Hearing that fireworks are easy to cold and unforgettable, Ye Luo was a little surprised, and didn't care too much, after all, I have many people in Huaxia, and there are no longer a few people who have this kind of ability. Since he knew that the fireworks were not of much help to his mission, Ye Luo would also give up his plan to find her again, and was ready to go to the Giant Rat Cave to kill the demonized giant rat to complete Aunt Li's task.

However, Zhiyue did not turn off the communication, she said: "Brother Ye, you want to find Sister Fireworks, I have a way to help you contact her, I ...... by my side

" "Since each Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task is different, then it is ...... to find her again" Ye Luo said, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhiyue.

"Sister Fireworks is also quite good at analysis in addition to her ability to remember, maybe she can help you. Zhiyue said, feeling that Ye Luo was a little moved, she continued: "In addition, the Ethereal Pavilion where Sister Fireworks is located is very powerful, ranking ninth among all the gangs in my country, and there are many discords with the Dongfang family, it is quite beneficial for us to join forces with it, after all, it is impossible for the two of us to destroy the huge Dongfang family." Hearing

this, Ye Luo was even more moved: "If you have an enmity with the Dongfang family, you can make friends." Yue'er, but you are sure that she is willing to cooperate with us, after all, it is a big force. And you also said that fireworks are easy to be cold, indifferent by nature, and do not like to come into contact with outsiders.

"Hehe, Brother Ye is the first player to take up a career in life, and all the major forces are eager to befriend you, and the Ethereal Pavilion will not be an exception." Zhiyue smiled, and then her tone changed: "Others may not be able to communicate with Sister Fireworks, but Sister Feng can, because she is the helper of the Ethereal Pavilion, and they live together." "

Living together?" Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, but soon understood: "It can't be a game studio."

"yes, it's the game studio. Zhiyue said, she looked proud: "I'm lucky, I met Sister Feng, I can ask her to help contact Sister Fireworks, and then you can help each other, after all, it's still difficult to mix alone in the novice village." Knowing

that Zhiyue was with the Ethereal Pavilion Gang Leader, who ranked ninth in the National Gang, Ye Luo was finally relieved of her leveling and safety, and he said, "Okay, then I'll trouble you." "

Hee-hee, no trouble. Zhiyue smiled, and then the communicator quieted down, obviously communicating with Sister Feng in her mouth.

After about two minutes, Zhiyue's voice sounded again: "Brother Ye, Sister Feng immediately agreed to my proposal after knowing that Ye Luo Zhiqiu was my brother, but Sister Fireworks is currently not answering communications, so she should be busy, so you have to wait for a while."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to level up during this time anyway. Ye Luo didn't care much, and then turned off the communication after chatting casually, and continued to collect medicinal herbs while heading towards the giant rat cave.

Soon Ye Luo arrived at the giant rat cave, and also saw the attributes of those giant rats the size of a puppy

: [Demonized Giant Rat] (

semi-domesticated) Level: 9

Attack: 28-30

Defense: 45

Qi and Blood: 1400

Introduction: The semi-domesticated monster in the novice village will not take the initiative to attack, but it is still a little demonic.

Ye Luo's attack of about 65 points can cause a large degree of defense to the giant rat, and almost every blow has more than 70 points of damage, but the giant rat can also break the defense against him, and the damage point reaches about 30, and he can't hold out a few times with his current 170 points of qi and blood.

However, Ye Luo can dodge, and there is also the double blood recovery of the Battle Soul Crystal and the steamed bun, and the most important thing is that he has sufficient pill support, but he is not afraid of these giant rats, and he rushed forward with the novice iron sword.

The giant rat cave is eerie and terrifying, and the squeaking of the giant rat is constantly heard, which makes people shudder, and it is precisely because of this that no one is here to kill monsters and upgrade, which is cheap Ye Luo, and no one robs him of monsters at all.

Although the giant rats live in groups, the monsters in the novice village are all semi-domesticated and will not attack in coordination, which gives Ye Luo a chance to kill monsters here, after all, if these giant rats rush up, he will only die.

With the addition of the elixir, Ye Luo's efficiency in killing monsters has been greatly improved, but he has not wasted the elixir too much, and he also rests to recover his qi and blood while killing monsters, after all, there are also some medicinal materials in the giant rat cave, and it is a very pleasant thing to recover his qi and blood while collecting medicine.

Time passed slowly in killing monsters, the more experienced in killing monsters at level 3, Ye Luo quickly rose to level 7, and after adding points with all his strength, his attributes were slightly improved, and it was easier to kill these giant rats.

"Alas, this has killed nearly a hundred giant rats, why hasn't a piece of equipment been dropped yet, this explosion rate is too low. Ye Luo sighed lightly and looked at the empty step groove in his equipment column: "So far, I haven't got all the equipment in my body, and it's too slow."

