Online Game: My Pet Can Evolve

Chapter 86 Temptation Of The Evil God!


"Game Tip: Your baby [Little Chief Bella] has gained enough experience to successfully upgrade to LV11!"

"Game tip: During the upgrade process, your baby has a new understanding of charging, the skill [lv2-Champion's Charge] (purple), is upgraded to [Iv3 Champion's Charge] (purple)!"

After brushing for a while on the second coat.

A bright light fell, and Bella, who had 7 times experience, finally rose to LV11. get:

Strength +14.

Dexterity +6.


Constitution +14.

A total of 44 attribute points.

at the same time.

The skill has also been upgraded by one level, which is equivalent to saving Luo Fan two purple skill stones!

"Bella, good job."

"For the next upgrade, try to evolve once."

Luo Fan patted Bella's head with satisfaction. Sally has evolved from Lv1 to Iv11, a total of 4 evolutions, but this little centaur Lolita has never entered the "443" transformation.

Is this little loli body a bit strange?

Do you want to check her body?

After Bella upgraded, the speed of spawning monsters of the three accelerated again.

not for a while.

Another ray of light fell from the top of the head.

Luo Fan, with 1 times the leveling experience, was the first to rise to level Iv12 and gained 20 skill points. in.

Distribute power +8 points.

Assign Agility +8 points.

Allocate constitution +4 points.


In the process of upgrading, Luo Fan also had a realization. The professional skill [Phantom Shot] was upgraded from LV1 to LV2, and the damage was increased to 400%.

The boss on the second floor is a man-eating crocodile general, a monster of the meat shield type, and the three of them survived the battle without any danger.

Sally has also been upgraded to LV12.


Strength +10.

Dexterity +12.

Constitution +8.

And in the process of upgrading, I have insights, and the skill [small refrigerator] is changed from v2 level to TVB level.

different from the first layer.

The crocodiles on the second and third floors have been contaminated with the breath of hell and belong to fallen monsters. While spawning monsters, the [Snow Lion Magic Bottle] on Luo Fan's waist is also constantly absorbing the breath of hell from the monsters and transforming into itself energy points.

When arriving in front of the boss hall on the third floor.

A total of 75 energy points have been accumulated.

According to Luo Fan's calculation, with so much energy, it can only save one or two snow lion beasts, right?

And at this time.

Little Lori Bella, who walked to the door of the boss hall, suddenly stopped in her tracks, with fear flashing in her eyes, as if she smelled something dangerous.

"Bella, what's going on?" Luo Fan asked.

"Well, master, Bella seems to smell a certain familiar smell, it seems to be very powerful..." Bella pursed her lips, looking confused, and immediately raised her hand and pushed open the door of the boss room .

There was a blur in front of my eyes.

Around the rotunda, there are 36 wooden stakes. The wooden stakes are more than ten meters long. The corpse of a blue lin man-eating crocodile is strung on top of the wooden stakes. The dark red blood flows down the wooden stakes and gathers on the ground to form a layer of blood. stream.

The blood flow converged to the center of the hall.

There lay a giant man-eating crocodile as tall as two people and more than 20 meters long. The skin of this man-eating crocodile was trembling, and its eyes were closed tightly. The terrifying breath echoed in the hall with the beating heartbeat.


Luo Fan walked into the hall without knowing when, and the door closed behind him with a bang.


Luo Fan touched his forehead, sweating a little, obviously this body couldn't adapt to such a terrifying atmosphere for a while.

Little Sally was wrapped around Luo Fan's shoulder, trembling.

As for Bella.

He became much calmer, and looked around curiously, with no trace of fear in his innocent eyes.

At this moment.

A charming female voice sounded:


"I didn't expect to encounter such delicious food in the cold northern border. The intruder asked, "Are you willing to please my god?"

The sound seems to penetrate the eardrum and reach the soul directly.

"Who are you?!"

Luo Fan immediately replied that this dungeon is actually a hidden temple, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I am the god who brings you luck..."

The voice sounded again.

Immediately, the blood flow on the ground suddenly rose, gathered in the air, and slowly condensed into a "bloody bat" that shone with crystal light and was beautiful, just like blood Amber.

Flapping its wings, the bloody bat flew in front of Luo Fan, circling around him...

An extremely charming voice rang in my ear:


"It is Lilim, the goddess of charm and pain. Your centaur pet has incredible power. Sacrifice her to this god [and you will be given the power that only gods can give you...  

Immediately, a row of prompts appeared.

[a, I am willing to sacrifice the pet [Little Chief Bella] to gain permanent attack x3. 】

[b, I would like to..., get permanent defense x3. 】

[c, I would like to gain permanent attack speed x3. 】

[d, I..., don't want anything. (to please Lilim)

【e, I don't want to! (enrages Lilim)】

Looking at this row of prompts...

Luo Fan was stunned...

What's going on, I'm just playing a hidden dungeon, how can I meet a wild god and give myself so many choices?

There are five options in total.

The first three can obtain 3 times attack, 3 times defense, and 3 times attack speed respectively... It can be said that each item is equivalent to letting yourself cheat. In order to eat Bella, this wild god Lilim, It really cost money.

Option d should be to gain Lilim's favor, which is equivalent to following this wild god in the future.

And when Lilim grows stronger in the later stage.

You can also get a share.

Mix up an "angel" or something.

But after thinking about it, Luo Fan secretly shook his head.

One's main combat power is on the baby's own 3 times attack, 3 times defense, and 3 times attack speed, which doesn't mean much.

As for hanging out with Lilim...

Well, this is a wild god at best, and there is still a qualitative gap compared with the real gods such as "Seven Pillars of Light" and "Seven Demon Gods of Hell". Therefore, it is more promising to hold the thigh of the God of Light.

"Humph! Humph, hum..."

At this moment.

Sally hummed nonstop on Luo Fan's shoulder, looking very anxious, as if she was saying: "Master Twolegs, don't sacrifice your sister, or I will bite you!"

Once the pet signs a contract with the player, it will gain immortality just like the player.

Again, completely at the mercy of the player.

For example, now, if Luo Fan chooses to sacrifice Bella, this centaur little loli will be forced to turn into a blood mist "to sacrifice to the real body of Lilim who is in a certain space of a god.

"Well, master, don't you want Bella..."

Bella was also terrified, looking up at Luo Fan with two big innocent eyes, the eyes were full of tears, shimmering, but 4.2 was so pitiful

"Silly girl."

Looking at the terrified appearance of Abela, Luo Fan couldn't help but smile, this is the first time that this little girl who is not afraid of heaven and earth is so scared in front of her eyes.

In front of his eyes, he seemed to have a picture of the life and death of the centaur chief Alu who was orphaned.

So he scratched Bella's little nose with his fingers.

She smiled softly and said: "Silly girl, I agreed to take care of you for the rest of my life, so how come I don't want you now.


Decisively chose the "e" option.

"very good."

"Intruder, you are angering a powerful god, so bear her wrath!"

The blood amber bat made an icy sound.

The body gradually dissipates. Gods can't really descend into the secular world. This bloody bat is just an incarnation of Lilim.


The huge man-eating crocodile boss who had been lying in the center of the hall slowly opened his blood-red eyes. .

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