The bulk of the same level is much better than a single set kit, because the bronze level of the bulk will have additional equipment characteristics, and many of the set kits do not have characteristics, the reason why players are more enthusiastic about the set is because the set has the set attribute after the set is completed, and the overall bonus is better than all the bulk collections.

After Kenpachi gathered the attributes of the ancient tomb suit, everyone looked at him in unison, and they all looked forward to it.

Jian Ba didn't sell it either, and after a little investigation, he said: "The overall damage to the target is increased by 30%, the hostile target's damage to itself is reduced by 30%, the qi and blood recovery speed is increased by 50 points per second, the knockback chance against the target is increased by 20%, and there is also an aura effect."

"Aura effect?" Monday was slightly stunned, and then looked down, and sure enough, he saw an aura at the foot of Jian Ba, expanding outward, covering a distance of 20 meters, carefully examining her state, her eyes lit up: "Tsk, it actually increased the attack power by 15%, which is a very good effect."

Ye Luo also saw his state, and he was slightly surprised: "It's actually a range-of-range amplification skill, which is quite good, covering a radius of 20 meters, doesn't this mean that just one tomb suit can increase the attack power of all of us by 15%." "

The importance of the aura skill ratio is much better than the individual skills, especially when fighting in a team. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then looked at Jian Ba and the others: "But as Ye Luo said, it would be good for us people to only have one ancient tomb suit, and when we go to Luoshui Town, we will use the suits separately, so that the value of these suits can be reflected to the greatest extent." Knowing

that what the fireworks were easy to cold was true, everyone nodded, and then some looked forward to what the aura effect of the two types of suits of leather armor and cloth clothes were.

That's right, since the Heavy Armor type of hero set has an aura effect, then the same set of leather armor and cloth type hero sets must also have a halo effect.

"Hehe, everyone hurry up and work harder, and strive to beat out the cloth clothes and leather armor type cuirasses as soon as possible and make them into a suit. Jian Wudao, he was faintly excited: "These two types of suit attributes must also have an aura effect, but I don't know that they are different from the heavy armor type."

"The set attributes of each type of set will reflect the suitability principle for the wearer, for example, heavy armor type players are known for attack and defense, and this set attribute increases attack power. Seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "The advantage of the leather armor type is speed and critical strike chance, and the advantage of the cloth type player is long-range attack and magic attack power, so I think the aura effect of the other two suits is to increase these two aspects." "

Hehe, it would be better if that way, the aura effect can be stacked. Jian Qidao, he was quite excited: "Under the superposition of the three aura effects, our overall strength will increase by several percent, tsk, team combat, I'm afraid there are few teams in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game that can compare to us." Nodding

, everyone didn't say anything more, and continued to fight those demonized monsters.

Soon after, Ye Luo and the others finally hit the cloth coat and leather armor type breastplate, as they guessed, these two types of suits also have an aura effect after forming the suit, which also shrouds a distance of 20 meters.

The first two attributes of the two suit attributes are the same, both increase the damage to the hostile target by 30%, and reduce the damage of the hostile target to themselves by 30%, and the next attributes are slightly different, the suit attribute of the leather armor type increases the hit rate and evasion rate by 20%, and the aura effect is [Moving Aura], which increases the movement speed of teammates within 20 meters by 15%.

The set attributes of the cloth type also increase mana regeneration speed by 50 points and intelligence points by 50 points, and the aura effect is [Defense Aura], which increases the defense of teammates within 20 meters by 15%.

The aura effect of both suits is not bad, and the stacking effect with the heavy armor type [Attack Aura] is better, at least their efficiency in fighting monsters has increased a lot.

There are only 20,010 monsters on the fifth floor of the Hero Mound, which is nearly half less than the fourth layer of the Hero Mound, although the level of those demonized monsters has increased a lot, but Jian Eight They have three aura effects, and the speed of killing is also very fast, I'm afraid that all the monsters here can be cleaned up within today.

Thinking of the final boss and the rewards after completing the Hero's Path quest, everyone is even more motivated.

While Ye Luo and the others were struggling to kill monsters in the Hero's Tomb, the assassins of the Heaven and Earth Alliance finally discovered the entrance to the Hero's Tomb.

Although the novice village is not small, the Heaven and Earth Alliance is most famous for its numbers, sending hundreds of assassins to search in a carpet way, even if the entrance to the hero's tomb is quite secret, it has been found by their people.

Of course, they didn't make sure that Fireworks Yi Leng and the others were hiding inside, but they all knew that Fireworks Yi Leng was doing a large-scale mission, and now that they had found such a strange place, it was not surprising that Fireworks Yi Leng and the others were inside.

