Casually touched two pieces of equipment at the silver level, and it can be equipped at level 25, which made Ye Luo and others see how bad luck the luck of the eight weeks is, after all, Ye Luo was able to touch the level 20 Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King to touch the level 30 equipment, which is something that players can't use for a long time.

Touching equipment is not about the higher the level, the better, but the lower the level in the case of a certain level, the better, so that players can equip as early as possible, improve their strength as early as possible, and play the role of equipment.

"In the future, don't touch the monster This kind of thing doesn't come to Ye Luo, a level 20 boss can touch a level 30 staff, his luck is not good. Fireworks Yi said coldly, but his flat tone made Jian Yi and the others laugh, but Ye Luo smiled bitterly, wishing that there would be a crack in the ground to drill down.

"Little Eight, hurry up, my god-level skill book. Kenji urged, his face full of anticipation.

The Snake King only burst out two pieces of equipment-type light, followed by two book-type things, and everyone looked at the books that emitted a lilac light, and they all became excited.

"I heard that the skill book is divided into four colors, the ordinary skill book is white, the rare skill is purple, the god-level skill is gold, and the only skill is seven colors. Zhou Dao, looking at the two lilac skill books on the ground, she became excited: "And these two are purple, isn't this a rare skill book?!"

Hearing this, everyone looked forward to it even more, urging Zhou Eight to hurry up and touch the strange.

Zhou Ba was not too nervous, and picked up one of the books with great interest, and then sent out its attributes

: [Fangs Spike] (Rare Skill Book)

Skill Introduction: Using the sharp dagger as a guide, shoot out a snake-tooth-shaped energy spur, causing a lot of damage to the target, and causing it to fall into a bleeding state, and the specific damage and bleeding level increase with the increase of skill level.

Requirements: Assassin career studies only.

"Haha, it's really an assassin skill, Hachi, I love you to death. Jian Er was excited, and then looked at Jian Yi and the others: "Brothers, old rules, roll points?"

Everyone had no objection to Jian Er's proposal, and they all called up the roll point system, and then began to roll points.

Soon the points of Sword One, Sword Two and Sword Four all came out, and they were 52, 49 and 88 respectively.

Looking at the points of Jian Yi and the three people, Jian Er suppressed his excitement, he clicked the roll point system, and then a number of 5 points appeared in front of everyone. Suddenly, Jian Er was excited, and he said loudly: "Haha, it seems that I have a relationship with this skill book, and it is mine."

Compared with Jian Er's excitement, Jian Yi and the three of them all looked dejected, and then they watched Jian Er take the skill book from Zhou Ba's hand and learn it, and their faces were full of envy.

"Hey, didn't you say that whoever has the highest points will belong to whom?" Ye Luo was stunned, but he was also smart, and said, "Could it be that you are doing the opposite, and whoever has a low point is whom?"

"That's right, these guys are very unlucky, and the number of points is not big every time, so they discussed the opposite, whose points and small items belong to whomever owns. Monday explained, and then looked at Jian Si and the others: "You guys have never had more than 50 roll points, but today there were 88 points, which can only be said that you are very lucky." Hearing

this, Jian Si wanted to cry without tears, and he wanted to chop off his hand.

Jian Er proudly learned the skill, and then everyone also saw the specific damage

of the skill: [Fangs Spike] (Active * Elementary)

Skill Introduction: Using the sharp dagger as the guide, he struck out a snake-tooth-shaped energy spike, causing 130% damage to the target and causing it to fall into a bleeding state, losing 15 points of qi and blood per second, lasting 10 seconds, consuming 50 points of magic, and using the skill at an interval of 30 seconds.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time).

Just the primary skill has 130% damage, and there is an additional bleeding state, which will be even more terrifying after being promoted to the advanced level, I have to say that this skill book is worthy of the name of rare skills.

The skill book had been learned, and everyone was looking at the last book, and they all looked at the eighth of the week, which made the latter feel pressured.

"Don't do this, I'm under pressure. Zhou Ba said weakly, and the attributes of the last book had been sent out as he spoke.

[Dead Wood Spring] (Rare Skill Book)

Skill Requirements: The priest uses the staff as a guide to hook the pure energy between heaven and earth, so that the target's body is full of vitality, a large amount of qi and blood are restored, and the recovery speed of qi and blood will be accelerated in the next 10 seconds, and the specific amount of qi and blood and recovery speed will increase with the improvement of skills.

Requirements: Professional studies in the Pastoral Department only.

"Oh my God, our luck today is too good, the sixth sister just said that her blood adding skills are not enough, so she has the skills of the priest, and it is a rare type. Sunday said, she glanced at Zhou Ba: "Little eight, the sixth sister's staff has a bonus to adding blood, shall we give her this skill?"

"Hehe, I have no opinion, anyway, my biggest interest is to touch good things." Week 8 smiled, and then traded the skill book to Saturday.

