After about ten minutes, the communication device that was easy to cold from the fireworks sounded, and it was obvious that the message from Sister Feng was hurriedly connected, and then she shook her head and nodded from time to time, and her brows, which were as smooth as Wen Yu, also frowned from time to time.

Seeing her change like this, Ye Luo knew that things were still not progressing, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Soon after, Fireworks Yi Leng closed the communication, and she looked at Ye Luo: "Sister Feng asked, as soon as you become a demon, all of them have task prompts, at least there is a vague direction, so these people are not of much help to you to complete the task." "

I have long guessed that this will be the case, although I am a little mentally prepared, but Ye Luo will inevitably have some loss.

"But there's a little bit of interesting information, do you want to hear it?" Fireworks Yi Leng said suddenly, seeing Ye Luo's eyes light up, she continued: "These four people, like a shadow, follow the four basic attributes of the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Quest are all 2 points, the same as me, while the others are all 3 points. "

What can this mean?" Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and then when he thought of something, his eyes lit up: "Fireworks, are you saying that after receiving the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission, the four basic attributes can be employed as a hidden profession at only 3 points, right?" "

Well, that's right, at least these people are like this." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded lightly, and her tone was quite determined: "If it is lower than 3 points, after completing the task, you will definitely be able to find a hidden profession, or equipment of equal value to the hidden profession." 1 point, it is estimated that there will be more benefits after completion, and you may be able to find the only hidden profession. "

The only hidden profession?" Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and then blurted out: "Isn't the hidden profession the only one?"

"Naturally not, at least many hidden professions are not. Fireworks said coldly, and then gave an example: "For example, the paladin who becomes a demon, according to my past experience, this kind of hidden profession will have eight in the late game, if not ten, and my ice spirit archer and the shadow phantom assassin are probably not the only ones."

"Isn't the only hidden class stronger than the ordinary hidden class?"

"It should be much stronger, after all, it is unique and exclusive. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she stared at Ye Luo: "This also means that if you can complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission, your profession will be very powerful, even stronger than my Ice Spirit Archer."

Hearing this, Ye Luo's heart became a little excited, and then he remembered something, he smiled bitterly: "No matter how powerful it is, it's useless if you can't complete it, not to mention that I don't even know how to trigger this task now."

"Sister Feng, we have also analyzed, the task without any hints is very strange and troublesome, but it is also the best to do. Fireworks Yi said coldly, looking at Ye Luo's puzzled eyes, she continued: "Then you don't have to worry about this task at all, when he triggers it naturally, maybe it will be triggered when you meet someone and kill a monster."

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Luo knew that as Fireworks Yi Leng said, his heart was slightly soothed: "In a word, everything will go naturally?" "

Well, but you also have to make some preparations, at least make yourself stronger, so that when the task comes, your chances of completing the task will be much higher."

Nodding, Ye Luo's mind was completely relaxed, he laughed at himself, and said to himself: "Suddenly, so many people have completed the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task, my mentality is a little unstable, it seems that I have been a little too eager for quick success recently." "

In a game with nearly a billion

people, only a few people have been employed in hidden professions, how is that?" "Well, it doesn't seem like too much, but in just over ten minutes and less than half an hour, four people have completed the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Quest and have taken up hidden professions, which is a bit much."

"Not necessarily, according to Sister Feng's statistics, it would be very good for one of the thousand people who accepted the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task to complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task, and none of the people in our Ethereal Pavilion who accepted this task could complete it except me."

"May I ask how many players do you have in the Ethereal Pavilion?"

"It is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of official members, and there will be even more players on the periphery."

"Uh, so many?!" Ye Luo was stunned, but thinking of the players playing games in China, he nodded: "There are nearly a billion players, and there are only hundreds of thousands of people in the Ethereal Pavilion, which is not a lot. "


The two of them chatted and killed monsters, and the efficiency was very fast, and after two or three hours, they had risen one level, reaching level 18, and it was easier to kill those level 20 Zhu Yeqing.

After killing the monster for such a long time, Ye Luo's task of collecting snake gall has already been completed, and the bamboo leaf green snake venom has also obtained four or five hundred copies, which must have been enough for them for a long time, not to mention the money, and they have also picked up a lot.

In addition to these, some equipment has also been dropped, but these equipment are all ordinary equipment, although the level is high, and the attributes are a little better than Ye Luo's body, but there is still a little gap compared to the overall suit, so they didn't change it.

When killing monsters, Ye Luo also encountered a lot of herbs, and he was not polite, they were all included in the backpack, but fortunately, he was equipped with a medium-sized bag that increased by 100 grids, and he didn't have to worry about the lack of backpack space.

Although Ye Luo picked up medicine when killing monsters, it made the efficiency of killing monsters a lot slower, but he also knew the importance of these herbs, and the two of them consumed a lot of pills, so they didn't say anything because the fireworks were easy to cold.

was killing the monster, and suddenly the fireworks Yi Leng's delicate body trembled slightly, she grabbed Ye Luo, who was about to step forward, and seeing that the latter was puzzled, she pointed to a snake in a direction more than ten meters away.

