Jian San found the stealth grass, and Ye Luo and they had already beaten the monster and exploded, purchased, and invited the moon to raise a glass and give away a lot of silver-level BOSS blood, and then they could refine the [Intermediate Stealth Pill], so they no longer had to worry about the harassment of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo instructed Jian San to collect stealth grass, the more the better, while Monday and the others urged them to kill the Earth Demon Spider quickly, and strive to kill the boss of this layer as soon as possible to get more silver-level boss blood.

Of course, they want to go up to level 40 as soon as possible, so they have a better chance of completing the Hero's Path next.

Time passed quickly in the monster killing, and most of the day passed in a blink of an eye.

Jian San turned back after exploring the second layer of the Hero's Tomb, to Ye Luo and the others, he came out and brought back hundreds of thousands of stealth grasses and opened some treasure chests, and even a few silver-level treasure chests, and even more fortunately, the things he opened were good, there were a few silver-level silver-level equipment, Jian Yi and the others were assigned and used by each other, and I believe that there will be a qualitative leap in strength after their level 40 equipment.

In the end, what made Ye Luo depressed was that Jian San actually brought back a level 40 silver-level axe, which was a weapon that berserkers could use, which made Jian Thirteen excited, after all, the attributes of the axe were quite powerful

: [Berserk Battle Axe] (Axe-Silver)

Physical Attack: 240-250

Strength: +90 Constitution: +90

Additional Feature: Inflicts armor-piercing damage on attacks and increases damage to heavily armored targets by 15%.

Side Skill: [Spin Axe] Attack Time: 2.2 secondsGear

Duration: 200/200Required

Level: 40

[Spin Axe]

(Active Skill): After casting, it can shoot an energy axe, spin an arc and turn back, dealing 150% to all hostile targets in its path and make it bleed, dropping 50 points of Qi and Blood per second for the next 10 seconds, and the skill consumes 500 points of mana, and the skill is used every five minutes.

I have to say that [Wild Battle Axe] is a very powerful weapon, with strong attack power, and there is also a powerful group killing skill, I believe that the strength of Sword Thirteen will be greatly improved after it is equipped.

"Wow, such a strong axe, especially the attached group kill skill, the damage is very high, and there is additional damage. Thursday said, she looked at Sword Thirteen: "In this way, Sword Thirteen's strength will increase by leaps and bounds after it is equipped, and it will also be able to become the main output in the future." "

Hehe, thanks to Kensan. Jian Thirteen smiled, getting a powerful axe, he was in a good mood, and couldn't put it down and touched the axe: "Great, I have a weapon after level 40, and it's still silver-level." "

Thirteen, you better put away the axe, don't you see that Uncle Ye Luo's eyes are red?" Tuesday said, although she said so, but she had a playful smile on her face: "Uncle Ye Luo still uses the Novice Village Iron Sword, and it is not even as good as Sword Five, at least they already have a level 10 long sword."

Listening to Tuesday's words, Ye Luo wanted to cry without tears, and Jian Wu and the others were also full of depression.

It's strange to say that these people haven't hit weapons, and even got a few silver-level weapons, but they have never hit a long sword, not even bronze or ordinary.

"I've heard that a blacksmith can make weapons, but it's really not good, so let's learn a blacksmith. Jian Liudao, his face was full of indignation: "Until now, I still use the most ordinary weapon, and this attack power is too weak."

"It's a hassle to be a blacksmith, and this kind of profession also depends on understanding and talent, which is quite a waste of time, and you are the main battle players of the Ethereal Pavilion, so you can't waste time on this kind of thing. Fireworks Yi said coldly, but she also knew the importance of a weapon to a player, she looked into the distance: "There are special life professional players in the Ethereal Pavilion, and when we get to Luoshui Town, we can go and get a weapon, of course, we can also buy it from other life professional players, and now we don't spend much money."

Nodding, Monday said, "Sister Fireworks, leave this matter to us, and I will try my best to purchase the weapons and equipment you need." "

Still quite confident in the abilities of Monday and Sword Fourteen, everyone continued to kill the Earth Demon Spider.

Although he had already collected all the materials for refining the [Intermediate Stealth Pill], Ye Luo did not refine it immediately, after all, he was now the main output and MT of the team, and he planned to refine it while everyone was eating, anyway, he didn't need those pills yet.

As Ye Luo and the others guessed, it would take nearly a day to kill all the Earth Demon Spiders, and at ten o'clock in the night, they finally killed all the Earth Demon Spiders, and they also successfully obtained nine [Tomb Guards], like the first layer of the Hero's Tomb, three pieces of heavy armor, three pieces of leather armor, and three pieces of cloth clothing.

Then there's the main event, as they have to kill the boss on the second floor of the Hero Tomb.

"Just like yesterday, we'll rest after killing the boss on this floor, after all, high-intensity monster killing consumes a lot. Fireworks Yi Leng made arrangements, and seeing everyone nodding, she turned to look at Jian San: "Jian San, send out the attributes of the boss this time, and let's discuss the tactics."