As he was talking, there were suddenly a few 'ding' sounds, this is the sound of monsters dropping things, and there is more than one, hearing this sound, Ye Luo's eyes lit up: "The rats here only drop their whiskers, one kind of quest props and coins, I actually heard three kinds of falling sounds, it must be equipment."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo hurriedly investigated, the giant rat's beard must fall, and so are the coins, nothing to see, Ye Luo set his eyes on the last light cluster, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as he thought it was a piece of equipment, and hurriedly picked it up, and the attributes of that equipment were also revealed

: [Giant Rat Leather Coat] (Breastplate - Normal Equipment)

Defense: 14-16

Equipment Last: 100/100

Required level: 7

is a piece of clothing, the defense is much stronger than the novice clothes, Ye Luo hurriedly changed it, and his defense has increased a lot, becoming 42-47, and the giant rat can no longer break the defense against him significantly.

However, after changing into this giant rat leather coat, he looked at the novice village clothes in a daze, to be precise, he looked at the additional characteristics of the novice clothes in a daze: it cannot be dropped, it cannot be sold in the system store, it cannot be damaged, and it can be traded.

"It's strange that this piece of equipment can't be sold in the System Shop, but it can be traded. Ye Luo muttered, he was a little puzzled: "Everyone in the novice village has a novice clothes, and it can't be damaged or dropped, so why do they need to trade it to other players?

Although he thought so, Ye Luo did not throw away this novice dress, but left it in the backpack space, after all, this dress has been with him for a long time (that is, a few hours) a little emotional, and in case the clothes he is wearing fall off, he can replace it, which is better than nothing.

It was rare to get a piece of equipment, and it was quite powerful, Ye Luo was quite excited, and he was even more energetic to kill monsters, he muttered about exploding another weapon, a necklace and a ring, after all, his current weapon was still a novice iron sword, the grade was too low, and his necklace and a ring groove were still empty.

It's just that it backfired, and then Ye Luo never obtained a piece of equipment again, even if he killed two or three hundred giant rats, at this time, the huge amount of experience had already allowed him to rise to level 8.

"It seems that it's a bit unrealistic to kill ordinary monsters to get equipment.,You still need to kill the boss.。 Ye Luo groaned, and then shook his head: "It's a pity that the bosses are too strong, even if there is an elixir supplement, it will be difficult to kill them."

"It's better to hurry up and move up to level 10, according to this game, the player's strength will increase a lot after each class change. Ye Luo said, thinking about this, he began to go back to the novice village to hand in the task, and then went to find trouble with the young demon wolf.

Back and forth, Ye Luo collected a lot of herbs, Sanqi and Yuan Hu also had some, and after refining them, his backpack was supplemented with some small blood return pills, and the mutated small blood return pills also had 5 pieces.

After trading the rat's whiskers, Ye Luo gained 8,000 energy experience, 15 credits, and 100 villager friendliness, but he was slightly disappointed that he didn't have any equipment.

Although 8,000 points of experience has increased Ye Luo's experience bar by a large margin, it still hasn't been upgraded, and 15 silver coins is nothing compared to already having 11 gold coins. These are not enough to make Ye Luo's heart move, what makes him excited is that Aunt Li still has a follow-up task to hand over to him, and the object is still a

young demon wolf: [Collect Demon Wolf Bone] (Novice Village Mission, Difficulty: F Up)

Task content: Kill the young demon wolf in the Demon Wolf Valley outside the north gate of the Novice Village, and bring back 20 Demon Wolf Bones and give them to Aunt Li.

Requirements: within 2 days.

Mission mode: Unlimited.

Rewards and Punishments: Complete the quest to get a lot of experience, some money, and if you're lucky, you'll get a piece of equipment.

"Yes, Aunt Li, Uncle Zhang, and Blacksmith Li are all tasked with killing young demon wolves, it seems that these demon wolves are really hated. Ye Luo jokingly said to himself: "But this is a good thing for me, after all, killing a kind of monster can complete the task, and it also saves me a lot of time to run."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo went to Blacksmith Li first, after all, some of the equipment on his body was already somewhat damaged and needed to be repaired, and only Blacksmith Li could repair the equipment in the entire novice village.

After repairing the equipment, Ye Luo's whole body was completely renewed, and he walked towards the north gate of the novice village with great interest.

But he didn't want to stop when he was still dozens of meters away from the north gate of the novice village, because there was a player at the gate of the novice village looking at him, obviously waiting for him. Although she hid the ID above her head and even covered her veil, Ye Luo recognized her at a sight - fireworks are easy to cold.

With a move in his heart, Ye Luo walked over, and without waiting for the fireworks to open his mouth coldly, he said directly: "Yue'er and they contacted you so soon?" But how do you know that I will come here, after all, I didn't tell Yue'er my whereabouts.

"Yue'er, do you contact me?" The voice was as cold as nine cold ice, without a trace of emotion, and even the doubtful questions seemed to be plainly spoken, and the fireworks shook their heads lightly: "No one contacted me, I took the initiative to find you."

This time it was Ye Luo's turn to be puzzled, he looked at the fireworks with interest: "Then how do you know that I will definitely pass by here? Could it be that there are other people in your Ethereal Pavilion in the Novice Village?"

As if knowing that Ye Luo was suspecting that she was being watched, her tone remained the same: "No, no one is monitoring you, I just deduced it, and you should probably come here at this time." "

Extrapolated?" Ye Luo was stunned, and his heart was even more puzzled.

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