Seeing the long snake that was much thicker than the other long snakes, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he secretly said that he had finally found the boss this time, and then hurriedly used the detector to investigate

: [Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King] (Bronze Boss)

Level: 20Physical Attack: 140-150 Defense: 250

Qi and Blood: 100000



Snake Venom Attack], [ Snake Fang Raid], [Sweeping a Thousand Armies]

Introduction: The Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King outside the west gate of the Novice Village, a boss-level monster, has a cunning and vicious temperament, is good at toxin attacks, and is much stronger than other Bamboo Leaf Green, which is quite difficult.

[Enhanced Snake Venom Attack] (Passive): The Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King contains high poison and is good at high-level poison attack, with 50 points of toxin attack in the attack, and increases its own poison resistance by 50%.

[Snake Fang Raid]: The fangs of the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King are extremely sharp, which can easily pierce ordinary armor, deal 150% damage to the target, and make it bleed, losing 50 points of qi and blood per second for 10 seconds, and the skill is used at an interval of 3 minutes.

[Sweeping a Thousand Armies]: The Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King is infinitely powerful, and the long tail sweep has the power of a thousand jun, which can make all targets within a radius of 10 meters bear 150% damage, and can knock back the target by five meters and fall into a 2-second stun state, with an interval of 5 minutes between skill use.

After looking at the attributes of this bamboo leaf green snake king, Ye Luo gasped, the attributes of this snake king can be called terrifying, the basic attack power of 140-150 has more than 120 points of damage to Ye Luo, not to mention that his attack is accompanied by a snake venom attack.

[Enhanced Toxin Attack] is a high-level poison, and the Detoxification Pill refined by Ye Luo can only ignore the poisonous invasion at and below the intermediate level, and cannot be completely immune to the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King.

The latter two skills are also terrifying, the damage bonus of [Snake Fang Raid] is very high, and it can also make the target fall into a bleeding state, losing 50 points of qi and blood per second, lasting 10 seconds, and the damage of more than 500 is almost half of the blood of Ye Luo and the two.

As for the last skill, it is also exaggerated, not only a large-area attack skill, but also to knock back and stun the target, although it can only be stunned for two seconds, but it can already do a lot of things in these two seconds.

"Fireworks, how about it, are the two of us sure that we can kill this snake king?" Ye Luo looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, and there was a faint expectation in his tone.

It's rare to meet a boss, and it's so advanced, Ye Luo doesn't want to miss it in vain.

Seeing Ye Luo's eagerness, Fireworks Yi Leng groaned slightly, she analyzed: "The Detoxification Pill is not completely immune to the snake venom of this snake king, I estimate that we will lose more than 20 points of qi and blood if we are attacked by it, these are nothing, after all, the two of us have more than a thousand qi and blood." However, I am afraid that the Snake King will perform [Snake Fang Raid] and [Sweeping Thousands of Armies] one after another, so that our qi and blood will drop wildly, and if there is an unfortunate critical hit, we will be in danger.

"In addition, the effect of the mutated rotten muscle powder is not very good, after all, he has 50% poison resistance, which means that the poisonous invasion attached to our rotten muscle powder and jade poison beads is only half of the effect, and it cannot make its qi and blood recovery speed zero, which is the most troublesome, after all, the boss's blood return is very terrifying.

"Of course, it's not like we're out of the cracks to defeat it, and if we can interrupt either of its two active skills, we'll be lifeless, and it's not impossible to kill it. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and glanced at Ye Luo as he spoke: "You and I have two control skills, and your [Soul Slash] has also been upgraded to an advanced level, which can stun the target for 3 seconds, this is our chance." "

That's right, with good coordination, we have no problem killing it at all. Ye Luo nodded, he was a little impatient: "Okay, let's go up, kill it to get level 20 equipment, at least bronze." "

Hmm. Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and then glanced around: "We will kill all the little snakes around now, so that it will reduce some trouble." "

For the brains of Fireworks Yi Cold, which is similar to a computer, there is no problem in luring away the other little snakes without arousing the hatred of the Snake King. After a few minutes, they killed all the ordinary Bamboo Leaf Snakes, and then prepared to make a move on the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King.

Without hesitation, they swallowed the mutated Wind Pill, the mutated Mighty Pill and the Roast Chicken, and also smeared the mutated Rotten Muscle Powder on the weapon, it can be said that Ye Luo and the others have now reached their strongest posture.

According to the old rules, Fireworks Yi Leng took the lead in attacking, wanting to attract the hatred of the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King with his powerful damage, and slowed it down with the power of the Ice Spirit, so that Ye Luo could chase it and attack.

The idea is good, but often things don't go as expected, just like now, the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King doesn't play his cards according to common sense at all, and as soon as he makes a move, he uses the [Sweeping Thousands of Armies] skill.

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