The most troublesome priests and assassins in the trial images have been solved, and the other trial images have also lost a lot of qi and blood under the impact of group attack skills, plus they can't recover qi and blood on their own, it is only a matter of time before Ye Luo solves them.

After spending several hours in this trial space, the high-intensity combat would make anyone mentally exhausted, but Ye Luo solved his most tangled operation problem at the moment, and was about to complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial mission that had been bothering him, he was full of energy, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

A few minutes later, the magician and summoner were also dealt with by him, and at this time, the group attack skill CD had ended, Ye Luo did not hesitate to cast two group attack skills, and as a result, two of the remaining five trial images were killed, and only knights and berserkers remained, but they were already bloody, and they could be killed with one or two skills.

After solving the last trial image, Ye Luo also heard

the system prompt: "Ding~!"

System prompt (individual): Congratulations on completing the ninth trial, since you have completed all the trials within the regulations, the attribute points gifted to you by the system can be retained permanently.

First of all, a personal system prompt, this prompt has made Ye Luo excited, when he first entered the game, all his attributes were 1 point, far lower than the average of 5 points of the system, for which he has been obsessed, and now the system has given 45 points of all attributes, and he has 46 points in the four basic attributes of level 0, which is comparable to a player at level 20, which makes him excited.


system prompt (China): Congratulations to Ye Luo Zhiqiu for completing the Tribulation Trial task within the specified limits, because the difficulty of his task reached SS, and he died 90 levels in a row, creating a death record for the Tribulation game, and triggering the plot of life and death, the system rewards the inheritance of one of the only hidden professions - the reincarnation, the player accepts the inheritance, and can complete the trial at level 10.


System Prompt (China): Since Ye Luo Zhiqiu sacrificed the four basic attributes when accepting the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission, in view of his successful completion of the task, the system will replenish the sacrificed attributes, and it is 10 points of the maximum.


System Prompt (China): Since Ye Luo Zhiqiu has completed the difficult Tribulation Trial task on SS, the system will reward him with 5 points of all attributes, 1 point of luck, and 10,000 reputation to encourage.

Three system prompts in a row, each of which surprised Ye Luo.

"Hehe, I can really get a hidden profession, and it's the only hidden profession, according to fireworks, the only hidden profession is much more powerful than the ordinary hidden profession. Ye Luo smirked, his tone was quite excited: "Tsk, reincarnation, the reincarnation of heaven and earth, it sounds very domineering, much more domineering than the sword saint of Brother Yueyue." Ye

Luo has always envied the fireworks Yi Leng and Ying Yue toast that the two of them have a powerful hidden profession, and now he himself is also a hidden profession, and it is the only hidden profession that is even more powerful, he is excited.

"Hehe, the initial value of the four basic attributes has also become 10 points, which is a full value, at least it is much more powerful than only 1 point of all attributes, and the system also rewarded me with 5 points of all attributes, plus nine gifts, doesn't this mean that I have 60 points of all attributes when I am level 0. Ye Luo said, and then looked at his panel: "Hehe, there are 60 full attributes at naked level 0, and I am already far ahead of all players." "

There's also 1 point of luck, which is also very valuable. Ye Luo said, and then began to probe his own panel, wanting to see how his skills had changed.

But soon he was stunned, because except for the four basic attribute points becoming 60 points, he didn't have any changes, and his skills were still those skills, and even the name of the soul crystal hadn't changed.

"Didn't you say that I was a Hidden Profession Reincarnation......" Ye Luo muttered, but thinking of something, he shook his head: "No, the system said that I would only be employed when I was level 10, and Fireworks would also be employed as an Ice Spirit Archer at level 10." Just

thinking about this, suddenly another system prompt sounded:

System prompt (personal): Dear Ye Luo Zhiqiu player, you will accept the inheritance of the reincarnation in 60 seconds, please get ready.

"Hey, accept the inheritance now?" Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and then began to look forward to it.

A minute later, a burst of majestic energy surged from the virtual space, and then entered Ye Luo's mind, to be precise, into the soul crystal and the long sword of the soul crystal weapon slot in his mind.

As the energy poured in, Ye Luo clearly sensed that the soul crystal had become more condensed and majestic, and it had gradually taken on color.

That's right, with color, the soul crystal used to be just a crystal clear, and there was no color, but now with the influx of this energy, there is gradually a trace of color, although it is very light, but if you distinguish it carefully, you can find that it is a black and white color.

Soon, the energy ended, and Ye Luo hurriedly checked the information of the

soul crystal: Reincarnation soul crystal (unique)

level: none, initial state

qi and blood: +500 magic: +500

growth qualification

: [strength]: 2 stars

[agility]: 1 star [constitution]: 1 star [intelligence]

: 1 star

Seeing the information of the soul crystal, Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and he muttered to himself: "Wasn't it called the Battle Soul Crystal before, but now how has it become a reincarnation soul crystal, isn't it that the only hidden class soul crystal has an exclusive name?" But this growth qualification is clearly the Battle Soul Crystal of the War Soul Crystal, and there is no change, could it be because I don't have a full-time job?"