"Hee-hee, thank you, Eighth Sister. Getting a rare type of blood adding skill, Saturday was in a good mood: "Little seven, eighth sister, I have decided, today I want to invite you to a big meal to celebrate that we have obtained such a good skill." "

Good, special snacks on the second floor of the school cafeteria. On Sunday, they happily decided on the ownership of their skills, leaving Ye Luo, Jian Yi and others on the side dumbfounded.

"Hehe, brothers, let's go to the second floor of the school cafeteria after we get offline. Jian Er proposed, and he looked generous: "How about I treat you and celebrate our harvest today?"

In this regard, Jian Yi and the others had no objection, and agreed one after another, and everyone was excited.

Looking at the people who were so easily content, Ye Luo also felt a touch of envy in his heart, but then he thought of Zhiqiu's tragic death, and the cold glint in his eyes flashed. Everyone was in a good mood and didn't pay attention to his strange appearance, and only the fireworks Yi Leng found out, her smooth brows frowned slightly, and then relaxed.

The next Saturday learned that skill, and then everyone also saw the specific skill

: [Dead Wood Spring] (Active * Elementary)

Skill Requirements: The priest uses the staff as a guide to hook the pure energy between heaven and earth, so that the target's body is full of vitality, instantly recovers 150 points of qi and blood, and in the next 10 seconds, the recovery rate of qi and blood will be accelerated, recovering 15 points of qi and blood per second, consuming 100 points of magic, and the interval between skill use is 30 seconds.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time).

It's just that the effect of the primary skill is much better than the advanced [Rejuvenation Technique], and after being promoted to the advanced level, I am afraid that the effect will be even better, and it is worthy of being a rare skill book, which makes Saturday happy, and Jian Yi and the others are also very happy, after all, they are also safer after having this powerful skill.

After the loot was distributed, everyone did not retreat, and continued to fight monsters around to upgrade, and the upgrade efficiency was also very good.

also saw the benefits of fighting the boss, and the three of them continued to be sent out by the fireworks to find the boss, while the fourth of the sword was still left to be responsible for guarding everyone.

At this time, Kenpachi had already returned the borrowed equipment to everyone, Ye Luo became the main attacker again, and everyone was divided into four groups to continue to kill monsters efficiently.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others continued to kill monsters, and said that after hearing the system prompt for killing the level 30 Silver Forest Snake King, the players of the entire Heavenly Tribulation Continent were boiling.

At present, most players have never seen a level 20 bronze boss, but someone has already killed a level 30 silver boss, which is a shock to everyone.

The women of the Ethereal Pavilion were quite excited after hearing this system prompt, and Xiaoxue was excited: "Sister Fireworks is Sister Fireworks, and the people recruited are also very unusual, they actually killed the level 30 silver boss so quickly, and I don't know what good things they obtained, but unfortunately I can't see her until level 40." "

Hehe, Brother Ye, they are really powerful, it seems that I have to work hard, and I can't be pulled too far by him." Zhiyue said as she controlled the giant wolf to attack the monster, her pretty face full of adoration.

"Not bad, not bad. Sister Feng said as she attacked the monster.


As for the other big teams, they were also a little moved after listening to the system prompt, which was nothing more than to let their intelligence agency inquire about the information of Jian Yi and the others, focusing on finding Ye Luo's information, so as to facilitate the recruitment of Yunyun in the future.

No. 0099 No. 0099 Novice Village, after hearing that message, Invite Yue raised a glass and the others just chuckled, and then continued to kill monsters, they still trust the ally of the Ethereal Pavilion, and a strong ally is also of great benefit to them.

"Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo Zhiqiu have killed the boss again, and this time it's even stronger. Night Rain Feifei muttered, her brows furrowed slightly: "And this time they also have helpers, Jian Yi, Jian Er, etc., the name is a team at first glance, are they cooperating with other gangs again? Or are Jian Yi and the others their Ethereal Pavilion people?"

Thinking of this, Night Rain Feifei looked at Night Rain Crazy Song and ordered: "Wild Song, if you have time, you can go and find out the details of those people, but try not to conflict with each other, at present, our wisest choice is to continue to cooperate with them." "

Yes, Second Miss. Nightrain Song nodded, and then ordered his subordinates to investigate.

On the other side of the poisonous miasma swamp, after hearing the system prompt, the face of the heaven and earth tribulation became extremely gloomy: "Hmph, it's the fireworks that are easy to cold and the leaves fall, where are there so many bosses in the poisonous miasma swamp for them to kill, why can't we touch one, and even the bamboo leaf green snake king who has been investigated was killed first?" "

Old man, have you noticed, the Jian Yi and others in the system prompt this time have a bit of a holiday with us, and we killed them yesterday." Heaven and Earth said, his face was solemn: "Maybe they will form an alliance with the Ethereal Pavilion, it will be a lot of trouble." "

Send someone to find out. After a little silence, he said, a fierce flash flashed in his eyes: "If they form an alliance and continue to oppose us, then we don't have to be polite to them, and when everyone's equipment is better, we will encircle and suppress them." "

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