Nodding, Jian San sent out a monster attribute book

: [Broodmother Spider] (Silver Boss)

Level: 45Physical Attack: 550-580

Defense: 900

Qi and Blood: 500000


[Poison Invasion * High], [Paralysis Bite * High], [Spider Web Bondage], [Summoning Spider], [Crazy Bite].

[Poison Invasion * High-level] (Passive Skill): The broodmother spider is highly poisonous, and the poison is even more than that of the Earth Demon Spider, the target bitten by her will be invaded by poison, and then drop 150 points of qi and blood per second for the next 10 seconds, this effect cannot be stacked.

[Paralysis Bite*High] (Passive Skill): The poison contained in the bite of the broodmother spider paralyzes the target, reducing the target's movement speed and attack speed by 15% for the next 10 seconds, and this effect cannot be stacked.

[Spider Web Bondage] (Active Skill): The broodmother spider can weave cobwebs with spider silk, covering a large area with cobwebs, and hostile targets trapped in cobwebs will be pinned down by cobwebs, slowing their speed by 15% and slowing their attack speed by 15%, while broodmother spiders and other spiders are in it, and their qi and blood recovery speed and speed are increased by 10%.

[Summoning Spider]: The broodmother spider can summon the Earth Demon Spider to fight for it, and every 10% of its qi and blood drop on the threshold, it will summon the Earth Demon Spider once, and 10 will be summoned each time.

[Crazy Bite]: The broodmother spider is in a state of madness, increasing her attack power by 30% and her attack speed by 20% for half a minute, and she can absorb 15% of the damage to the target during the bite and turn it into her own qi and blood, with an interval of 5 minutes.

Seeing the attributes of the broodmother spider, Ye Luo and the others all smiled bitterly, the secret path was indeed much stronger than the vampire bat king.

"Fireworks, although this broodmother spider doesn't have a few particularly powerful damage skills, these skills seem to be very powerful together. Ye Luo said, he looked at Yan Yi Leng: "What should I do, is there any good tactic?"

With a slight groan, Yan Yi Leng looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you are the main resistance, and it is up to you to deal with the broodmother spider alone, and you don't have to worry about the rest, Jian Jiu, you assist, help him share the pressure when Ye Luo can't stand it, or help him get his field of vision."

Seeing Ye Luo and them nodding, Fireworks Yi Leng looked at Jian Eight and Jian Ten again: "Sword Eight, Sword Ten, around you, assist in the attack, when the broodmother spider summons the Earth Demon Spider, you hold their hatred, and the others concentrate on the attack, and strive to kill it in the shortest possible time."

Seeing Jian Jiu Jian Ten said that he knew, the fireworks Yi Leng looked at Saturday again: "Saturday, you are mainly optimistic about Ye Luo's blood, it is best to keep it above 4000 all the time, just in case, after all, the last skill of the broodmother spider is very powerful." "

Sister Fireworks, I know. Saturday nodded, solemnly.

"On Sunday and Sunday, you are optimistic about Kenpachi's qi and blood. Fireworks Yi Leng arranged again, seeing the two nodding, she glanced at the other melee professions: "The others are optimistic about their own qi and blood, and if they can't stand it, they will temporarily retreat, it is best to take turns to retreat, and strive to keep their qi and blood above 3000, but Ye Luo They resist the broodmother spider and the earth demon spider, you should not be in any danger, just attack as much as you want." "

Sister Fireworks, we know. Jian Wu and the others nodded again and again.

"It's best to keep the control skill and take turns to stun the broodmother after she casts the last skill. Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was quite indifferent: "This boss doesn't have too powerful instant burst skills, this is what we are not afraid of, but its qi and blood recovery speed is very fast, we have to attack with all our might, and we can't stop attacking it when it summons the Earth Demon Spider, otherwise it will continue to summon the Earth Demon Spider after its qi and blood recover." "

Understood. Everyone nodded in unison.

"Remember, it's best to use a group attack skill when dealing with the Earth Demon Spider, and it would be better if you could cover the broodmother spider as well. At the end, Fireworks Yi Leng reminded again, and seeing everyone nodding, she said to herself: "I just don't know how big the area of the broodmother spider web is, if it is too big, I'm afraid that the attack speed of us long-range attack players will also be greatly reduced." "

As mentioned in the introduction, the spider web of the broodmother spider covers a large area, and it should be very large. Ye Luo said, and then he thought of something, and his tone changed: "But I don't feel that it will repeat this skill, we can lure it to a place where there are no cobwebs, so it will be much easier."

"I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy. Fireworks Yi Leng shook his head, and then said: "Forget it, let's go and see it first, depending on the situation, just act according to the previous tactics."

Nodding, everyone walked towards the broodmother spider under the guidance of Jian San, and from a distance, they saw a spider the size of a nearly zhangzhang, which looked very similar to the earth demon spider, but it was more powerful and threatening.

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