Online Game: My Theft SSS Class

Chapter 233 Everyone In China Takes Turns To Exert Their Strength! Queen's Discovery

That dragon had an unparalleled aura.

Go straight down!



In the area covered by Longwei, everyone screamed.

Crazy escape!

However, the mountain road is narrow.

Even if everyone didn't intrigue, they all ran for their lives, but after all, no one was able to escape.

At least ten people.

Crossed by this dragon!






A series of data came out like crazy!

The blood volume of the ten people is decreasing at an extremely fast speed!

Nurses are madly raising blood!

But even so.

There are also two crispy players who were easily killed because of insufficient resistance!

The remaining eight people, although they survived, are also in great condition!

They looked at the Chinese dragon that had already rushed to the foot of the mountain and was about to disappear and disintegrate, but they were not happy...

His eyes are full of fear!

"What, what kind of skill is this?!"

"It's terrifying... Huaxia is really terrifying!"


This idea popped into everyone's mind!

on top of the mountain.

It only took one arrow to completely lose his strength, his feet were soft, and he almost fell off the cliff. Fortunately, Chen Ming was quick-witted, grabbed him, and helped him walk back.

"Sorry... boss."

"Only, only two were killed."

"Sorry...Sister Susu."

"Your buff is very strong... It's me, it's my attributes that are too bad, and I didn't get very good results."

Just one arrow is not talking about the scene.

There was deep regret in his eyes.

If he usually has a little more liver, more upgrades, and more equipment...

The mighty dragon just now will not only have the pitiful record of killing two people.

Su Su quickly comforted.

Chen Ming didn't speak, but patted him on the shoulder.

"Take a break."

"There's still a tough fight to come."

This blow, just one arrow has done its best.

In his view, the effect is not ideal.

But it has successfully deterred everyone!

Players from other countries who originally worked together and wanted to climb to the top began to hesitate and hesitate at this moment.

Everyone's footsteps stopped at this moment.

When the players in Huaxia District saw it, they were all surprised.

"They... stopped?!"

"Are they scared?!"

"Damn it, that archer is so fierce! Why haven't I heard his name before?"

"Just one arrow? I remember this man, so fierce!"

"Fuck! Just one arrow! Always drop God!"


Everyone's excitement did not last long.

Soon, among those crooked nuts, someone responded.

"Huaxia is so fierce before getting the peak of Ixtar..."

"If you really get it, then it's worth it?!"

"Can't let them continue to become stronger..."

"Absolutely not!"

"Otherwise, we will be overwhelmed by Huaxia and will never be able to lift our heads!"

Suddenly, someone raised their arms like this!

have to say.

His words are very provocative.

Also quite reasonable.

Soon, more and more people shouted!

"I recognize whoever oppresses me, but I can't be oppressed by Huaxia!"

"It doesn't matter if the beautiful country is the big brother, people have this ability, why do you break China and step on our head!"

"Brothers, go ahead!"

Emotions are the most contagious.

Soon, they attacked again!

Even compared to before...

Be more brave!

More fierce and not afraid of death!

Fear can make people afraid and withdraw.

But in some cases...

It can also become a catalyst for people to let go!

The crowd is approaching again!

Just one arrow needs a rest, temporarily unable to attack.

The range of the mage is generally shorter than that of the archer.

Even if it is condescending and occupying the terrain advantage, Ling Yue's people are still unable to make a move.

getting closer.


To the distance that the mages can shoot.

Ling Yue and Nii Tuan'er stood on the edge of the cliff one after another.

They are not afraid of being attacked.

After all, it has the advantage of playing high and low terrain.

Ling Yue and Dai Tuan'er cast spells farther than the mages and even the archers below.

"Frost ground!"

"Wall of Fire!"

The two mages have come up with their own housekeeping skills!

a time.

Because it is the two layers of ice and fire, they are in conflict with each other, so they did not release towards the same place.

Instead, they are placed in two different locations on the same road section.

Ahead is frosty ground.

Stepping on it will cause continuous damage and a deceleration effect.

However, this skill has a wide range of coverage.

There are also control effects.

But the damage is not particularly high.

Many people just relied on drugs and walked over with their blood.

Ling Yue looked at it.

But not lost.

Instead, he smiled.

Because she didn't plan to use frosty ground to deal damage from the beginning.

what she wants...

It's a control effect!

After the frosty ground, it is the sea of ​​fire that the milk ball put down!

These firewalls have no special effect.

Even the coverage of each wall of fire is quite small, far less than that of frosty ground.

It is only because of the long duration and the continuous release of skills that the milk group can make up this sea of ​​fire...

But it has many shortcomings.

But only...

Damage explosion!

Those guys who rushed out of the frosty ground before, still had the remnants of the deceleration buff on their bodies.

Seeing this range of AOE skills similar to Frost Ground, I subconsciously thought that it was the kind of skill that disgusting people is more powerful, but the damage is not high.

"Brothers, don't be afraid, go ahead!"

"Rush rush!!!"

The blood bull knight in the front row plunged into the wall of fire with his rough skin and thick flesh.

next second.

They found something was wrong...






Before on the frosty ground, these blood bull knights walked over, and they only had dozens of blood per second.

Resist it, it's not difficult.

Firewall damage...

It has quadrupled directly!

This is something they never imagined!

not to mention……

At this time, they still have the Frost debuff hanging on them, which is constantly slowing them down.

Make them sluggish.

It only took 10 seconds to pass through this sea of ​​fire.

But with the slow debuff, it takes at least 15 seconds to rush out!

"No, this sea of ​​fire can't be forced through!"

"Back off!"

Relying on the thickness of blood, several blood bull knights just retreated.

But even so, their blood volume dropped by nearly half.

But their blood volume sounded the alarm for everyone.

This sea of ​​fire...

Can't wear it!

"They dare not move on." Dairy Tuan'er couldn't help cheering.

But soon, she showed a look of sadness again, "But my blue level can't keep me up for too long... Even if I keep taking drugs, I won't be able to recover."

"I can stand it for two minutes at most."

two minutes?

Chen Ming glanced at the progress bar.

At this point, it has reached 35%.

2 minutes should be enough for the progress bar to reach 40%!


Chen Ming encouraged the milk grouper.

Sister Sha Zi, Brother Gang, Shan Feng and others watched from the mountain, anxiously.

As close-combatants, they have no way to help.

This made them very irritable.

At this time, when Sister Shazi raised her eyes, she saw the Queen looking leisurely, pacing back and forth around the cliff.

From time to time the probe looks down.

If that's all, Sister Shazi would endure it.

Nothing to do with her.

After all, the Queen's brain circuit is inherently problematic.

Not feeling the tension... that's normal.

But when she noticed that the corner of the queen's mouth showed a smile...

Sister Sha Zi finally couldn't help frowning, "What time is it, why are you so slack?"

"Relax?" The queen retracted her gaze and glanced at Sister Sha Zi, with a smile on her lips, but she was more disdainful than before.

"Oh, stupid woman..."

"I'm just observing the little tricks of the ants under the mountain."

"If I didn't say it, you probably haven't found out yet..."

"The number of people at the foot of the mountain... has decreased."

"There are four people."


As soon as this word comes out.

everyone present.

They all turned to look at the queen!

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