It's just to deal with ordinary monsters, although the level is high, but Ye Luo's defense and attack are extremely amazing, and the pressure is not too great, so there is no need to use the precious mutant elixir. The two joined forces and used their advanced skills one after another, and it was not very difficult to kill the bison, and it took almost only 5 or 6 seconds.

During this period, Ye Luo was attacked twice and lost about 100 points of qi and blood, but under the overall recovery of bread, his own soul crystal, and the wolf king ring, he easily recovered to full.

It is worth mentioning that after Ye Luo was promoted to level 12, his physique had reached 25 points, and each point of physique increased by 0.1 points of qi and blood per second, 25 points is 2.5 points of qi and blood per second, plus the original 1 point per second of the soul crystal, 5 points per second of bread and 5 points per second of the wolf king ring's blood regeneration speed, his blood regeneration rate per second reached 13.5, which is an extremely perverted blood regeneration speed.

In this way, he can resist almost without taking pills.

"The monsters at level 18 are much stronger than the monsters in the level 10 dungeon at the hard level, after all, the level is 5 or 6 levels higher. Fireworks Yi said coldly, her voice was as cold as ever: "In this way, we will kill monsters faster and easier, and if we change to mutated pills, the situation will be better." According to my estimate, each of us can resist two to three monsters, and two people can fight five monsters at the same time, and if we work together, there will be even more, so it will be very stressful, so we need to adapt as soon as possible and bring in three bison at the same time. With that

, the fireworks Yi Leng began to act, and Ye Luo's expression became solemn.

As analyzed by Fireworks Yi Leng, at this time, they were not in danger of their lives when facing three bison at the same time, but they were a little hurried at first, but they slowly got used to it, and the efficiency of killing monsters also improved.

Time passed quickly in the monster killing, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

After such a long run-in, the cooperation between the two has become more tacit, and it is easier to deal with bison, and they can even deal with the attacks of four bison at the same time.

After such a long time, Ye Luo's task with Aunt Li has already been completed, and she has obtained a lot of money, the only thing that makes him unhappy is that he has not been equipped, and he cannot be upgraded because the experience bar is locked.

Seeing that the two of them didn't have much pressure in the face of so many bison, Fireworks Yi Leng gave Ye Luo a look, and then withdrew from the battle, she said: "The cooperation between the two of us is already very good, and we quickly enter the state after entering the dungeon, so we should have hope for the first kill of the dungeon."

Nodding, and then remembering something, Ye Luo smiled bitterly: "It's a pity that neither of us has group killing skills, otherwise the efficiency will be very high." If

two mages enter the dungeon...... "Under the current circumstances, two mages entering the dungeon will not dare to provoke multi-headed monsters at the same time, after all, mages do not have such strong defense, attack power and supplies as us, unless it is a mage with a player who can resist. Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was still calm: "But in this way, the efficiency will be reduced, and don't forget that those who can resist often have low attacks and can't hold hatred."

Nodding, after the edification and cultivation of Ye Luo by Fireworks Yi Leng, he also knew how serious the hatred was after chaos, which often meant the beginning of the annihilation.

"Of course, if the two of us have group attack skills, the efficiency of killing monsters will be increased a lot, and there is no need to worry about not being able to hold the hatred at all. Fireworks easy cold added.

Nodding, Ye Luo looked forward to it: "I don't know if the swordsman profession has group attack skills at the beginning of the game, it would be nice if I could drop one."

"Yes. Fireworks Yi Leng said very firmly, looking at Ye Luo's puzzled look, she continued: "The Flame Swordsman of the Dragon Teng World has a group attack skill, which is why he has risen to level 16 so quickly. Hearing

this, Ye Luo frowned slightly, and his expression was faintly worried.

As if knowing what Ye Luo was worried about, the corner of Fireworks Yi Leng's mouth hooked up with a smile: "Don't worry, he is no threat to us, not to mention that he will not choose a copy of the two, even if he chooses, the two of us will not have an advantage, because he is level 16, and we are only level 12."

"In addition, there is only one bronze weapon in the Dragon Teng World except for that flaming sword, and his equipment is not as good as ours. Don't forget, we each have two bronzes, and each of us also has a Tier 2 Jade Poison Orb that is not weaker than the bronze. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her tone faintly revealed this confidence: "In addition, we also have mutated pills, which is an advantage that they don't have." Knowing

that what Fireworks Yi Leng said was true, Ye Luo was also full of confidence, and then looked at her: "Fireworks, what are we going to do next?"

Fireworks Yi Leng said without hesitation, and without waiting for Ye Luo to ask why, she explained: "Since we can't upgrade it, we should try to improve our equipment, the Demon Killing Scorpion can drop jade poison bead fragments, and it also explodes level 10 equipment, if you are lucky, you may have some gains." As he

spoke, the fireworks Yi Leng took the lead towards the location of the demonized scorpion.

