After looking at the attributes of the [Good Guy Medal], Ye Luo sighed, although the [Medal of Courage] has more additional four attribute points, and there are additional active skills, but the [Good Man Medal] increases qi, blood and magic, and most importantly, it also adds 1 lucky point.

After yesterday's comparison with Invite Yue Toast, Night Rain Feifei and others, Ye Luo finally realized the importance of luck value, he and Fireworks Yi Leng killed more than a dozen Netherworld Warriors and burst a rusty iron sword, and Invite Yue raised a glass, they had to kill more than 20 to burst one is the best proof.

Sighing and sighing, Ye Luo was reluctant to replace the [Medal of Courage] with the [Medal of Good Guy], he said to himself: "Although I don't need it, but they need fireworks and Kenpachi, it seems that we will have to fight monsters here for a long time in the future." "

Brother Ye Luo, I seem to have heard the word [Medal of Courage] before. Suddenly, the sound of Ying Yue raising his glass sounded, and he was curious: "Do you already have a medal, let me see the attributes." "

Don't hide it privately, Ye Luo made the attributes of the [Medal of Courage] into a picture book and sent it over, and then asked: "Brother Yueyue, how many rusty iron swords do you need for this task to exchange for a [Good Man Medal]?"

Invite Yue raised her glass very casually, and then she was shocked by Ye Luofa's illustrated book, and he muttered: "I'm really drunk, I didn't expect you to really have a medal, the added attributes are much better, and the most important thing is that there is an active skill, your luck is really against the sky."

"What's against the sky, the [Medal of Courage] and the [Medal of Good People] have their own benefits, and that bit of luck is also very important. Ye Luo said, and then thought of something, he asked again: "Brother Yueyue, what about those armors, how many pieces have you collected?" Is the armor the same as the equipment exchanged for the rusty iron sword?" "

I have collected thirty or forty pieces, and so far I can't change the equipment, and it takes a hundred pieces to complete." The explosion rate of this armor is too low, and I don't know when I will be able to collect a hundred pieces. Ying Yue raised his glass and sighed, his face full of wry smiles.

"It also takes a hundred pieces to complete the task?" Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up: "The explosion rate is so low, the number required to complete the task is the same as a rusty iron sword, doesn't this mean that the equipment obtained by completing the task will also be much stronger, after all, the more difficult it is, the more benefits you will get."

"Maybe. That being said, Invite Yue toasted even more in anticipation.

"Brother Ye Luo, don't talk about it, it's been so long, it's time for me and these brothers to rest. Ying Yue raised his glass and said while snorting, obviously he was really tired, and the same was true for the players of the other wine families.

"Hey, are you all going to go offline to rest, why don't you change someone else to kill monsters here?" Ye Luo was puzzled, after all, if he invited the moon to raise a glass, there were so many players in the gang, he would not be willing to kill the Netherworld Warrior to get the [Good Man Medal].

"We also want someone to take over the shift, but unfortunately in this novice village, our gang's elite players are limited, and if we want to divide some people into the Demon Slayer Crocodile Suit, we can't divide the manpower at all. This sentence invited Yue to raise a glass in a private chat, after all, there were people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance around: "It's too difficult for other gang members to come here to brush up level 40 Nether Warriors." Not only us, but I'm afraid that the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the Night Rain Family are also like this, you see, the people below level 30 of these two gangs have left. After

being reminded, Ye Luo also discovered this, there are only two squads of more than ten people left in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the Night Rain family is also in this situation, and they are also quite tired like Invite Yue and the others, obviously they also stay up all night to kill monsters.

After that, Invite Yue raised her glass to say goodbye to Ye Luo and went offline to rest. Seeing that the people of the Meijiu family went offline, and the people of the Yeyu family and the Heaven and Earth Alliance also went offline, watching them secretly compete, Ye Luo was amused.

"It seems that the fireworks are right, only by having a good rest can they play the game well, according to their current state, I am afraid that they will have to sleep for seven or eight hours before they can go online, which is the same as us, but they are much more tired than us. Ye Luo muttered to himself, collecting herbs from the side of the road as he spoke.

While talking to himself, the void trembled slightly, fireworks appeared in Yicold, and Jian Ba and the others also went online, Ye Luo sent them the attribute of the [Good Man Medal], and then said: "How about it, very good attribute, right?"

Everyone was also smart people, and they soon understood which rusty iron swords this medal was made of, and they were very excited, and they couldn't wait to kill all the Nether Warriors now to exchange for the [Good Man Medal].

"Wednesday, Sword Twelve, you go and fight the jade poison beads. The fireworks were arranged by Yi Leng, and seeing that the two of them went as they said, she looked at Ye Luo and the others: "Jian Yi, you assassins take turns to investigate, and tell us in time if you find something unusual." The others were divided into three groups, me, Ye Luo, Jian Ba and the others each led a team of people, and Jian Ba's team was equipped with a magician and a summoner. "

Obeying the arrangement of the fireworks Yi Cold, everyone acted quickly, attracting four or five Nether Warriors at a time, which was also very efficient.