After finding this place, the assassins immediately reported the matter to the Heaven and Earth Demon and the others, and they in turn reported the matter to the Heaven and Earth Disaster and the Heaven and Earth Tribulation.

"What, found a strange portal?!" The moment he heard the news, Heaven and Earth Tribulation exclaimed, and then he was excited: "Hehe, great, Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo Zhiqiu and their people must have finally found them behind

the light gate!" "According to our experience in doing large-scale missions in the past, the fact that the teleportation light gate is still there means that their task has not been completed, otherwise the portal would have disappeared long ago." He looked at the Heaven and Earth Tribulation: "Old man, hurry up and gather our people there and block them inside, it is best to completely disrupt their mission." "

Destroying the fireworks is far more cost-effective than killing them once, so I was so excited to learn that the portal was still in the world after tomorrow.

Without saying a word, Heaven and Earth Tribulation began to gather the players of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and he and Heaven and Earth Tribulation also went in the direction of the portal surrounded by a group of people, and asked about the situation on the other side of the portal while gathering his subordinates.

"Boss, listen to my subordinates say that you will get a hint when you enter the portal, that place is the Hero's Tomb, there are five floors. The Heaven and Earth Demon reported the situation while hurrying: "In addition, that place is very strange, only players below level 50 are allowed to enter, and there is a limit to the number of people. "

Hehe, we're generally less than level 50 right now, and the first limit isn't anything to us at all. Heaven and earth robbed the Dao, and then frowned slightly, and his expression was slightly solemn: "There

is also a limit on the number of people, what is the upper limit?!" He also knew that Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo and others were very strong, and if the number of people was small, it would undoubtedly be sent to death to encircle and suppress them in the past, so he was so concerned about this number limit.

"The upper limit is five hundred. Heaven and Earth Demon Dao, and then he laughed strangely: "According to our people, when he entered, he showed that there were already twenty-four people inside, and he was twenty-five. "

Hehe, twenty-four, the fireworks are easy to cold, and those people are exactly twenty-four, so the people in there must be them." Heaven and earth died, and then he thought of something, and he hurriedly instructed: "Tell our people, don't act rashly, wait for us to discuss how to act before entering it, so as not to startle the snake."

"That's right, the person who is easy to cold the fireworks is not simple, she must send someone to guard the entrance of the passage. Heaven and Earth Tribulation took over the conversation, and he sneered: "This time, we will not only disrupt their mission, but also kill them once and explode their equipment, so that their strength will be greatly reduced in a short period of time, which is also a good thing for us." "

Fireworks Yi Leng and the others are generally about level 45, even if they kill them once or twice, they will only drop one or two levels, so it still can't stop them from entering Luoshui Town, but if their equipment can be exploded, then their strength will be greatly reduced, and it will not pose a threat to them for a considerable period of time.

Of course, for the equipment on their bodies that are easy to cold for fireworks, Heaven and Earth Tribulation and others are also quite covetous, after all, those equipment are slightly better than the ones on them.

Hearing this, the Heaven and Earth Demon also knew this, nodded, and then instructed his subordinates not to act rashly.

"Old man, if I guessed correctly, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others are still fighting monsters, if we suddenly enter it and let them fall into the middle of the battle, then they will not be able to get out of the city as soon as possible, and they will have to follow us at that time. Heaven and Earth Tribulation, he was faintly excited: "In this way, we can kill them all once, and we can also rob their monsters."

"That's right, they have stealth props or elixirs, but when our people enter, it's still very simple to make them appear in a large range of group attack skills. Heaven and Earth took over the conversation, and then he laughed strangely: "So it's important to put them in a fighting state, they are in a team, as long as they attack one of them, they will be in a fighting state, and they can't use the Scroll Back to the City." "

There is a setting in the Heavenly Tribulation that people in combat state cannot use the City Return Scroll, and they must be out of battle for 30 seconds before they can use it. 30 seconds is enough time for the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance to do a lot of things, after all, there are many of them, and it is still easy to throw out group attack skills one by one, so that the invisible Ye Luo and them can appear.

"There is no stealth detection skill in the world, so we need to send the Assassins to stealth in and find them, and then put them in a fighting situation en masse. He quickly came up with a tactic: "At the same time as the assassins are dispatched, the rest of us rush over and cover the group attack skills all the way, hehe, so they will all be restrained by us......"

"That's right, this tactic is good, just do it." Heaven and Earth took over the conversation, and then thought of something, he said: "Since that hero mound has a limit on the number of people, we will give priority to those with high levels and group attack skills. And let no one else go, and if one of them dies, our people can re-enter. "

That's right, that's it!"

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