Online Game: One Yuan Kills The Great God Hao

026 A Nightmare Level Dungeon With Hundreds Of Team Members, Teammates Are Desperate

This moment.

In the simple dungeon of the tree demon, Baili Kuangzhan's skills were fully activated, and he frantically slashed at a tree demon in front of him, barely enduring the attack of the tree demon.

"Give me more effort and kill this tree demon, then we can still clear this instance after spending an hour or two!"

"No matter what, we must win the first pass of the team copy!"

Baili Kuangzhan roared.

"Yes, Captain!"

The team members who followed Baili Kuangzhan were more excited because they saw the hope of clearing the level. This tree demon took a little time, and it was not difficult for them to kill it.

that's enough.

As long as you can move and hold it, you will have no problem clearing the level.

However, not long after, an announcement suddenly sounded, and Baili Kuangzhan was stunned for a while, and was stabbed by dozens of tree spears from the tree demon, and instantly fell to the street and lay dead.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player 'Emperor Ye' for clearing the tree monster nightmare level single-player dungeon for the first time. You will be rewarded with 5,000 experience points, 10 gold coins, and 50 Baitu Town honor points!"



Three system announcements in a row made this group of Crown members very uncomfortable.


They are still working hard on the easy difficulty dungeon. They have already cleared the nightmare level dungeon directly, and they still pass the one directly by themselves.


When Baili Kuangzhan came back to his senses, he found that he had been killed by the tree demon, and couldn't help but swear, his face was extremely ugly.

They're all dead, and they still pass the fart.

Not long after, without Baili Kuangzhan carrying the tree demon, this elite team of the Crown Guild gradually disappeared.

They had no choice but to quit the helpless copy.

After they came out of the dungeon, they were taken aback. There were crowds of people all around the dungeon, and that kind of crazy scene was more terrifying than chasing stars.

At this time, a voice in the crowd shouted: "Quiet!"

In an instant, the crowd was silent!

Needle drop can be heard!

Baili Kuangzhan stared in vain, looking at one person in the crowd.

After Su Chen yelled, seeing that the crowd had quieted down, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Next, I will form a team of 100 people to enter the raid. Anyone who wants to come can enter. There are no occupations, levels, or attributes. There is only one request, and that is to listen to me when you enter, and I won’t let you move, and no one can move!”

It's simple.

As soon as they heard that Su Chen was going to form a team to enter the raid, everyone present went crazy.

Not to mention the girls and sister players, those male players were even more desperate, screaming, begging Su Chen to form a team, and even willing to give money.


A message came.

Su Chen was still forming a team, and looked a little surprised. There were only two people in his friend list, and that was Ziguang Xiyue and me, Lanying.

In the short time after the separation, neither of them contacted him.

He looked at it, and it was Ziguang Xiyue's message.

Ziguang Xiyue: "Mr. Ye, I'm here too, can you take one of us? I can guarantee that we will listen to you after we go in."

Su Chen looked up and found that Ziguang Xiyue and the others were standing not far away, and most of the team were female players.

As for Ziguang Xiyue, Su Chen still approves of this person. After all, judging from the brief contact, Ziguang Xiyue has a good sense of things. After the transaction, he did not bother him anymore.

This is very good.

"Let's form a team."

Su Chen issued an invitation, and with the addition of Ziguang Xiyue and the others, he formed a group of more than 70 people. Counting him to form a group of 100 people, he really didn't pick anyone. Many of them were level 3 players. They all entered the team and were extremely excited.

At this time, Su Chen saw many friend requests, but he ignored them.

Team channel.

[Ye Tianzi]: First point, I don't add friends.

[Ye Tianzi]: The second point, after entering for a while, you must obey my orders. If anyone refuses to obey, then the ugly words will be the first, and I will kick them directly.

[Ye Tianzi]: The third point, after everyone enters, there is no need to do anything, just add soy sauce, and I will handle all the monsters myself.

A group of teammates: "???"

They (they) were stunned. Although the first point made them feel sorry, Su Chen said before the second point, and there is nothing to disagree with.

But the third point?

You don't need to make a move after you go in, and Emperor Ye comes alone?

I'm stupid! That's the biggest team dungeon, and the monsters inside are more terrifying than single-player dungeons!

Ziguang Xiyue looked at this, and didn't say anything, but was amazed in her heart. Sure enough, forming a group by herself and forming a group with others are two different things.

Behind her, the sisters were already chattering, excited and astonished at Su Chen's third request.

This is crazy to ask!

But thinking about the myth of Ye Tianzi, he is really crazy!

"no problem!"

In the team channel, everyone withdrew the reply.

It was an unexpected surprise for them to have such a boss bring them a copy. Didn't they see that a large group of buddies and young ladies next to them were jealous and impatient?

Tsk tsk tsk, this feels really good.

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, and was about to enter the dungeon when Baili Kuangzhan came over and said, "Son Ye, how about letting one of my subordinates join your team? I promise he won't make trouble, just want to see, this How to clear the copy."

Su Chen glanced at him without asking who he was.

He said calmly, "It's full of people."

[Ding, please choose the difficulty of the tree demon hundred-player dungeon: easy, difficult, king, nightmare. 】



Including Su Chen, the entire team of 100 people disappeared outside the copy.

Baili Kuangzhan blushed, extremely embarrassed, and cursed angrily in his heart.




However, although he was dissatisfied with Emperor Ye's attitude towards him, Baili Kuangzhan didn't dare to vent his anger, so he could only stand outside the dungeon with a stern face all over his face.

He wants to see if Ye Tianzi can lead a team of pig teammates to clear the 100-player dungeon!

If not, then he will absolutely ruin Emperor Ye's reputation!

At the same time, the news that Ye Tianzi was going to bring a random team of hundreds of people into the dungeon also spread throughout the entire Yanhuang game, mainly on the Yanhuang forum, where someone set up a vote.

Ye Tianzi is facing a group of 'non-identical troops', can he pass the hundred-man dungeon?

Originally, there were quite a few people who had confidence in Ye Tianzi, but when they knew that among this person, Level 3 and Level 4 accounted for the majority, they all lost confidence.

What a joke, take such a group of scumbags to a hundred-player dungeon! ?

What about trouble?

"I bet a credit point that Emperor Ye can't pass the level! If he passes the level, I will give this credit point to Emperor Ye!"

"It's gone, Tianzi Ye is obviously gone, otherwise how could he be so nonsense? This is a 100-player dungeon, not to mention the quantity of monsters in it, the quality is much, much stronger. Bringing a group of little dolls in, how can you pass the level?" !"

"Ye Tianzi is indeed very strong, but there is only a limit to how strong one person is. He will always run out of strength and skills. Facing so many monsters in a hundred-player dungeon, how does he fight?"

On the Yanhuang forum, that post soared to the top of the hot list in an instant, causing heated discussions.

There are still people who support Ye Tianzi.

However, these manpower is the emperor of the night, and the teammates who followed Su Chen into the nightmare-level 100-player dungeon were all desperate.

[Ding, you have entered the Nightmare Level Hundred People Tree Demon Man Dungeon. 】

"Night, nightmare class!?"

Hearing this reminder, one person's eyes widened, his voice was trembling, and he almost peed out of fear.

I'm stupid! I'm stupid!

Their previous dungeon on easy difficulty was wiped out, and now a nightmare level dungeon came in? It's still like a hundred people!

"It's over! Why did you choose the Nightmare class!?"

"The Nightmare level of the hundred-player dungeon, how is it possible to pass the level?"

"Grass, it's not going to be wiped out again!"

Some level 3 and level 4 players said with a mournful face.

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