Although Pang De will fall into a weak stage after casting [Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect], the overall weakening is 50%, but because he has killed hundreds of players, the attack has reached 6000 under the effect of [Sword Spirit * Soul Devourer], and the weakening is generally 3000 points, this kind of attack plus level and level suppression, it is enough to kill anyone in seconds, even a knight with high blood and high defense like Kenpachi, let alone others.

"Oh, that's true, forget that. Sunday said, and then his tone changed: "If the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance find that the overall strength of the boss is weakened, with their numerical advantage, can they complete the kill after losing most of the people, if it is completed, wouldn't it mean that we have completed the task

?". "Not to mention that the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance can't force Pang De to use [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], even if he can, I'm afraid that after casting this skill, there are not many players left in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, after all, this skill covers a radius of 50 meters. Fireworks Yi said coldly, there was a faint disdain in her tone: "Being killed so many people in such a large-scale skill in seconds, those people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance have long been frightened, how can they find that the boss is weakened?" They can't wait to get out of the battle and run away immediately." In addition, even if they find that the boss is weakened, the remaining people are still not enough to kill the boss.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Even if the energy source is constantly replenished, the BOSS's HP recovery speed is very fast, and the damage they cause to the BOSS is not as good as its HP recovery, how can this be killed?"

"Don't worry, I've already thought of a countermeasure. Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing everyone's surprised looks, she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo has learned the [Corpse Poison Pill] pill, this pill can completely stop the boss's qi and blood recovery, at this time he already has the corpse pill, and I also instructed Sister Qin to look for the lacquer grass, I believe it won't take long to find it." Hearing

this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they once again realized that fireworks are easy to cold and do things without leakage.

was chatting, and suddenly the team channel sounded Jian Si's voice: "Sister Fireworks, someone has come to the fourth layer again, and there are quite a few people, there are two hundred ......

" "Tsk, doesn't this mean that the Heaven and Earth Alliance has been killed by the BOSS More than 200 people, hehe, everyone drops one level, which will also make them feel pain." Jian San smiled, and then looked at Yan Yi Leng: "Sister Yanhua, do we really want to go?" "

Well, if we delay any longer, we will be dragged into a fighting state by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and we won't be able to go back to the city at that time." Fireworks Yi Leng said, her tone was a little solemn: "Saturday, don't add blood, hurry up!" I

have never seen fireworks Yi Leng so 'serious', Jian Yi and the others did not procrastinate, took out the scroll back to the city, and then turned into white light and disappeared one by one, so that only Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo were left.

"Fireworks, you should hurry up and go. Ye Luo, the knight who rushed towards him, said: "Don't worry about me, it's a big deal to drop one level, it's no big deal anyway, the good equipment on my body is all bound, and I don't have to worry about it exploding." Zhen

nodded lightly, and the fireworks were easy to cold and didn't say much, and he took out the scroll back to the city, and it also turned into a white light and left.

Without Saturday and the others to add blood, under the attack of several people, Rao is Ye Luo was equipped and kept taking Tianxiang Pill, and he began to be unable to hold on, and the blood bar slowly decreased, and he was afraid that it would be emptied in a few minutes.

also knew this, but Ye Luo didn't care, he said to himself: "Hehe, those people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance are much more tormented than me, the more people they will die if I hold on for a while, and the more it will be worth me to drop one level."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo did not retreat but advanced, and the novice iron sword attacked the opponent, and 10% of the blood sucking could somewhat slow down the speed at which her qi and blood fell.

"I suddenly took the Stealth Pill, so I should be able to escape. Ye Luo muttered, and then quickly shook his head: "It seems a bit unrealistic, these people who attacked me should have group attack skills." Hey, how do I feel that things are more troublesome than the fireworks said before, I don't have any hope of escaping at all......

" "That's right, it looks like I've been tricked by fireworks again." Ye Luo finally realized this, but he didn't care: "But with my level alone in exchange for hundreds of

people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, it's worth ......" After seeing Ye Luo's qi and blood suddenly decrease, Heaven and Earth Tribulation also saw Fireworks Yi Leng and others returning to the city, and he was furious: "Damn, Fireworks Yi Leng, this woman is too cunning, when she saw our people coming in, she chose to go back to the city as soon as she saw our people coming in." Leaving only one Ye Luo Zhiqiu, one person dropped one level in exchange for so many of us were killed by the boss, making us suffer heavy losses.

"Fireworks Yi Leng, this woman is very unusual, even if she has no last resort, how can she be so easily dragged by us into a fighting state and besieged by us." He looked at Pang De, who was still slaughtering behind him, and smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, they haven't completed this large-scale main quest either, and I don't think they'll ever want to complete it, because this boss can't be solved before the player reaches level 50."

