After killing eighty or ninety thousand vampire bats, Ye Luo and the others only got seven or eight suits, and they were all helmets, and they couldn't help but believe the guess that fireworks were easy to cold.

"Three pieces of heavy armor and three pieces of leather armor, doesn't this mean that there are only three pieces of each type of equipment, so there are only nine sets of silver suits in total?" Although he was asking, Ye Luo's tone was quite determined.

"If nothing else, that's it. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she muttered to herself: "Although nine pieces are less, but it is enough to build a super elite team, whether it is to kill high-level bosses or do other tasks, we will be a lot easier, but it is also very good."

"It's not bad, it's just great, after all, there is no silver suit at this stage. Jian Badao, he was faintly excited: "Hehe, take nine silver suits to see Sister Feng and them, and you will have more face." Nodding

his head, everyone became excited.

While pulling the longbow fireworks, Yi Han asked on the team channel: "Sword two, sword three, have you found the passage to enter the second layer of the Hero's Tomb?"

Jian Er's voice sounded, and his tone was faintly excited: "Sister Fireworks, we also found a big vampire bat, which should be the guard boss of this layer, because there is a passage behind it, which should be the passage to enter the second layer of the Hero Mound."

While speaking, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others also received a picture book and saw the attributes of the big vampire bat

: [Vampire Bat King] (Silver BOSS)

Level: 40 Physical Attack: 500-520

Defense: 850

Qi and Blood: 450000


[Vampire * High], [Bat Poison Plague * High], [Bat Clone Body], [Bat Claw Strike], [ Ultrasonic

[Vampire*High] (Passive Skill): The Enchanted Vampire Bat has a strange ability to suck blood, and the Vampire Bat King is better at this, as it can absorb 15% of its HP from the target's bite damage to restore its own HP.

[Bat Poison Plague * High] (Passive Skill): The demonized vampire bat is highly poisonous, and the vampire bat king contains more poison, biting the target can poison the target and infect all players within a radius of ten meters, and the poisoned person loses 120 qi and blood per second.

[Bat Clone]: Vampire Bat King can cast a fission clone to divide 5 little vampire bat kings, the attributes of the little vampire bat king are seventy percent of it, and the qi and blood are one-fifth of the vampire bat king, and after performing this skill, the vampire bat king is in an invincible state, and can only attack after killing the little bat king within the specified time or when the doppelganger time arrives, and the interval between casts is 5 minutes,

[bat claw strike] : Vampire Bat King claws like the wind, attacking the target three times in a row, the first attack damage is 90%, the second attack is 80%, and the third attack is 70%, with a time interval of 1 minute.

[Ultrasound]: The innate skill of the Bat Clan, emitting a super super sound wave, causing hostile targets within a radius of 10 meters to be stunned, dealing 150% damage, with a stun duration of 4 seconds and an interval of 5 minutes.

"Well, Vampire Bat King's attributes are so powerful, much more powerful than Skeletron. Looking at the attribute illustrated book that Jian Er sent back, Ye Luo sighed with emotion: "The attack is similar, but the defense and qi and blood are much stronger, and there are five skills, it feels very powerful."

"It's just a level 40 silver boss, and it's easy to kill it with the strength of our people. Fireworks Yi Leng didn't care, and after saying these words, she began to groan, and everyone who was familiar with her knew what skills she was analyzing.

After about a minute, Fireworks Yi Leng said: "The other skills are nothing, the main thing is [Bat Clone], according to my past experience, we have to kill the little vampire Bat King in the shortest possible time, otherwise things will be very troublesome." In addition, you should also pay attention to the [Ultrasound] skill, which is a group stun skill.

"Don't worry, almost everyone has group attack skills, when the time comes, Jian Bachi and I will hold the hatred of the little vampire bat king, and everyone will use group attack skills, more than a dozen nearly twenty group attack skills, they will not die and there will not be much blood left." Ye Luo didn't care.

Nodding, Fireworks Yi Leng didn't care too much, after all, she and Ye Luo could kill the Skeleton King, and this vampire bat king was only slightly stronger, so many people attacked together, but it was okay.

Next, everyone didn't immediately go to trouble the vampire bat king, but continued to kill those little vampire bats, after all, they were tasked with killing all the demonized monsters in the hero's tomb.

The first layer of the Hero's Tomb has been explored, and the road to the second layer is guarded by the Vampire Bat King, and Jian 2 and Jian 4 can't pass through, so they turn back and kill the vampire bat with Ye Luo and them, and the speed is a little faster.

Halfway through, everyone went offline for dinner, and after going online, they continued to kill vampire bats, watching the vampire bats turn into white light and leave, everyone was excited, knowing that the next step was to deal with the vampire bat king.

As Yeloh said, after killing all the vampire bats, they received nine helmets, three of each type, which convinced them that they would receive nine silver sets when they completed the task.

