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"A three-piece set of magic weapons?" Li Qing was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he checked the properties of the triangle set.

【[Ninja Fire Necklace]: There is a 20% chance of causing double critical strikes in ninjutsu! Required level: Level 0, when all three pieces are collected, the effect is doubled!

【[Ninja Fire Belt]: There is a 10% chance of causing physical double critical strike! Required level: Level 0, when all three pieces are collected, the effect is doubled!

【[Ninja Fire Shoulder Badge]: Attack speed +10%, movement speed +20%, 10% chance to enter blessing state when attacking, attack speed +30%, movement speed +30%! Required level: Level 0, when the triangle set is collected, the effect is doubled!

It has to be said that the attributes of this three-piece set are quite abnormal, and it is best to describe it as simple and rough. It actually has a critical hit attribute, and more importantly, there is also a bonus to the set attribute!

If this is worn on the body, it is equivalent to adding 40% more ninjutsu double critical hit chance, 20% physical double critical hit chance, plus his own [Triple Critical Hit] hang, his shot is six times critical hit. Not to mention the improvement in attack speed and movement speed!

He just dealt more than 30,000 damage. If he wears this set, I'm afraid he can be killed instantly!

Without hesitation, Li Qing put on the three-piece set of artifacts, and felt a coolness entering his body, as if there was something more in his head.

At this moment, Li Qing remembered the [Level 100 Novice Pack] that the Level 100 System had just given him, and he quickly opened it to check.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the [Three Magatama Sharingan] awakening scroll!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Ninjutsu Scroll [Fire Style: Phoenix Claw Red】!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Ninjutsu Scroll [Fuma Shuriken: Shadow Windmill】!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Ninjutsu: [Uchiha Style: Sword Leap Flame】!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Ninjutsu: [Uchiha Style: Wind Sword】!"

This beginner's pack is full of scrolls. When Li Qing saw the awakening scroll of the [Three Magatama Sharingan], his body trembled and he excitedly clicked to use it.

"Sorry, it cannot be awakened! [Three Magatama Sharingan] needs to reach level 300 and PK level to reach Silver 2 stars, and can only be used when a relative is killed!

"Damn, the conditions are so harsh? You need a relative to die in battle to open it?"Looking at the conditions for opening the [Three Magatama] Sharingan, Li Qing stuck out his tongue speechlessly.

(I wrote it wrong before, the first one to open is the One Magatama Sharingan, so now the protagonist has the Two Magatama Sharingan, and this evolution will be the Three Magatama Sharingan.)

Li Qing clicked on other scrolls to use them, and the system prompts sounded. He successfully learned [Fire Style: Phoenix Claw Red】、【Fengma Shuriken: Shadow Windmill] and other ninjutsu.

Thinking of the previous equipment that still needed to be level 100, Li Qing wore them all without hesitation.

At this time, he checked his various attributes, which could only be described as abnormal. His HP had reached an astonishing 16787, and his chakra had reached: 22445. Both his defense and attack power were incomparable to the past.

This feeling of gradually becoming stronger was very refreshing. At this time, Li Qing glanced at the calendar and found that it was less than three or four hours away from the update of the new version of [Night of Extermination].

He left the game for a while and went to the Naruto forum to see the gossip about the new version update [Night of Extermination].

As soon as he entered the page, Li Qing was attracted by a popular post, which had hundreds of millions of clicks and tens of millions of messages!

"Surprise! A mysterious person changed the plot of [Night of Extermination], and the Naruto online game development team urgently changed the plot that was about to be announced! The new version update originally scheduled for Tuesday at noon will be released on Wednesday at noon!"

It must be said that the content of the post is very attractive. Li Qing laughed and clicked on it. Mysterious person? Doesn't that refer to him?

There are two videos in the content of the post, one is the video that was released before, and the other is the newly released video.

He opened the newly released video, and the original plot that Itachi and Uchiha Obito originally joined forces to destroy the entire Uchiha clan has now become-Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Uchiha high-level friendly meeting, and finally reached some kind of agreement. The Uchiha clan members went back happily, and Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi and others took office early the next day and became a member of Konoha's high-level.

However, in the last few seconds of the animation, a pair of cold [Mangekyo Sharingan] appeared in the rear of the Uchiha mansion. The scene was extremely scary, and then the animation was set. It was stuck here, and a huge subtitle [Chapter 2: Night of Dawn] flew out, and then it ended completely.

Sure enough, the plot of the Night of Genocide has been completely changed, and the original subtitle [Night of Genocide] has also been changed to [Night of Dawn]!

I love to eat sweets: This post will definitely go viral, and the first row will get melon seeds and peanuts!

I love to eat shit: I am very curious, who can actually change the plot? In the expansion pack released a few days ago, the Uchiha clan was going to be exterminated.

I love to take a bath: I suspect that this incident is related to the previous incident of Danzo slaughtering 100,000 players. Could this mysterious person be [Uchiha Qing]? Oh my God: After the above person said this, I remembered that according to the feedback from many players at the time, [Uchiha Qing] was the only player who successfully talked with the Uchiha clan, and with [Uchiha Shui]】、【Uchiha Itachi] and several others went to Danzo's place together.

Love Naruto Love Life: I feel that the analysis above is correct, it should be [Uchiha Ao]!

Love Online Games Love Yueyao: So, [Uchiha Ao] is against the entire development team of the Naruto Online Game! In the old Chinese saying, it is against the will of heaven?


In a dark and gloomy castle on Earth, countless mysterious people are sitting behind a giant machine, typing on the keyboard and inputting signals.

"The developers were forced to rewrite a new version of the story? Interesting……"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck down, illuminating the face of the mysterious figure."Uchiha Qing...

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