The most important thing is that after yesterday's monster farming, Ye Luo knew that the Netherworld warriors here also dropped level 30 bronze jewelry, killing monsters to upgrade, obtaining jewelry equipment, and doing tasks, killing three birds with one stone, but also quite efficient.

"Fireworks, a hundred rusty iron swords can be exchanged for a [Good Man Medal]. Ye Luo said, looking at the stunned expressions of Jian Ba and the others, he continued: "Another hundred pieces of rusty armor can also complete a mission, but the explosion rate of armor seems to be only five or six times that of iron swords, and it took them a toast to drop thirty or forty pieces overnight."

"Well, this explosion rate is too bad. Stunned, Monday glanced around and smiled wryly, "It seems that it will take a long time to brush here, even longer than it will be at the Demon Crocodile."

"The more difficult it is, the better the equipment you get. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she glanced at everyone: "Although it is a bit difficult to get a [Good Man Medal] per person before the level 30 dungeon is opened, but at least six must be played and equipped with a team, so it will be easier to take you to refresh the record in the future."

"Sister Fireworks is right. Monday nodded, and at the critical moment, she had the appearance of the eldest sister: "In addition, we have to play at least 200 pieces of armor to exchange for two pieces of equipment for Sister Fireworks and Uncle Ye Luo, if my guess is correct, these two pieces of equipment should also be special equipment like the [Good Guy Medal], with it, Sister Fireworks is more likely to win the first kill of the dungeon." Knowing

this, Jian Ba and the others were excited, and they became even more motivated.

Next, everyone chatted casually while killing monsters, and time passed little by little.

During the killing of monsters, Ye Luo and the others heard a few system prompts, and it was from the national channel, it was nothing more than who completed the Heavenly Tribulation Trial task and took up the hidden profession, and whose team completed the first kill of a certain kind of monster.

What Ye Luo cared about the most was that he listened to Zen under the moon, completed a series of strange tasks, and successfully took up a special profession in China and India - monk.

Although they knew before entering the game, some of them would have the characteristics of each country, but some of them had not been seen for so long, and if someone really succeeded in becoming a monk, this made them curious.

"Fireworks, listen to Zen under the moon, do you know this person?" Ye Luo asked curiously.

"Well, I've heard of it, a very famous casual player. Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the curious looks of Ye Luo and the others, she continued: "That's right, it's a casual player. This person's level of operation is very good.,Many big gangs have wooed him.,But he declined.,Then I don't know what happened He disappeared for a while.,I didn't expect him to appear again in this game.,I don't know if he'll join the big gang this time.。

Ye Luo and the others didn't have much to do with this person, but were curious about what the profession of a monk was, and Jian Badao: "Monk Ye, will it really be bald like those monks in Shaolin Temple?" "It's

just a game, how can it be really bald, how ugly." Saturday said, and then his tone changed: "Sister Fireworks, the intelligence agency of our Ethereal Pavilion is very powerful, and it should be able to find out what kind of skills this person has under the moon." There

was no immediate response, Fireworks Yi Leng was communicating with someone, obviously asking the intelligence agency of the Ethereal Pavilion about the situation, and after a while, she said: "Sister Feng has already sent someone to investigate, I believe it won't be long before we will know." Fireworks

are easy to cold this is very fast, more than ten minutes later, her communicator sounded, after turning off the communicator, he said: "Monk this profession has high qi and high defense, the weapon is a Zen staff, has skills similar to knights, and has the skills to add blood to himself, and the skills are stronger than those of knights or priests, similar to hidden professions." "

Well, high blood and high defense, and you can also add blood to yourself, isn't this very similar to a hidden professional paladin?" Jian Jiu blurted out, he was curious.

"Well, except for the name of the skill, it's roughly the type of paladin. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then thought of something, she continued: "I heard that Yuexia Tingzen only took up this profession after completing a series of tasks assigned by a wandering monk, but unfortunately that monk disappeared after he completed the task. "

Uh, wandering monk, why don't such NPCs come to our novice village?" Jian Shi muttered, he was faintly envious: "I can't be a paladin, it's not bad to be a monk, at least it's on par with the hidden profession, and it's also a characteristic profession in our country." "

Hehe, if you want to become a monk, you have to burn more incense and worship Buddha in the future, and you have to eat vegetarian every day." Zhou 8 quipped, causing everyone to laugh.

Fighting monsters, constantly fighting monsters, Ye Luo and they spent a day, and under the high amount of experience, Jian Yi and the others have all been promoted to level 30 one after another, and their strength has greatly improved after equipping the demon crocodile suit. According to Kenji's words, he can now go on an expedition to the higher-level monster refresh land.

Ye Luo and his three squads killed the Netherworld Warriors, and the speed of monster farming was much faster than that of Invite Yue to raise a glass, plus there were fireworks that were easy to cool and Ye Luo had a lucky bonus, they got more rusty iron swords, a full four or five hundred, which means that they can now exchange for four [Good Guy Medals].

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