After brushing the monsters for a day, Ye Luo and most of them have already risen to level 37, and they are one step closer to the level 40 mark.

"It's already eleven o'clock at night, and we can rest after we deal with the vampire bats, and we'll brush the second layer tomorrow. Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing everyone nodding, she made arrangements: "Ye Luo is the main T, Sword Eight T, Sword Nine and Sword Ten you assist in the attack, and when the Vampire Bat King casts his clone, use [Taunt] to gather them all together, and it is best to have a group attack skill that can cover them all."

Seeing Ye Luo and the others nodding their heads to show that they understood, Fireworks Yi Leng continued to arrange: "Other melee attacks also to save time, anyway, [Ultrasound] can only be stunned for four seconds, and the damage is not too high, we can withstand it."

"Attack with me from a distance of ten meters, you don't need to use the group attack skill if you can, and you can use it when the little bat king appears." Fireworks Yi Leng continued, seeing that everyone nodded, she looked at the three of them: "The three of you are responsible for adding blood to everyone, remember that ten meters away, whoever has less than 2500 points of qi and blood will add it."

Nodding, everyone began to use the Vampire Bat King after a little preparation.

As Ye Luo said, at the beginning, they didn't have much pressure on the Vampire Bat King, although its attack and defense power were very strong, but Ye Luo and they were not what they used to be, and there were many of them, and the Bat King's qi and blood were rapidly decreasing.

However, because the Vampire Bat King can suck blood, it will take some time to kill him.

In the face of everyone's attack, the vampire bat king squeaked and screamed angrily, although he cast a [Bat Claw Strike] and [Ultrasound] from time to time, but it could not pose much threat to Ye Luo and them, after all, there were Saturday and others who kept adding blood, and they could also take [Tianxiang Pill].

However, this situation changed after the Vampire Bat King cast the [Ultrasound] and then [Bat Clone] two skills, and the original plan was that Ye Luo and the others would pull all the little Vampire Bat Kings and the others to attack with fire.

However, the Vampire Bat King was the first to cast the [Ultrasound], so Ye Luo and other melee players were all stunned and couldn't move, and the five slightly smaller vampire bats were attacked from a distance, and then they were pulled away from hatred, and the most troublesome thing was that they still scattered in all directions, and the group attack skill could only envelop two at most.

The vampire bat king in an invincible state is not immobile, it is still attacking Ye Luo, and in the case of high-level vampire, its qi and blood are also recovering at a fairly fast speed.

frowned, but the fireworks were easy to cold and immediately decided, ordered a group attack to cover, and also performed a single attack, gathering fire to extinguish, and Saturday and the others added blood to Ye Luo.

It's just that the group attack skills are quite scattered, and the single attack skills of Monday and others are not many, so they can't kill the little vampire bat king in a short time.

This situation improved slightly after Ye Luo and the others woke up, and Ye Luo used the [Sweeping Thousands of Armies] and [Sword Qi Vertical] skills to successfully pull the hatred of the two little vampire bat kings over. And Jian Ba and the others also successively used [Taunt] and [Sweeping Thousand Armies] to pull the remaining three little vampire bat kings over, so that everyone could concentrate on attacking.

After nearly a minute, two of the five little vampire bat kings were killed, and the remaining three were only one-fifth of their qi and blood left, and everyone cheered up, because after killing these little vampire kings, they could continue to attack the vampire bat kings.

But he didn't want to change suddenly, and suddenly the vampire bat king squeaked, and the remaining three little vampire bat kings seemed to hear their mother's call, and they all gave up attacking Ye Luo and them, and then went to the vampire bat king together.

A shocking scene happened, the vampire bat king swallowed the first little bat king who approached in one bite, and a green number of '50,000' appeared above its head, which meant that its qi and blood increased by 50,000.

Originally, Ye Luo and the others had defeated the vampire bat king's more than 100,000 qi and blood, and the invincible had recovered thirty or forty thousand by attacking and sucking blood during this time, and now it had recovered fifty thousand, and its qi and blood had reached nearly four hundred thousand.

"I'll go, I can actually devour these little bat kings to recover their qi and blood!" Seeing this situation, Jian Si couldn't help but curse, and then said: "Quick, stun the remaining two little vampire bat kings, otherwise we would have attacked for so long in vain."

As he spoke, Jian Si had already cast the [Backstab] skill on one of them, successfully stunning it, and Ye Luo also reacted, attacking the other end with a [Soul Slash], and also successfully stunned it.

That's not all, Ye Luo turned his wrist, and the combination skills were displayed, coupled with the attack of Monday and the others, the little vampire bat king turned into white light and left.

The stun duration of [Backstab] is only one second, but Jian San and the others take turns to cast it, and the fireworks Yi Leng also uses the [Frozen Arrow] and [Binding Arrow] to cooperate, and he also successfully kills the last little vampire bat king.

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