has been stolen in sevens and eighties, leaving only dozens of them wandering around the boss, and at this time, the boss [Skeleton Commander] was finally awakened by the howling rain of arrows.

"[Army Assemble]!"

"【Attack Halo】!"

"【Army Charge】!"

As soon as the boss opened his eyes, he saw that there were only a few dozen of his soldiers left, he couldn't help but roared, and activated the halo. All the skeleton soldiers immediately regained their energy and charged in a single line.

"Neodymium King, deal with the minions.

"Bella, carry the boss!"

"Sally, output with all your strength, and add another boss to the [Signal Department]!

Luo Fan quickly commanded.


Neodymium King's legs shook, jumped into the air, turned into a bat and rushed towards the skeleton soldier;

Bella charged as a champion and flew towards the boss;

Sally poured out her skills crazily.

【Blood Waltz】!

Brush, brush, brush...

-2888! (2x crit)



【Champion Charge】!

-3580! (Dash! Knockdown!)

【Frost Breath】!

【Blizzard Tente】!

【Frost Ray】!





With the three babies attacking with all their strength, the boss was being ravaged by the little Lolita while being shot into a hedgehog by Sally "The Blood Emperor is also going crazy.

But for a while.

The boss [Skeleton Commander] lost about 200,000 HP.

At this time.

The boss suddenly stopped struggling, pulled out a signal arrow at his waist, and was about to throw it into the sky.


"Stop him!"

Luo Fan shouted, once the boss throws the signal arrow, the undead army in the whole town will be on alert, and then he will be embarrassed.

【mini fridge】!


Sally also immediately spit out an ice cube, which hit the boss and expanded into a 3m x 3m large ice cube, freezing the blogs.

biu, biu, biu...

biu, biu...

After being frozen, the boss suffered an additional 50% damage, and the three babies attacked frantically. The boss's 200,000 HP was quickly emptied, and then fell to the ground with a bang!


Luo Fan also heaved a sigh of relief.

Like most undead units, this boss is not powerful, but because it needs to be defeated secretly, it is also a bit difficult.

The battle is over.

Luo Fan cleaned the battlefield, and the three babies rushed forward, happily absorbing the evolutionary energy in the boss's body.

Cleared the first boss.

Luo Fan took the three babies again and walked to the next boss. The tactics remain the same, Sally will snipe and kill mobs from a distance first, and finally the babies will swarm up to boss 5.


ten minutes later.

The second boss [Skeleton Commander] fell to the ground, contributing a large wave of loot experience all over the place.

In "God's Favorite".

Level lv25 is considered a threshold, after which, the experience of players and babies will increase suddenly. Currently, 24 times experience is needed to upgrade one's own team.

Upgrades are also slower.

After fighting the boss twice, the team experience has only increased by a small amount.

But there is no rush.

There are a lot of skeleton soldiers here, just kill them slowly.




time goes by.

Luo Fan kept brushing the skeleton soldiers around the town, until noon of the next day, with the fall of a [Skeleton Commander], the monsters outside Frozen Crow Town were completely cleared.

Next step.

780 is heading towards the town.

Just then.

A bright beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the head of King Limela, who was absorbing the energy of evolution. Immediately, King King's eyes were painful, and his whole body trembled violently.

The body seems to be undergoing some kind of change......

"This is, evolving?!"

Luo Fan stared.

After so long, Neodymium King is finally about to usher in the second evolution!

For the first time, King Neo evolved from a bat to a human.

Lu Fan is also looking forward to what characteristics will be evolved in the second time!

Time to evolve.

It took longer than expected, and the king of dynamite also looked very painful, as if he was struggling with something. Seeing this scene, Luo Fan also thought that since the King of Kings is a vampire, his [Ancient God's Bloodline] might be able to help King of Kings evolve.

So go forward.

Stretch out an arm to the front of the king of neodymium, the meaning is obvious, let her take a breath...


Neodymium pushed away his arm, stretched out his hand and hooked Luo Fan's head, making their cheeks close to each other, and the corner of his mouth whispered in his ear: "The blood here tastes sweeter."


next moment.

The neodymium king pressed his lips together, bit Luo Fan's tongue, and sucked up the blood with a big gulp.

for a while.

When Luo Fan felt that she was about to be out of breath, the King of Neodymium suddenly trembled, her eyes burst into a bloody light, and behind her, slowly spread a pair of bloody wings...

A reminder also sounded.


"Congratulations! Your baby [King Limeira] has successfully evolved and obtained the evolution feature [Cthulhu Wings]!",

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