"yes, unless you come to five or six hidden professions, there's a little hope. Heaven and earth robbed, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Hurry up and kill Ye Luo Zhiqiu, kill him earlier, and we will die one less." "

Hey, no one added blood to him, it's still easy to deal with him. Heaven and earth died, and then ordered: "Heaven and earth arrow, [Arrow of Bondage], the knight is ready to [charge], this time he must not be allowed to escape again." "

That's right, he has a stealth pill, be careful that he takes the pill and escapes. Heaven and earth robbed the way, and then looked at the magician in front: "Seeing him invisible, the first time to combat the group attack skills, beat him out." After

receiving the order, the Heaven and Earth Arrow actually fought the [Arrow of Bondage], but also successfully restrained Ye Luo, and then several knights took turns to perform [Charge], which knocked Ye Luo out of the passage, and then more people rushed up.

When he was hit by the [Arrow of Bondage], Ye Luo's heart sank, and then he smiled bitterly: "Yes, this time I don't even have a chance to be invisible, but I saved a stealth pill ......"

When Ye Luo was knocked out of the passage by the knight, the players of the Heaven and Earth Alliance from outside also arrived, and they also launched attacks, and the assassins took turns to cast [Backstab] and [Surprise Attack], not giving him a chance to react at all, and his qi and blood also decreased rapidly.

Seeing that he was attacked and couldn't move, Ye Luo said to himself: "There are really advantages in the number of people, no matter how good your operation is and how good your equipment is, you can't be stunned and unable to move all the time, so you can't do anything." "

What does it feel like to die in the game?" Suddenly, Ye Luo muttered to himself, and then remembered the instructions of the fireworks, he said to himself: "After being cast the [Resurrection] skill, you must choose no, otherwise you will be resurrected on the spot, and then you will be killed again by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, so the loss will be ...... greater."

After more than ten seconds, Ye Luo's qi and blood were emptied, and then he only felt that his soul was confused, as if he had been emptied, and then he lost consciousness again, and collapsed to the ground, in his consciousness, everything around him also became gray, and he could faintly see a group of people surrounding him, but he couldn't see who it was.

"Is this what death feels like?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly Ye Luo felt a majestic surge of energy from heaven and earth, to be precise, into the soul crystal in his mind, and his previously emptied qi and blood were instantly full, and he also felt his existence again.

"Hey, is this the resurrection of returning to the novice village after death? No, the fireworks say that there will be a dialog box after death, choose whether to return to the nearest resurrection point to resurrect, I haven't been resurrected at all. Ye Luo was puzzled, and then felt that the previous gray time gradually became clearer, and he clearly saw that the Heaven and Earth Tribulation and others were walking towards him, and then Ye Luo realized something, and his eyes lit up: "By the way, before I left on Saturday, I performed a [Resurrection Prophecy] skill on me

, and I was resurrected in a full state!" "Hehe, those people in the Heaven and Earth Tribulation didn't know that I could be resurrected in a full state, and Yin them once." Ye Luo laughed strangely, and then did not hesitate, looking at the heaven and earth, he unfolded a combination of skills.

That's right, Heaven and Earth Tribulation and the others didn't know that Ye Luo could be resurrected in a full state, the reason why they approached Ye Luo was to see what he had exploded, and when they saw that his side was empty, they were all puzzled.

"Hey, nothing has exploded, not even a single pill, Ye Luo Zhiqiu's luck is too good. The Heaven and Earth Tribulation sighed lightly, and then looked at Ye Luo's 'corpse', he was surprised again: "Tsk, you didn't choose to go back to the city to resurrect, do you want us to resurrect him and kill him again." Hehe, that's good, come, priest, cast a resurrection on him, and we'll kill him one more time to vent our anger. But

he didn't want Ye Luo, who was originally a corpse, to jump up instantly, and then cast a combination skill on Heaven and Earth.

The reason why Ye Luo chose Heaven and Earth is not only because he is one of the bosses of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and killing him will be more demoralizing, but also because he is a magician, and his physical defense is lower than that of heavy armor or leather armor type professions, and his combination of skills can basically defeat ninety percent of his qi and blood.

Ye Luo's attack reached fifteen or six hundred, which was much higher than Pang De, who did not kill anyone, and with the bonus of equipment such as the ancient tomb suit, just ordinary attacks could cause more than 1,800 points of qi and blood to Heaven and Earth. A set of combined skills knocked out more than 6,000 of his qi and blood, Rao is much better equipped than other magicians and can't bear it, almost remnant blood, looking at the long sword phantom that appeared on Ye Luo's iron sword, he was shocked inexplicably, he was familiar with this scene and knew that Ye Luo was going to perform [Sweeping Thousands of Armies].

That's right, Ye Luo used the [Sweeping Thousands of Armies] skill after casting the combination skill, so that the blood of Heaven and Earth was finally emptied, and even the priest on the side didn't have time to add blood.

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