"If you want to go up to Tier 3, you need three Tier 2 Jade Poison Beads, and we need to bring one at least Tier 2 each, so we need to drop 600 Fragments of Jade Poison Beads. It's only four hours until 12 o'clock, and I have to repair equipment and eat even less time, so it's a bit unrealistic. Ye Luo thought to himself, but he didn't say it.

After finding the demonized scorpion, Ye Luo and the two of them didn't talk nonsense, and immediately launched an attack.

Time passed slowly, and three hours passed in a blink of an eye, and it was already 11 o'clock at this time.

After such a long time, Ye Luo and the others have harvested 200 jade poison bead fragments, and there is still a long way to go before 600. However, they were lucky, they got two level 10 pieces of equipment, a shoe and a ring, and the defense or attack was not bad.

Ye Luo's shoes and rings are good, so these two pieces of equipment give fireworks easy cold, so her attack and defense have been slightly improved, and they are more confident in this quest trip.

It's already 11 o'clock, and Fireworks Yi Leng can go to Tailor Zhang to retrieve the customized cloak, and Ye Luo has to go back to hand in the task, he hopes to get another piece of equipment that he can use from Aunt Li.

Next, the two returned to the novice village and went their separate ways.

Soon Ye Luo handed in the task, because the experience bar locked his experience in vain, and he didn't care about the silver coins and the goodwill of the novice village, what disappointed him was that he didn't get the equipment, but took another task, which can be regarded as masturbation.

After that, Ye Luo found the fireworks as agreed, and also saw the attributes of her cloak

: [Cloak of the Wolf King] (Cloak - Bronze)

Physical Defense: 45-45 Magical Defense: 45-45

Agility: +10Additional

Characteristics: Increase the Equipment's Attack by 10% and 5 Ice Damage

Equipment Duration:


Required level: 10

The Wolf King's cloak is much stronger than Ye Luo's king's cloak, the defense is 5 points more, and the most important thing is that the additional characteristics added are much better, even comparable to the Flying Snow Clothes, and the most important attribute is what fireworks are easy to cold They need.

"Tsk, it's worthy of the equipment made by the wolf king's skin, which is much better than the toad king's skin. Ye Luo was approving, and then thought of something, he said: "That wolf king seems to be of the ice attribute, so this cloak will also add ice damage, which is very compatible with your ice spirit archers." "

Well, with this cape, we have a greater certainty. Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and then checked the time through the system: "It's 11:20, we go offline to eat after repairing the equipment, and then meet at the north gate of the novice village at 11:50 on time, is there a problem?"

Ye Luo nodded, and then didn't talk nonsense, and went to the blacksmith shop to repair the equipment together.

After going offline, Zhiyue also happened to be offline, so it can be seen that the life and rest of other people in the Ethereal Pavilion are the same as fireworks and easy to cold, seeing that Zhiyueqiao's face is full of excitement and joy, he is in a much better mood.

"It seems that Yue'er is very happy with Sister Feng and those people, which is a good thing. Ye Luo said secretly, and then went to the door to take the takeaway they ordered, and the two began to feast.

"Hehe, Brother Ye, I have good news for you, Sister Feng has already agreed to me joining the Ethereal Pavilion, and has even invited me to their studio. Zhiyue said excitedly while eating.

"Well, that's a good thing. "I have known this through the fireworks Yi Leng for a long time, so Ye Luo's expression is quite calm.

"Listen to Sister Feng, they also agree that you join the Ethereal Pavilion, this is rare, after all, the Ethereal Pavilion rarely recruits male players. Zhiyue said, and then her pretty face was full of expectation: "Brother Ye, Sister Fireworks should invite you, how about it, do you agree?"

"No." Still in a faint tone, seeing Zhiyue pouting in disappointment, his tone changed, and said, "But I have promised her to think about it, and I will talk about it when I complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission." "

Brother Ye, I'm sure you will be able to complete that task, and then we can play the game in a gang. Zhiyue had a blind trust in Ye Luo, and then she remembered something, and her tone changed: "Brother Ye, listening to Sister Shi and Sister Xue, they even agreed to let you go to their studio." Do you know, they are all beautiful women, you must ...... if you

go" "Ahem...... cough was choked by Zhiyue's words, and Ye Luo finally stabilized: "Stinky girl, what are you talking about, how can I go to a girl's studio." "

Oh, too, how inconvenient, so many beautiful women......" Zhiyue muttered, she was faintly disappointed: "Then I won't go, I don't want to be separated from Brother Ye, my sister said to let you protect me." His

expression darkened slightly, but Ye Luoqiang stabilized his emotions, nodded, and said, "Don't leave me for the time being, let's talk about it later, it's a big deal that after you go to the studio in the Ethereal Pavilion, I'll rent a house around to protect you." "

Really, great!" Zhiyue excited.

Apparently, she was interested in going to the studio in the Ethereal Pavilion.

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