Online Game: My Pet Can Evolve

Chapter 59 Rockwell's Ambition (Please Customize)

"Ha ha.....…"

"God bless my Luo family!"

During the dinner.

When he learned that the most popular player in "God's Favorite" "Bi Luo Fanchen" is his grandson, Mr. Luo was stunned for a moment, and then kept applauding.

Uncle Wu and Uncle Six were also unbelievable at first, and then sighed again and again, their eyes slightly moist.

These three old guys...

Luo Fan was also speechless, the three of them were still planning how to plot against themselves in the game, now, they suddenly looked kindly and kindly, this "face change" is really fast.

Next, I talked about some of Rockwell's plans.

Follow Luo Fan's previous proposal.

Rockwell sold the family property at a low price and raised about 300 billion in funds, all of which were used to purchase the limited-release game cabins of "God's Favorite" and hire players.

Ordinary landing module, 300,000/unit, 300,000 units have been purchased.

Luxury landing cabin, 3 million/unit, 20,000 units have been purchased.

Supreme Landing Module, 30 million/unit, 14 units have been purchased.

can be seen.

Due to the popularity of "God's Favorite", the price of the limited edition game cabin has risen five or six times. Even so, Rockwell spent a lot of effort to purchase these game pods.

As for gaming helmets, due to fatigue, the Rock family did not consider them from the very beginning.

These game cabins alone cost almost half of the 227 funds.

remaining funds.

It is mainly used to hire players, hoard supplies, and buy venues.

Well, Rockwell's team is mainly divided into two groups.

One group is mainly "worker players". These players use "ordinary landing pods" and are mainly engaged in labor work in the game, such as "lumberjacks", "construction workers" and "transportation".

These players are easy to recruit. Rockwell has many factories, and they can recruit active and serious workers directly from the factories.

Say something.

When these workers heard that Rockwell provided food, lodging, wages and a game cabin worth 300,000 yuan for them to play games, they were not generally positive.

The second batch is the main players.

These players mainly use the "luxury game cabin" of 3 million units. As for the source of players, Xia Guo has no shortage of e-sports clubs, and there is no shortage of Internet-addicted teenagers. The Rock Group is non-stop acquiring second-tier and third-tier clubs from across the country and moving them to the deep sea.

Well, at the very beginning of the game, players also have the authority to transfer zones.

In order to better control this team of hundreds of thousands of people.

Rockwell's three "landmark" skyscrapers in the deep sea CBD center, as well as some merchants in Rockwell Commercial Plaza, have all been vacated, ready to welcome the team to settle in

just imagine...

Hundreds of thousands, millions of game cabins are free to use, the world's top office environment, five-star living environment, plus high wages. Coupled with the careful guidance of Luo Fan.

Even the Rothschild family, the Morgan family, and the Nine Elders of the Xia Kingdom didn't have the courage to do what the Rock family did before they figured out the true potential of "God's Favorite", right?

And how strong are the players recruited in this way, and how loyal will they be?


This team, Luo Fan has no time to manage it himself, but the family members will take care of it. These personnel will also be incorporated into various guilds under the Luo family. Among them, the elites were selected to join their own "Luoshen Guild".

Talking late into the night, Lu was about to get up and say goodbye.


"It's a pity. Rock's has privately talked about many talented e-sports professional players, and they are willing to switch to Rock's. High liquidated damages are nothing. The key is that the other party requires a 'Superior Gaming Cabin'."

"We Rockwell only bought 14 game cabins in total, not enough for our own use..."

"Otherwise, we can dig up a lot of good seedlings!"

Uncle Wu sighed.

The number two at the helm of the Rock Group understands very well that playing games, looking at talent, and cultivating a talented boy is more useful than cultivating a thousand or ten thousand mediocre ones.

"Soldiers are better than many."

Uncle Liu also thinks so.


Hearing Uncle Wu and Uncle Six, Luo Fan suddenly raised his hand and tapped his head, as if he had thought of something, and then said: "Uncle Fifth, Uncle Six, I forgot to tell you. Back then, I valued the potential of "God's Favorite". I bought 1,000 supreme landing pods for 5 billion in one day.

"Eh? Xiaofan, what did you say?"

"Uncle Liu heard it right, a thousand units? Now it's worth at least 30 billion, no, at least 40 billion...and you can't buy it if you have money!"

Uncle Wu and Uncle Six looked dizzy.

It seems that (adcd) was dazzled by this sudden happiness.


the next day.

Luo Fan got up early in the morning to log in to "God's Favorite" and came to the familiar Xinshou Village.

Different from yesterday.

Today, the number of players who go to farm [Nightmare Class · Blackstone Mine] has decreased a lot. After all, the world's first kill has already appeared, and the dungeon is also rare.

Except for a few powerful guild players, they need the skill stones rewarded by dungeons to continue to improve their strength to brush dungeons.

Other players choose to enter the main city to play as soon as they reach LV10.

"Brave adventurer."

"You have proved yourself in Novice Village, a vast world is waiting for you to take risks, so, which city would you like to start your journey from?"

When the village head was found to express his intention.

The old village head nodded to Luo Fan with satisfaction, and then spread out a vast "Hannan Server World Map".

Judging from the map.

The entire game map is similar to the North American region in reality, but it is many times larger.

Among them, Maple Leaf Country is full of swamps, deserts, lava, and the geographical environment is extremely harsh. It is the paradise of [Nation of the Dead] and [Nation of Demons].

The country of Sam, the rich west coast and southwest region, is the [Lionheart Empire] of humans; the east coast, the Great Lakes, and the northeast region are the [Dwarf Kingdom] haunted by dwarves.

Las Vegas, Forest Covering, West Elf [Nodo Kingdom's territory.


[Lion Heart Empire] There are more than a dozen second-tier cities to choose from. Luo Fan took a look, and his eyes fell on an ice and snow city about the location of "Seattle"——Snow Lion City.


"Game Tips: [Snow Lion City] is a frontier city with an important geographical location, guarding the frontiers of the empire. This glorious city only welcomes the true brave.

"If you want to go to this city, you must first reach the surrounding villages and towns, go through the dangerous wilderness, and reach Snow Lion City on foot before you can be qualified to enter the city!"

"Would you like to go to [Snow Lion City]?"

A row of prompts is displayed.


Luo Fan nodded.

In the early stage, the player selects a second-level main city, which cannot be changed, nor can it be transferred to other second-level main cities, so this choice is very important, and it is related to the development of the first and mid-term.

As the intersection of humans, dwarves, and undead.

Rich in minerals and many wild monsters, Snow Lion City, which is also very difficult, is undoubtedly the choice of many elite players.


"Please select the surrounding town you want to go to!"

Another reminder sounded.

Immediately around [Snow Lion City], icons of more than a dozen small towns appeared, among which the closest one was more than ten kilometers away from Snow Lion City, and the farthest was hundreds of kilometers away.

It is not an easy task to walk so far on foot and deal with monsters in the wild.

"Twilight Town?"

When Luo Fan saw a small town on the border of the empire, his eyes lit up and he clicked the [OK button]. Well, if I remember correctly, a legendary NPC in the previous life seemed to be born in this snow-covered town.

Then the eyes went dark, and the prompt sounded:


"Game prompt: Lionheart Empire, Snow Lion Leader, Muxue Town, teleporting..."

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