Online Game: My Pet Can Evolve

Chapter 180 From Today On, Please Call Me Black Hearted City Lord.

"elder sister."

"Why do you feel that spawning monsters in Snow Lion City is not good at all?"

On the outskirts of Snow Lion City.

The second miss of the Su family, "A Lady with Rabbit Ears", complained while leading the bunnies to fight monsters.

"Compared with Emerald Castle, there is indeed a gap."

The young miss of the Su family, "A Lady with Wolf Ears", also shook her head.

Their Shadow Song Guild occupies a golden leveling point at this time, and the leveling efficiency is already very fast. However, once compared with the 3 times experience and 3 times explosion rate of Emerald Castle, there is still a huge gap.

"It would be great if I could go to Emerald Valley to spawn monsters."

"Yeah, the Emerald Valley has beautiful scenery, experience, and a bonus to the explosion rate. Go there to spawn monsters, and it will last for three days a day!"

"If you're lucky, you can spend a few more gold coins a day!"

"Based on the current gold price, if you farm monsters in Emerald Castle, the daily income will start at least hundreds of thousands!"

"You all know how to spawn monsters, am I the only one who wants to go to Emerald Castle to see the scenery?"

"uls1, Emerald Castle is really beautiful!"

"It's like "two two three" climbing the emerald city wall!"

"I don't know what the newly completed [Oracle Cathedral] looks like!"

"This is the only building!"

"The president, the vice president, and God Biluo are friends, why don't you have a py with Biluo and let us go to Emerald Castle to have fun?"

"I really want to be Mrs. Yazhai of Emerald Castle..."

"You little bitch, don't steal my husband!"


The girls from the Shadow Song Guild were also chatting non-stop.

At this time, a row of small speakers came out.




Seeing the content of the small speaker, all the girls were shocked, but they didn't expect that Biluo would be willing to open the Emerald Castle to the outside world, and they all screamed again and again.

"Sister, Brother Xiaofan is really grand, let's go to Emerald Castle to kill monsters!"

A girl with rabbit ears immediately clapped her hands and said.

"Hmph, my sister looks at you because she wants to see Bi Luo.

A wolf-eared girl rolled her eyes at her younger sister, and immediately the corner of her mouth became suspicious: "The men of the Luo family are better than each other, this Luo Fan, will open the Emerald Castle so generously?......In short, Go and see it first!"

next moment.

The two sisters and more than a thousand girls returned to the city one after another, and returned to Snow Lion City.

have to say.

Emerald Castle's 3 times experience and 3 times explosion rate are fatally attractive to players. After Luo Fan's little trumpet came out, the entire Snow Lion City was already a sensation.

When the two sisters returned to the city.

The entire teleportation plaza of Snow Lion City has been occupied by massive players. Millions of players are flocking to the teleportation array.


"Please select a delivery destination!"

It's not easy.

A wolf-eared lady just opened the teleportation array, and Ridao reminded her stomach to ring.

"【Emerald Castle】.

A mother with wolf ears said.


"Please pay the transmission fee: [5 gold coins].

The beep sounded again.


A wolf-eared lady immediately burst into question marks, 5 gold coins for a transmission fee, which is about 1 million Xia yuan, this Bi Luo is too dark!

No wonder the Emerald Castle will be opened, it turns out they want to earn teleportation fees!

Gritting his teeth.

A wolf-eared lady paid the teleportation fee, and immediately, the scenery changed, and she appeared in the magnificent emerald teleportation array.

Looking up, there is an oracle cathedral more than 300 meters high.

Looking at the dreamy scenery all around.

A wolf-eared lady also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling refreshed, such a beautiful scenery, it is worth spending 5 gold coins to send it over.


Relying on the 3 times explosion rate, the gold coins will be earned back soon.

And at this time.

Another prompt appeared.


"City reminder: You are already in Emerald Castle, according to the "Emerald Castle Code", you must pay (1 gold coin/day) poll tax.

"City Tip: If you owe taxes for a long time, you will be in the red status of Emerald Castle!"