"Well, it must be like this." Ye Luo said, and then said with a smile: "But I remember that other soul crystals have 100 initial qi, blood and magic, but mine is 500, and this alone has a lot of advantages."

Thinking about this, Ye Luocha probed the novice iron sword, and he was immediately pleasantly surprised

: [Reincarnation Blade (Pseudo)] (Long Sword * Spirit Weapon - Fan Tie)

Physical Attack: 10-10

Strength: +10

Additional characteristics: An additional 10 points of damage are added to the attack, and it is a pure attack.

Attack Interval: 1.8 secondsGear

Duration: Can automatically absorb the energy of heaven and earth to restore

additional features: Bind the player Ye Luo Zhiqiu, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, and cannot be damaged.

Additional features: Can be upgraded (the next upgrade requires the player to be employed at level 10, and the promotion conditions are unknown) Additional

characteristics: You can increase the level with the experience of the master, the current

level: 0 Required level: None, exclusive to the reincarnated.

Just seeing the word 'spirit weapon', Ye Luo was pleasantly surprised, because this word meant that this long sword could be upgraded all the time, and he no longer had to worry about not being able to explode the long sword, and such a weapon was much more powerful than weapons of the same level.

Then he saw the time interval, and he smiled in surprise, as we all know, the attack interval of the long sword is 2 seconds, but this reincarnation blade only takes 1.8 seconds, which means that Ye Luo's attack speed will be much faster in the future, at least much faster than that of a swordsman.

"Haha, I finally have an exclusive long sword, and it's very powerful, not to mention the increased attack and power, just saying that the attack interval is 1.8 seconds, it is much stronger than an ordinary long sword, and even much stronger than Dongfang Xiaotian's [Dark Sword]. Ye Luo said, he faintly looked forward to it: "I don't know how this long sword can be upgraded, it has the same 'pseudo' word as the fireworks' [Flying Snow Death], could it be that it also needs to fuse the novice iron sword?" "

Hehe, no matter what the conditions are, I must let him upgrade!" Ye Luo secretly made up his mind, because he knew that this long sword would always be with him and was his powerful assistant.

After making up his mind, Ye Luo continued to investigate other changes, and then he saw that there was an additional skill in his skill column

: [Reincarnation Pupil] (passive skill, level 0)

Skill introduction: The reincarnation's exclusive pupil technique allows the inheritor to have strong insight.

Trait 1: Can detect monsters and player attributes that are not higher than level 10 of themselves.

Trait 2: Can detect stealth units that do not exceed level 5 and have normal stealth abilities.

Trait 3: The Pupil of Reincarnation can perceive the target's weaknesses and increase the chance of attacking the target by 5%, the damage of the critical attack is 150%, which can be stacked with critical hits, and the stacking effect appears, and the damage is increased by 400%.

Trait 4: When killing a target, there is a 1 in 1 trillion chance to learn and permanently retain the target's skills, limited to passive skills.

Trait 5: When you encounter a bottleneck in changing jobs, you can start the transfer trial, which is only for reincarnators.

"Tsk, this skill has a lot of characteristics, and each one seems to be very useful. Ye Luo muttered, he became excited: "You can detect the attributes of the target, spy on stealth units, and the most important thing is that it can increase the chance of a 5% chance of a critical attack, and it can also be stacked with a critical hit, and the damage is even higher."

"As for the fourth trait, it's too rebellious to be able to permanently learn the skill of the target being killed. Ye Luo said, but when he noticed the chance, he smiled bitterly: "But this probability is too small, one in a trillion, one in a billion is equivalent to a pie in the sky, let alone one in a trillion, and you can only learn passive skills." "

But it's better than nothing, maybe I'm a dog, uh, if you're lucky, you can learn a skill, anyway, it's a passive skill, and you don't have to deliberately operate or anything, and this is a 0-level skill, and the probability of upgrading will increase a little in the future." Ye Luo comforted himself, and then looked at the fifth trait: "I can start the job transfer trial, doesn't this mean that I don't need to find a mentor to change jobs, tsk, this is a lot more convenient, I just don't know how difficult the task is, but my equipment and basic attribute points are so strong, it shouldn't be a problem."

Just thinking about this, another system prompt sounded:


System prompt (individual): Player Ye Luo Zhiqiu has completed the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task, and has accepted the inheritance of the reincarnation, you will be teleported out of the trial space after 60 seconds, please be ready.

"Hey, it's finally over. Ye Luo said, with a smile on his face: "I guess they are in a hurry to burn the fireworks, too, I have died so many times before, and the level has also dropped to level 0." But compared to being able to change jobs successfully, and it is such a powerful career, everything is worth it. "

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