Online Game Oblivion: Void Emperor

Online Game Forgotten: Void Emperor Chapter 328

Emperor Qilin perceived Dursu's mockery of Eastern philosophy and Yishu system, which made her very dissatisfied.

Because the expert in this field should be Emperor Qilin.

Emperor Qilin lived to be eight million years old, a little less than Dursu, but at this age, who is worse than whom?

"You were born after the Suiren clan, so you don't know Dursu."

Ye Chen had known the legend of Dursu before.

If Ye Chen's guess is correct, 8 million years ago, the world of Primordial Paradise once collided with the Great Desolation Kingdom.

It was also at that time that Dursu led the gods of the Bolamen to fight with Fuxi's father Suirenshi.

So he is arrogant...

"Others are arrogant, we can say he is arrogant, but he."

Ye Chen said: "He has the qualifications to be arrogant."

"Don't say it's you and me, even if Fuxi comes back to life," Ye Chen said, "I still have to call him an old guy."

"Is it that powerful?"

The Qilin Emperor was not nervous, but extremely excited: "Great! Then we will go together! Master, I can fight side by side with you!"


Ye Chen: "You and I team up, plus Yukiyo, just Dursu, what a fart!"

Riding the Qilin Emperor, holding Yukino Yukiyo in his hand, he is a great epic with the creation godhead.

Moreover, Ye Chen also has the power to kill gods.

The main god can kill gods, let alone create the world?


"Obey, master."

Yukiyo immersed himself, and then merged his epic power with Ye Chen's power.

Not only that, but the power of Qilin Emperor's mount also greatly strengthened Ye Chen's power.

Thus, the three become one.

The power of the three great epics collided and bloomed at this moment.


Crimson karma gushed out from Yukiyo's body, they wrapped around Ye Chen's arm, and surged out towards the back of his arm.


The refining industry was even worse, and even directly turned into a terrifying storm.


Behind Ye Chen, behind Yasnita's huge body, the whole sky seemed to be divided by Ye Chen's location, dyed red with blood.

Like an invisible sword, it turned into a bright red curtain, covering half of the world.


A huge eye opened under the gaze of countless people.

The blood-red pupils and the pitch-black whites of the eyes seemed to be the final revelation announcing the extinction of everything in the world.

"what is this?!"

Orion was relatively young, so he only thought this move was terrifying.

But Dursu predicted the power and impact of Ye Chen's move at a glance.


Dursu had been observing Yasnita before.

But because of this, he ignored Ye Chen standing on Yasnita's head, Emperor Qilin, and Yukiyo in Ye Chen's hands.

They hid their aura, and in order to strategically lure the enemy, they did not reveal their aura until this moment.

However, in just an instant, Dursu and Orion both had the same idea in their hearts: 'We can't let him make this move'

Unfortunately, it's too late.

When the first eye opens, the second, tenth, hundredth, five hundred, thousand...

Three thousand eyes filled the whole world.

That creepy feeling seemed to drag the entire battlefield into hell, and everyone was walking in hell.


But at the next moment, when they were not ready yet.

A crack appeared in all these eyes.

The eyes roared in pain, like the roar of a wild animal, or the scream of an evil ghost.

Chapter 0426 legend: had to close three thousand eyes that day



Ye Chen slowly raised the long knife in his hand, and the Eye of Alchemy exploded completely, and the endless blood was like a dam that opened the gate, venting horribly.

[I had to close three thousand eyes that day]


With one swing of the knife, the darkness and crimson behind him instantly washed away the forest ahead.

"Clah la la la ~~"


The sky was like shattered glass, and countless fragments fell, and the earth seemed to have experienced the most terrifying nuclear bomb, blown away by the force enough to evaporate everything.

There are three thousand knives in one cut.

One hit, thousands of miles!

"This guy is crazy!!"

Orion hardly hesitated anymore, and rushed out directly: "Is he going to sink a corner of this continent?!"

This is not a power that those low-ranking arms can block.


This is definitely a legendary hit!

That is an absolute divine punishment, only the top gods can use it, and it is an instant and eternity with all its strength.


"The man of legend! He is actually the leader of the Dragon Country!"

"He is the one who declared war on us!"

"The lord of the kingdom is personally marching. Could it be that this is all his army?"

Dursu thought a lot, but his body still moved forward quickly.

Together with Orion, he will use his real strength to stop this devastating blow.

Sink the continent.

Is there something wrong with him?

If you beat like this, what a fart!

Isn't the purpose of war for profit?

When you come up, you want to sink the army and the earth together, so what are you fighting for?

Rao, Dursu and Orion have already restrained themselves, and try not to use this kind of trick that will cause a catastrophe in the world.

Don't mention legends, epics dare not use them!

But now it's good, Ye Chen is such a big move when he comes up.

Destroy the army with one move?

After this move, even those legendary level forests may have to lose a lot of life.

As for the rest...

Their vitality is simply not enough to resist a legendary blow of this level.


After all he could do, Dursu clearly felt the power of Ye Chen's legend: "The power of killing gods!!"

"The unity of man and god?"

Dursu thought of Noraus, and was stunned: "I didn't expect that besides that guy, there is another person who can do this?"


"Teacher Dursu?"

"This trick, I have to do it myself..."

The two had no choice, and Dursu wanted to stop it himself almost immediately.

But the two found that there were figures running towards the front one by one, and they were those legendary ancient trees.

"What are you doing?"

Orion stopped and said, "Come back quickly! Block this trick, and you will..."

However, Dursu looked at this scene calmly, with nostalgic and reluctant eyes, but he understood: 'The fate of the ancient tree clan has come to this time again. '


"This is our mission."

"Please let us protect everyone."

The Ancient Tree of Wisdom, the Ancient Tree of War, and the Ancient Tree of Life, they closed their eyes fearlessly.

【Take root】

The most powerful and most trashy skills of the ancient trees.

Once rooted, Legendary Ancient Trees will no longer be able to move, and they will turn into building-like creatures.

This life, this life, will stand here, unable to move.

But this is the mission of every legendary ancient tree. They are not afraid, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the great benefit and for the continuation of the wood elves.

And when they make such a choice, it also means that their souls will never be free.

Yes, they cannot be reincarnated.

Not only that, but if the ancient trees die, they will be destroyed like buildings, they will also be wiped out and cease to exist.


The sound of heaven and earth falling apart slowly.

The world fell silent again.

Whether it's the wood elves, or the kings and legends of Dragon Land, they are all deeply shocked by Ye Chen's power.

It's just that compared to the gods and beasts in Dragon's Land, the wood elves are more afraid of this.


"Is it blocked?"

"What is that terrifying power?"

At this moment, countless wood elves and natural creatures trembled in fear under Ye Chen's blow.

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