"City Reminder: Paying taxes according to the law is the duty of every player!"

Looking at the prompt.

A wolf-eared girl was instantly stunned.

My god, pay taxes according to the law. This heir of the Rock family is too black-hearted. Why don’t you grab the poll tax of 1 gold coin per day??


at the same time.

The entire chat channel also exploded.

"Poll tax?"

"Fuck, 1 gold coin/day, Bi Luo, can you be more black-hearted!"

"Transmission fee of 5 gold coins, poll tax of 1 gold coin, and 10% transaction tax, Bi Luo, is this how you treat your compatriots?"

"Hehe, Bi Luo, come out and let me see your heart..."

"The hearts of capitalists are black!"

"Ten thousand taxes, ten thousand taxes!"

"Stop talking, go fight monsters, or you won't be able to pay the poll tax!"

"It feels like coming to Emerald Castle is to work for Biluo!"

"Take me to spawn monsters, hey, starting today, we will work hard for the poll tax!"

"If you can't pay the taxes, you still need to be famous, and you are hunted down by NPCs, it's too miserable..."

"Spawn monsters, spawn monsters!"

Although swearing.

But the players were still very honest, and ran out of the city to spawn monsters one by one. As for Snow Lion City, there were also players who teleported to Emerald Castle one after another.

Of course, they are all high-end players.

Only these players can bear the transfer fee of 5 gold coins and the head tax of 1 gold coin per day... and their income in Emerald Castle will also be higher than this figure


"Although this Biluo is a bit darker, but with 3 times experience and 3 times explosion rate in Emerald Castle, it is still profitable.

Battle Sky Guild.

The key member [Zhantian·Crazy Knife] reported to the president Chu Tian.

"it is good."

"Immediately organize the guild members of Snow Lion City to enter Emerald Castle to open up wasteland!"

Chu Tian also quickly returned a message.

not for a while.

Tens of thousands of Zhantian guild members charged towards the snow lion teleportation array.


"Transmission failed! According to the "Emerald Castle Code", all members of [Zhantian Guild] are blacklisted and prohibited from entering the territory of Emerald Castle. Forcibly breaking in will be treated as a red name!"

After a while.

Crazy Knife failed to transmit, looking at the prompt message with a dazed expression.

Unable to enter Emerald Castle, does that mean that their game progress is far behind that of the guilds that entered Emerald Castle?

Bi Luo's move is so ruthless!

"From today."

"Please call me City Lord Black Heart."

Emerald officer.

Luo Fan looked at the army of players who were swearing, obediently paying the poll tax, and going out of the city to spawn monsters, and smiled slightly.

Players vote with their feet.

As long as the player's income in Emerald Castle is much higher than the tax cost, then no matter how high the tax is, they will obediently develop in Emerald Castle.

Conversely, if the Emerald Castle is deserted, even if the tax is 0, no players will come here to farm monsters.

Look back.

Luo Fan looked at the hand-painted [West Sea Map] in front of him again.

According to the memory of 0.9 in the previous life.

In the West Sea where Emerald Castle is located, there lived a group of sea snake tribes. And Sally's mother happened to be the Hydra Queen of the Old God Era.

Whether it is to explore the secret of the disappearance of the old gods.

Or to help Sally become a powerful ocean overlord, it is necessary to go to sea and meet these sea snake tribes for a while.

"If you want to go to sea."

"You have to build a ship, and if you want to build a ship, you must have a port quota, which is troublesome."

Knocked on the head.

Luo Fan also had a headache.

The original plan was to take Sally to the sea after defending the city, but now it seems that I thought it was too simple.

"The mayor."

"There's a bunch of ugly monsters out there begging to see you!"

At this time, the queen in bat form flew to the terrace and said.

"Ugly?" Luo Fan frowned.

"Well, it's a group of green-skinned goblins who say they want to talk to you about port trade on behalf of the goblin company." The king of neodymium changed back into a human form, curling his lips in disgust. .

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